Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 7, 1888, p. 5

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district news i ballantrae the methodist sabbath school pur pose holding their annual christmas tree and fruitfestival on wednesday tile 19h in-st- xo pains will be spared by the committee to make it a success ful event messrs thos and wm conner of of this place are visiting friends in michigan u s mrs cousins of peel is visiting her friends in ballantruc mr jno brown has recovered from his severe illness mr john h staley is building a very handsome residence which will add much to the appearance of our flourish ing little towv siloam mr charles houkley of zephyr paid his friends hre a flying visit last week special services are being held m this plate by the m ii bof uxbridge insisted by the rev d defooand rev 14 moore ot saudford goodis being dene a party of hunters from and about tlie village of stouffville have been visiting the swamps of this neighbor hood once a weak for some ti- they had better go some where else for a change as the farmers intend triying some means of protecting the rabbits 0 monday lash as ms l- canficld was underbrushing the axe glanced and struak him on the foot ihflietingr a severe wound likcocxville mr and mrs e eli y of essex cen tre aie visiting relations and friends in this neighborhood and markham lefore taking their departure to the orange groves of florida the mennonites of mount joy and vicinity are again holding revival meetings which are attended very well afternoon visits are being made at theseveral homes by two young lad ies of 5it joy miss s armstrong lately of toron to is again at heme we are always glad to see friends returning mr p handrehen has purchased a fine mare ot mr j morden we un derstand it was a fine price which he paid- we would like very much to jknow whether the sudden death at pales tine was of man or beast wo suppose mr bulgerto have gone to the bone- yard as dr crow fox and dog are holding an inquest or by this time pro bably in the dissecting rooms whitevale mr and mrs dundas spent sunday with mr and mrs hamilton miss mary white of pilot mound returned home tuesday last after an absence of four years she reports the climate anything but sultry out there we regret to learn that our respect ed citizen mr h i lord met with a serious accident last week fracturing iiis right ankle we trustee may speedily recover the use of the fractur ed limb s b says he will willingly give gvc years of his life to know who was the last correspondent a farmer living on the base line be tween whitby and oshawawas awak ened rom his slumbers one night last wpik by a youig man who had lost his way and was enquiring the nearest route to demill ilorafused to give his name and said he was a tinpeddler and hailed from wliitevalo vhn we may expect a happy meeting a xfiias with full instructions of route and question william to start firming in the spring ws to sing liiil tc our beautiful queen or never to take tha hot shoe from the door pickering news- whats the matter with the herald jlu the laffissue or that exceedingly lvmbitious journal it is urged upon the chieftain to take n c wallace into tha cabinet and thinks his would lc a popular appointment xo doubt i would gratify those who revere the jiiorious- pioui and immortal memory ou we fancy that better in mi could be found in thj conservative ranks the pickering news thus takes up the cudgels in defence of the village fireengine somebody in this vill age is libelling our fire engine in a quiet insinuating way they whisper that it isnt what it might be of course it isnt it might be a balloon or a threshing machine or a turnip- slicer but itisnt its a hand fire- engine and a mighty good one for the money thomas robinson farnham centre po writes i have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last ten years and have tried many remedies with out any relief i got a bottle of dr thomas eclectric oil and found it gave me instant relief and since then have had no attack i would recom mend ic to all gkbat scott the borealis last week points out and gives the names of the members of the aurora council who are cold water men and those who indulge to a certain extent in strong drink the list shows two of the for mer class against ten of the latter we presume the borealis does not charge for this advertising but wonder he does not gcllus head punched for tha exposure the analysis was brought about by a remark in a sermon preach cd by one of the resident ministers whom teddy dubs as brother rankin liberal a trinity of evils biliousness constipation and dyspepsia usually exist together by disciplining the liver and toning the stomach simul- taneously they can be- eradicated the promptitude and thoroughness with which northrop lymans vege table discovery and great blood puri fier removes this trinity of physical evils is a fact widely appreciated throughout canada lydia charlton the unfortunate vie mm of sbduction and abortion died early on saturday morning and was buried monday in st michaels cemetery dr valentine appeared in court and pleaded not guilty and was re maiided till dec 3rd severe colds are easily cured by the use of bickles anticonsumptive sy rup a medicine of extraordinary pene trating and healing properties it is acknowledged by those who have used it as being the best medicine sold for coughs colds inflammation of the lungs aridall affections of the throat and chest its agrccableness to the taste makes it a favorite with ladies and children the markham township reform association met on saturday and made the following nominations for the municipal elections reeve anthony forster first deputy w h lundy second deputy j bgould third deputy jonathan slater councillor mr scott reeve bruce retires after a long period of valuable service to the municipality it is expected that mr thos williamson president of the east yorli conservative association and an aspirant for the conservative nomination forthe commons will op pose mr forster for the reveshipn globe chbistmas jjus1bek of tue globe a word to the wise is sufficient they say to those whom it may concern we would ten der the friendly advice that if they think of securing copies of the christmas cobe mentioned in onr advertising columns the safe plan is to get the order in early any news agent ivill take orders or tney may be sent to the globe direct the promise is given by the globe management that this number will be an improvement upon anything of the kind hitherto issued and those who know the clobes record as what canadian does not need not be told that this- promise will be kebt the features of the edition will be as to mechanical make up new type beautiful illus trations fine paper printed on 3 new press by the moat skilful orln the dominion as to lilcrriy merit contributions in the form of verse fiction or sketches from the best naive writers and as to artistich quaiiliesaprofu fo line woodcuts illustrating the literary mat ter from designs by the best artists and also three magnificent colored presentation plates theprincipal one a view from vancouver park li c by mr i k obrien the leader in this branch of art in canada the price of the whole is only 25 cents so that this splen did paper is within the reach of all this is advertising see how it reads dufferin land loan ajency farms for sale amaranth west half lot 5 and 6 con 2 22 con 3 f a con 3 i con 6 east 3 con 3 west 6 can 6 22 con 4 west k coil 2 east 6 con 3 24 con 1 25ccn 5 2ocon8 west 10 and the vj of the ej4 of lot 10 ecu 2 15c acres and lot ii 200 acres east 28 con 7 west j con 3 east 2 con 10 west 12 and sj of thdwg lot 13 concession 1 f 22 con 9 and 6 con 5 con g 5 and 6 con ofw halflou mono london dec si a bulletin describe ing mr brihtsonutionssays he was restless and feverish during the day- this evening his lungs were wors than they were yesterday mr bright is suffering from complication of brihts disease and diabetes there is a oopjlous formation of sugar in his blood and it is feared by his physicians thathe will ultimately fall a victim to dropsy o the cradle burnett in wliitchurch on the 2th lilt the wife of mr joseph burnett of a daughter yn part of wast half let 20 concessson 6 lot 23 concession 1 east east half of lot 15 concession 3 west east half of lot 14 concession 3 west west half of lot 26 and 27- concession 7 east half of lot 28 concession 3 west east half ofast 22 concession 6 east w part of lot 7 concession 2 east mono e part of the east half lot 7 con 1 east mono also a new saw mil on lot garaeraxa east half of west half and west half of east half of lot 16 concession 10 p south west part of jot 16 and 17 con 11 lot 4 concession 1 west half of lot 14 andis concession 14 west half of lot 9 concession 17 east half of west half of lot 1 ccn deast 3 concession a medancthon ixt 266 concession 1 s w of t and s r lot 225 concession 2 lot 279 concession 2 lot 288 289 and 290 concession 4 s w oftandsr lot 2 concession 4 lot si concession 4 n e of lots 11 and 12 con 5 s w of t and s r lot 18 6 caledpn east half of lot 31 concession 4 west wen half of lot 33 concession 5 west west half of lot 28 concession z lataconcsssion ijeast woodhousr partsof lots i3and i8inthe gore of the township of woodhouse osprev lots r 2 3 and 4con 2 south duiham 200 lot 12 concession 13 iuo roo 104 i3 i30 iso ioo ioo ioo ioo ioo 125 150 ioo 200 45 83 200 ioo ioo 200 ioo 96 79 ioo 200 25- 200 ioo 75 75 58 50 50 so 200 ioo 200 ico- 72- what does alley sell why boots and shoes of course where is daleys shoe store one door east of the bank in daleys block stouitville are daleys prices rigid u they are all right does daley advertise a little bit does it pay him to advertise well he sells a great quantity of boots and shoes always busy there it must be the big stock or the little prices or the advertising or some thing daleys is the place for anything in the shoe line stouffville november 29tli 1s3 j jjixljiij x the cheapest place to buy christmas is at- j uequhak t note the following prices 3 iiis granulated sugav fovsoc si lbs light sugar for 25c 4 lbs dark sugar 25e 31 lbs kaisins for 25c 31 lbs currants for 25c clbs hice for 25c c lbs barley for 25c 3 boxes matches for 25c 2 brooms for 25c lobars soap 25c 6 bars electric soap for 25c 8 lbs starch for 25c 1 lb good teufor 25c 2 fancy 6upsiand saucers for 25c dress goods from 10c per yard up flannels from 15c per yard up 1 grey cotton 5c to 10c per yard gand every line of goods equally low e33 catarrh catarrhal deafness hay fkvicr a new home treatment sufferers arc not generally cware that these diseases are contagious or that they are hie to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane ot the nose and eustachian tubes miroscopic research however has proved tli tolw a fact and the result is that h simple re medy has hjen formulated whereby catarrh catarrhal deafness and hay fever are perman ently curetln from one to thrccsimple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n blor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet enplaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a ii dixon cv son- 303 west kng street toronto canada seienlifit american sufferers from catarrhal trouble should rea 1 the afxvoarefully euphrasia west half of lot 15 concession 11 100 albion ot 16 ind concession 7 6i also for sale in orangcvilc a nnnibcr of ilrick and frame dwelling houses a great number of huilding iols and a tenacre field all of which will be sold cheap and on easy terms a cemmission of ten dollars on all sales nder foui hundred dollars over four hundred dollars pr cu r wmedlay manager o ofticfop posit tthe gordon house orangeville ont 5tfire and life insurance and loan agent valuator my stock of dry goods groceries glassware and crockery now complete mens youths and boys overcoats selling- very cheap to clear a large lot of wall paper alwaysion hand stouffville dec 4th 1s68 v jttfci u hilxs jl fall and winter goods the subscriber begs to mtnmito to bis numerous customers arm the public in general that he hits received and is receiving daily a- ftills-ujrply- of season ciblegoodsressived wkloli will be sold atl prices to suit the times in the following lines especially of which -v- carry a stock second to none ii stouttvillc woolens of all- kincls hi english scotch and canadian makes both for ladies and gents wear made to oler or by the piew resdymsde clothing in gre1t variety gents furnishings consisting of hats and caps collars and lies and everything a man or boy requires to makeup his toilet we make a specialty of ordered clothing and guarantee prfettsatisfaftiom before taking the goods awity from the premises we also carry the following staple lines dross goods prints cottonades cottons shirtiiigs table linens ilosferv ni cloves carpets and oil cloths groceries crockery and glassware we will not be undersold in any of the above lines hoping to be favored with a share of your patronage m xkray soulii side main street stouffvilli he wants all the proiaptpavinof people in stoufrviilc and the snrrocrifliig country and inspect jiis line btc of goods of which the following is but a simple to call an 1 inspect jus line tebpk of gc dls o isllw brown fugnr fbr si 00 light brown sugar for 100 15 white sugar for- 1x0 j1a g ranulated sugar for 100 0 a or 100 he bes 50 tea in the dominion 26 lbs kite for l0 14 cnrrants for 10 j sofia 5 cts par lb silin011 15 cts par cfi infaetcvfvytiiig in the grocery linn at leading trices tremendous piles of overcoats and reaclvmade clothing at unheard of prices the lar jmi and most stylish assortment ol gents fin lishings in- town see them we lead in dress ctoods for quantity styles and cheapness anything in ivinntling or v tobehad at farriners a large quantity of cottons prints dress goods reduced tc cost call on tfarriner for bargainsas he is fairly giying avaygods- j gtccfmiimvxov- 9h 131 tea

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