Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 21, 1888, p. 5

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district news bloomingtonw r x k patterson has rented and is moving into philo pattersons bouse ut the saih end ot the village a toiin 01 horses took a whirl all by themselves the other nigh and reached church kill safely where they were stopped there was some extract of tangleleg in the matter ii what might have been a serious hy iicctdest occurred at the public school here on monday morning the teach- vr not having arrived in time to ring ttib first lieu toof the boys kindly licrformed that service and thereby bangs a tale or rather a clapper af ter said clapper had clapped two or tlme times it suddenly in defiance of the law of gravitation started heaven wards through the roof of thu belfry hut changing its mind it dropped as vapidly to the grotunl several rods from tho building and would have struck one or morj of the boys 01 the head only thit there were very few there and those who had arrived had hold of the end of the rope altona mr john monkhnuse of chicago paidl us a visit last week mr john reynolds is home for chris tmas a public school examination was held in the allona school on friday doc 14th mr campbell of glasgow assisted in the examination 01 the pupils and after that part of the pro gramme was concluded mr edwin cliff was appointed chairman candies etc were then distributed and many many o those present responded ably to a call iromi the chairman for ad dresses there were about one hun dred and twenty five visitors present on friday evening of last week the homoofmr aiid mrs a iesor was the scene of a pleasant social gather ing of young people seven boys and seven girls were they and enjoyment was at once declared in order the mill was explored by the jubil- nnd lads and lasses and it was observed ihat some were much interested in the price of flour others were employed in deciding the exact amount of pres sure they were exerting on the surface of the earth the ice covered pond was not for gotten and the merry makers devoted some time in wearing off the soles of their boots on its smooth surface meanwhile a bountiful repast was pre pared by mrs kcesor to which all did justice after tea alady of the company by carefully examining the contents ot the tea cups was able to reveal to the eager listeners some of the secrets of the near future when these inter estlng exereises were concluded two of the young men were furnisned with aprons by their fair friends thus 1 quippedthey subjected the beautiful glassware and porcelain to a painful operation using in the treatment a chemical compound of oxygen and hydrogen the operation was criti eajlv watched by all present and the result awaited in breathless excite- ncut fortunately 110 accidents occurred to inar the success of the achievement but some of the onlookers went so far as to insinuate that no perceptible change in appearance had been wrought innocent amusement made the time go rapidly until the warning hand on the dial apprised the company that it was time to separate mr and mrs reesor possess the happy faculty of making guests feel entirely at homo and the thanks of those present are due thgnii for their kindness a brilliant assemblage the annual xmus examination ofthe ahona public school was held on fri day dec 14th the crowning and magnificent suc cess into which this flourishing insti tution has developed is in every way meritorious to the ripe culture the exceptional and distinguished ability and the scholarly attainment of the teacher mr w j stark and the honor and public applause which lie has won to our school were honestly ae uowledged on friday by the attei dance of iearly two hundred visitors which charly shows that no only has he given universal satisfaction but what tin exalted prsuion he occupies i- public opinion the large school room was decorated in n charming and tail- manner and appeared very fascinating both to pupils and a i itors the examination commented h mt eleven oclock and the crawd was 10 hi deeply sensible that it was no me than ic i process or nut up job lu a very interesting systematic and synop tical review of lessons which character ized the work of the past year the lady visitors were very consi derate in bringing their well tilled baskets and when uoon arrived the pupils and visitors mingled together iu a feast which embraced every delicacy which could please the taste or tickle the palate the young gentlemen guests appeared to be in close sympathy with tha large troop ofcharmiiig ladies who acted as waiters and the dinner was discussed with rare gusto mr campbell of glasgow very ably assisted mr stark in the afternoon in reviewing by humorous recitations by the pupils at the close of tnc examination proper our genial and liberal trustees appeared in our midst in the disguise of santa clans we need not mention the result as the sombre shades of night were gathering around mr edwin cliff was hastily called to the chair who with a number of other gentlemen made short but pointed and eloquent addresses complimenting the teacher over his pheno menal success by many warm expressions of love and esteem ed one of the most successful and best attended examinations ever held here was then brought to a close by the national anthem it is with a feeling of pleasure that we heartily welcome mr stark as our teacher for the ensuing year not only because we liave learned to enjoy his society and to- mingle together in friendship and unity but for- the in terest he has manifested in the enjoy ment of his pupils and for the unwear ied zeal that has marked his labour in the past on helping forward their men tal development shaping the future of nations tee happiness of the race and the growth of immortal souls may he continue toibe an earnest original aspiring energetic and in telligent worker andhe will always be sure of new fields- to enter nobler vlctoricssto gain and grander work to be accomplished w gladstone baukev maple farm altona nearly all colds are slight at first but their tendency is to so lower the system that the sufferer becomes a ready victim to any prevalent disease tho use of ayers cherry pectoral in the beginning of a cold would guard against this danger catarrh catarrhal deafness hay fever a hew howe treatment sufferers are not generally snare that these diseases are contagious or that they are due lo the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved tlii to le a fact and the result is that a simple re- medvjias been formulated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n bkor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a ii dixon son 303 west king street toronto canada scunlifii american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully on 01 until your hair becomes dry thin nid trray before giving thu attention iiuidud to preserve its beauty and vitality keep on your tnilubtahle a honle of ayers hair vigor the only dressing you require for the hair and use a huh daily to pristiivo the natural color and prcyunt baldness thomas muinlay sharon grove ky writes kevtrrnl months ago my hair commenced fnurnvout and iu a few wbekti my head vits almost bald i tried many remedies but they did no good i linully jiouaht a iwittlc ot aysrs hair vigor mid after lining only n part of the content my fcfad was covered with a heavy growth ofjiair i recom mend your preparation us the best liulr- reslorer in ilie world my hair was faded am dry writes mabel c hardy of dolnvnu 111 but after usingji bottle of ayeitt hair vigor it liecnino black and glossy ayers hair vigor 5oj i y ftrugxuu aucljferfmncrs theynever fall mr s m bough- ner langton writes for about two- years i was troubled with inward piles but by using parmelees pills i was complelely cured and although four years have elapsed since then tbey havo not returned parmelees pills are antibilious and a specific for the cure of liver and kidney complaints dyspepsia costiveness headache piles etc and will regulate the secre tions and remove all bilious matter free and easy expectoration im mediately relieves and frees the tbroar ad lungs from visaid phlegrdj and a medicine that promotes this is the lkst medicine to use for coughs colds inflammation of the lungs and all affec tions of the throat and chest this is precisely what bickles anticonsump tive syrup is a specific for and wher ever used it has given unbounded satisfaction children like it because it is pleasant adults like it because it relieves and cures the disease duffebin land loani agekclrr farms far sale amaranth west halflot sand 6 con a 200 s3 con 3 io con 3 130 1 con 6 130 east 3 con 3 130 west 6con6 100 22 con 4 100 west con 1 i- east 6fon 3 100 24coni 100- 25 con 5 125 20 con 8 ioo- west 10 and the wjfi of the ej of lot 10 con 2 150 acres and lot 11 20a acres eat 28 con 7 co west con 3 100 east v 2 cm 10 80 west 12 ands of the wj lot 13 concession 1 150 22 con o 103 v 5 and 6 con 5 200 of w halfloi 4 con 9 45 mono part of wast half let 20 concession 83 iot 23 concession 1 east 200- east half of lot 15 concession 3 west 100 east half of lot 14 concession 3 west ioo west half of lot 36 and 27 concession 7 aoo east half of lot a3 concession 3 west 100 east half of tot as concession 6 east 96 w part of lot 7 concession 2 cast mono 79 e part of the east half lot 7 con 1 east mono also a new sasr mill on lot 50 gauafraxa east half of west half and west half of east half of lot 16 concession 10 100 south west part of lot 16 and 17 con 11 200 lot 4 concession d 25 west half of lot 14 and 15 concession 14 200 west half of lot 9 concession 17 100 east half of west half of lota con deast- 73 3 concession a 75 melancthon lot 266 concession iswoft and s r 58 lot 225 concession a 0 lot 279 concession 2 50- lot at8 289 and 290 concession 4 s w oftnnds k 150- ixt 2 concession 4 w iot ai concession a n e of 100 lotsn and 12 con 5 s w of t and s r 200 lot 18 6i 100 caledon east half of lot 3i 4 west 72 wctt half of lot 23 concession 5 west 100 wxst half of lot 3tf concession 1 oo lot 2 cimtcsssion 1 cast i- woodhouse part of lots 13 and i8 in the gore of the township of woodhousc 34 osprey lots 1 3 3 and 4 con a south duiham 200 lot 13 concession 13 100 euphrasia west half of lot 15 concession 11 100 al11i0n ot 16 intl i7cncei m 7- 161 also for sale in orangeville a numncr of liriak ind frame dwelling houses a great number of ttuitding fots and atenacrc field all of whlcfcwrll be som cheap and 011 easy terms a cemmission of ten dollars on all salcvjmtfcr foui hundred dollars over four hundred dvllaxs ci r w medlay manager office opposite the gordon house orangeville out 5tfire and life i nsurance and loan agent valuator his is advertising see how it reads what does daley sail wiry boots and shoes of course where is daleys shoe store one door east of the luk in daleys block stoutfville are daleys prices right tt arc all right d033 daley advertise a little bit does it pay him to advertise well he sells a great qnantityof boots and shoes always busy there it must lie the big stock or the little prices or the advertising or some thing- daleys is thaplace for anything in the shoe line- r j daley stocmille november 29th 18ss the cheapest peace to buy christmas goods is at j ttrqtjharts note the following prices 3 lbs granulated sugar foi25c 3 los ligbt sugar for- 25c 4 lbs dark sugar 25c 3i lbs raisins for 25c 3h lbs currants for 25c 6 lbs kice for 25c g lbs barley for 25c 3 boxes matches for 2 brooms for 10 bars soap 6 bars electric soap for 3 lbs starcbfor- 1 lb good tea ioiv 25ev 25e- 25c 25 25c 2jc 2 fajiuy gups aud saucers for 25e dress goods from 10c per yardlirp flannels from 15c per yard up grey cotton 5c to 10c per yard ftstand every line of goods equally low- i my stodc of dry goodsgroceries glassware a ncl crockery now complete mens youths and boys overcoats- selling very cheap- ta clear a large lot of wall paper- always oa hand stouovillb dec 4th 18s8 j u ku mar jl fall and winter goods the subscriber begs to intimate to his numerouscustomcrs ana tbepublia in general that he has received and is receiving daily x a full supply of seasonable goods is3eivell which will be sold at prices to suit the times in the following lines especially of which- jvo cany- aptoek second to none ui stoutvvillo tvoolens fa eziricls in english scotch and canadian malos for ladies and gents wcjijnade to order or by the picco i rmmmnm clothing in greht mriety gents furnishings consisting of collars and lips and ovrythiiig a jnan or boy requires to- make up his toilet we make as8ecialty ofordered clothing and guarantoe psrfect satisfaction before- tajjing the goods away from the premisec wo also carry- the following staple lines dross goods prints cottomulos cottons shirtings table linens hosiery and gloves carpets ftjid oil clohs groceries and glussware we will not be undersold in any of the above lilies hoping to be fayorad with a share of your patronage j bray mm maihiw stqufffltle t he wants all the promptpaying jxwple in stouffville and thesm-ronnding- eoimtry to call and inspect his line steele of goodiowhich the following is but a sample 18 lbs brown sugar for pimples and blotches go ilislljtiring to the facfi orchonilnnd neck niaylx entirely removeil liy tlio uiirof ayers siirsnpnrllln tiiv liest nml safest altemtlvuniulblooilpari tier ever iliscoveretl dr j c ayorfe co lowell mass sold bjf bmsjf i kottloii for ti 10 light brown sugar for 16 vliito sugar ftr- jlli griimlated sugar for 5 good tea for bo best 50- tea in the dominion ioa 100s 1jcu 100- 100 100 100 2g lbs jucc far 14 currants for- soda 5 cts- per lb salnion 15 cts per can in fact every tin ag in the grocer line at leading jrices 1 trcnn4ouspiles of overcoats arid readymade clothing at unheard of prices the largest and most stylish assortment ol gents furnishings in town see them we lead in dress goods for quantity stylesand cheapness anything in mantling or mantles to behad at warriners a large quantity of cottons prints dress goods reduced v tc cost call on warrincr for bargains as he is fairly giving away goods stoffssvhimfc nor stu im

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