Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 11, 1889, p. 4

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the tribune o is le t la jo loi i j ik j liv io k 1 10 1 1 iii ik 1 bl i k 1 ll iii 3 stouffville january 11 1689 club rates we offer tbetbibune together with the following papers from now till the end of 1889 at the prices mentioned weelly clobt and rural canadianzao weekly j7 and farm and fireside f75 weekly ntun nd one engraving christ wore pilate or fathers of confederation m5 weekly news and both pictures oo weekly atriur and engraving falls of niagara 75 eamily herald l century magazine 45 stniehelas 35 address tie tribune stouffvilis ont cobbe8pondkncb we wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible tor the opin ions advanced by oar correspondents corres pondents may write over a psendonyn if they choose but the real name must accompany each communication we have received a copy of the offi cial public accounts of canada for year ending june 188s but have not yet had time to read it carefully but we give a few figures gleaned from us pages any one interested in the matter of the finances of canada can drop in and examine it net debt of canada in j88834s3t3s8 increase over 1887 781658 total receipts from consoli- idatedfund 35908463 total expenditure on consoli dated fund 36718494 deficit 8103 savings bank deposits- 77m330 total amount to credit of de positors 20689031 amounts paid to supersnuated public officers 4uring year 213743 the report of the postmaster general is also to hand and we call a fow im portant facts for the benefit of our readers net revenue of department 196397 net expenditure 3533397 exccm of expensac over revenue 567000 dead- letters leceived 916909 deadletters on hand at the end of june 10103 at the beginning of the new year we are rearranging onr subscription list and we notice the names of several rho have paid up to january 1st- and others who have hot paid at all in order to ensure satisfaction we request that those who are in arrears will ire- member us and those who wish the paper continued will advise us at once remember our terms are one dollar in advance we have not indulged in any boast ing as to improvements in the appear ance and print of the tribune but leave it to your good judgment to say if it is not worthy of your patronage we intend to place our paper in the front rank of canadian weeklies and if our readers will cooperate by send ing a letter occasionally or regularly from tneir own neighborhood we shall have no difficulty in making our col umns interesting to all if you are in town and have a few moments leisure come in and see us and we shall be pleased to show you our facilities for turning out first class work to the editor of the trybune deer sur i have thot i wud like to rite for your paper but i roat to a paper wunst and they did not put in what i rote so i thought if yu wud put in just what i sar i wud like it walt i have not had as good skoolm as sum other fokes but i do pcrtend to no a thing or 2 in the fust place i want to tell yu about our skool wc hed a good teechcr last year mister grimes was his name but a few old cranks in our sexyun got mad about nothin an both ered mr grimes till ho got mad to and said he wudent stop any way now we bev got a nu e man an i hop our folks will try and give him a fare sho an not try to see how much tolt they can find now t like to go and visit skool wuns in a while and sec bow my boys and gals are progressin and kinder encourage the teacher bi lettin him sec that thare i3 at lest wun chap in the sexyun hoo takes an interest in the young and risln generashun and i belevc in allowin the master to run the skool and not a few old wimmen who cant manatee there own 3 or 4 kids let alone 40 or 50 of other fokeses and besides that is the teechers bis- nes and if some fussee old wo man nos how to do it bettern the teocher the trustees had better sack the teechcr and hier the old wunian the toucher ot to get a good decent sallare if a man wants a goodartikle he has got to pay for it same about teechers i dont believe you ken git much of a teecher for 350 dolars the feller that el teech for that aint no good for ennrthing els yeu bet now as i kaluilitte to rite agin i wont tell all i no this time hut will conclude by sayln that i like rare paper fast class and hope it will be a success hopin also that mister grimes will succeed in getting a sootablo place 1 am sur yures trooly j abbe plowmkb j hobbs corners p o p s- i send 2 dolers wttn ter my pa per and thetotherfcr my nabur jim glbbs hoo wants to take it to j p tceespeciallyappwlatethc yplan- tory notes accompanying the above and in order to do mr p full justice we publish his letter verbatim et lit eratlm in the wpe that he will be sa tinned and writ again ed catarrh catarrhal deafness hay feveb ft mew home trefttieht sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of th nose and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved thi to be a feet and the result is that a simple re medr has been formulated whereby catarrh catarrha deafness and hay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions wde at home by u patient once in two week n bfbr catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explamingthis new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by ah dixon sos 303 westkmgsireet toronto canada scientific american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully get the most for your money i did irt kncjw t was leaded r may do for a stupid boys excuse hut what can be said for the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want ot a tonic and bloodpurlfler formerly a course of bitters or sulphur and molasses was the rule in wellregulated families but now all intelligent households keep ayers sarsaparllln which is at once pleasant to the taste and the most searching and effective blood medicine ejrer discovered nathan 8 cleveland st b canton st boston writes my daughter now 21 years old was in perfect health until a vnr ago when she began to complain ot fatigue headache debility dizziness indigestion and losslof appetite i con cluded that all her complaints originated in impure blood and induced her to take ayers sarsaparilla this medicine soon restored her bloodmaking organs so healthy action and in due time reestab lished her former health i find ayers sarsaparilla a mpst valuable remedy for th lassitude and debility incident to spring time j casreightbrooklyn power co brooklyn k t- says as a spring medicine i find a splendid substitute for the oldtime compounds in ayers sarsaparilla with a few doses of ayers fi i u after their use 1 1 eel fresher and stronger to go through the summer- ayers sarsaparilla bsa1sbd br or j c ayar co lowell- watt prlas i six boktca wetty i a hottls we are offering a special reduction on all purchases made during the holiday season boots shoes and slippers iu great variety mens felt boots hakdmade a large stock mens seal felt boots prices exceptionally low- womens misses ano childrens cordigan overshoes we have the exclusive salcoi this line which is something new look at them mens womens misses and childrens overshoes rubbers etc in great variety jjgrprices on anything in the trade lower than the lowest we invite inspection and examination of our stock see the styles look at the quality marvel at the prices ordered work a specialty repairing neatly and promptly done r underbill stouffvilms nov 13th 18s8 stouffville and markham r a good resolve fob the new year bk801vk to shjk tbck fresh importations at 3t jo is jhl new raisins new currants new new teas etc peels new figs that coffee and cheese iu ahead of anything in town croeofti 6lasswarb ku wall papers dry goods iit abtiiidaiioe dress goods cloths flannels ladies and rents gruernseys stouffville cottncil council mot on friday january 4th heeve presiding minutes read and confirmed communication were received from hoidge bros printing account 675 dr s l- frcel attendance to s pet- ermani 15 r- rowan drugs for peterman 375 w forsvthe team ing 40c ii raymer seconded by g flint moved that the above bills be paid a s leaney seconded by h ray mer moved that the collectors roll be accepted and that his bonds be can celled for the year 1888 a s leaney seconded by h mer moved that the council do adjourn sine die reme3 vr ray- now a mistake we have boon informed by a number of our stouffville readers that it was a great mistake on our part last week not to publish the names of all the nominees to the different offices it scorned to is that as the nominations were on monday night that to publish in fridays ppor all those names would he to tell the people or stouffville what they already new quite as well as wc did ourselves the best and in fact the only reason advanced for publish ing all the names was that those who declined would be able to send a copy of the tribune to their friends at a distance who might be interested wo confess that idcanever occurred to us a fact we exceedingly rogret as that is a matter which can still ho attended to we have therefore much pleasure in intimitating to the frierd of the following gentlemen the fact that said gentlemen were nominated for office ln stouffville at the late municipal nominations but for reasons best known to themselves decidtd not to stand for election for reeve mr w p hart- nov councillors messrs joel baker win mason w p hartncy n j armstrong k j c- morris jacob hcisey geo wagg g ii kemp j g clarke j a lodd jos hunter s m warrincr the altar gamsdvakmstifcu at the resi dence of the brides parentsstonltville on wednesday jan 9 by the rev j willoughby maggie eldest daughter of n j armstrong to mr e gams- by of orono fwbebti- groceries teas r v- sugars itiiihhl fruits raisius currants best brands of flour oat meal corn meal granulated wheat cracked wheat graham flour oats and feed come and see us at the telephone store a g brown stouffville dec 5th 1888 cardigans bustles etc stouffvillk not 29th 1888 all at rocll bottom prices 5tov tsa v i have justbought below regular prices a large lot of 3yebns felt boots some of them extra quality overshoes rubbers slippers for men women and children overcoats overcoats overcoats eminent physicians everywhere re commend ayers cherry pectoral as the most reliable remedy that can be had for colds coughs and all pulmon ary disordors ask your druggist for aycra almanac it is the best publica tion of the kind and full of informa tion boys and mens overcoats will be sold at cost call and get a bargain stouffville jan 3rd 1889 j u xcivst u w a t x i propose giving customers the full benefit of these cheap pur- chases and therefore invite all my friends and customers in fact all who buy boots in ringwood stouffville bloomington lemonville allantrae and their respective neighborhoods to call and inspect these special lines and my general stock 0 boots it wirjl pay you to do so i have also special values in mens and boys overcoats mens and boys suits knicker suits for children geo h silvester kingw00d fall and winter goods the subscriber begs to intimate to his numerous customers ana the public in general that he has received and is receiving daily a full supp ly of sea sera vie- gcccfrece ived which will be sold at prices to suit the times in the following lines especially of which we carry a stock xccond to none in stouffville voolens of all kinds in english scotch and canadian makes both for ladies and gents wear made to order or by the piece refidymsde clothing in greut yiiriety gents furnishings consisting of hats and caps collars and lies and everything a man or boy requires to make up his toilet we make a specialty of ordered clothing and guarantee perfect satisfaction before taking the goods away from the premisei we also carry the following staple linen dress goods prints cottonadtvs cottons shirtings table linens hosiery and gloves carpets and oil cloths groceries crockery and glassware wc will not be undersold in a ny of the above lines hoping to be favored with a share of your patronage j bray sontii site main street stouffville

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