Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 11, 1889, p. 7

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aa v h v a om million j ysr ago b 3 bosu fl343 statistics the october mortality statistics make a very flood showing for toronto the deaths were 177 against 409 in montreal being per ecoo 1393 and 2595 on populations cal culated at 120000 and 1s6 000 respectively the zymotio rate in toronto was but 2 36 against 55s in montreal 8 48 in brantfurd 1300 in hull 8 57 in st john 907 in win nipeg 3 62 in buffalo 89 in cleveland 300 in detroit only one large american city made as good a showing as toronto and that was jlouuville tne return of tho chartered bvnks of the dominion on the 30th november calls for little remark the urcuution of cotes shows a trifling decline as compared with the previovs month and a gain of nearly million dollars as compared with a deposits are comparatively large 4300000 as against 111 993000 ontse 30th november 1887 discounts to the pnbllo increased nearly 31500000 dar ing november and on the 30th aggregated 144751 as against 137990000 at the corresponding period of last year the amount due from united states branches has been reduced 1200000 during the month showing a more active demand here while thore is still nearly 7800000 more canadian funds held by those branches than at the corresponding period of last year the london money market shows no slgne of weakening the bank of england rats of discount is still five per cent and the open rate 4 j per cent while money rules at 5 to 01 per cent on tho stock exchange the bullion in the bank of england on december 8th was only 18304000 whioh is fully 2coo000 below what it is customary to hold at this time of the year the compara tively small amount of bullion la partly due to tho faot that the flow of gold from scot land is deferred this year owing to the late ness of the harvest there has been great activity in the london loan market this year the new securities offered for subscription aggregating in round figures 159 00000 as against 95 640000 in 1ss7 9640000 in 1ss6 and 6s260000 in 1ss5 the demand for these investments was stimulated by the successful conversion of the british national debt whioh produced a considerable decline in the rate of interest on all firatclasa secu rities the miscellaneous statistics for 1ss7 just issued by the ontario bureau of indus tries contain a great deal of interesting mat ter one of the tables gives an account of our export trade in home productions since 1s6s from this it appears that the year of largest exports was 1ss2 when they reached 90000000 daring the twenty years in question our exports by classes have aver- ed as follows the gross average being 6s- 750000 minerals s 3222000 fish 5968000 forests products 22261000 animals eto 16237000 agricultural products 17404000 miscellaneous 471000 manufactures 31s4000 the exports of manufactured goods have of course diminished by the operation of the tariff they amounted bat year to 3079- 000 or 100000 below the average of the 1 st twenty years tne largest export of manu factures took place between 1s66 and is7s when the average waa nearly 4 500000 the n p came in force early in 1s79 and the export at once dropped to 2700000 the highest figure it has reached since then is s577000 in 1ss the statement mde by the vicepresident of the bulk otottawa at the annual meet ing of that institution that the surplus wheat crop of manitoba and the northwest provinces would not exceed 5000000 bushels has caused no small amount of com ment the comparison with the crop of is000000 to 14000000 bushels in 1ss7 u moat striking and the higher prices within the past few days are attributed in most part to the publication of mr magees re mark he further says that there were exported to eastern canada and europe in wheat and flour about 10500000 and the total value of the exports including other products was over 7000000 this year the exportable surplus of wheat will cot ex ited 5000000 bushels after allowing for home consumption and seed this great allies off is accounted for by the damage caused by frost and blight tne toad value oi the exports from the crop of 1sss will not it is estimated much exceed 4 000000 the prospect of fair prices next year nas causeu a much larger acreage to pe prepared for seeding next spring instead of there being any whtat iu the country to export there is a possibility oi the dominion imporing before the summer comes round again gen- hmsoa5 captitire- excongressa h g burleigh ci whitehall tells a gocd story of harrison which gee to show that the presidentelect is cot so much cj an iceberg as be has beec painted several years ago a dinner party was riven at washington a which senstcrs harrises palmer of michigan warner miller congressman burleigls and several other public men were rreaeet nearly all el whom we e accompanied by their wives mr ckurchiu of gjcvarsville and bis daughter a yocng woman ci engaging manners mental brightness and rare pec- tonal beauty were also among- the sneer ii so happened that mas churchill was the oojy unmarried parson present sad to wards the close ci the recast she became the ics oi aaiasated conversation each statesman haswcacasy eiiasiag her as his own whbi she deftly cecfiaud to manifest any chewe geo harrises expressed ha de tersmaticc to have a hand in the matter and said he felt sure ci ha precedence in mas churchill aatecticca in ths centre ci the sable there was a very rich brge and etvbcrase fruit cake quartered and o each oaarter a peacock feather was meerfr- ed- ssrddensy gen harrises tamped up poesxi ths feathers freer the cake ran arcasd ska takla to mbs ckarehuvs seat aad staking sha feathers in hec hair threw ha area arcaad her and cried cut ive gos rka girt anyway j aaes men thar was as eascurss c sisijaser and the wkcia company gcedkcmccwity ackncwladgd that the trecwral had iarriy wee ska pro troy free a tale of toads our colorado system of irrigation certainly suits the toads visitors from the older states remark upon the multitude of toads the inquest flooding of the lawns give excellent opportunities for the study oi toad life the toads ccme hopping along as fast as they can when the water has been turned on either hearing seeing- or smelling the water into it they plump with evident satisfaction not only enjoying the hath but combining business with pleasure by snap ping up every unlucky insect that takes refuge on tree trunk or blade of grass down beyond the slope near the old sod corral is a shallow pool of alkali water dar ing the first really warm day in may great numbers of toads may he seen in that pool making a joyjul noise i have stood for hours watching their queer performances and trying to make out their significance about onoe a minute each toad would lift up its head displaying its white vest to advan tage and swelling out the loose flesh beneath the lower jaw until it took the form of a small hemisohei e all the while making a loud but somewhat tremulous pentup sound never once opening the month they had just come from the cold dark ground where they had spent the lontr cold winter and f it ai if they could no longer keep silence in the presence of so much water sunshine and warmth great is the capacity of the toad for the insects upon which he feeds woe to the beehives whose neighborhood is infested with toads from the stomaoh of a little toad not larger than my two fingers i removed 39 honey bees a potato bug and a hornet still my bees did not thrive and after many visits i at length surprised at midnight lantern in hand two enormous tcads on the very alighting boards of my hives close up to the clusters of bees that were unable to find proper accommodations inside the hives that sultry night the toads had grown fat and clumsy through imbibing the sweet ness of many a honey bee i had not the hardihood at that wierd hour to remove their monstrous stomachs or to think of counting the number of bees they had slain sometimes after taking a bee in its mouth a toad will give a sudden twinge and look astonished as if it could say bless my soul how hot his little foot is 1 one day this season james called me into a certain back yard where sat close up to a groisy bone three small toads elbows light ly touching every moment a fly alighted on the bone whereupon one or other of the toads snapped it up the number of flies that each consumed must have been simply enormous when a toad is satisfied with his conquests and wishes to retire from view he betakes himself to a softish plot of ground and giving a sweeping or swimming motion with each of bis feet removes the earth from beneath his body after a very few efforts the body sinks below the surface ot the ground another effort and the fresh earth is forced np and drops lightly on the crea tures back in an exceedingly short time the toad has disappeared but at intervals the earth moves slightly as the delver goes down until this hot summer of 1sss i had sup posed that toads reveled in heat this season i had good evidence that like human beings the toad has no fondness for the heated term but that he appreciates the luxury oi ice in midsummer my friend phillipi has his icechest in his north porch a small leid pipe conducts the water from tte melting ice beyond the floor of the porch where it dropi two or threefeet to the ground one hot day in july i saw a toad sitting beneath the pipe and enjoying a bath of ice water as thsdays went on the number of toads increased until one sweltering day iu august when the mercury stood at over 100 degrees in the shade i counted 13 toads huddled close up to the spot where the ice water was dripping the crown of my hat would almost have covered the whole of the snug party the water was perfectly pure and cold and not an insect did i ever see about the drain so that 1 feel positive that the toads were not there seek ing food in the very center of the group with legs sprawling and body flattened so as to reesiva the cooling bath to the best advantage was by far the largest toad of the 13 the icy water was dropping fast on the center of his back the spatters were doing something towards couting off the little toads whether one toad had made the discovery of the charmed place and invited his sisters and his cousins and his aunts or each had made the discovery for himself we my never know bet oca tc was certain from the position oi things every one knew which was the biggest toal in the duddle- grteley colo oitves howako beauty in womans face- no coemttics are so capable of enhancing beauty as the smile of good temper and a desire to please beauty oi expression is more than any other form of loveliness cap able of cultivation a woman may not have perfectly regular features but her face will be so lit np with the beauty of goodness that she cannot fail to please if she strives to obey the spirit of some such rules as the following which may be multiplied or diminished according to particular cases 1 learn to govern yourselves and to be gentle and patient 2 guard your tempers especially in sea sons oi hihealth irritation and trouble and soften them by prayers and a sense ot your own shortcomings and errors 3 never speak or act in anger until you have prayed over your words or acts 4 remember that valuable as is the gift oi speech silence is often more valuable 5 do not expect too much from others but forbear and forgive as yon desire for bearance and forgiveness yourself 6 never retort a sharp or angry word it is the second word that makes the quarrel 7 beware of the first disagreement 8 learn to speak in a gentle tone of voice x 9 learn to say kind and pleasant things whenever opportunity offers 10 study the character of each and sym pathize with all in their troubles however small 11 do not neglect little things if they ca affect the comfort of others in the smallest degree 12 avoid mooda and pats and fits of sulkiness 13 learn to deny yourself and prefer others 14 beware of meddlers and tale bearers 15 never charge a bod motive if a good one is conceivable 16 be gentle and firm with children the last rule refers to children but often a husband is far more difficult to manage if however a wife can keep her temper and persevere in her efforts to please she will in the end conquer by kindness hypnotism at berlin at a late meeting of the berlin medical society prof virchow introduced a french phytic in dr feldmanu who made some experiments in hypnotism a young man named garrick offered himself as a medium after a few seconds of the usual manipula tions the medium fell into a deep magnetic sleep he became perfectly apathetic and motionless in the state of suggestion dr feldmann showed the influence of vari ous medicaments on the medium who took quinine for sugar smacking his lips with enjoyment and he believed ammonia to be perfume and smelt at it tor some time im mediately afterwards following the will of the doctor he showed the usual signs oi ab horrence for those bitter and caustic sub stances with the same success he ate a- lemon lor an apple a piece of camphor held on his forehead had a singu ar effect the medium bent his body far backward and had to be held on his chair a magnet caused a dreamy state during which the medium related his impressions as to the events in the streets la which he believed himself to be then the medium obeyed the will of the doctor in various ways shoveling snow skating falling and risiiig again with one jump at the doctors sugges tion and finally took a pooketbook by force nt of prof virchows pockets he was then ordered by dr feldmahn to reseat himteli and soon woke oat ot the hypnotia sleep re membering nothing of what had happened two young physicians then spoke declaring that such experiments were without scientific basis they believed the suggestions to be probably genuine but as to the other experiments especially the effect of medi cines and the magnet they thought they needed careful examination green ball dresses an important brent in contemplating the most novel costumes imported for wear at fall dress occasions one is led to believe that dancing need not be a torture this winter the bodices are not the little laced affairs so popular last season bat are artistic creations with greek or empire drapery and hide the lines of the waist so that a pole like effect is not obtainable therefore tight stays are entirely unneces sary one of the newest designs is in the modi fied greek style and is destined to be much worn at the opera and at dinner parties as well as dances one dress made in this fash ion is of delicate peach pink nagpore silk with a scirf oi light fawn silk embroidered in threads of japanese gold caught on the shoulders by a dow of pink ribbon an other is all of cielblue crepe de chine em broidered in marguerites and is exception ally pretty while a third is of white mous- saline de sole one of the favorite materials of the day- ana has forgetmenots and moss rose bads embroidered about the scarf and bodice only the soft clinging materials are used for these greek dresses and they are then kept rolled np rope fashion to mke them crepe the hair should be worn in a low roll at the nape of the neck to match these gowns with the front in a high fluffy bang or pom padour and adorned with one or two orna ments sandaled shoes are also worn they are made of satin on colour cf the dress have very thin soles and low heels and are greek only in name although far more com fortable than the usual french slippers long gloves and a feather fan attached to a ribbon are the correct et ceteras to the greek toilet a more modified drees oi the same style is made so that the sbouwerscarf is draped softly over the bust and fastened in at the waist bymeaus oi a broid set silken sash the end of the scarf falls amost to the hem oi the skirt and simulates an overdreas all oi the beautiful game m blue and silver white run with threads oi gold and crimson yellow emhrcidered in big pink rosea or am ber butterflies mauve edged with violets of a deep purple nuegeen with water lilies over it all these and many others as poeti cally fanciful are used for the greek dreests the gauze fa used without lining for the scarf and sash and falls in straight folds over the underskirt of soft silk n t jou the tenors if caste- the evening stars were rising slowly from out the mist that lay wide over the s nmnier southern land the twilight gloom was gathering fast over the earth but gathering faster far pverthe heart of riginald font de bceuf as these words uttered in a low musi cal but determined tone fell athwart his ear the bats circled in the heavy evening air the chimney swallows dived here and there alter their prey old sow sukey the pat oi the household and tie childrens puy- thing lazily scratched her spine along the stoop and grunted forth her satisfaction all regardless of the agony pictured on that haughty southern face as he listened to this more than to him sentence of death celeste siperkins why wont youns marry wenna haint i tuk yer ter every circus that kim erlong haint i alios gin yer all the lemonade and peanuts that yer kin eat haint yer alius kept me com pany why wont youns marry weuns celestes face winced under this truthful indictment but presently her southern saroir fairt enabled her to regain her usual proud indifferent look her father col chalmers cicero siper kins was a southern aristocrat planter and owned as many as 300 acres of good bottom land seventeen head o stock three mules and kept a hired nigger ceeate was his only daughter and heir to whom he denied nothing she had a right to be stuck up and she was the stuckupedeat maiden in all the sonthren land celeete slowly drew off her new sun bon net that day purchased at the fashionable emporium oi j ones cajobs dealers in hats caps boots and shoes drygoods groceries and a complete stock oi all novelties as proved by their printed billheads and gazing straight into reginalds eyes slowly said x i kaint never be y ourn the blood oi the srperkinses is the proudest in all our country i kaint never marry youns re ginald kase kase youns only wears cne gallos caste reared its horrid barrier and re ginald fled outward into the night emigration and labor congressman fords immigration investi gation committee has unearthed some start ling facta at pittsburg and detroit during the past two weeks in one days session in the former city it found that at least 500 pauper and insane immigrants had reached that part oi the country since the law which was designed co regulate immigration had gone into force a period of less than three years evidence was prodaced to show that men fresh from foreign workhouses and criminals shipped to america by the author ities of their native land formed no incon siderable portion of the immigration which had reached pennsylvania by way of new york in detroit a similar state of affairs was disclosed with this difference that can ada was either the source or the medium of this most undesirable immigration of 1370 persons in the detroit poorhouse no less than 740 are foreign born and according to the president oi the county board oi poor com missioner a large number oi the latter are either canadians or have gone to the united states from across the ocean by way oi canada the same witness stated thafa large number of canadian and european paupers and lunatics get letters from cana dian ministers to church people here and are relieved but in the end come on the hands of thepoorauthoritles other witnesses testifi ed that canadian labour la largely employed in nearly every business native labor being crowded out because the aliens are willing to work for low wages forty per cent of the employes of the detroit city railway com pany are canadians of 2100 carpenters in the city about 600 are aliens and there are today 700 idle men in this trade alone all of them natives the flood of foreign labour has reduced wages from fifty to seventyfive cents a day in one manufactory nearly all the employes are canadian girls who were engaged because they accepted lower wages than detroit girls and so on priends in heed indeed- x tiat cui ctca sec as tc whether cc sals carriage b a tasxr may be saai ux a ga- cc way that is decends tvejy xsoa tho bxavec inja ci tii wecassr pceeessv ljsdon is curiously unmoved over the imcediit election for he new county cjaccii which occurs next mocth exp for the occatocal advertisements by the cacdidjted in the pipers and sporadic edi torial ritricei no oce would set ao idea j that anythiagoi to slightest mportacce was pending when as a matter oi fact it the biggest govercmeatal charge that has happened sicca the fall ci seda- las- dec with carly 5000100 b to cosm into c iijai exbtesce manage br own affairs and vote her own sspelke costrd her own excesses acd izrctecaents tor the crss ticw yet nobody seems to take the faintest iarecsst is the master the qsestioe of the adstiaijc oi vrocsen to the cucscil will be tested by miss jase cctdec a daughter cl fat irve trade evaagel who n stands as the liberal candidate li the borssley a ssec asd a likely to be elected- ey civx- tb meat stylish clxh jickecs ocec over a lighter eieca ackceut asd have rsters roetd back their entire lesgth by tab txae the as wio cccccu ex-pre- stdents ci tea csited state ksow seas they ox tcek after their own weirare ice the uzgraaefs repecsr bwisg- cose with them does set as a geseral rule ccscera hsei utaci whether soey sve cc die ex-preai- dest hayes probably kuaws tab asd ewes hfa survival to a rigorous eld age ao ha cvs exertxea- he has i s payctg a van to general harraoc asd a reporter fcuad oca fccixsg kale asd hearty leas see so read wttacus gjaases is sasi axi i aax 35 years csi i w2 call yotr how i har f reserved my eyes i waah them erert marrfmr ex ccid water koec them cfcaed for art r ties apefr more water my genera goad keaha b dae aotau goedcare i take of arysczfazd to tas exsreste wises i take ireejy asd reguarvy it tub are is hoscta get cut tssn tsa air asd smt- vezy sraptd parens ob what denomination are de chfls j asked an eld colored preacher oi a yessg cosple who had brought an isiws to hist tor baptism sahr said tie young father evidently perplexed by the word deaocni- nation i sxsi you ob what denomina tion de chbe war repeated the micbter a little severely the parents looked at each other iu evident cocfcsioc icr a moment then tfce rather stammered cut i i doesai know what yo mcc by decorarca- tito sab hock yo dont v replied the preacher scornfully well dec ill srat- phiy iseordci to yo igcasce so yo kin understand it are de chad a boy cr a gal chile ycctas ccnrpacyir jrat tfc batigctma ysttcgpa as aecceultaticr i have co hesitatacfiic crccocaciasrtae disease aagtna jecccrb eempeaared with mascrfar atrocity fl- jr t- x z 5 a young woman carrying a child about eighteen months old sat in a general wait ing room at the union depot yesterday morning she was sobbing in a heartbreak ing fashion and at times appeared to be hysterically inclined bystanders explain ed her grief she had travelled from a vil lage midway between montreal and qatbec atd her destination was some point in min nesota where her husband was awaiting her her baggage consisted of a valise containing some food and a few articles of clothing icr herself and the infant she had left the valise in the waiting room while she west out en the platform to make some enquiries respecting outgoing traicj dur ing her abeecce the valise went eff in the poeesicn cf a stracger her puree cad been completely emptied by the purchase of a few necessaries for the journey and as these articles were goce she despaired of obtaining food to keep herself acd child alive cnrll ther reached the hems prepared by her husband bet human narcre a cot so bad after all acd while the poor woman was crying h sick p c bebura occu pied nrt in gathering a sebscriptioa frcct the sympathising gr around cer seven dollars and sixtysre cents were quickly raised and to this csnsrtbuttca were added oranges apolea cuts cakes and cgs in angtantiy large quantities to urovice cessers at an aermacie feast the woman continued her journey at cue oticck carrying teaidsa her ccih a bright bribery in the presidential election that bribery and corruption in their gros sest forms held high carnival during the late presidential election of the united states seems established beyond all possi bility of reasonable doubt the more inde pendent papers have ever since been cry ing out for an investigation the chris tian union one oi the most influential oi these now admits sorrowfully that there seems little hope tht any such investiga tion will be held it sees or fears it sees in various circumstances indications of a reluctance on the part of leading politicians in both parties to prosecnte any vigorous inquiry the investigation by the grand jury of indiana is hardly commenced before the judge is called away and the jury ad journed the united states dbtrict attorney undertakes the prosecution and then suddenly resigns his post in congress there is no prospect of an investigation because the session it is said will not be long enough no one of those prominent party leaders who have been specially sing led out and denounced as the high priests of corruption is clamouring for an inquiry au keep suspiciously quiet under the impu tationa a bill has indeed been introduc ed into congress disfranchising both bribe takers and bribegivers but it contains no provision for the detection of bribery and none for this effective prevention that against which ds tocguevflle warned the republic fifty years ago as its chief danger the rule of a plutocracy seems to be coming upon it and the indifference with which the great body of citizens apparently look upon the aggression and usurpation oi the gross and debasing power of money is appalling it is a wonder that both the united states and canada do not adopt the simple and effective english expedient of limiting the amount oi legitimate expenses and requiring sworn accounts oithe dis bursements tie tower of 3abel the eiffel tower at paris has reached the great height of 200 meters or about 660 feet a large flag was run np to apprise paris of the event the tower is now to high that standing on a balcony overlooking the boule vard de cocrcelles a spectator is able to see it reaching far away above the intervening trocadero hill and the tall houses standing thereon as it stands it is far the highest erection in the world the tower will prob ably be ready for the painters earlier than the contractor engaged to let them have it- the intention is to carry the strnctare to unprecedented height of 1000 feet carrymgi face and a iigrt heart old ucvtidmtcc havm feeycci of panaa snares and bonds in tee freccn provinoa haie heard from mm wien yen cave teen gracrarmg ferry vearsyoct we have learned cow to hesitate sir it b en jeetant in a cssa cf rob vt- sirto hesitate and it b also uxors rxaiesszanal sir young chysican may i ask you sir wnas yece cccttcn b tea caeose i ocd patsscbn iacressrrely i the daease sir a suacula arroccy camcqased wen angina pecccrb ycung ghysictw- qmhy yes sir parts acd are faeggaiag to understand teat the ccmcany has cceafaed they are to held a meeting before sea end cf tne week and is already accears teas taey ws kofd tee chamber ci deputies resnoxtaicze for wear has occurred how enig a ensalo- insurance man states teas in 23 years she grcss are jcentctnta paid tx teas city cave eeext 90vct and tie ire fcsaea for sua saata jeratd slliiei- we strccgly suspect tiers b sorgggasg wrscg in sneaxxrsa- e ncc taey are as trikenr eom ntiinsary utcxl sue ccainesa dsaaag cf tha ccmraaaa wsicn taks raks as bmsia the quetsaax crreabticly suggesa fg would tiers b ccecentn ct sues g s i ones if tiers wsrsno snsuraace as ail v dees ncc rs insurance scedxee sc careless- i cr i tfeej can exert epert the chamber rentaica to be seem it wbi be recalled tana wnec as m de leasece suggestion sfcey apiceed pressure so thei reuctsmsatires s tecazi cf the isi granting cernmicc to bane a lacsery lean they were successful bcit- fanger grasca see cgecranity and finnrsog tea serial cf tne chamber teas far saers seems to be no pccnlar daanprutai cf cgtt coarse cf see cenrcany and im rxesnnt is b she french gnxsjreas teat mass sadar simply because is iu refined so cefsier an a c rrunc ccrpcrasxcs as r- eznesse bat g see cfcvufoer cf p csald sceechy by a s rarysngvahn and a fntz racers meal to tie people tits real t3bbc and atetaeda cf see ccmnaay tie numcer cf rae wrnfed wuad be cteereieec the governess in the novels h badly paid and meek treated with little consideration and leading a miserable existence altogether ihat fa the theory in practice it works cut rather difierentiy a case has jass been de cided at grimsby england where mua thoasas a governess claimed damages for assaults alleged to have been committed upon her by the children she was engaged to teach ttaey refused to obey her acd altfccccomplaintswerercadetotirmoirier co cctica was taken cf teem tie little pets who must have been meet rrontiiing infants burned sorpenr m their gcrerceaa room and dashed water cpoo her while she lay in bed in the novels tfce young pre ceptress wccld have meekly borne das acd pcaed as a martyr tna lady was not con structed after that pattern she took legal actios acd the jury after five minntes deliberation awarded the fnllactccns duct ed acd coats tne x t morning pees baa ccme to see canciscazoo that tfce saciriee rt win farintr aceus a good thing for the fame cf see j peepze in foreign ccusxtries if fa scoch many way lead to a tocalafeos- ticc cf tfce lectin cspiaaatic service of tfce cnitedssases istyi teas as a rale amer- icaa drffcciatic represecsatrtca brmg da- eredis en see eccnsry foreigners ccj teing able to understand teas titcae via receive me apcciajntensa do coc recreaeni tfce iasjetea scefaiesem its beat aspects lbs peas may peraaps go too far in its swef r mg eotdemnasitn ntts share aaa been c will oe admitted geed ground in tne pass fee see statement sfcas dbarace fcaa cfsea ceenhraugnaopmaaiesacsc cmsxatien by she ccndacc cf v s ctqsfomass as foreign arr ah tab librrawwq cf tfce saams kas ceen caused by teed sasiury dew m aecomsmg a successor so lcrd saciriee fcxxmtcscrwa to dncurseouaxy da- niased fnas wasaiagtac is atigks be ssh c ggsersfag baanaje teas rf aame she minis or m ctaar words sfcaa tfce caecum of the ftsaa gorernmeas b a a- anjrsfluks jar see enene agamss mcer miffhnaf staraaste cumrnirad by tfce srssea c s ifnr iif

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