Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 21, 1888, p. 8

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b f j 1 i i v uxbridge township council goodwood dec 15th 1sss council met according to a journ- incut at 1130 a ra members all present reeve i tko chair minutes of provisions meeting read and a jprovcil keport was read from w e yat hold p l s of iort perry re survey of road in 8h concession lot 31 with enclosed bill of charges of 12 communications read from j bundy of clareinont asking for compensations for damages sustained to his convey ance owing o a defection culvert on 4th con a committee was appointed to make necessary enquiries and re ports mr e pennock was heard asking for compensation for sheep killed by dogs the following report of committee on debentures was read and adopted committee reported that they had succeeded in negotiating debentures nt a premium of 15i per cent n a l association being the purchasers in the sale of 19000 the premium amounted to 2915 making a total of 21912 from town of uxbridgo as perarbitration 10125 making a grand total of 32070 amount of outstanding- debentures redeemed 30000 leaving a balance for redemption of flouting debt of 2 070 co mmittoc also reported that thoy had succeeded in getting the bank of toronto to relinquish their claim to j per cent upon the amount of deben- tures37 50 as the committee consid ered that the debenture holders ought to pay any charges which the bank could legally claim the bonds of treasurer feasby with the names of sureties attached were examined and on motion of mr mill ard seconded by mr williams the same were approved of by the council on motion of mr willard seconded by mr dowswell the petition of john manlcy and 18 others re the crcetion of a siiiow feuce on 8th concession oppo site lot 27 was granted mr ewen was appointed to examine said fence and if constructed in accordance with the snow bylaw to grant a certificate on the reeve for the payment of 25 c a rod on motion of mr dowswell seconded by mr ewen the mutual improve ment society of goodwood were allow ed the use if the hall by paying the caretakers fee uncil further notice on motion of mr dowswell seconded by mr millard w francey m d was appointed medical healtii officer in lieu of dr black resigned the uovo was instructed to grant his order on the treasurer in favor of a iramber of parsons whose accounts had been examined and passed a bylaw was introduced to provide for the municipal elections of 1889 dominations to take place at good wood on monday december 29h 1888 and the election- at the same place monday january 6th 1s89 mr avery was then heard he asked the council for permission to utilize some trees as fence posts to fasten a wire fence to said trees being situated on road allowance close to where the fence should run mr williams was appoiutnd to inspect the trees and expert in the moan time the matter was laid over a bylaw to provide for the payment of contingent expenses was introduc ed by mr millard seconded by mr dowswell and passed a vote of thanks was tendered the reeve for the efficient manner in which he has discharged his onerous duti council then adjourned sahta glaus has arrived his head office is at hamiltons i one door east of the railway station where will be found the most complete stock of nuts fruit toys confectionary fancy goods christmas axi new years cards ever shown in stouffvillo purses vases pocket knives pipes au mouth organs in endlss variety oysters the best and always fresh take a peep in at hamiltons whitchurch council baixaxtrae dec 15th 1888 council met pursuant to adjourn ment mmbers all present reeve brodie in ths chair minutes of last meeting read and confirmed the reeve submitted a legal opinion from kerr mcdonald davidson and patterson re damage claimed by jas murphy on account of embankment erected by council on 6th concession line opposite lot 14 and to compel council to build a culvert to take off surface waier the solicitors are of opinion that the council is not liable also a writ was served in above action for damages in tlti high court of justice calling on council to enter a defence within ten days moved by mccormack seconded by hartmuu that the clerk be instructed to authorize j k kerr to enter a de fence in the above suit bills were presented from various parties for gravel lumber labor etc expended on the roads and bridges of the township and on motion of hart- man and jlacklem orders were granted on the treasurer for the various amounts aggregating 1g2 91 orders were granted on the treas urer to c j brodie and j c lundy for 3 each for expenses in suit of p wallace vs township of whitchurch and to ed mcquillan 10 for use of room as council chamber moved by hart man seconued by mackleni that the action of mccormack he concurred in and order for 10 bo granted to f lxindy for labor expend ed on concession gth opposite lots 25 and 2g carried the following made affidavit of sheep killed by dogs and received or ders tor twothirds their value as fol lows h winterstem 16 a fock- ler 466 simeon stouffor 6 h woodburn 4 macklem cook s3 33 abner baker 533 charles richard son 4 on motion dogtax was remitted to the following on account of error james jenkins josiah stiver and henry hansford each si and c richardson 2 the council went into committee and passed bylaw for payment of municipal officers as follows reeve brodie for attendance at coun cil and days spent as road commission er at 2 a day 33 hartmau 30 jlacklem 32 mccormack 34 baker 30 clerk salary selecting jurors pos tage etc 30933 treasurer salary postage etc 16570 assessor salary and selecting jurors 11400 auditors 5 each township engineer members of board of health health inspector and treeinspector each 2 per day the collectois time for receiving- taxes was extended until dec 29th to enable him to make full returns l l hartman seconded by g mack lem moved that the clerk causa to be posted according to law a detailed statement of receipts and ex penditures caried council adjourned sine die you want to get fixed up -fok- ichr1st1vias 3 fresh importations at j oto j3r new raisins new currants new peels new teas etc new figs that coffee and cheese is ahead of anything in town crockery glassware axd wall papers dry goods in abundance dress goods cloths flannels ladies and gents guernseys cardigans bustles etc all at rock bottom prices stoufkviiip nov 20th 18s8 -fok- fresh groceries dry goods clothing boots shoes glassware and crockery gents furnishings a large and complete stock to choose from fancy goods x mrs sleek has just received a largo stock jof fancy goods flosses arasenes berlin wools suitable for holiday season best groceries tea from 2ucts up y 50ets gets lib of baking pow- der and your choice of best uri t ul glassware all kinds of canned goods spices 10 bars soap for 25cts oatmeal granulated wheat raisins currants peel con fectionary mils j stock chemist druggist kbaie in general drags a mifl patent wed1c1kes dye stuffs essences pure spices toilet goods c school books also a few likes nv dont buy until you have examined our goods we will not be undersold goods delivered in the corporation promptly at 10 a hi and 4 p m a call solicited todd co a nt know f was loaded may do for a stupid boys excuse but wlmt can bo said for the parent who sis ills child languishing daily and fails to recognize tlio want of a tonic and blondpurifier formerly a course of bitters or sulphur and molasses was the rule ill wellregulated familios but now all intelligent households keep aycra sarsnpnrllln which is at once pleasant to the taste and tlio most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered xuthan s cleveland 27 e canton st itoston writes my daughter now 21 years old was in perfect health until a year ago when she began to complain of fatigue headache debility diwiness indigestion and loss of appetite i con cluded that all her complaints originated in impure blood and induced her to take ayers sarsaparilla this medicine soon restored her bloodmaking organs to healthy action and in due time reestab lished her former health i find ayers sarsaparilla a most valuable remedyfor the lassitude and debility incident to spring time t castricht brooklyn powor co brooklyn n y says as a spring medicine i find a splendid substitute for the oldtimo compounds in ayers sarsaparilla with a few doses of ayers pills after thoir use i feel fresher and srougcr to go through tlio summer ayers sarsaparilla nikpabed x dr j c ayor co lowell mas price i u boulca 4 worth i 6ottifc b a r gains i bar gains i have just bought below regular prices a large lot of veens felt boots sorae of them extra qnality overshoes rubbers slippers for imen women and children i propose giving customers the full benefit of these cheap pur chases and therefore invite all my friends and customers in fact all who buy boots in ringwood stouffville bloomington lemonville jallantrae and their respective neighborhoods to call and inspect these special lines and my general stock of boots it will ipay yotj to do so i ii i immmi i have also special values in mens and boys overcoats mens and ioys suits knicker suits for children geo h silvester ringwood jewellery spectacles which are selling at cost- the following proprietary medicines should be in every house rowans gojgm syrup one of the most effectual remedies in use for coughs colds hoarseness rowans winter fluid the fines prostration in use for chap ped hais and all ltoughuess of tho skin rowans capilline a superior hair pressing promotes the growth removes dandruff and renders the liair soft and glossy rowans stomach drops pains in the stomach bowels c great reductions illinery mrs wilsons -o- is up to the times with full lines of to suit the season some choice mantles left knitting wools saxony berlin and awlilusian also childrens wool goods old ladys dress caps call and sne our goods before pur chasing elsewhere mrs f wilson also special lines in scottish tweeds imported direct tailoring to order a specialty diagonal worsteds fancy worsteds plain worsteds also special lines in teas coffees spices sugars glassware and delfware a call is respectfully solicited w b sanders vr die 6th 18s3 furniture warerooms still to the foue e j davis has now in stock a varied assortment of furniture prices exceptionally low- picture framing a specialty a fine line or baby carriages tjistderta-khstg- in all its brandies pn shortest notice give mteaoall iejdayissabersbiocl ji j

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