Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 7, 1888, p. 2

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-ii- thfe 9 win tut 11 lacb or v 8ubday beading i there a hfut- why men da not go to t lurch hciecuolu from culcuo to an audience composed of almost as many men m women dr calvin s black- well at the central church of christ spoke the other evening in substance as follows last week the tribune presented ts me three questions 1 why do fewer men go to church than wowen 2 do you believe in hell 3 is orthodoxy dying out they make an interesting trio to the first a facetious answer might be iven because more men go to the penitentiary i am told there are 1700 men at joliet and only nineteen women the answer is not merely facetious it is philosophical men stay away from church because they are manded a change it was a disgraceful and deplorable fact that 20 per cent of those who are employed in chicago have to work sun day he had no doubt that if the question was tested before the supreme court of the nation it would be pronounced unconstitu tional he thought that intermeddling of religious women in matters of statecraft had something to do with the las piety of men when women ceased to be wome they lost their influence over men ha believed in a place of punishment cause he believed in the new testament be- caus9he believed in good and because it wa a logical deduction from the observation of human life if there was a place of reward as the scripture taught there must be a place of punishment a future place of pun ishment should be preached with all solemni ty not declared as a threat but as an awfu fact but a belief in uod was logically fol lowed by a belief in a future state of punish ment sausage w finet amen c18igssfam lssnew im portitious d enjflth shecrw t aruencm cwingp orders 511ed for any desired quantity irvnta lor prices j james haur t so jj j 11 to 4 st lawrence market toronto v m mm worse thai women they are grosser they lack the fineness of the feminine nature moat certainly orthodoxy was not on the they are not so holy in tendenoy they are decline it was on the increase aggressive kept from religion by the same mora infer- and progressive the impression that it is iority which oarries them to the penitentiary on the decline arises from the fact that hete the greater liberty which social laws per mit men to take accounts too for their disregard of a propriety like church going a man can dissipate all siturday night lie under cover through sunday and appear at his office monday with a head as big as a flour barrel and nothing is said but let his female typewriter do the same thing and he says you may go the retult of so much liberty during the week is that by the time sunday comes around mans conscience is too sore to go to church and have it pricked let social etiquette how ever bind men to the same rules of social purity it does women and they will come to church in larger numbers another reason of course is business the whip of competition makes many men drive themselves down by saturday night they may be morally clean men but their physical and nervous natures demand sab bath quietness to dreas up for church would be a task the increase of sunday work is also an important factor employments wbichen- gage men over sunday are multiplying these workers not onlv stay ywjy but the fact that they are putting the sabbath 0 business use has its effeot on others it iiasnt the same holy sepirateness from other days it has to women who are mire removed from business then there is another kind of man a sort of boso man with a thin veneering of supposed intellectual life indifferent to everything but himself h9 stays at home to read the sunday newspapers its thirty two pages afford him recreation and make him think he is keeping up with the times a great many well- meaning men stay away from church because they happen to be on some committee of one of the benevol ent societies as these societies are increas ing the class is growing the committee usually meets for a few minutes on sunday its just enough to satisfy the conscience of its members it doesnt take much spiritu al food to satisfy some men they say a bear can live on one good meal a whole win ter and a little committee work goes a long way they moreover notios their wives moth er and sisters getting ready every sunday morning to go to church and they are apt to reflect about it in their masculine way the unspoken form of the reflection usually is this thing isnt suited to my colossal intelleot my foursquare mind it may do for my wife or my mother or my sister bub im too strong for that kind of thin soup diet at this point the speaker delivered a eu logy on women in which he said that he re garded it as the highest proof of the divin ity of christ and religion that more women than men attend church he then took up the second question is there a hell v the bible says so i believe it there at least onght to be if for no other reason than to give some of the great rascals pun ishment in the other world who escape it in this why the big scoundrels never get punished in this world its only the lit tle on as who are sent to the ails and pri sons it isnt only so in chicago its so everywhere horaoe greeley was once ap- proaohed for a subscription whats it for j he asked to found a society to keep people from going to hell hot a cent there are too many people who ought to so there not to believe in it i do not be- eve in a material hell for the simple reason that flesh and blood are things of this life here the speaker sketohed the terrible torments of the hell of conscience la orthodoxy dying out i hope so the sooner it eoes the better orthodoxy is a act of formulas gotten up in the past by men who had no rnoro sense then men of today it is a sort of mono poly of dogma mental and spiritual mono polies are as bad as other sorts all pro gress every reform has been made by het erodoxy christ was heterodox to the ortho dox jews luther and wesley and so on down all have been heterodox to the special crthodoxy of their day the best hope for the future is in continuing to throw off all forms of orthodoxy as rapidly as it can it is upon true christianity that spir itual advancement must depend beply of dr lawrence every seat in the second baptist church at monroe and morgan stroets was occupied last night tohearthoreply of thepastor the rev dr william m lawrence to the questions propounded by the tribune to the clergymen dr lawrence said he did not believe in the first place that there was a great disparity between the male and female attendance at church at least that was not the case in his church but coming to the question why do not men attend church ho said the explanation would be found in the fact that men bad not tho courage of their consciences young men coming from christian homes in tho east did not have the courage to stand up againstthe scoff of unbelievers they went to church at first openly the sneers of companions in boardtnghonsoa caused them to steal to church and after a while theya- bandoned the practice of devotion altogether a stronger reason wonld be found in the fact that men are obliged to work too hard during the week they are not in physical condition to attend religious devotions sunday the sunday nowspaper was also to blame he was of the opinion that a way conld bo found to make a sunday newspaper aoas not to conflict with the fourth commandment but the sunday newspaper as it existed was the product of the state of things which de- rodoxy is assertive just as crimes receive wide publication while virtues are passed over unnoticed so the negative in matters relating to religion is always in evidence in the public prints orthodoxy is taken for granted and does not receive publication this was especially the case in this city where heterodoxy when it asserted itself was made the topic of wide and general discus sion while orthodoxy was passed over with a joke or a sneer oneofthe great reviews of the country had given itself up to the promulgation of heterodoxy through a spirit of sensational ism perhaps when timothy dwight con nected himself with yale college eighty years ago there was but one communicant among the students today yale college is the home of orthodoxy in harvard college unitarianism has lost its ascendency the episcopalians baptists congregationalists presbyterians are in the overwhelming ma jority the orthodox schools and oolleges throughout the land are in a flourishing con dition heterodoxy has only one college of any note dr thomas view op rest rest was dr hiram w thomas sub ject at mcvickers rest means enjoyment contentment in their higher sensp sid dr thomas con trary to the general notion the class of people who get least true rest are those who are raised up in plenty and begin to be sup plied with everything they want the mo ment appetite and ta3tes awaken in them they early become pampered beyond the possibility of fresh pleasure the defect at the bottom of their life is that they do not pay in work for what they get it takes a lincoln a cass or a garfield tramping over a prairie or along a canal path search of a higher life getting knowledge after hungering for it to achieve that en joyment which is rest ooe must go to tho patriot to learn what flag means and to the man who has doubted for illustration of faith in the same way those only who nave toiled know rest the physical activities of this age are in no danger of straining its workers but the intellectual forces behind need a high r rest than they get this is to be found in the cultivation of the spiritual side of mind men must throw off the idea that the bur dens of life are altogether on their should ers and leave the outcomes of things to the creator of all energy in this is rest after the service dr thomas stated that he would take as a subject next sunday a religion for men he had been struck by the sunday tribunes investi- gations into why men dont attend hurch the article he said with its caretnlly collected data of male and female church attendance opened up the most re markably interesting subject of inquiry that had been brought to his attention in a long time the religious conclusions to be drawn from the sunday tribunes material would form the text for his study of the subject the wicked actors acts at the same time ok the nestves the liver the bowels andthe kidneys this cczciuea ection gives it won derful power to cure all diseases why are we sick because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated and these great organs to become clogged or torpid and poisonous humors are therefore forced mo the blood that should be excelled naturally paines j celerr raines compound wilu cure bhiotjsness phvea constipation kiekey com plaints urinary diseases pekaleweaknessrheuma- tish nejraloia and ah kepvous disorders by quieting and strengthening the nerves and i causing free action of the liver oves and kidneys and restor ing their power to throv off disease whyseffersilicusptuns andachesl v7iy tormented with piles constipation whj frightened ovcrdisoraered kidneys why enduro nervous or sick headaches why have sleepless nijht3 1 use painis cihbv compound and rejoice in health it ii an entirely vegeta ble remedy harmless in ull cases said by all druggists vrvtf 100 six or sao wells richardson co proprietors moktsaatj q the leading cana dian i ollegb for young women j st thomas out feventeen j riduates ami certificatd teachers in the faculty narly2t0 6udentjlast year gradiaiojr courses in liu rtuie music fine ait commercial science axd eocutio lo rate kooi o rd thorough work uclvughlui hall costing 20000 now open elegant donuirorim for cu nice gtudenw addieh pkcirat austin li d- merchants butchers and traders generally we want a good man in your locality to pick up or us caen furnished on imtisractoo guaranty address o s page htik pabk vpn ont u s stained glass for churches dwellings and public buildings mgauslahd son to king st w toronto m st paul minneapolis a ntto b railway a h williams co andpeltroofens masukacl uksrs and dkalkks is roofing felt slaters felt icateniui kelt carpet paper buimim paper roofing pitch coal tar lake gravel office s 4 adelaide st east toronto stoiy may have one just scud your name and address and 10c for 1 ihwtal- and receivo by mail a iiandsomfc silkuandkekcueilandxbomatrioneodle i abtoiiishen everyone address wbiton novelty i co toronto out the racer thin baekjlancctootli crosscut saw sglea money to loan credit i om iku fiunco vanadien capital 85c00 000 j hkad office momrbal officii ontario division j wellington st toronto ttau ocnapany is pre- pared to make advances on the security of good j farm property at lowest current rate or in terest and on favorable tcttns moutgae5 tdltciiased for information apply to the lccai agents of the company or to w e loxtt manager toronto ont allan line royal mail steamships sailing during winter from portland everytburdci and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in sum mer from quebec every saturday to liverpool calliin at londonderry to land malls and passengera fci scotland ind ireland also from baltimore via 3oli fax and st johns n f- to liverpool fortnlghtlj during summer months the steamers of the olaf gow lines bail during winter to and from halifax portland boston and philadelphia and during sun mer between glasgow ard montreal weekly olasgov and boston weekly and glasgow and philadelphia fortnightly for freight paejage or other information apply a sohumaoher co baltimore s cunard oo halifax shea co st johns nfld wm thcmj son a cc st john k b allen ft co chicago love st alden now york h bourller toronto allans rao co quebec wm brookie phllade- phla h a alice portland boston montreal comroeocins on saturday nov 10th thre will be a dally firstclass through train service b etween gt paul and butte montana comprised of dhw- ingroom sleeping car day coache dlnitfr car and free color is sleeper equipment new novvm and equal to the bt leaving st paul every morning and running directly through to butte the only line with out change and the only line via ft it u ford ft benlon tireat lak and helena for particular apply f i whitney j m huckins gen pastjtt agt travels paw agt st parl palmnr house block toronto v are ewdren toho cheerfutfyjott m the chorus wheu breadmakers yeast is the subject before mamma tried alt the rest so she knovjs its the best ftes cause her bread is the whitest her buns are ths a nd w eat alt the pancakes sh dare set beoreus buy the breadmakers y price 5 cehtsl casaua permanent loanfe saviiigsgompany incorporated 1855 head office i toronto st toronto subscribed capital 9 450000 paid up capital 3500000 total assets 10000000 the enlarged capital and resources of this company together with the increased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money enable the directors to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security application may be made to either of the companys loca appraisers or to j herbert masonmsnagg director toronto 1 the maple lesf racr and lance crosscut saw are now sold in all parts of the wcrld the quality of these saws u unequalled thtir excellence is j wholly due to their superior iemper the process of which is kept a pre found secret by shurly dietrlh i the manufacturers of thesw saws one of the best l evidences of their superior quality is that other saw manufacturers pat on the market as clone an imita- tion of ths saws as they are able to produce and j represent it to be as good as the maple leaf saw they run their saw upon one dime uotil the public i beoome familar with its inferio quality then they change the name in order to humbug the public another season all of which ishe very best evidence of the superior quality of tho maple leaf saw w it ii not the custom to counterfeit a poor article the e counteneits are sold for a much lower price than the maple leaf saw can be bought tor tho scaler of course endeavors to sell them at marly the same i pqd 9 standard chopping usesbestfrenchburr millstones finest crinder ii world no renewing plaiesas in irohmills manufacturers of the high grade of silverplated wares the torohto silver plate go e sssiks3ssssa counterftit saw will tell untruths of various kinds regardinemhe quality of both ho genuine and the counterfeit good roods are alwajs cheap poor goods are dear at any price a saw liko a knife will not cut fafct umvs it will hold a keen cutting edge price 100 per foot manufactured only bv shurly dietrich saw manukaccjjrkrs galt orlt tbadb mark the rev mr gobs preached to a large congregation at the chicago avenue charoh the other night on the theatre he had nothing to say about the theatre as an educator about the drama from a literary standpoint nor of the art of the act or the only question ho wished to ask his hearers was does the theatre develop christian charaoter mr goes had no in teres in anything which did not tend to de velop christian character and he was oppos ed to anything that exerted an iofluenoo in the opposite direction lew hard enough to be good he said when you are being paid for it as i am though he could not speak from experience the pastor still beluved himself competent to discuss the question was it necessary for a man to be drowned in order for him to be aware that it was dangerous for him to plunge into the sea if ho couldnt swim from what he had learned from reliable sources and judging by results passing under bis own observation the influence exerted on society by the theatre was pernicious he understood that there were several young people in the congregation who were looking forward to adopting a threatrioal career he wished to warn them that there were several reasons why such a course would probably result disastrously with them it must be that there existed behind the scenes of a theatre a lack of restraint that could not but be most injurious to the moral char aoter of a young man or woman then tho nature of the actors duties were such as to oxhauat his vitality and nerve forco to a de gree that speedily drovo him to the use of stimulants ho was in danger of becoming a drunkard more than this it was necessary that tho aotor should be a migratory personage with no fixed habitation and this everybody knew was whenevor it was found a fruitful source of loose conduct when a man got away from homo restraints he was snre to yield to temptations in proof of this was the notorious faot that a few years azo when commercial travelers made extender trips over largo territory they were regard ed as a most reckless and immoral class of people whereas since the custom had so changed as to enable them to have homes and families and return to them every satmday night the verdict regarding them was wholly different tho pastor could not explain how it wathat the theatre bad lived and thrived for so many oentnries it had apparently introachod itself with society liko the gambling den tho saloon and tho8unday paperwhiohby tho waydid not prove that it was not harmful in its in fluence factories and salesroom 420 to 426 king st west toronto eg gooderh am j 0 oopp monam sectreu delicious and nourishing royal dandelion coffee manufactured only by ellis keighley toronto scotts emulsion of pure god liver oil and hy almost a palatable as milk so disguised that the moat delicate ntomacji can take it remarkable as a 7xksw producer jctxoiis gain rap idly irhile taking xt scotts emulsion in acknowledged by phy sicians to bo tbo finest and best preparation ot its class for tbo relief of consumption scrofula ceneral debility wasting diseases of children and chronic couchs sold by all druggists 60c and 100 toung men suffering from tho effects ol early evil habits the result of ignorance and folly who and themselve weak nervous and exhausted also miodlk aobd and old mas who are broken down from the effects ot abuse or over work and in advanced life fe the consequences of youthful excess send for and read m v lubons treatise on the diseases of men vhe book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3c stamps address ub to the convalescent patient and the emaciated invalid it is of vital importance to know what ingredient in our daily food ia needed to re pair our nerve tissue strengthen the blood and restore exhausfe d vitality this 1m- portailt ingredient is albumen and the food that contains it in largest propor tion and which is at the same time most easily digested by tho weak stomach is the food best adapted to strengthen and restore the physical powers johnstons fluid beef posesses these qualities whioh has been positively demonstrated by the highest scientific authorities in contains over 55 per cent of fleshforming material and is the mostl strengthening and easily dirested food that can be taken by the siok m ftwcga carbons safety itnbdntt adntl safety for best family use carbon safety oil ask dealers for it wholesale depots t ontario- toronto 30 front street east ottawa 33 spark street bkllrviiak l w yeomans co quebec moxtriat e cavanagh maritime prctin0e8 st jonss job bullocl sonn manitoba n wt biakdok w johnston oo j saml rogers co toronto canada capita mia funds now over 3000000 head office 15 toronto street toronto ol a ilosne company established october 1871 to this date october 31st 1887 there has been returned to tstfieir ot policyholders death claims tm049 00 toll holders of matured endowment policies 2o82 83 to policyholders on surrender of polloies 98668 00 tc policyholders for cash profits including those allocated and being paid 432644 ot tohoidersof annuity bonds 18967 84 loaned to policyholders on the security ot their policies 82264 98 sis06174 j policies in force over 10000 amount or r 15000000 president hon sir w p howland ob kcmg j vicepresidents william elliott esq edwabd hoopbb esq j jt k macdonald managing direct m v lubon wellington si e torontoont awpollolot nonforfeitable after 2 rears and indefeasible after 3 vears rely on hop bitters a wonderful nerve tonic a medicine not a drink cure all diseases of tho stomach bowrfs blood liver kidnoys urinary organs nervousness sleeplessness female complaints drunkenets t may save your life ppi o0o reward paid for a case they will not cure smmwvmbmmhnmwemi f j

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