gooseboke psedicitons the sort oi weallitr we are to bate dor ins cue winter the foreshadowing of the approaching winter as it is read from the dote ond lines on the goose bone is not a cheerful story the promise given forth of sleet scow and cold is a gloomy picture for the poor to look upon and the many whose short parse will not permit them to lay in a bouutiiul supply of fuel will shiver at the thoorht of the kind of weather that the little hone foretells for the nozt four months there will be more cold and wet weather than the people of this latitude have experienced for many a winter and the cold spells will be longer and more severe than usual the bone is dark at both ends which indicates long winter winter weather we will and i3teee3t1kg akd eeilaekable facts have in november and the ice i snow will be familiar sights far along into imarcb the goose from whose bone this study was taken was hatched in april and killed after vhe ides of september the bone is wokderpully masked the dots and breves and lines mingle all along the keel thus indicating very change able weather but the breves mostly turn down and are heavy showing that the gene ral character of the winter will be falling cold weather the danger period is longer for november than any other month running from the 10h to the end with the moat severe weather falling between the 20h and 26 h and at ady time within this period blubtcring ssows and unseasonable cold weather may bo looked for the first danger period in december ex tends from the lot to the 5th after which there will probably be a few day a of sunshiny weather the heaviest storm period of the month centres in the christmas holidays beginning on the isth and passing to the 27th at the opening of the holidays we will have very foul and probably some of the coldest weather of the season and these cold lines run alone the bono until about the middle of january watch this pricj but above all prepare for it it is more than probable that the earth will be covered with snow whin cm is mas dawns and that a cold north wind will be blowing to that christmas fires v ill have to be bright and big for comfort the 24th and 25th of december will be the darkest storm days ok the month on the bone m the indications of wet cold and btormy weather meet about that time it is a curious clustering of bad signs such as is seldom neen on the bone and a mixture of weather may be looked for with wet and cold predominating during this long spell of bad weather some of the dots on the bone are very dark which means very cold and we need not look to see the mercury far away from zero during the holi day week the new year will come in cold and clear with the first danger period commencing on the 14th there are three storm periods in this month the second commencing about the 14th and the last one about the 23rd of the month the dots that appear on the bone up to the middle of the month are heavy from about the 10h to the 15th especially so and during this period very cold weather may be looked for daring december and january the mercury will frequently bo below zero probably remain ing there for days for february short periods run all along the bone and the general character of the month will be stormy and blustering with some very cold days at the first of the month and again at the close these severe spells and continued cold weather will keep the ice and snow and the first spring month will be as hoary as old winter ab the bono ends very dark it is very pro bable that march will be a repetition of november in that case the farmers will find it very difficult to break ground and all kinds of vegetation will be very late in getting a start it will not be safe to put things in the ground too soon as such a winter will be likely to be followed by kill ing frosts far into april the writer re members to have jeen only one other bone to compare with the one this year and that season there were frosts as late as may every indication from the reading of the bone points to a backward spring and the gardeners who have their richest harvest in early vegetation will find their work risky and difficult an aid to science- curiously enough the first raft built by mr leary and which resulted so disastrous ly to its projectors as a financial ventnre proved an invaluable aid to science it will be remembered that it broke up off nan tucket during the severe storms of late de cember and since then almost up to the pre sent time theso logs have been met by vessels and their exact position noted and forward ed to the hydrographio office at washington ah these reports have been carefully collated and compaied and the result is that the central office can now furnish mariners with a chart showing the courses of various ocean currents that could have been obtained in no other way indeed eaoh log in mr learys raft became a special messenger of the office doing the same work on a gigantic scale on which the government of this and other countries have been engaged with floating bottles the bigger half bobby said his mother did you give half of the orange to your little sister oh yes ma i gave her more than that replied bobby with a generous air did you indeed bobby why that was very nice of you yes ma i sucked the juice out and gave her all the rest oso of the semiannual revolutions is going on in hayti president telemaque was as sassinated last september gen legitime has seized tho reigns of power and is trying to compel tho assembly to meet at port au prince in order to go through the form of electing him twothirds of tho assembly men rofuso to come opposition to legitime is developing undor gen hippolytc who is collecting a large force legitime however has possession of the navy two gunboats and is blockading tho ports he has in volved himselt in a serious scraps by seizing an american vessel the haytien republic a petition has been presented to secretary bayard asking for his interference hayti is in a state of anarchy half tho time and the lives and property of americans and other foreigners are constantly in peril there will be no lack of pretext for interfer ence when the with to intefere arises a chicken with hair instead of feathers is a curiosity at perry g capt a c p haggard brother of the novelist is about to become a writer of fiction himself he has already published several military diaries brownings venetian palace was built in the seventeenth century and is in renaiss ance style the principal rooms are beau tifully frescoed and other wis decorated the ameer of afghanistan whose reputa tion for crime is quite equal to that of the uilbertian sir rupert murgatroyd is plan ing a pleasure trip to england next year george henschel and his wife will make the american transcontinentil tour this season henschel has bad a remarkably successful summer as conductor of symphony concerts in london the canal four miles long through the isthmus of corinth in greece is just ap proaching completion history tells us that work was begun on it nnder emperor nero over 1700 years ago patti is announced to appear as juliet at the paris grand opera esmond yates gloomily prophesies failure and adds that paris decadent as it is is not yet compar able to chicago or buenos ayres the surviving tfficers of the battle of balaclava in the crimean war held their annual reunion at williss famous rooms in london recently when soldierly toasts were drunk and patriotic speeches made j c monford of baltimore md had a little celebration to himself this year he is tae only survivor of the old defenders astociation composed of men who fought in the battle of north point during the war of 1812 jesse james jr the son and heir of the missouri bandit is at work in the real es tate office of exgov crittenden of that state the very man who secured his fathers death this makes a very good denouement for a dime novel prof simon newcombe is working on an important volume devoted to theoretical as tronomy its general object being to deter mine the form siz and position of tho orbits of all the large planets of the sclar system from the most recent observations lady herbert whoso husband was in charge of the british war offiue during the civil war has come to this country ano will interest herself in tho condition of tho southern negroes she has a project for building an orphan asylum for colored child ren at baltimore sculptor boehma next work will be a statue of emperor frederick he has almost finished an equestrian statue of prince albert which is to stand in wind sor ea great park it used to be a standing grievance with englishmen that the prince consort couldnt ride decent- beiiieb being able to get their fried soles and chops in fttris englishmen will present ly bowl along the smooth pavements of the french capital in their native hansoms the snrewsbary cab company of which lord shrewsbury is at the head are to establish a plant of 300 hansoms in paris drawn by english horses an influential paper of badapebth hun gary advocates a reform in the upper house of that country making titles of nobility descend only to the eldest son and having them inseparable from a seat in the house english fashion the reason is fantastic enough that socalled barons and dukes have been killing themselves lately because they had no money to bupport their dig nity two explorers who descended the trinity river in a boat from dallas tex to its month say that for many miles the river passes through dense and lonesome forests where the foot of a white man has never trod many other long stretches of unin habited river front are even deserted by beasts and birds they travelled as long as fourteen days at a time without seeim a human being except themselves gentlemen said aa indignant passen ger on a south side cable car yesterday will none of you get up and give ibis old lady a seat j ill thank you sir snap ped the lady to attend to your own affairs i am not as old as yon are by twin ty years if im any judge of a persons age no lengthy advertisement is necessary to bolster np dr sages catarrh remedy a philosopher says that of soup and love soap is better it is true however that both go down with a spoon i know tis a ia f but im bent oo the notion 111 throw hj mil into tho de p briny ocean is the mental exclamation of many a suf ferer from headache indigestion constipa tion torpid liver etc the nseoidr pierces pleasant pellets however would transform those unfortunates and cause them to sing- but my spirit thall wander through ay coral bower and frisk with the mtrmlds it thill by the powers a pine floor washed with a solution of one pound of copperas in a gallon of strong lye will take on the color of oak the old oaken bucket the ironbound backet the moss covered ucket is very likely the one that his conveyed poisons to your system from some old well i whose waters have become contaminated from sewers vaults or percolation from the soil to eradicate these poisons from the system and save yourself a spell of malarial typhoid or bilious fever and to k eep the liver kidneys and lungs in a healthy and vigorous condition use dr pierces golden medical dicovcry the greatest blood puri fier of the age a wet towel pinned over a stiff broom offers an easy means of cleaning oil cloths gofi bo more watson s cough drops are the best to the world for the throat and chest for the voice unequalled see that the letters r t w i are stamped on each drop i an english paper irritated by lectures on the duty of always regarding very tenderly the interests of foreigners eays let the world take care of itself we want our statesmen to take care of england s canadians may profitably consider this say ing with the necessary change for local ap plication charity is good but it need not begin abroad nor what is still wore cease thero and never come home twentyfive years after the burial of sj9000 by a virginiin a baltimore woman located tho spot in a dream and next tlaj took two witnesses with her and dug up the coin canada permanent loansavinpoonipaiiy mcoktobatcs 1853 head office toronto st toronto to loan en us uvuit rates no delay correspondence solicited k tt i btitleit finanoittl ags established i860 72 king st e toronto mhe dandy patent baoholder q which every farmer wants now costs ony 75 cts nd it there is no local agent maybe obtained free by aexpress or mail on sending price to 0 w allen ji co world buildfng toronto the eedeghog the hedgehog like the mole is nocturnal in its habits it frequents woods copses old gardens orchards and thick hedgerows where it remains rolled up in its retreat during the it coming forth on the ap proach of twilight and continuing on the alert till mornir g its motions aro quick and irregular and its gait a sort of heavy paddling its food consists of insects slugs frogs toads mice and other little animate to which it adds eggs young nestlings and various kinds of vegetables it is also said to pry upon snakes which it attacks in tho following manner the cunning quadruped makes a sudden attack on tho reptile and giving it a hard bite instantly rolls itself up for safety then it cautiously unfolds and inflicts another wound repeating its attach till the snake is scotched is backlom being broken in several places it next pass es the body of the enako gradualy through its jaws cracking the bones at short inter vals which done it proceeds to eat its vic tim as one would eat a radish beginning with the tip of the tail and slowly proceed ing upwards the hedgehog may be easily domesticated and becomes familiar with its keepers feed ing on soaked bread vegetables and meat it is useful in kitchens which it effectually clears of crickets cockroaches beetles and similar pests it is often kept for this pur pose in london houses where these annoy ing little creatures seem to abound in great est numbers in domesticity they are in teresting and amusing and are easy to keep the female breeds early in the summer forming an artful nest roofed so as to throw off the rain within it is well lined with leaves and moss the young from two to four in number are blind at their birth are about two inches long perfectly white and naked though tho rudiments of the prickles are perceptible these soon develop them selves and harden even before the eyes are open but it is not till a later period that the young are able to draw down the skin over the muzzle and fold themselves into a com plete ball the mother is intensely fond of her young when i say coke i do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have tliem re turn again i mkas a kad1cal ouitk i have made the disease of fits epilepsy or falling sickness a life long study i w cube the worst cases failed is no reasonfor not now receiving a ib bottle this coineq acfon gives it won derful power to cure all diseases why are we sick because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated and these great organs to become clogged or torpid and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally ptnfi s celery r compound will curebrvtotj8hesspns8 constlpatjtglf kidney com plaints tjkirary diseases female veaiessrheujia- tish neuralgia akd 6jx nesvow3 dis0udek3 by quictint end strengthening the r ij srd caus-n- free action of the liver uowek and kidneys and restor es their pcve to throw off disease wh7sueer3ii5utii end achcal why tormented kittli constipation y7hj frightened ovordiscncrou kidneys wby endure nervosa or sick headaches vthy have slecleci niata use paini- crln- compound and rejoice in health ilisan entirely vegeta ble remedy harmless in all cases sold by all druggists vtvioc sixforsco wells richardson co proprietors montbeaii s q subscribed capital smm0m paid vp capital st30o000 total assets 10oo0eo0 the olareed capital and resources of this company together with tbe increased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money enable the directors to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate cf interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security application ma bemade to either of the companys iocs appraisers or to 1 bebbertilasonmanart director toronto m st paul minneapolis a ntto b railway a commencing on saturday nor 11th th re will bo a daily first class through tain sen ice b etweea st pu1 and butte moutaua comprised of draw ingroom sice iusr car day coaches dinioj car and free colonic sleeper hqulpmen new moder- and equal to the bot leaving st paul every morning and runoln directly through to butte tire only line witb out chain e und the only line ia ft kuford ft benton ureut fni anr helena kor particulars apply t i whitney jm htckins gen pass tkt agt traveig pae agt st paul 4 palmflr house block toront the racer thm baeklancctootli crosscut saw true boiler inslectloii and snsur i ance company 1 canada consulting engineers and solicitors of patents tobosto 0 hobs oniet rnlaaer feaskk seoytrcai h williams co scltlioofers manufacturers and dealers is rootlm felt slaters pelt deafening felt carpet taper building paper roofing pitch oolce coal tar lake gravel 4 adelaide st east toronto the toronto silver plate co manufacturers of the high grade of silverplated wares trade mark factories ano salesroom 420 to 426 king st west t0rqht0 eg gooderham mauaf- o copp suotreos stained glass for churches dwellings and public buildings mcauslnd to kins st w toronto the maple lef racr and lanca orosscut saw are now bold in all parts cf the world tho quality of these saws u unequalled their excellence ia wholly due to thtir superior t the procesa cf which is kept a profound secret by shurly dietrirh the manufacturers of these paw one of the best evidences of their superior quality is that other saw manufacturers put on the market as clcfe an imita tion of tbs siws as they are alle to pre uce and represent it to be as pocd a the msplfl leaf paw they run their eaw upon one name unt ithe public become famitar with its inftrio quality then they change the name in order to hunbuf the public another season all of which is he very best evidence of the superior quality of the maple leaf saw bf it ia not tho custom to counterfeit a poor article thete counterfeits are sold for a much lower rice than the maple leaf saw can be bought f r tho dealer of course endeavors to sell thorn at marly the same price thereby realizing a larger profit and some of tho more unpriucipled dealers iu crder to eli the counterfeit saw will tell untruths of various kinds regardintrthe quality of both the genuine and the i counterfeit good good are always cheap poor goods are dear at any price a saw like a knife will not cut fact unles it wil hold a kern cutting edge price 100 per foot manufactured odiv by shdett dietrich saw manufacturers a life long study i warrant my remedv to liccaiise others have vlng a cure send at once lor a treatise and a jfrkf of my infatliblk rkmkuy give express and lost onice it costs you nothing lor a trial and it will cure you address h g root mc 164 west adelaide st toronto ont every housekeeper should include in her holiday purchases a supply of johnstons fluid beef 1 u itmabp8 warming palatable rioter beverage io makes rich f vy for meat it is lodis- oenpibo in time of riskiess beef tea mde from johnstons imd bee is relished by children and adults and has a wonderful birfcufiuiening and invigorating effect it is popularly known as the great strength giver johnstons cjluidbeef the great strength giver a perfect food a for the sick v warming hu va powerful ygw invigorator baa i mmmmmm tvs arf children toho cheerfully join in the chorus whek breadinakers yeast is the subject before at- mamtna tried all the rest so the knows if s the best lightcs cause her bread is the whitest her buns are thi i a nd ve eat all the pancakes she dare set before us j buy the 8neadimakers yeast price 5 gents i standard chopping mills usesbestfrenchburite millstones finestcrinoerinthe worio ho renewing plmesasin1r0hm dentist mr doppenheimer you wont feel me pull tho tooth the gas will make yon insensible you wont know whats going on doppenheimer ish dot so well i dinks i coomes tomorrer dentist but why cot let mo pull it today dop penheimer well i don yoost known how much monish der wash in my pockedbook for best family use carbon safety oil ask dealers for it wholesale depots oni ario- toronto 30 front street east ottawa 3s spark street bktlkviiib l w yeomans co quebecmontrkal e cavanatrh maritime phovikcesst julius jos bullock sons manitoba n wt brandox w johnston co saml rogers co toronto canada oass 0 eiatt ok- canada- w wrp and funds now over 3000000 head office 15 toronto street toronto on a home com established o 1871 to this date october 31st 1887 thera has been returned to he heir of polloyholders death claims 649241 00 to the holders of matured endowment policies 26 482 es to policyholders on surrender of policies b886a oo tc polloyholders for cwh prosta including thoso allocated and being pald 482644 04 to holders of annultvbondi 1967 84 loaned to policyholders on the security of tholr polloles 82264 83 policies in force over 10000 amount ov w 15ooooo0j president hon sir w p howland ob kcmg uwvuuvw vioepresidents william elliott esq edward hooper esq k macdona1d managing directors ctpollcies nonforfeitable after 2 years and indefeaalbleafter 8 years mmsjl snur rely on hop bitters a wonderful nerve tonic a medicine not a drink cure all diseases of the stomach bowels blood liver koneys urinary organs nervousness sleeplessness female complaints drunkenes8 tk w pp 1000 reward paid for a case they will not cure it may save your life