v vol 1 stouffville ont friday december 7 1888 no 41 crave1xers guide trains leave stbuftvuit station mainline arid suiton branch a follows main line south mked s20 a m express 1102 mixed 341 p m express 757 xorth express 908 a m mixed 1026 mixed 54 p re express 604 sutto 1iranch south mail 610 am north mail 610 pm stouffville makkktc fall wheat so co to so 95 spring wheat 0 uj 0 i5 flour per owt 2 si 3 18 barlov 0 50 0 58 live 0 00 ct 0 go ycau 0 ot 0 00 peas blfick-evod- 0 oo a 0 70 oiits 0 35 0 35 ijrau per ton 0 oj us 00 shorts pur ton 0 00 20 00 hay it oj is 0 potatoes per bag 0 35 0 10 eggs 0 00 0 20 butter 0 00 it 0 20 lard 0 12 0 15 getso per lb 0 00 ti 0 0i turkeys per lb 0 00 u 0 08 chickens per pair 0 30 1 0 85 church directory methodist church rev george brown pastor services at 10 30 am arid 7 pm sabbath school at 236 pm pray- er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples urayer fleeting thursday at 8pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor services at m3c and 7 pm sabbath school at230jp prayer meet ing on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian rev mr knowles pastor- services at io am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday cvg at 8 pm jsaptist rev mr barker pastor ser vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 23d pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm church of england rev mr os borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at i 30 pm meetings ofsocieties and boards village council on tbe second tues day of eacli month director of mechanics inst on the tliird tuesday of each month r t of t on the second monday of each month a o u- w first and third monday of each month ipuklio school board on the first i tuesday iof each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each mouth farmers club second friday of each month i o 1 first and third friday of each wotl-li- toss8rs3 sjias3 fred w hill b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with idorphyo- miller toronto oittckfsandcrs lslock formerly occu- pied by the late mr mclean stouftvilleont nj armstrong stouffville 0t xiioeiiwod auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario sales promptly attended charges moderate dickson wm mcgullqugii money to loan oiticks tdalcys llloclc manning arcade sluuttvillc toronto k a dickson a mtaviok1ici j w mccullocgit licl kerr mneilonalj davidson lallcrson nviitisrkks soricrroiis notaries iuulic etc officks masonic buildings toronto st toronto and main si stouffville j k ivkkk qc w mcdoxald w davidson jxoa pattekson it a git ant sbieibee we serl groceries teas sugars canned fruits raisins currants best brands of flour oat meal corn ileal granulated wheat cracked wheat graham flour oats and feed come and see us at the telephone store a g- brown stouffvillo dec oth 1sss a rcjbinson dentist j will atend at millers hotel stoultville on the isth and a thetremont house markham tifilf on tne 20 of each month bwfi kosemans hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria square on the 2 jm when thcsiates fall on sunday the donday following will ben uer- stood 90 days without hard labor listen s j burkholder who keep the largest hest and cheapest stock of furniture north of toronto will give 10 per cent discount on all cash sales of furniture for 90 days picture framing a specialty undertaking coffins and caskets con stantly on hand and allfuneral supplies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours s j burkholder local items dptfr better thajievlb the western iiiiiillfi cosisie ao its r 1 qdarter of a centdry ily appearing in an c new oittfttand presenting a magnilicaiu souvenir jlicture to each subscriber for 1889 emitted the falls of niagara this beautiful premium which is a large photo lifhograuh is ix34 inches and is being specalljr executed for us on plate paper a photograph of this size sells for s ami cannot he distinguished from the lithograph when placed beside it it is ac knowledged by art critics all over canada to be the finest specimen of photolithography ever produced in the dominion will be mailed in december new type throughout illustrates departments beautiful free premium ealaxceof7888 free to all nowortufing for the year 1s89 at the low rate of or 3 for frur copies for the term mentioned agents wanted everywhere registered letters come at our risk for tree sample papers terms to agenls address advertiser printing co london ont tiietkiijunes clubbing ofeek you on have the western advertiser and its beautiful premium together with the tki- hunk for 1ss9 for only 175 by addressing us as follows tribune office stoultville ont sheet music tt half price music books and dialogue books at muuros book and stationery store story books in great variety lat est novels and periodicals at slunros sir j c iuudy clerk of whitchurch and dr it m coulter of aurora have been- appointed inspector and physic ian respectively of the county indus trial iiojpic uo to monros book store for albums bibles and hymn books countv couut the general ses sions of york county court commenc ed on the 4u inst siakket the market yesterday was well attended and everything of fered sold readily sieirutxg the first sleighs of the season ieady their appearance on our streets on wednesday morning public schooi- the inspector paid our school a visit last friday and put the boys and girls through their lac ings nominations the municipal nomi nations this year will be held in the evening on monthly dae 31st at 730 oclock iiutead of at 12 oclock noon as formerly colds are frequently the result of derangements of the stomach and of a low condition ot the system generally as a corrective and strengthener of tho alimentary organs- ayers pills are in valuable their use being always at tended with marked benefit pounc school examinations the annual public examinations of the stouffville school will be hew on fri day 14th inst tho examination will beconducted during the forenoon an tho junior department and afternoon in tho senior department parents au1 others interested are invited scott act a former citizen of stouffville who now resides out west writing to a friend in town tells of digging a well and after going down a great number of feet failed to get water ho accounts for the scarcity of water to the fact that tho scott act has been in force in that county for a number of years next light wanted on sunday cjren ing last wo noticed that a few of our more considerate citizens had placed lights in their wiiraows which we arc sure were sreatly appreciated by pe destrians uncertainly looks rather primitive to sue people m a town the size of stouffville obliged to carry ian- terns to church in order to avoid break- ing thoirnecks why cant we have street lamps an uiset on friday cv g last as the six oclock express came in sir lankin wholesalestationer of toronto had his jtiorso tied to the hitching pojt in front of sir hamiltons store and another horse vhtoh he was leading tied to tlio hind axle of ins bubby the hojses became frightened and upsot he buggy stationers samples and xinas cards into tho mud all were mixed up promiscuously and it took some tinio to sort out tho tangles seiuous accident on sunday 25th inst dr eugene free of broug ham met with a serious accident while driving part of the harness broke which paused the horse to become un- uianaixublo the dr was thrown out on his head the shock rendering him insensible for some time an attempt was make to telegraph tor dr s l of stouffville brother of the injured man but tho message coujd not bo sent through on sunday wo are pleased to loam that the dr is recover ing though as he says ho now sports a magnificiently colored optic the buggy was reduced to vulgar fractions band conceut in spite of the unpleasantness of the evening a very fair house assembled on friday even ing the band reonforced by friends from uxbridge and numbering in all overtwenty rendered some selections in excellent style where sill was so good it- jvould bo invidious to make comparisons except that the clarinet performance by sir g sicguire cor net solos by sir n stouffer and djann imitations by sir c h gilpin and sir planks baritone solo moy with especial favor tho services 01 sliss slccarty at tho piano added not a little to tho j success ot the concert the chair was s nbly filled by sir james obrien i editor tribune snt i wish to inform the god people of your village and vicinity that my head quarters during the approach ing holiday season will be at hamil tons store near the railway depot where i shall be happy to renew old acquaintances and show to many friends he good and nice things they can buy to make tho hearts of voting and old leap with iov ihs santa x claus siauk ijeal estate on monday last ike sale of building and park lots part of tho somervillo estate was i decided success although the attendance was only fairly large the majority ofthoso present meant business tho result be ing that every lot put up found a ready purchaser thirtylive lots were sold in all and cue park lot on church street lots were purchased by slessrs boadway warrincr h j hoidgo booth johnson guthrie toazo s stouffer hunter greaves smith sic- donald d stouffer john sanders on south side stain street w ijjjanders s burkholder perry toazc earner hunter nendickj k j daley adams kowdon hartney jas daley johnson encouraged by the success of this sale sir somervillo has instructed us to announce that the remainder of his property including lots situated north west of tho railway trackwill be put up for sale in the same terms on december llth 1888 see posters and bills south york 1ublic schools the following are a few extracts made from tho keport presented at the june session of the county council this year by d fothcringham esq p s i for the southern inspectorate of york total receipts for 1885 were 72 10s 45 1887 10997438 expenditure 188u g300149 1887 87482 so averajre salary of stale teachers for 1886 44130 for 1ss7 45175 fe males for 18sg 28971 for1887 2s6- 77 in this calculation parkdale is ex cluded in 1886 the- school population was 9444 number enrolled 7707 average attendance 35u5 or 47 2 per cant in 1ss7 this school populatiou was 9954 number enrolled 824 average attendance 3s13 or 4014 pr cent while the school population ami tho number enrolled have increased by about 500 the average attendance hits fallen oil- slightly the evil of irregu lar attendance has not therefore dimin ished many school yards were cleared and ornamented with flower beds and trees of which over 1000 were set out in 1887 the first of the halfyearly uniform promotion examinations was held on the jth of april under very encourag ing auspices pupils representing over ninety teachers took part and thirty per cent of them secured certi ficates as the interests of faithful teachers as well as of sound education can best be promoted by an impartial- test upon a uniform standard of work in all the schools 1 look forward with confidence to cordial cooperation on the part of teachers and trustees and marked advantage to the children ijoaiu of health council chamuei stouffville dec 4th 18s8 slembers all present exceptor s l freel minutes of previous meeting read aud confirmed the cthnirraan reported that ho had sisited the peterman family and that they were progressing favorably their allowance was ordered to be con tinued accounts re petermans ease b rowan drugs per dr fred 103i n j armstrongs groceries 1831 w p hartney lcord wood 4 75 sir si yake 750 sir si yake 1050 jos brown 3000 t tinkler meat 242 a g brown bran aud shorts cow 120 total 8502 w b sanders seconded by t j dougall moves that the above bills be passed carried w b sanders seconded by h w woodgate moves t j dougalls bill for rent pass car ried t j dougall seconded by v b sandeis moves that the bill for sec retarys services be passed carried adjourned to meet on 15th inst at 730 p m carried two pugilists named william tur ner 57 gerrard street west and char les brennan 98j william street were on saturday night arrested by inspect or stephen on a charge of assaulting each other the men worj matched to light to a finish at pjjjil patlllosand the inspector attended the exhibition of tho manly art was so brutal that ho thought itadvisiiblo to stop the mill though it lasted not more than two minutes turner was completely knocked out and both men were badly punished the indpector could not arrest thorn for prizefighting but tjiey will both be arraigned today on a charge if assault glob school board sieeting keoulaii mostiily meeting stouffville december 4th lsbs slembers all piesent slinutes of last meeting read and approved teachers and inspectors reports were read the inspector in his report strongly recommended the appointment of a fifth teacher for the junior department he states that the lowest room is very much overcrowded and that sending a jciass to the next room would only de range jie classification in that room and would not meet tlu difficulty a number of bills were presented ami ordered to bo paid on motion of sir rac seed by sir n stouter the secretary was ordered to procure certain maps and oth t re quisites for the use of the school wlrch the inspector in his report had recom mended on motion of sir rac seed by sir byor tne annual meeting was appoint- to bo hold in the school house id sir jas obrien appointed returning officer sleeting then adjourned to meet on tuesday cvg next at s oclock coeb5spoktdexce avtriuune ilaving seen a piece in your pi per on gossiping i think it would ivj well to keep the wheel of opposition in motion as tho whole civilized world is ad vancing at a very rapid rate in invent ions explorations and everything to elevate and idncate our minds why is slander and gossip left to degrade and trample under foot our educaton our laws demand that the youth shall bo instructed and brought up i 1 a way that will elevate their faculties but as long as gossiping is the horn talk we cannot expect tne right home- instruction why not discuss some subject relit ing to improvement it is our own business wo should run not other peoples if other people are not capable of managing their ownairs should we st p in between some petiole lira not saiitied with gossiping alone th y inns scandalize and thus many a pissing remark is haralded on until soma innocent per- sm is brought into trouble there can be a reformation which would bo a great betiefi t to society what wc need is more debates more reading circles etc so that those who want to talk can reap a benefit by so doing and put this- minds to thinking a refoiimeji