the teibune is published every frsday at the tribune printing house main street stouffville subscription 100 pep annum first insertion per line ottd nonpareil ol each subsequent insertion cr line o 04 prqtetonal cards er y3ix 40a rates under contract one cotamn per year 50 00 hf couminoae year 30 o quarter colunin one year x 00 ixbtncc4umn one year to 00 fr six ooaihs or three months in the same ratio jtoidge bros pblisliers and proprietors harness stationery and fmcyg00ds when you require stationery confectionery biscuits or canned goods call at hamiltons next door east of station stouffville also dealer ik oysters fruit toys and fancy goods smokers supplies a specialty the most select stock of mouth organs in town boys give hamilton a call jddion iitoeh main st stouffville firstclass horses and rigs cartage of all kinds of freight and express from the station promptly attended to charges moderate bus to and from all trains- commercial travellers supplied at reasonable rates j e addison proprietor slouffvill march 1888 geo minns has constantly on hand light k heavy- harness collars saddles c all orders promptly attended to repairing done cheap main street stouffville east end grocery fiee and life insurance a gk beow1n btouffvillb oot agent for london liverpool globe ontario mutual of london and manufacturers life and accident insurance companies lowest lutcs mcxnevy to ioan i am prepared to lend money at lowest rates on real estate iiy a j brown centenial shaving parlor j firstclass shaving parlor fitted up in neatest styles hair cutting and shaving equal to any city barber shop ridies and childrens hair drcssid in the latest fashion ladies please do not call on saturday after 5 p m wm a bovair burkhomcrs block stouffvilir best valtje in teas sugars spices fruit crockery and glassware garden seeds woodbox stove polish sunset dyes all colors of these celebrated dyes kept constantly in stock price only five cents tv j armstrong scuffvtfle april 25 1s88 lumber yard w p haetney keeps constantly in stock a full supply of lumber lath shingles salt plaster coal water limei plaster of paris coaltar tar paper eire brick fire clay a ftc cash paid for hides woolsheep skins and all kinds of grain warehouse opposite railwayslalionstouftyille harness the undersigned keeps on hand an excellent assortment of harness collars whips etc also a stock of splendid yack robes all cheap for cash a von btjseck main street stouffville 1 his soie nose oh mr de groom aln t your nose aw ful sore j mr de groom why no etta what made yon think so etta oh nmm said yon had your nose down to tho grindstone ever linos yon were married an i thought it nwut be awful lore by thb toe farms for sale township of caxedon co ofpeel lot 27 con 1300 acres i8ocleared well fenced frame barns brick house orchard ctajr loam a miles from the town of orangevillc price eight thousand dollars also lot ax con 5 too acres 75 acres cleared well fenced frame stable rough cist dwelling young orchard soil good clay loam convenient to school 2 miles from a market price three thous and eight hundred dollars also 300 acres 165 acres cleared good brick house bank barn frame stable and driving house welt fenced 6 miles frdm town of orangevillc must be sold price six thousand two hundred dollars township of mono co duffekin 126 acres all cleared frame stable log dwelling this is said to be one of the best graiif farms in mono raised 3000 bushels last year 3 miles from town of orangevillc price five thousand six hundred dollars also 100 acres 80 cleared frame barn frame sta ble log house well fenced good clay loam price five thousand two hundred dollars township of amakantu iao acres 95 acres cleared frame house bank barn well fenced flag station on the farn p o 8 miles from the town of orangevill- clay loam must be sold price four thousand dollars also xao acres 70 acres cleared trame house bank barn well fenced well watered price two hous- and eight hundred dollars all the above farms are level and very cheap also a number of other farms for sale cheap money to ioim office days monday and saturday apply to thos parsons real estate agent p o box 138 orangevillc lithium is tho ugheat metal known and is worth 160 per ounce gallium is the costliest metal known and is worth 3260 per ounce peis0n gatfs mebczs rrttmatory what institute is that is the invari able enquiry of the tourist the mercer reformatory for women is tae reply given provided the question be asked of a well informed citizen passing through the front offices to the reformatory proper i was shown first the privilege corridor a bright airy department containing some dozsn cells these cells are really tiny bed chambers each lighted by a separate window they contain the needful toilet appliances a chair box bracket shelves and small iron bed stead tae bedding consists of blankets sheets pillows and white quilts ani looks as in viting as auy weary boly could desire altogether these diminutive rooms so fresh in their cleanliness most become potent factors in purifying the hearts and lives of their occupsnta these cells are awarded to those inmates whose good conduct justifies the bestowal of a special privilege remarked my guide and they are a possession muoh coveted by the inmates further on we entered the sewing room where the clothing is made and repaired i examined the piles of underclothing that lay en readiness for use and found all the articles needful for a womans wardrobe neatly made of heavy factory cotton the inmates wear a uniform costume of blue denham a material much the same as that used for shirting and overalls on sun day each woman is given a long white apron and a linen collar they are allowed the privilege of dressing their hair which is not cub upon entering the institution in any neat method the inmates are not allowed to wear any of their own clothine during their stay in the institution said the attendant it is put away for them until their term expires do they generally come in well sup plied i asked occasionally they are very well dress ed was the reply j but often they are in a terrible state of destitution it depends a good deal upon tte offence for which they are arrested retracing our steps we next visited the knitting rocm in this department all the knitting required by the institution is done in addition to contract work which is oc casionally given in the knitting and sewing depart ments said the attendant we have those inmates who by reason of bodily weakness are unfitted for more arduous service have you any difficulty in controlling those under your csre v i enquired glarcing at the- groups who were knitting and in dulging in quiet conversation not much she answered they work largely by impulse and have no more steadi ness of purpose than little children it is difficult also to retain their attention for any length of time we have educational classes in the knitting roon through the winter months for an hour and a half each day when those who wish to do so may learn to read and write as education is certainly an aid to reforma tion it would surely be a desirable thing to continue these classes all the year around the laundry is financially the most pro ductive department in the mercer its net revenue last year amounted to over 2000 there are two distinct laundries one being need for the mercer and central prison wash ing the second being reserved for family and contract washing as we entered the ironing room the chat ter of the busy workers ceased and they bent over their tables in silence do you allow conversation in working hours j i enquired of the matron in this department yes she answered the girls are constantly moving and their remarks must necessarily be made in a tone loud enough for me to hear therefore we know it to be harmless it is not the loud talking that troubles us but that which is carried on in low tone and which may be good or evil but most likely the latter then we descended to the ref raotory ward what forms of punishment do you adopt i enquired deprivation of privileges solitary con finement in light cells dark cells and in extreme cases the dungeon no we never resort to corporal punishment in any form i inspected the dark- cells and dungeon and found them to be clean dry and dimly lit furnished with a straw pallet and cover let the dungeon with bread and water diet will generally reduce the most refractory to obedience said the attendant but we have rarely to resort to these expedients months may go by without one punishment and this ward is often vacant for a long time upon further enquiry i found that the women are locked in their cells at halfpast seven each evening from that hour until five or six in the morning they are free from any supervision beyond that exercised by an overworked watohwoman who makes her long rounds through the extensive building and who cannot make more than a brief and hurried visit two or three times during the night these thirtythree inmates each with their varied experience in deadly evil with the restraints of the work room removed and the freedom of night and darkness about them have unlimited opportunity to exohange confidences of the worst descrip tion without check or rebuke is this a desirable thing but this is but a small defect compared with the faot that there is absolutely no classification of the inmates they mingle freely in recreation hours work together eat together in one large gloomy dining room and sleep in adjoining eels for vagrancy larceny and assault drunk enness and prostitution of a greater or less degree these women are sentenced to mingle together for a period of morths or years many are first offenders guilty only of minor evil sentenced mayhaps by some county judge at the requeit of an anxious father who desires the reformation of his erring child many others alar are hard ened criminals who have lived a life of the vilest sin that womanhood can compass numbers of the inmates are young girls yet in their early teens others are elderly women who have spent all their lives in and out of prison what good influences can the earnest- hearted staff exert that will not be more than counteracted by the evil resulting from in discriminate association t in looking ever the latest annual report of the mercer reformatory for a record of the numoer of re commitments a record which i did not find a few particulars attracted my attention which may be which certain ly ought to be of interest to the general public the total expenditure for the year ending in september 1887 was 29783 40 or close upon 30 000 the net revenue s3 595 93 therefore the institution costs over 26c00 yearly the average daily coat per inmate be ings7 9 cents or 4 05 per week how many respectable working girls are there in toronto who are compelled to live on less than that amount out of 142 inmates committed 77 were sentenced for six months 24 for twelve months and the remainder between one and two yean of these 46 were under 20 year of aze 50 between 20 and 30 38 between 30 and 50 and the remainder over 50 years fifty out of 142 or over onethird of the total number were guilty of personal im morality in various phases 35 were commit ted for vagrancy 25 for larceny and 16 for drunkenness there is very little sickness among the inmates of the institution said the attend ant answering my enquiry the hospital is closed at present and the general health is very good we had only one death last year when we consider the lives of those wo men previom to incarceration and the ex cesses appertainingthereto suoh a record bears testimony to the careful supervision exercised in this department the chapel is a large handsome apart ment the finest in the building religious services for both pretestants ami roman catholics are conducted at stated times throughout the week and on sunday morn ing a sunday school is held when tho in mates are brought in personal contact with christian ladies who labor earnestly to influence them for good i have rarely seen a more impressiva sight than these women and girls present when assembled for one of these services swayed ever by impulse a hymn a text a tender wore will bring a softened look on many faces and a quick tear even in many eyes while good resolutions are made too often to be broken by the evil influence of associates more hardened that reformation thorough and complete is possible has been proved in many in stances but it has been despite the associa tion and due rather to the personal efforts of the staff or kindly hearted philanthropists for as one lady recently remarked no one knows what the women in the mercer have to endure from their companions when ever they endeavor to fight their way up ward into a purer higher life a hot christmas an english writer says i have spent christmas under very varied oiroumslances on shipboard in the north atlantic in a gale of wind in the tropical ocean in a calm with the rain falling in torrents in the backwoods of canada with snow for my bed while the thermometer registered 69 fahrenheit below the freezing point with out food of any kind except bait pork and not enough of even that and in south america almost eaten up by mosquitoes his south american experience he thus de scribes after bathing we returned to breakfast and as the sun mounted higher and poured down bis scorching rays upon us till the mercury stood at 104 fahrenheit in the shade we were glad enough to seek shelter from the fierce heat in whatever nook or corner we could find there was no appearance of christmas around us except the plum pudding brought by a provident member of the staff all the way from england in a batcase to which we endeavored to do jrtice when the cooler air of evening had set in and we like so many wild animals of the forest emerged from the lairs in which we had been hiding as we sat round that pudding suffering all the while agonies of torture from the attacks of innumerable mosquitoes we thought of our friends far off and wished them all a happy christmas spent under more comfortable circumstances than fell to our lot that day as to our enemies i trust we forgave them and were in peace and christian charity with all mankind if not with the inseot world the p eration question it is not the want of success of the appeal for federation which has produced the recent agitation in the ranks of opponents on the contrary it is the success of the enterprise and the practical steps recently taken to carry forward the work that has aroused this open antagonism we would say to all loyal methodists do not be disturbed by rumours about the alleged failure or obstruc tion of the movement they are designed to create a feeling of donht and uncertainty with godb relp we shall go steadily for ward till we enter the new viotoria in the queens park to take our full share in mould ing the intellectual life of this province let those who have subscribed arrange to pay their instalments as early as possible the people of toronto should now put forth a liberal and united effort to raise 50000 ad ditional to what they have promised it might be worse the arabs says an exchange have a cus torn of thanking god that it is no worse if he loses an eye he thanks gcd that it was not both eyes if he loses a hand he thanks god it was not both hands if he breaks his leg he thanks god it was not his neok dr johnson used to say that a habit of looking at the best side of every event is better than a thousand pounds a year when fenelons library was on fire god be praised he oxclaimed that it is not the dwelling of some poor man i this is the true spirit of submission one of the most beautiful traits that can pos sess the heart will not every reader re solve to see the sunny side of the world if so you have partly won the battle of life at the outset an official inspection of the tenement houses of new york shows that there are 32390 of them inhabited by 1079728 people of whom 142519 are under five years of age these figures tell a story of hideous immorality and wretchedness it shows that more than twotbirds of the population of new xork have no proper homes and that the majority of them think life is not worth living or continuing otherwise the number of children under five year of age in the tenements would be much lamer than it is notes for women there are twentythree women inspectors in the new york custom house among them is a sister of roscoe conkling they receive 21 per week and yet another american girl is to marry a foreigner and a title the engagement u announced of baron von schroeder of the prussian imperial guards to miss pritch- ard of boston it is said that the death of bonanza banker flood will give his daughter miss jennie 50000000 and make her the richest young woman in the world she is fairly well to do now it is related that one day as she was sitting in her sewing chair her father dropped 2500000 of 4 per cent u sbonda in her lap some distinctive quality has always been associated in the pnblio mind with the lady of the white house with mrs grant it was interest in national affairs with mrs hayes temperance with mrs cleveland beauty and with mrs harrison it promises to be domesticity nearly all the items about her tell of her doing her own marketing and praise her skill as a house keeper a letter from alabama tells of a girl who can drive like jehu ride and shoot like a cowboy run like a professional and swim like a duck she will go rowing with no company but her dog and gun and she can drop her oars spring to her feet with her gun and shoot a marsh hen or a gros beak without rocking the boat or misplacing the oars she sleeps on pillows of down from birds and ducks killed by her own hand and expects by next spring to have enough feathers of the same kind to make a feather bed mrs harrison is on enthusiastic china painter and showed a correspondent the other day with pride a set of salad and fruit plates carefully painted under the instruc tion of a skilful dresden artist now in indianapolis each plate was decorated with the separate ingredients of a salad one bore a delicate spray of celery another bore a sliced lemon or a bit of lettuce an other a red tomato cut in half and so on through the order of pickles carrots olives cucumbers and purple beets the fruit plates wete finely designed with different fruit currents gooseberries plums and grapes among other gems were a water color of pansios and a large square tile with chrysanthemums twentyfive years ago the now princes of wales and tnture queen of england was living on the third floor of a corner house in copenhagen and her father who no one ever dreamed then of being a king was poorer than m ny a burgher in the same street she and her two sisters now the cz trine of russia and the duchess of cum berland occupied the same room scantily furnished and instead of a wardrobe a cur tain drawn across the wall hid the pegs on which their few dresses hung they had never worn a silk dress in their lives now alexandra doubtless has all the dresses she wants but it is more than likely that she looks back with pleasure upon those years is the happiest of her life almost any morning about 3 oclock in charleston s c a lady who has nerve not nerves may be seen going home from her work she is proofreader for the charles ton world she comes from a family whioh is known doth for brains and pluck her duties take her to the office of the news paper about 8 oclock every night and de tain her there until 3 the next morning but she does not rely upon mere courage she carries a loaded revolver in one hand and a lantern in the other the police keep a lookout for her goings and comings and a lookout as she passes their boats she is a maiden lady ana the task is unpleasant but she considers it a duty to work and what her hands find to do she does is with all her might our seventyyear clocks our brains are seventy year clocks the angel of life winds them up once for all then closes the case and gives the key into the hand of the angel of resurrection tie tac 1 tic tao l go the wheels of thought our will cannot stop them they cannot stop themselves sleep cannot still them madness only makes them go faster death alone can break into the case and seizing the ever swinging pendulum which we oafl the heart silences at last the clinking of the terrible escapement we have carried so long beneath our wrinkled foreheads if we could only get at their as we lie on our pillows and count the dead beats of thought after thought and image after image jarring through the ever tired organ i will nobody back those wheels uncouple the pin ion cut the string that holds those weights blow up the infernal machine with gunpow der what a passion comes over us some- timesfor silence and rest 1 that this terrible mechanism unwinding the endless tapestry of time em roidered with spectral figures of life and death could have but one brief holiday i who can wonder that men swing themselves off from beams in hempen lassos that they jump off from parapets into the swift and gurgling waters beneath that they take counsel of the grim friend who has to utter but his one peremptory mono syllable and the restless machine is shiver ed as a vase that is dashed npon a marble floor if anybody would only contrive some kind of a lever that one could thrust in among the works of this horrid automaton and oheok them or alter their rate of going what would the world give for the discovery o w holmes slaves of fashion mrs anna j miller when she delivered her terrific anathema against bustles in the detroit women convection characterized them as optical horrors and wretched humps and deolared that women would travel the world over to find skilled surgeons had na ture so disfigured her anna forgot that women were not born in theatie bonnets or french boots and that all of their everyday attire and adornment is the invention of ne cessity and taste bad taste maybe but still womens taste the decree of a dozen wo mens congresses and all the ridicule that the newspapers can indite wont shrink the bus tle or lower the bonnets and boot heels till the sweet pretty creatures find something equally sytlish and get tired of them a trim nicely adjusted flexible spring elastic incontrovertible wire woven and harmonious bustle is a good thing its powers of endur ance are wonderful the more yon sit down upon it the more popular it seems to grow suppose you let the bustle alone ana talk about curly dogs and chewing gum