vt volume 1 stoxjffville ont friday january 18 1889 travellers guide trains leave stouffrille station main line and sutton branch as follows main use soutji- mixed sio a m express 1102 1 mixed 423 p m express 757 1 xokth- express 908 a m mixed 1102 1 mixed 545 p- rn express 604 sutton branch south mail 810 am i north mail 6 10 p m i f stouffville markkts fall wheat so 00 to 0 95 spring wheat 0 00 0 95 flour per cwt 2 so 3 13 jbarley 0 50 0 60 rve 0 60 0 60 peas 0 00 0 60 teas blackeved 0 65 0 70 bats 0 35 0 85 bran per ton 0 00 15 00 shorts per ton 0 00 20 00 hay 17 00 18 00 potatoes pur bag 0 35 0 40 iroo 0 00 0 22 butter 0 is 0 19 pird 0 00 0 12 geese per lb 0 00 0 07 turkevs per lb 0 09 0 10 chickens per pair 0 35 0 40 church directory ethodist church rev george brown pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm pray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting irnirsiuy at 8- pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath schobl at 230 pm prayer meet- lng on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian rev mr knowles pastor- services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at 8 pm baptist rev mr barker pastor ber- vices at 1030 a m and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm s church of england rev mr oa- borae incumbent eivices at 245 pm sunday seiiool atllgajxsn j meetings of societies and boards villace council on tbe second tite day of each month 3irector ok mechanics inst on the third tuesday of each month t of t on the second monday of each nonth jo u- w first and third monday of each fmonth public school board on the first tuesday of each month llasonic lodge wednesday on or be- fore the fall moon of each month iarmers club second friday of each 1 month o f first and third friday of each i month james obrien licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario orders by mail or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouffville ont the pjvjbis shaving parlor shaving and hair cutting done in the most artistic manner stand one door west of sanders block main st stouffville j w shankel proprietor 3m7asnss sm3 fred w hill b a b arrister solicitor etc formerly with morphy miller toronto officb sanders block formerly occu pied bythe late mr mclean stoufivillcont v n j armstrong stouffville okt licensed anctioneei- y for the counties of york and ontario sales promptly attended charges moderate a c a k i sun life assurance co of canada tobonto jan 2nd 1ss9 to the public it is with pleasure that we make the announcement to the public that we have appointed mr- b j daley of stouffville to act as our general agent and inspector of all our agencies throughout the counties of- york and ontario we feel confident he is the right man in the right place and we unhes itatingly recommend him to all our patrons we hereby authorize mr daley to collect money or conduct any other business connected with the company within the said counties signed on behalf of the sun life assurance co of canada a h gilbert manageror western ontario dont read this but call at ham i l to ns and buv your stationery canned goods oysters a fruit etcl wpes and pipe mounts iandxiis best brands of to baccos amd cigars in town toysfancy goods and pocket knives in endless variety 0 seeemember the place hamiltons first door east of station dickson taylor 4 mullougii barristers solicitors ktc money to loan omens baleys block manning arcade stouffville toronto a dickson a m taylor bcl j w mccutiouoii bcl mid davidson i patterson pkistkiw soijcitoes i notaries public ktc- n masonic buildings toronto st nto and main st- stouffville i on r iitu qc w mcdoxald iv 1 y vlox j so a pattkhsov robinson dentist 13 stoct will attend at millers hotel stonffvillc on tlit- isth and a the tremdnt hoasej markhani on the 2oh of each ruonth rosemans hotel mount al bert on die iitli victoria on the list when thescdates 11 on the monday following v ill be nuder- the great bargain house main st stouffville qnk doob west of the bank no 1 daleys block o bargains i bargains i i intend opening up at the above addicts between now and feby 1st with a new and well selected stock of dry goods and gents furnishings of every description so look out for bar gains keep your orders until feby as it will more than pay you i intend running every line at close toronto prices come and look at our goods and see our prices no trouble to show goods dont forget the place no 1 tdsleyst block main street stouffville head quarters 158 to 162 queen st west toronto fred spofford stoukfviije jaxv 18th 1s89 colic and kidney difficulty mr j v wilder j p lafargeville n y writes i am subject to severe at tacks of colic and kidney dilliculty and find parmelees pills afford me great relief while all othci remedies have failed they are the best i have overused in fact so great is the power of this medicine to cleanse and purify that diseases of almost every name aud nature are driven from the body wc believe a g browns goods arc right and chiap local items 13 lbs thorley horse food at a- g browns for 100 over sunday the mansion house had over 80 guests including the bell ringers on sunday last handsleighs and sleigh bells at 25 per cent discount for thirty days at silvester and doughertys school board the first meeting of school board was held on wednesday at 1 p mat which mr john brown was elected chairman and mr j urquhart secy treasurer 10 lbs good tea dust at a g browns for 100 bellringers the concert on saturday night was taken in by a large number of people from the vill age and surrounding country the music especially that of the band was excellent and the little people were great favorites a lively corpse mr m jones of bloomington who was reported dead during the last few days of december turned out to be a very lively corpse on the day of election in whitchurch 163 is not a bad majority for a dead man seneca appeared to be just about as dead as he got 160 call and see the 50 c and 75 c lot of shoes and slippers at daleys shoe house bandtcoxcert posters are out announcing an entertainment to be held atigreen river on the evening of thursday january 24th in aid of the greeu river band the following persons will take part n stouffer t raper j gregg e wilson h j clarry dr free v mrs and miss hop kins the name of miss mccarty pianiste is unintentionally omitted in the bills ltt everybody go i i firb stations with commendable jaeigy ourcouncil have provided two cuginesto protect the townfromjosses ay fire they will be placed ho 1 iii ray mers carriage wareroom and no 2 in a station built between bovairs barbershop and johnsons store- al most all the young men are enrolled in thju fire brigade and divided into two compaittii8a atq tne en gines at itnftmentsnbthje myjt bey long before their services aro reqoiredy- trunks valises aud satchels st daleys cheap shoe store arm in slino recently an old lady on leaving city omnibus dtscav- ercdthat she had been relieved of her purse and on investigation ifproyed- to be the work of a festive pickpocket who had sat next to her with a- mock arm in a sling and the real one in her pocket one of these scamps was in town recently and some enterprising persons made an examination of his arm and found it sound as possible beware of slings they- are danger ous things overshoes moccasins and slippers at very low prices at daleys shoe house temperance meeting the regu lar meeting of the stouffville gospel temperance society was held on mon day evening last a fair audience greeting the excellent programme that was rendered consisting of a reading by miss e jamieson a recitation by miss gertie daley duett by miss l baker and mr walter mccarty solo by miss l baker address by revg brown excellent music was furnish ed by the glee club these meetings are very interesting and should be well patronized mockparli amext all young men interested in the formation of a society to discuss live political questions are requested to meet on friday eveninr tonight at 8 oclock at the tribune office differences of political creed need debar no one from attending and it is expected that all who can will have some ideas no matter how crude as to whether a mock parliament would be the best means to improve our minds and at the samd time pass a pleasant evening 61b good green tea at a g browns for 100 serenade if our excellent bind should take a notion to honor the mem berselect ot the village council with some music some fine evening in the near future isnt it likely that all con cerned would feel happy aud depart contented for an elegant purse jjo to hamil tons sports trotting match a matched race for 25 a side took place outside the corporation last fri day afternoon between f d millers mansion house horse war cloud and g w pattersons mare topsy after scoring several times both horses got off in good shape topsy winning the first heat by two lengths the se cond heat was a repetition of the first topsy winning the race by two straights chas greenwood of new market and m gordon baker of hamilton acted judges another acco unt race an interesting event which was taken in by several village sports was a race for the cigars between georges topsy and f d ms war cloud the first heat resulted in a draw as would the second also only that topsy couldnt draw fast enough a dispatch from winnipeg to the globe says that is quite probable that ed kelly will come co markham ont to play mr fleming for the checker championship of canada for pipes cigars and smokers supplies hamilton ta kes the cake i fkbsoxals sanders spent mr and mrs- w- b sunday in uxbridge mr r underbill of markham spent sunday in town with his daughter mrs widdifield mr e major of toronto was intown aver sunday the guest of mr j a todd rev mr stokes ol toronto occupied the pulpit of the baptist church here very acceptably on sunday miss lloyi of oakwood is visiting friends in town we are pleased to hear that mrs brimson who has been sufferiug from cancers is on the road to recovery rev d f gee of trenton was in town on friday the guest of mr arthur fleury as h b reesor of markham was driving from altona to claremont when he accidentally drove off the bridge near graham bros and broke his col lar bone in his descent knockers two strangers who re port themselves wealthy capitalists irom the southern states also ambassa dors for prince bisinark of germany have been doing the town of iate and on monday evening dropped in where some of the boys were practising the manly art they at once expressed a desire to give our young men a few pointers and were soon accommodated by the professor and little ichard after having a few rounds they took their departure both sadder and wiser for their experience the usually bald and shiny pate of jasper was as red asa gobblers while his mates curly locks wore a dishevelled appearance they took with them what they ex pected to give a few pointers t g brown will occupy kemps new store about 1st february county councils x according to statute the county councils of ontario mejt on tuesday january 22ndto elect a warden the county council of york will be composed of the following members as far as we can learn scarboro j richardson a m sc- car r knowles york a l willson john morgan s t humberstone c peterman wil liam clark etobicoke j d evans j f brown markham a forster b ii smith j b gould j slater vaughan j mcneil a russel g high whitchurch m jones s baker w mccormack king stokes j h ross a camp bell s w armitagjv east gwillimburyffll a risdcn c traviss mahlon doan north gwilliinbury t scst s- winch georgina j anderson strong newmarket e jackson lloyd aurora hfw fleury d richmond iihj w ii pug weston j if wadswortl woodbridgc t f walla markham w ii hall stouffville w sanders holland landing w f mck west toronto junction d denen east toronto d g stoph extra mixed tea for 50 c browns leading physicians ix aycrs sariaparilla old a i take it with perfect safety itc the blood strengthens the nc vitalizes the system popular ience has long placed this in the head of tonic alternatives mouth organs the largest sir town bovs swe them at hailii t arm- 1 h cod jflzio jn- g hymens w ou wednesday enlivened by ouec whith by the way ting epidemic but w this dreary old world the happy event rcfen marriage of miss mat daughter of h w woo esteemed clerk to mr g t r the ceremony the residence of the brides main st stouffville in the presence of about ninety guests who assembled to help launch the new craft upon the sea of matrimonial life rev l w hill b a of newmarket assisted by rev geo brown of stouffville coai ducted the solemnities and everything passed off without a hitch excepting that which took place when the couple were pronounced one the bride wi supported by her sister miss libb woodgate while a similar service rendered the bridegroom by his b ther mr w davey of toronto bride look charming lin- a steel g satin dress with pasmentrio trim the bridesmaids dn satin while the groomjand his best m looked their very best and stood ordeal bravely after the ceremony and congratv tions the company sat down recherche supper and afterward enjoyable time was spent in a the beautiful presents and i games the latter being- under management of miss lillie it being generally understood happy couple were to leave oclock express for toronto time before that hour a large of uninvited but entirely guests made their presence k side on the street by noises r cularly musical but quite effectual after a short interview with mr davey the crowd adjourned to apparently well pleased with the result of the interview shortly before the bridal party were about to leave for the station the stouff ville cornet band put in an appearance and entertained the company with a few of flieir best selections and after wards marched to the station to see party off hundreds m people j withstanding the drenching rain wi was falling at the time fill tl form and cheered themsavtis hoarse the train pulled out amid the playi of the band and the explosion of fog- signals after the departuro of the train the band anii a large number of the other guests repaired to the residence of mr y woodgate where a bountiful supper was iri readiness for them after whlov the evening- was spent in jolly style i- foilowinglsaertrofthcoautffulx arujval p u silver ware miss l woodgatc j doz tabic spoons desert do pickle cruet amber do cake basket butter cooler sugar bowl pickle cruet butter trowel mr and mrs pembcrton uxbridge addison v lames davey toronto w sandercock bowvill h johnson i wilson f b eck w j mertens mr r wilson toronto scale i salt cellar cruet spoons z doz butter cooler and knife mr knives and forks woodgate butter cooler w davey salt nd pepper cruet miss libbie woodgai john f woodgate ed hitl goodwo water pitcher cheese dishes crystal set fruit set do lemonade set egg set set crystal berry set lemonade set do do fruit set do dish x doz nappies water pitcher glass ware n stouttor mr and mrs jos huntarl todd i w b sandl v mccooochie 1 m rac and ife a w pcmberton j g clarke a fleury brimson hoidge m 1 harry miss m and harryj lizzie davey furit dishes and i nappies j e and w stouttd do dish mr woodgate preserve dish mr kandcock china ware tctcatetc set mr and airs woodburnt valuable set dishes j urquhart porcelain cheese dish f evans 5 oclock tea set mrs n a and mr r smit newmarket miscellaneous carving knife and fork j mr and mrs obrien pictures and whisk holdei j marble table top hanging lamp photo album plated tea kettle plush whisk holder- do jewel case f darnettetidy ivflss l odricri berlin wool do m lehman iamp a freel lace quilt aud shams mrs woodgate e j davis l c wideman r davey ux- bridge r j daley w p hartney rowan h brown taple cloth table mats linen table cloth icathcr valise parlor lamp a splendid broom picture a special present plash toilet v v jas daviy s uxbgc and frank clcnd cni mr f sponord dstouffei jas davey sr frank xae r davy uxbridge will rae r mcconochie