the trade of the orient at the gnat banquet of the toronto board of trade mr van home president of the canadian padso railway made the following interesting speech i diem it a high honour that i should have been called upon to speak a second time at a annual banquet of the board of trade of i rooto to the toast of the commercial in- crests of canada four or five jears ago u the horfzm of canadian trade has widened i pore during the last four or five years than chat of any other country in four times aore during the last four or five years than hat of any other country in four four years cheers i cannot give you b setter idea of its rapid extension than jy telling you what i saw one day last eum- tner at the new city of vancouver not yet sjacounting its third year at one time there trere five great ocean steamers receiving and discharging cargoes there on the new docks were great piles of merchandise great quantities of teas of silks and many curi ous packages awaiting shipment eastward but better than all were the great quanti ties of cotton from halifax and hochelaga cheese from perth flour from quappelle and machinery from toronto consigned to yokohama shanghai and hong kong cheers even had 1 the tifb of words i wnld not dare describe the future of the commerce of canada as i see it i would not have dared five years ago to have pointed in imagination to the picture i have just de scribed on the wharves of vancouver whioh is only the first hesitating step in the com merce of canada towards the orient hear tew the great arterios of trade however are extending day by day and every day opens up to us new markets for our products our manufactures and our trade our cities are growing with wonderful rapidity the tide of immigration whioh a few years agosot sostrongly from ontario to tho weaternstates has been turned to our own north- west where it adds to the wealth of the country instead of depleting it appiause the stream of immigration from great britain and from europe towards canada is steadily and rapidly increasing and i see nothing in the conditions surrounding us thai does not point to continuous and great prosperity but notwithstanding that much has been done some hings remain to be done i was most happy to hear what the honourable gentleman who just preceded me has said about the intentions of the government in regard to an atlantic steamship service jduar hear i had the honour of saying something on that subject hear at your last annual dinner we have been content up to this time to depend upon our neighbours to use our neighbours railways our neigh bours seaports and steamships when we had occasion to cross the atlantic we have let him carry our mails and much of our freight we have permitted art to deprive us of the great natural advantages geography has riven uo this is not consistent with the enterprise of canada today it is not con sistent with national pride and national pride is the first essential to national exis tence hear hear it is the very foun dation of nationality we cannot be very proud so long as we are obliged to depend upon borrowing our neighbours waggon laughter and besides our neighbour has given tib a pretty strong intimation or threatened a little while ago not to lend us his waggon any longer laughter in pri vate life i dont think you would find any of you give him an opportunity to do that a second time hear hear and it seems to me time that canada took hold of this atlantic steamship question and whatever it might cost to provide steamship service on the atlantic rqual if not superior to the best service to nuw york i think it should be done hear hear and cheers it was a happv thourfit that coupled with the toast to which i have the honour o speak isaiahs description of the ancient city of tyre tyro although insignificant geograph ically was the greatest city of her tirno be cause her merchants wero the most enterpris ing they controlled tho trade of the world and so canada with tyre in her mind should not hesitate to attempt com petition with her bio neighbor at the south simply because ho is big hear hoar she can beat on tho ocean as well as on the land and above all these merchants of tyre wero patriotic and i feel very sure that when a proposition was on foot to es tablish a line of fast ships to carthage or somewhere elso that these merchants of tyre never kicked against it great laugh ter because the depth of water required the ships to land a few miles from her gates renewed laughter and i feel sure that you gentlemen of the toronto board of trado will bo equally patriotic hear hear and that you will not kick against whatever may be necessary to be expended on this proposed atlantio sorvice simply because nature requires the steamships to land at montreal at quebec or at halifax hear hear laughter und cheers hats and baldness again a h ew dlsemuion ora famliar topic tho habit of wearing warm covering on the head is not of recent date the armies of europe for instance no inconsiderable number of men with heads close cropp d have worn for a long period warmer and heavier headgear than the modern dwellers in cities without tho same tendency of bald ness says w c gouinlock in tho buitdtr nor are the heavy fur coverings of northern races incompatible with luxuriant hair it is also difficult to understand what injury can result from close cutting per s tho growth is in the hair follicle and in it alone there is no vital connection between the hair outside the scalp and within it is usually cut closest at the back of the head and neck whero baldness never occurs would not close cutting rather atimula e the growth by exposure of tho scalp such at least is the popular belief so too with indoor life women who ought to show it most whether in tho home or in the factory are nover bald as men are on tho contrary itlis most common with men in good cir- cumstrnces as mr eatons statistics show men who spend a larger proportion of their 3 daytime in the open air than tho indoor worker i believe the common form of baldness is duo entirely to the kind of hat that is worn principally to the high hat and the hard felt hat but also to any other head covering that constricts tho blood vessels which nourish the bair bulbs to have a clearer under standing of this we mustremembcr that the scalp is supplied with blood y arteries at the back sides and front of and lying close to the skull which diminish in size by fre quent branching as they converge toward the top of the head they are in a most favorable position to be compressed lying on unyielding bone and covered by thin tis sue consider what effect most be produced by a close fitting heavy rigid hat its pres sure must lessen to a certain extent the flow of arterial blood and obstruct to a greater extent the return of the venous the result being a sluggish circulation in the cap illaries around the hair follicles and bulbs a consequent impairment of nutrition and final atrophy this pressure is not trivial or imaginary as any one will admit who has noticed the red band of congestion on the forehead when a hard hat is removed after moderate exercise a ohilds ory my name is anthony hunt i am a drover and live miles and miles away upon the western prairie there wasnt a house in sight when i first moved there my wife and i and now we have not v neighbors though those we have are good ones one day about ten years ago i went away from home to bell zy fifty head of cattle fine creatures as i ever saw i was to buy some groceries and dry goods before i came back and above a a doll for my youngest dally she bad never jhad a store doll of her own only rag babies her mother had made her dally could talk nothing else and went down to the very gate to call after me to got a big cue nobody but a parent can understand how full my mind was of that toy and how when the cattle were sold the first thing i hurried off to buy was dollys doll i found a large one with eyes that would open and shut when you pulled a wire and had it wrapped np in paper and tucked it under my arm while i bad the parcels of calico and delaine and tea and sugar put np then late as i was i start ed for home i might have been more pru dent to stay until morning but i felt anxi ous to get back and eager to hear dollys praises about her doll i was mounted on a steadygoing old horse and pretty well loaded night set in before i was a mile from town and settled down as dark as pitch while i was in the middle of the darkest bit of road i know of i could have felt my way though i remem bered it so well and when the storm that had been brewing broke and pelted the rain in torrents i wa3 five miles or may be six miles from home i rode as fast as i could but all of a sud den i heard a little cry liko a childs voice i stopped short and listened i heard it again i called and it answered me i couldnt see a thing all was as dark as pitch i got down and felt around in the pra3s called agpin nd rgain was answered then i began to wonder im not timid but i was known to be a drover and to have money about me it might be a trap to catch me unawares and rob and murder me i am not superstitious not very but how could a real child be out on the prairie in such a night at such an hour it might be more than human the bit of a coward that hides itself in most men showed itself to mo then but once more i heard the cry and said i if ony mans child is hereabouts an thony hunt is not the man to let it die i searched again at last i bethonght rro of the hollow under the hill and groped that way sure enough i found the little drip ping thing that moaned and sobbed as i took it in my arms i called my horse and the beast came to me and i mounted and tucked tne little soaked thing under my coat as well as 1 could promising to take it home to mamma it seemed so tired and pretty soon cried itself to sleep on my bosom it had slept there over an hour when i baw my own windows there were lights in them and 1 supposed my wife had lit them for rry sake but when i got into the doorway 1 saw something was the matter and stood still with a dread fear of heart five minutes before i could lift tho latch at last i did it and saw the room full of neighbors aid my wife amid them weeping when she saw me she hid her face oh dont tell him she said it will kill him what is it neighbors j i cried nothing now i hope whats that you have in your arms a poor lest child said i i found it on the road take it will you ive turn ed faint and i lifted tho sleeping thing and saw the face of my own child my dlly it was my own darling and none other that i had picked up on tho drenched road my little child had wandered out to meet papa and tho doll while the mother was at work and thoy wero lamenting her as one dead i thanked heaven on my knees be fore them it is not much of a btory neigh bors but i think of it often in the nights and wonder how i could bear to live now if i had not stopped when i heard the cry for help upon the road hardlv louder than a squir rels chirp- thats dolly yonder with her mother in the meadow a girl worth saving i think but then im her father and par tial maybe the prettiest and sweetest thing this tide of the mississippi san francisco call mock modesty tho prudish philistinism recently display ed by a number of people in norwich conn has made that town tho laughing stock of america one of the wealthy citizons of the place bad given a large sum of money to found a fine art museum and completed his generosity by purchasing several beautiful statues in europe to form a nucleus for a col lection as soon as the statues arrived and it was found that some of them exhibited the human form diviuo in an uudraped condition tho apostles of mock modesty raised a great outcry and would not allow tho works of art to enter tho museum till they had been mutilated to suit their taste a sarcastic american writer says that the people who insisted uponjthis act of vandalism are of the class who encase piano legs in canvas covers and protest against babies being born undressed there was it is said no good reason for the outcry the statues being of the same class as thoso exhibited in the musenm of the normal school toronto the suffering and loss of lifo caused by the burning of railway cars after collisions have made it certain that some time cars would have to bo made of incombustible material this desired end seems now to have been reached a steel fireproof car was tested in chicago a few days ago it gave perfect satisfaction the cost of it is less than that of a wooden car and its weight is between en and twenty per cent less new tear eesolutions among the good resolutions appropriate for the new year the following are recom mended as eminently adapted to make the signer a better man and the world around himhippier for the next twelve months i sol emnly promise that i will not talk polities carefully refrain from speaking of christ mas as xmas not keep my seat in a crowded car while ladies are standing up when telling a story not to repeat the point of it several times in order to impress it more deeply on the minds of the suffering listeners always shut the door never wear squeaky boots when i go to church say no evil of anybody signed sir john and prof wiggins- an amusing incident occurred in the course of the governorgenerals reception at ot tawa on new years day after prof wig gins had been introduced to his excellency and was passing the crown ministers with a bow sir john macdonald stepped nimbly forward and offering his hand said aloud why wiggins you go by like a comet this created a suppressed laugh in which his excellency joined but the professor was equal to the occasion for he said comets always goswiily by the sun subsequently he remarked that he was greatly obliged to the prime minister for catching him at psri- helion montreal gazette they gave him the earth tourist to dakota citizen do you knew a man around here by the name of james crow dakota citizen jim crow 1 yaas i knowed him very well tourist can you tell me whero ill find him 1 dakota citizen yaas hes planted down ther by ther river tourist dead 1 dakota citizsn yaas he jumped ole tofllinsons claim ho seemed to sorter want the earth an he got it san fran cisco call an anxious outlook- we go on to increase in numbers and in wealth but the republic is to receive per haps its severest test in the opening yoer of the century upon which wo are entering in adapting these numbers and wealth to its system there is a large unintelligent voto at the north as well as at the south o f the country if the one is suppressed by forco or fraudulently deprived of representations the other is not without subjection to another influence hardly less objectionable the wealth of the country comes in here as its danger the nation has just seen how easily wealth may be employed to affect a nation al election a serious question is as to whether this is the beginning of a practice that is to increase and if so if onr govern ment is strong enough to bear the strain thus put upon it the final problem to con front the people in the second century of the republic is therefore that involved in the preservation of sound and judicious govern ment while the suffrage is so widely shared by unintelligent people and the power of money is so potent in it it is a serious one boston herald the boiler inspkctioh and insnr ance company u canada consulting engineers and solicitors of patents toronto 0 robb chief stuiaest a frasbs seoytreas farm loans credit foncier fftancocanadien capital 5000000 head office montreal office ontario division wellington street toronto this company lends on good farm property at low est current rate of interest and on favorable terms for information apply to local agents or to w e lung manager toronto the toronto silver plate co manufacture of the high grade of silverplated wares trade mark factories and salesroom 420 to 426 king st west toronto eig gooderham manaftv j c copp scctreas allan line royal mail steamsmpt sillngdurtaj winter from portland everytbursdl and halifax every saturday to liverpool and to sum mer from quebec every saturday to liverpool calling at londonderry to land malls and passengers foi scotland ind ireland also from baltimore via hall fax and st johns n f to liverpool fortnlchtl during summer months the steamers of the glai gow lines sail during winter to and from halifax portland boston and philadelphia and during sum mer between glasgow and montreal weekly glasgow and boston weekly and glasgow and philadelphia fortnightly for freight passage or other information tpply to a schumacher co- biltlinora s cunard go halifax shea co st johns nfld wo thorn son cc st john n b allen 6 co chlcajcc love b alden new york h bocrller torou allans rae ft co quebec wm brookle phllade- phla h a alien portland boston montreal rve are children vie cheerfully join in the chart when breadmakers yeast is hi subject before tst- mamma tried all the rest soshehnoss its the best tighten cause iter bread is the whitest her duns are ti and zte eat all the pancakes she dare set beorens buy the breadmakeits yeast pbice 5 cents acts at the same time on the nerves the liver the bow3lu3 andthk5dkeys this coriuea action gives it won derful povrerto cure all diseases why are we sick because wc allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated and these greet organs to become clogged or torpid and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally raines i cblery f compound will cure bujousrress piles constipation kuney com- plalbtstntinary diseases r eha1s wsaknessrhetjma tism keuraxcia aktj all hepv0tjs disorders by quieting and strengthening the rervis nnd causing free action of the liver 1 oveu and kidneys and restor ing their power to throw off disease ttb7 suffer 3iiiouspaina and aches why tormented with piles constipation ybj frightened ovcrdisoniercdkitlneysl vhy endure nervous cr sict headaches why havo sleepless nighta use painvs cillery compound and rejoice in health it is an entirely vegeta ble remedy harmless in all cases sold by all druggists price i cc six far jco wells richardson iicoprocrietora 3iontbh3ii p q stained glass for churches dwellings and public buildings nicausland son yotj may have one 1 1 just send your name and address and 10c f or potaie and receive by mall a handsome silk handkekchkijtand tho masic needle astodlshieveryone 1 address whitoa xovelty co toronto out brown engines iron akd steel boilers any size toronto enoixe works princess and front sta j permns co toronto ulirs forcirou lard address j doan t co toronto ont musical ixstkcmexts send for our larsje illustatcd catalogue of bind instru ments violins guitars flutes etc and all kinds of trimmintrs acent for frenches and dewitts plays builaxd3 music siore 37 king st wet toronto oat standard chopping mills usesbestfrenchburftv millstones al hfifttillggf finest cbinder inthe world norenewms plates as hi irok kills merchants butchers andtradcrs generally we want a good man in your locality to pick up or us cash famished on satisfactory guaranty address hyde park vermont u s canada permanent loan savings company incorporated 1r55- head office toronto st toronto subscribed capital 9 45000 paid up capital 250000 total assets 10000000 the enlarged capital and resources ol this company together with the increased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money enable the directors to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security application maj be made to either of the companys loca appraisers or to j herbert mason mana2fr director toronto business education u very essential to the success of every young man and young woman good hock keepers are constantly in demand by business men therelsnoknowledce more a 1 1 ft ftti i a ft vk mtt 1 than shoithand and n h 1 1 h i h a iu 1 1 typewriting a new aven- vi 1ui1 1 ilrlllu ue for female employment tht pays constancy growing demand far bhorthardera wditc descfiftive circulars containing full will i c putculars cf alt branches taught and ratea of tution address canadian business university public library buiming toronto thop bbsoojou president c h brooks sec manager when i say ccre i do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have- them iei turn again i mean a radical cure i have made the disease of fits epilepsy or falling sickness a life long study i waisrant my remedy to cure tho worst cases because others havo failed is no reason for not now receivings cure bend at once for a treatise and a free bottle of ray infallible kemedy give express and post ofllce it costs you nothing for a trial and it will cure you address e 0 boot ho 164 west adelaide st toronto ont aro the words used by everybody to express their opinion of fhe merits of johnstons fluid beef as a winter beveraoe- and as a matter of fact it has a wonderfully stimulating effect upon the circulation and not only so but it tuppliea lasting strength and vigor and is justly called the great strengthgiver for best family use carbon safety oil ask dealers for it wholesale depots t onlriotorosro so front street east oitawa 33 spatk street brllkvillb l w yeomans co quebec montrkai e cavanagh mabltfme provinces st johss jos bullock son manitoba 4 n wt brandos w johnston co saml rogers co toronto canada capital and funds now over 3000000 head office 15 toronto street toronto od a home co established o 1871 to this date october 31st 1887 there has been returned to he heir of policyholders heath claims 819219 10 to tbt holders of matured endowment policies 26492 ts to policyholders on surrender of policies v 9sgst5 00 to policyholders for cah proata including those allocated and beta paid j32k4 02 to holders of annuity bonds 16967 si loaned to policyholders on the security of their policies 82261 93 180fu7 ee2 policies in force over 10000 amount ov ir 15ooooou4 president hoy sib w p howlasd cb kca1g vicepresidents william elliott esq edwabd hoopeb esq j k macdonald managing director spollcfeinoaforfeltibia altar 2 years and indefeasible after 8 years rely ftl hop bitters a wonderful nerve tonic a medicine not a drink cure all diseases of the stomach bowels blood tlver kidneys urinary organs nervousness sleeplessness female complaints drunkeness t may save your lte jftfl000 reward paid for a case they will not cure