special aftentm it is found by experience that when a person gives his sole attention to one department of business he is able to buy cheap make a better selection and give his customers entire satisfac tion with this end in view the un dersigned has entered into the book and statioxbrt business the stock is always being added to and the public can depend upon getting every thing in the stationery line at lowest prices bibles hymn books blank books books of travel and adventure novels and music books sheot music albums games cards periodicals and tissue paper school books paper and envelopes pens ink al school requisites anything in the book and stationery line not in stock will be obtained on 24 hours notice kemember monros book and sta tionery store opposite burkholders furniture vvarerooms stouffville district news ola8gow the store and residence of mr w forsyth was totally destroyed by fire early on monday morning nothing tvas saved from the store and a vory fow articles from the house the ori gin of the fire was through a defect ive chimnev the loss was about 8000 and 1700 insurance the young people of this locality are making use of these moonlight nights by skating on mr a b lehmans pond a number of sports from mon golia joined them on friday evening and all spent a pleasanttime miss long of uxbridge was visiting mrs jacob barkey last week other visitors are mr oliver smith of elm- vale at mrs s b hoovers mrs jv willson of rat portage nt mr a b nighswanders miss reesor of locust hill and miss garret ot altona tailed at the school this week mr philip davis lost a valuable hound recently any one returning him will be suitably rewarded if people thought the atlia corres pondent was dead they were badly mistaken silo am aqcidbnt on wednesday last as mr avalter foot was driving his chil dren to school some men were falling timber near the road aja as mr foot was just opposite the tree sfartod direct for him seeing the tree lie put whip to his horses the tongue drop ped out the horses became unmaiiage- ft bio running till they came to the cor ner and in trying to turn they were all upset out against the fence breaking four of mr foots ribs and also the little girls nose and injuring- the rest badly miss fletcher and miss siiialley ot newmarket are visiting friends at siloam mrs weaver of indiana was visit ing her sister mrs williamson miss widdificld has gone to sehom- berg to visit her brother things are lively in siloam as c dike is making good use of snow getting in his stock o logs nest summer mr rho for sutton division court todav good sleighing here and business j iionmiug mclaughlin sold a line par- i or set last week to mr j evans by liho way vrooman sports the finest rig land fastest team and cuts the best dash of anyone in sutton mr s myers of markham has beon leallcd homo on account of the severe lillncss of his brother charles a rig covered with a white sheet liud a horse with red ribbns appeared in town on tuesday on inquiry it vas found to belong to a meat peddlor rom pefterlaw the last regular meeting of the trip club was held at tha royal ho ld under the presidency of kobt nicol 1 lid was a success the following of- icers were elected prest- r nicol 1ica- pros- fred shaw secy- ern amptreasthos ferry ig win irooks og win welsh meetings re held on the 2nd and 4th friday of ch month a man from port bolster was in twn last week demanding pay from lie of the candidates for the reeveship lit unsuccessfully he says he was 1omised tlu if he would go to pcuer- w and vote the rig would be paid ir and that he did not get the prom- jj monev he is glad that his vote id not elect the ambitions reeve and til bet he will never vote for so mean mail again- get your money beforo lu vote next time john uscoumuz too late for last week returning from sunday school last sunday miss avelina aluu had the misfortune to fall striking her head o7erelr w jmcneil left for hamilton onmon- day last where he intends taking a course in the business college w j has our best wishes for success the s s teameeting on friday evening last passed of quite success fully dialogues and recitations were given by the scholars and an excel lent address on quacks by rev j w wilkinson proceeds 47 query wheu is the marrlago on the square to come off bliutus- l0ltkltu fsfty and igpofeno fc t-ri- joijowar k vieor of body aw w wftorieci axtonaj mr william mcfarlano m a happy man its a girl miss hannah robinson of markham village is visiting relatives in this place our genial miller mr a keesor is kept very busy and has had to en gage an assistant this speaks well for the quality of the wotk he has been doing we aro pleased to see mr wesley stouffer late of manitoba iu our midst once more the recent storm hus stopped the skating for the present but the boys expect to have the rink in good con dition in a few days a balloon as cension will be the chief attraction at the next carnival on friday evening mr e p cliffs home was the scene of one of those pleasant social gatherings which help to smooth the uiioycu pathway of life mr cliff holds the position of bible class teacher in sunday schools in al tona and glasgow and had invited his classes to spend the evening at his residence the young people seemed to be pleased with themselves and everybody else and spent a pleasant evening two quarrelsome dolls created quite an excitement and a dramatical play rejoicing in the name of gallinaseau produced a startling effect there was no lack of amuse ment and when the guests departed for their respective homes they carried with them pleasant memories of the hours spent with their entertainers mr and mrs cliff goodwood on wednesdav rev win j smyth m a ph d pastor of calvin pres byterian church in montreal was here taking- the remains of his mother who has been buried in the cemetery here for about twenty years to toronto to be placed beside the body of hor hus band who recently died there the late mr smyth taught school here for a number of years and the family were highly respected the two sons and two laughters are occupying- respect able positions in society the uxbridge comic opera co gave one of their celebrated concerts in the town hall on wednesday evening on monday evening- the mutual im provement society had their usual weekly entertainment consisting of songs by miss davidson and others chemical experiments by dr francey and music by the band after this came tiie debate on the subject re solved that the mechanic is more inde pendent than the farmer the af firmative being- upheld by john davey and lames collins jr while that of the negative by win mcguckin and david watson the affirmative had to suc cumb to the native irish logic and reasoning of ilie negative side not however before giving them a hotly contested buttle rev j w wilkinson conducted missionary meetings at sunderland on monday and tuesday evenings of this week ho has been in this work very much of late showing that his services aro appreciated bloo1iington the paisley v lemon suit came up on wednesday at the civil assizes to set aside the will of joseph lemon of orillia township made in favor of de fendant who is a brother of the plain tiff mrs paisley judgment was giv en by chief justice gait in favor of the defendant except that he has to pay his own costs thanks are due the obliging young man who took the load over to the party at lemonville last week the young folks hopa he will be on hand next time the cradle warriner on sunday the 2olh inst the wife of mr s m warriner merchant of a daughter mantlk on the 13th inst the wife of mr abram mantle of markham township of a son jerman on the 17th inst the wife of mr- john jerman stouiiviue of a daughter boadwav on the 19th inst the wife of mr isaac boadway of a daughter the tomb knul on sunday january 20th isso richard knili proprietor of the quen hotel siounviue ed 63 years l eacfaorie iiji baaiifotoeea te etyjfw nr faos ittt la early deoty oonttr jfffi tt car siijtj ku r poyroty ojsrtfij krrttilia main w off fciirt ttat wifii uy bwclqc suos ovimt9 c cty bo curat fn ri ed incwc viimhrlebuitna th iiga con2jb tavo vd3 treo itiea tm- flftsivanvatodr epo- i aifcrjjiwoc private oa 00a q uultor o how leng sf arttf- ifto sold under our written cuaranteo ittuet a cure brio toronto mddlolnsj lb tooaoto out ladies only french regulation pills kar superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies whousetberrimoxthry nerex fail re lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price x toronto medi cine co toronto ont dufferin land loan agenoy farms for sale amaranth west balf lot 5 and 6 con z too t jj cro 3 iof s con 3 130 icoa 6 130 baitt 3 cod 1 j 130 west 6 cob 6 too f eon 4 joo west 1 cob 1 i- east 6 con j 100 4 con 1 too 5 con 5 125 ao coh 8 too west v 10 and tho w of the e4 of lot 10 cou a s acres gad lot 11 aoo acres east t coa 7 100 west i coa 3 100 east a coo 10 80 west laanjskoflhe w let 13 concession 1 15c aa coa 9 100 nnd 6 eon 5 oo ofw half lot 4 con g 45 mono part of wasi half let 20 concosssoa 6 83 lot 33 concession 1 cast aoo east half of lot 15 concession 3 west 100 east half of lot 14 concession 3 west 100 west half of lot 6 and xj concession 7 oo east half of lot as concession 3 west 100 east half of lot az concession 6 east 96 w part of lot 7 concession a east mono 79 e part of the east half lot 7 con 1 ease mono also a new saw mill oa lot 50 garafraxa east half of west half and west half of east half of lot 16 concession 10 100 south west part of lot 16 and 17 con xi coo lot 4 concession d 25 west half of lot 14 and 13 concession 14 200 west half of lot 9 concession 17 100 east half of west half of lot con deast 75 3 concession a 7 melanxthon lot 260 concession 1 s w of t and s r 5s lot 225 concision a 50 lot 379 concession 50 lot 288 2s9 and 290 concession 4 s w of t and s r 150 lot 1 concession 4 aoo lot at concession 4 n e of 100 lots n and 12 con 5 s w of t ind s r 200 for two weeks before stock taking feby 1st i will offer some extra good val ue in boots and shoes a few remnant lines at 50 cts and 75cts worth double the price asked stouffville january lstu i860 r j daley wm b sanders is up to the times with full lines of to suit the season also special lines in scottish tweeds imported direct tailoring to order a specialty diagonal worsteds fancy wortseds plain worsteds also special lines in teas coffees spices sugars grlasswaie and jdelfware a call is respectfully solicited w b sanders stouffvilte dec 5th 1sss lot is 6 caledon 72 ioo ioo iso 200 ioo east half of lot 31 concession 4 west wet half of lot 23 concession 5 west west half of lot 25 concession t lot 2 concsssion 1 eist woodhouse larts of lots 13 and i3 in the yore of the township of woodhouse os prey lots 1 2 3 and 4 con 2 south duiham lot 12 concession 13 euphrasia west halt of lor 15 concession 11 100 alijiox ot 16 and i7conccssijn 7 161 also for sale in oranjjevillc a numocr of brick and frnme dwelling houses a great number of building iots and a ten- a ere field nil of which will be sold cheap and on easy terms a ccmmismon of ten dollars on all sales under four hundred dollars over four hundred dollar pjr c r w medlay manager office opposite the gortton house orangeville ont jj3fireand life insurance and loan agent valuator ttam catarrh catarrhal deafness hay fever a new home treatment sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due to the preseree of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved thi to be a fact and the rcwlt is that a simple re medy lias been formulated whereby catarrh catarrha deafness ami hay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n bkor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new treatment fa sent on receipt of ten cents by a h dixon cvson 303 west kmg sireet- toronto canada siuntific american sarterers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully guaranteed to ove perfect satisfaction with either coal or wood a large assortment- of firstclass stoves of all kinds always kept in stock a splendid stock of tin and copper ware always on hand remember the place booker beos stouffville nov 28th isssj stouffville overcoats overcoats overcoats boys aid mens olfehcoat will be sold at cost call and get a bargain stouffville jan 3rd 1ss9 j- 1 urquhart