Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 7, 1888, p. 4

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j jjnj a i the tribune stoucrville ont friday december 7 18ss clubrates woffor thetuibuxe together with the following papers from now till the end of 1889 at the prices mentioned weekly globe rural canadiait20o weekly 1uiand farm and fireside i75 weekly neva and one engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 175 weekly kems and both pictures s00 weekly advertiser and engraving kaus of niagara i75 eainily herald 175 century magazine 45 st aieactas 35 address the tribuke stoukkviixe ont subscribe for tliotuuiuxi from now till end of 1889 for 1 00 during the past two wceus the pub lic has been shocked by two xmusually heinous crimes one in toronto and one iii peterborough and public in dignation has very justly been excited to no ordinary extent one would think that the most ardent champions of the anticapital punishment move ment could have very little to say why those brutes should not swing for their criues if such unmitigated scound rels could only be arrested and hanged before they commit their diabolical crimes it would be better still by cable we learn that lord salis bury has recently declared in farar- of female suffrage he says in oonrieet- ion with his statements on the subject that he onlv speaks for himself person ally how much significance is to be attached to his words it wouldbe diffi cult to say if he could only see his way clear to declare himself in favor of doing justice to ireland and take his cabinet with him he would make for himself a place in history which hei is not likely to occupy by his present course towards that unfortunate coun try a motion was then made that tht council sign the petition asking the local legislature to abolish all ex emptions except in the case of churches hospitals schools am municipal build ings the yeas and nays were then taken with the following result yeas san ders leaucy ramer nays flint kemp concerning the question of holding municipal nominations in the evening as provided by the statute mr flint introduced a bylaw which was put through the different stages and adopted j the municipal nominations this year w ill therefore behfcld onthe evening of dec 31st at 780 p m instead of at 12 oclock as formerly council then djourned to meet on 15th inst at 7 0 oclock p in in a recent speech lord salisbury has declared hiuijelf iu favor of female suffrage for more than a generation ayers sarsaparilla has been before the public and its popularity was never greater than at ijnesent as a remedy for var ious disorders caused by constitutional taint this medicine has 110 equal the demand for it is prodigious the mcclary stoveworks at london ont were destroyed by ire last week woods the druggist is believed to be in buffalo and will doubtless be arrest ed and held for extradition at the inquest the doctors not hav ing their report ready the proceedings were adjourned till monday dee 10th mrs celeste coon syracuse n y writes for years i could not eat many kinds of food without producing a burning excruciating pain in my stomach i took rarmelecs pills ac cording to directions under the head of dyspepsia or indigestion one box entirely cured me 1 can now eat anything i choose without distressing me in the least these pills do- not cause pain or griping and should be used when a cathartic is required ittc it is absurd for people to expect a cure fur indiges tion unless thcy refrain from eatins what is unwholesome j hut it anything will sharpen tho appetite and give toiio to the digestive organs it is ayors sar- aaparllla thousands all over the land testify to the merits of this medicine sirs sarah burroughs of is eighth street south huston writes my bus band has taken ayers sarsaparilla for dyspepsia and torpid liver and has been greatly benefited a confirmed dyspepi c canterbury of hi franklin st boston mass writes that suffering for ycn from indigestion he was at last induced to try ayers sarsaparilla and by its usewas entirely cured mrs joseph aubin of high street holyokc mass suffered for over a year from dyspepsia so that she could not eat substantial food became very weak and was unable to care for her family neither the msdieincs prescribed by physicians nor any of the remedies advertised for the cure of dyspepsia helped her until she commenced tho use of ayers sarsaparilla throo bottles of this medicine she writes enred me ayers sarsaparilla i piterakkn cr dr j c ayer co lowell mass 1rlm 1 nix bottles 5 worth ss a bottle stouffvjxie gouncir- couxcu chamber stouffville dec 4thls8s members all present reeve iif the chair minutes of last- pieeting read ttud approved 1 he clerk read a communication from br i a il eel relating to mr h high- lields affliction in the partial loss of his sight bills were presented from f monro printing 150 joel baker lumber 3vgs woodgate 10 silvester dougherty spikes 19i05 joel ken- dick lumber g1g4 a circular rcexeniptionfrom taxr atjon from the mayor ofottawn ask ing the council to petition the local legislature to abolish all exemptions wvtmsucli exceptions as the council mtghtfsee fit was read mr higlilleld was then heard he stated that he had been nearly blindi ier about a year and tthat a medical operation was necessary for which he w ou id requi re 12 or 15 a number of bills passed by the board of health ro peterman case amounting to 8502 and one from it j daley for rent 1250 were read and ordered to be paid tiie case of h highfietd was next discussed on the suggestion of the keeveit was decided to leave the mat ter over till next meeting and ill the meantime to make an attempt to raise the necessary sum by subscription an interesting discussion on the evils of exempting ecclesiastical and other properties lrrtm- taxation then took place in which the reeve and other members of the council besides several gentlemen not members of the council 1 00k pai st rong grounds were taken with respect to property occupied by ministers whose congregations were s ituatcil cutside the lmuiicipalih in which they resided a number of cass were cited of ministers who- oc- cupy rented- houses in the village vihib they minister to congregations situated at some distance outside the corporation this was considered an iiijttsiice as the minister received 110 tdvantage having to pay just as much rent while the mmucipnlity lost the taxes which would otherwise have to birpaid on the same property hid some other person than a minister been the teuapfr silvester dougherty money wanted for seasonable goods at the stouofvtlle hardware store we have 17 kinds and prices of wood cook stoves and 5 kinds for goal and wood all guaranteed to work satisfactorily box stoves hound wood heaters with or without oven coal surface heaters art garland and art countess base burners botlti taking the cold air direct from the- floor and are the best made crosscut saws maple leaf disston robertsons corpo- ation fiddles 3 kinds files axes 9 kinds 75c to 150 seu our handmade allsteel axe whips 10c to 300 curry combs 10c to 30c horse brushes from 15c up hope and web halters cow ties sausage sniffers and grinders etc wo still have an immense stock of lamps cheaper than over before those for parlor and hall use are unusually handsonie oui lines of table and pocket cutlery are complete we have received the largest assortment of silverplated goods we have ever had ladiescall and see horseshoes and nails very low siilvestera dougherty auction sale of valuable freehold property in the village qf stoufkville in the county ok york under and by virtue of 1 power of sme contained in two certain mortsae which will he produced at thctlmcof itcihercsill bcoitcred for sale by public auction subject 10a reserved hid at the mansion house millers hotel 111 the village of stouffville saturday december 22sr 188s at the hour of r ociekin the nficrnron the fol lowing valuable krtchold village property viz all and singular village lot number 14011 the wct side of icmria street iu the said village of siauitvillc in the county 1 york according to re gistered in ji having a frontage ot c6 feel hy a depth of 131 feet coiuaiuiug onefifth of an acre more or ly on the premise ia pairof vciidetuched houses tngid repair and uowicnantcd tkitmh onethirdcah at time rf fxtc and- balance pay- biq within ijdays irom dr thcrcol further particulars may he obtained from vrh mam kieminoofmarkhim the mortgage attract title dced md other pap er may be ecnand further particulars may le had ty applyin- at the officccf rigeiow a morson i toranto street toroalo solicitors for vendors pronounced by the preis the hest lair of the kind published in canada todajv r uia canadian ixcoupokatixo the farw journal crhadittfl farher uno the dlflryrlfth ostyles fall and winter goods easonable ik- asoinvito attentiou to our complete and carefully selected stock of comprising extensive lines of newest and most fashionable ladies shoes cents boots and shoks ciiildbens shoes rubbers overshoes et mexs felt boots haxdmaii luc ayomens misses anii chili sometliine ntsv neu- xs ordigax overshoes and si them it prices will pay you to inspect our purchasii k and gvt our quotations bcforo rcincnibcr the place stourrviiie nov 18th 1s8s umlilai s ouffx 1lle and maiuviiam -t- vi- vm 10 mm foreign and dos mm iestic fruit store new fruit now in stock raisins currants figs dates changes lemons cranberries- full line of new groceries teas coffees sugars soaps tobaccos and ciosyrs of the finest quality canned goods of all kinds salmon peaches pineapples lobsters tomatoes liebigs beeftear sardines apples corn seff my our mince meat the best in the worldr manitoba imported flour goulds faultless and mount albert best all full- roller process come male ready for yonrchristinis pudding wedding- cakes got up imthe latest styles and on slisrt notice intending brides please note this fact confectionary ivnd nuts of all kinds come and secure your goods before thobakery is taken goods delivered to any part of tho town- everything cheap for cash please dont ask for credit h johnson stouppville nov 23th 1s83 an illustrated monthly for the farm and home 10pp and cuvklt 8io0 per tliau 0 he ofjnmmrcxt uo uuuai cuurantccl to ffivc porfccs satisfaction with cither coafl cnnailbiiatill ciuihon iis wilkih vkak nf i ol wood pulilioiioii liuiinyilie past eleven vmr it twz z a larov artmcnt of firetclass stoves of all k cmiiiig year no elluris will in sparcl lkcly to fllvvlvs ivcpt ill stock enliance its value to the intelligent ayncul- a statement ofllic regular departments in the rural will lt convey an idea of the scope of the publication ifarpi anj lichl i lorses and cattle the dairy mieep ami swine garden and orchard hccs and honey poultry ami pets rural notes home circle household hints scientific and useful bnd two full pages of music asplcntlid stoftk of tin and copper wave always on hafjl remember the place boosee buos scuir 1888 stouefviliej3j

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