the tribune stouffville januaby 18 1889 club rates we offer thetbibusb together with the following papers from now till the end of 1889 at the prices mentioned weeuy globe and rural ccttadianzoo weekly hail and farm and fireside 175 weekly news and on engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation i75 weekly news and both pictures 200 weekly advertiser and engraving falls of niagara 175 eamily herald 75 century magazine 45 slnieholas 35 address tle tribune stouffville ost the world over- is another column will be found a letter from our esteemed correspondent citizen anent the paragraph in our last issue referring to dr wad-el- wards lectures we cheerfully give it room it will be seen that wo do not state that the dr is not a jew or even that it is our opinion that he is not we say there are some who doubt it the rest of the paragraph deals with some points that he took up in which wo do not agree with him we have no desire to quarrel with any one or look on the matter with sect arian bias and the dr has no reason to complain as we advertised his lectures in our paper entirely free of charge and expected to be greatly entertained by them now is the time whilo the uveiiiugs are long that young people and old people too for that matter should be doing a great deal of reading we have an excellent library in stouffville and we suppose a considerable number of our citizens take advantage of it but still we are safe in saying that the number is very small in comparison to the number of those who read very little outside of the newspapers a aste for reading is a tiling that can be cultivated and we think it is the duty of parents and teachers and in fact all who are interested in the youth of our land to see that every facility is accorded to the boys and girls to de velop in them a taste for literature while we frequently meet with boys in their teens who an thoroughly posted as to tin latest movements in baseball boatracirg and other sport ing- matters the boy who is able to tell where the idea of grip was taken from is more of a rara avis and if question ed on the subject would probably won der who in the djekens you were talk- j ing about while charles head george elliot and scott are names not a par ticle move familiar in order to excite a little interest if possible wo will give live question this week for which wo will receive answers for two weeks from any of our readers under twenty years of age we will publish tlu names of the tirst three from whom we receive correct answers with their an swers as well each one must procure the 111 formation for himself and must be able to state that he has read the book question 1 what is the name of the story from which beiigough got the idea of grip 2 who vroteit 8 who is the principal character in the story 4 what was grip 5 to what events in history does the j story refer two hundred unfortunates of the city of toronto were provided with a free breakfast on sunday morning last iu richmond halt no money or lodg ing tickets are given and the partakers are not allowed to pocket any of the stuff- survevors are at work on the new electric railway to connect the town of oshawa with the harbor citizens of that town are jubilant over the pros pect for increased business facilities refrain of a guest at a markham hotel the butterfly has wings of gold the j uncbug wings of flame the bedbug has no wings at all but he gets there just the same a cable message from rome states that no appointment has been made for archbishopric of toronto nor is likely to be made soon the daughter of a wealthy new york stock broker recently eloped to montreal with her fathers coachman observations a great mistake you did not elect observer the defeated candidate has one more river to cross are on sure there was no bribery in connection with those 18g votes why so much talk about all the willow baby cradles r the resolutions made at the school board to re consider the applications of teachers meant the decapitation of a municipal candidate the question is not who was but who was not invited to the wedding the other day the town parliament will be unus ually attractive the coming season the honarable member for leaney town is about to open and close each session with an appropriate song of which copies may bo had free on mark et days of course the hon- mem ber for flint will pronounce the bene diction as usual the question is often asked who is observer well to set the matter at rest he will tell you he is a man a nice man a good looking man a gentlemanly man tall and straight with a slight crook small but suitable for a no 11 boot can look two men in the face at once understandings good a nand honestwith just proportions a head with small brain but large in comprehension eye not very green yet observing taste exquisite in personal appearance not a dude in physique not a pugilist in fact he is a manly man no animal that you would shoot but a man you will learn to love and respect for the kindly things hs will say of you if your daily walk and conversation is such as he cancommend say did you see our thomas last saturday he could hardly talk a naughty bee stung him on the tongue that naughty bee that beautiful glossy sheen so much admired in hair can be seemed by the use of ave s hair vigor thcro is i nothing- better than this preparation for strengthening the scalp and keep ing it free from dandruff and itching eruptions it fe absurd for people to expect a cure- for iniilge- tton nnle they refrain- from eatlug- what is unwholesome btij if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone to the digestive organ it iaycrs sar- aaparilla thousands all over the land testify to the merits of this medicine mrs sarah burroughs of 2js eighth street south boswn writes my-hnsi- band has taken ayerv sarsaparllla for dyspepsia and torpid liver and has been greatly benefited a confirmed dyspeptic c canterbury of 141 franklin st boston mass writes that suffering for years from indigestion he was at bust induced to try ayers sarsaparilla and by its use was entirely cured mrs joseph aubin ot high street jlolyoke mass suffered for over a year from dyspepsia so that sho could not cat substantial food became very weak and was unable to care for her family neither the medicines prescribed by physicians nor any of tho remedies advertised for the euro of dyspepsia helped her until she commenced the use of ayers sarsaparilla three bottles of this medicine sho write cured 1110 ayers sarsaparsha prerarko nv dr j c ayer co lowell mass prioc 1 lx bottles 5 worth s a bottle get the most for your money we are offering a special reduction on all purchases made during the holiday season boots shoes and slippers hi great variety mens felt- boots handmade a large stock mens seal felt boots prices exceptionally low- womens misses and childrens cordigan overshoes we have the exclusive sale of this line which is something new look at thcui mens womens misses and childrens overshoes rubbers etc in great variety ssprices on anything in the trade lower than the lowest we invite inspection and examination of our stock see the styles look at the quality marvel at the prices ordered work promptly done a specialty repairing neatly and remember we sell groceries teas sugars canned fruits raisins currants best brands of flour oat meal corn meai granulated wheat cracked wheat graham flour oats and feed come and see us at the telephone store a jr jbrown stounvilledec 5th 1s8s the altar mcmuilenjardink at the mansion house stouffville on thursday pm by the rev geo- brown mr vm mcmullen to elizabeth jardine all of uxbridge davevwoodgate at the residence of the brides father main st stouil- villft on the 16th inst by the rev l w hillif nemarket mattio sa cowl ilii lighter of h w wootlgato stoiijt- stouwville nov 13th 18s8 r underbill stouffville and markham a good resolve -tok- resolve to see the fresh importations at new raisins new currants new new teas etc peels new figs that coffee and cheese is ahead of anything in town crockery glassware and wall papers dry goods in abundance dress goods cloths flannels cardigans bustles etc ladies and gents guernseys all at rock bottom prices stoukfviiaf nov 29th 1888 exlbnhvk tioiwjhs tlumi ii words mixes up raid a disgusted farmer w reading a seed eitnloguc and their familiar names oilsct by- latin itpiiv was a sensiljl ae all 10 whs fouid their ileiils his complaint i one fhougli he had the great clearing- and reduction sale now going on at sm warbinsjs and will be continued until five thousand dollars 500000 worth is converted in cash tf we do not realize over four thousand for the live the goods must go at some price sow is the time for xote his reduction price list oooixs b a r g a ins b ar gains i have just bought below regular prices a large lot of mens felt boots some of them extra q uality overshoes rubbers slippers for men women and children i propose giving customers the full benefit of thesecheap pur chases and therefore invite all my friends and customers in fact all who buy boots in ringwood stouffville bloomington lemonville tfallantrae and their respective neighborhoods to call and inspect these special lines and my m enseal sto0k of boots it wit- pay yott to xq so m for he means business okockriks 12 lbs granulated sugar for i have also special values in mens and boys overcoars mens and boy a suits k nicker suits for children geo i si la rf ciyjj lib kingw00d 15 white sugar for 16 light brown sugar for 6 gcthrtea for atirst class tea only 85 cts pi 100 1c0 100 100 r lb advantage of perceiving that the for- i the best 50- tea in eign words did not belong ti his own language mike an irrepressible boots at a dublin hotei annoueel to a guest recently returned from a trip weve had a nioightv big wedding in tho house sor indeed it was so indeed sqi aud n prefjy expensive one too wevy sor tlu trousers cost v20000 the trmiseiv mi what kind of l rousesi would cost that thats what troubles me sor re plied mike id never have thought it if 1 hadnt read i with my own eyes in the payer are you sure it wasnt trosseau faith then said mike scratching his head whatever it was sor it was trousers or something very like it youths companion iown for 25c 3 boxes matches 1 lb raisins 3i lb currants 25 g rice 25 g bale soda 25 3 cans tomatoes 25 2 brooms 25 15 bars laundry soap 25 1 big gun bar 25 jobbing oftdishositt tremendous bar gains see them clothing- clothing big reductions overcoats now for cost heavy pants now for cost all clothing marked down 20 nor cent factory cotton aud bleached from 3 to 10 cents 35c dress goods now for 25c 20c 15c 12c xqc 8c i do g reit goods spools tor reductions 25 20 1 125 10 s 5 o fall and wimteb the subscriber gqob8 pubjicj ill egs to intimate to his numerous customers aim th general that he has received aud is receiving daily a full supply of teozcr pile g ccfsrecei ved which will be sold at u prices to suit the times tn the following lines especially of which wo carry a stock second to none in stduffviile woolens of m in carpets plushes mens hats and caps stacks of caps to choose from i it would take too much space to give a full price list hut see tor yourselves and you will he convinced that this is tho place to invest your money kinds ind gents stouffviuk jan 15h 1ss9 hi english scotch and canadian makes both for ladies wear made to o tier or by the pico refidymade clothing in greet variety gbnts furnishings consisting of hats and caps collars and lies and everything a man or boy requires to make up his toilet we make a specialty of ordered clothing and guarantee perfect satisfaction before taking the goods away from the premise- wo also carry the following staple lines dress goods prints cottonides cottons shirtings teble linens hosiery and gloves carpets and oil cloths groceries crockery and glassware we will not be undersold in any of the above lines hoping to lie favored with a share of your patronage j keat somii side main street stouffville