i0ee1gh botes cerainy last year irrprted g2c0o howea tiutiffel tower i now 582 feet high tie remaining 400 will be completed in jabeary lie electric lurht wmh tho dicheta of marlborough has put i blrihe pilace has own eompieted and the use of the lasso were in vain then the huntsmen snt three hounds into trie pond to attack her the poor beast made a good fight aven against such odds and held her own swing this the whole pack were set upon her as if with one bold united tffjrt to dislodge the enemy they attacked her in the most savage manner and her fearful agony was intensely painful to wit ness still she made a desperate effort for military budget contains an t item of 9000 for the breeding and training opcarrier pigeons toe prince of wales who has been visiting toe courts of europe a till wears the solitaire stud in his shirt front it is said now that england gave to the cltrmans a copy of her new rine in return for sarecipe for making melinite j jrry sullivan who is lying very ill in viiti brighton has entirely lost his reason he recognizes not even his wife the london hans m is at last to be intro duced in paris lord shrewsbury the great est cab owner in london is at the head of the company the new italian penal code provides that such an assertion hi tje the pope has a 1 right to rime as his sett of government is punishable as a crime and exhaustion she yielded to her assail ants and snecunbed then the creature was dragged ashore still breathing and stuck and upon examination was fonnd in places to be literally perforated with the teeth of the hounds 8he wanted a fair of specs a woman who looked as if she had been a long time in the vale of tears went into an establishment the other day and said i want a pair of specs this way said the obliging clerk with his hair parted in the middle and he led her up a night of stairs into a long room where a space was reserved for optical purp ises a small nervous m in at once surrounded i her sit here he said plaoins a chair for her and hanging up an abo card in front of her fix your eyes oa that ma- a brother of mr rider ilaggird cpt a darn c p haggard now serving in meerut his j l aint going to have my pictur taken written a book said to be in the same style 81 the woman tartly as his brothers works certainly not mvclwn vou wish to in order to v id iffnding any political renew your eyesight juifc tell mo what party in spain no qieen regent has got a i you can sea on that card 9 7 10 dj you young irish wu n miss georgina dven- follow me 1 port asa govevsos for the king 1 jist let me have my umbrella and ill the teetimo ipjsme nted to sir biche pvvu didn come h to b made cunard in laic itire for having managed ken ad nd write as well as you one of the countv hunts for many years was ken couat too i waqt a p of bpecs exactly but i should recommend eye glasses with such a nose as yours madam whats the matter with my nose hey a solid silver fi v w ighing 519 ounces sarah bernlarat still carries her coffin around with r on her theatrical tours it was observe in her recent journey to g it mtiob of a nose you aintoing to vienna encased lu its regular travelling p f a it i it is a beautiful nose said the optician alfred stevens and a frenchman named firmly ani would adorn a handsome piir gervex are paintidg an immense panorama j of eyeglasses will you kindly look at this for the paris exposition next year it will circle of lines do they appsar to be of the represent the frencn celebrities of the past same size century pear to be the crown princo of germany- now six and a half years old is drilled every day tor half an hour by a sergeant major of the first regiment of the guards he is an extremely handsome little fellow it has hitherto been thought that buenos ayrea was one ofthe most expensive cities to live in a medium sized house renting there for 2500 a year it islearned though that an eight- room house in the sydney brings 1750 a year the frenoh have a custom of visiting the graveyards wherein their relatives are buried on the 1st of november last year there were 270000 visitors of that sort and this year there were 190000 in the face of the most terrific downfall of rain france has now a national league for the promotion of physicil education designed to fit her citizens to ba soldiers the program me which hasbeer completed includes out door games throughout the land for which the local authorities will set apart a green whereon the children shall regularly play dr eisenmann of brlin has invented a piano which by the aid of electromagnet ism can sustain increase and diminish sound i this has been attempted by other experts notably boehm the inventor of the metal flute another novelty will be that by moving the electromagnets the timbre of the tone is changed for example from hat of a violoncello to a piccolo the masonic grand lodge of scotland at their last quarterly meeting considered the expulsion of two brothers for admitting a couple of ladies to a lodge meeting last may where they could seu aud hear a considerable portion of the proceedings while the lodge was tyled in the third degree they were let into the organ loft the committee re commended that one of the brothers be ex pelled a new field for french painters who have been rather impecunious of late is painting panels in the sections of the exhibition for example the argentine republic will have one of the richest exhibits and the walls of its seotion are to be adorned with decorative panels which will be taken back to that country doubtless when the exposi tion is over thus the great millionaires of the river plata will have the address of an artist in case he should wish to send an order to paris in the hope of reaching this new market artists of the very first class are offering to paint panels twenty feet long for such sums as a thousand francs the estimate of the average yearly pro duce of wine in the vaiious wineproducing countries of europe is as follows the figures i representing hectolitres of 22 gallons each i france 45 000000 italy 27538000 i spain 25000000 austriahungary 14 i x0000 j portugal 4000000 greece 2 500000 germany 5130000 j soutoern i russia 2 000 000 switzerland 1280000 j servia7000 0 j european turkey 600000 j roumanis 335335 thus the total wine j produced in europe fairly may bo estimated jj at 125084335 hectolitres equal to about 2- s 752 million gallons which at six bottles to i the gallon is 16 512 million bottles or j about four dozsn bottles of wine to each j inhabitant of europe hungarian gypsy music has rarely been heard in greater volume and perfection than it pesth at the unveiling of a marble obelisk iver tho grave of the zigeuner or gypsy primate bikes lajis who died in february 1885 at the ago of 48 there trere present in addition to a number of magnates tho entire choir of the peoples theatre and some four hundred zigeuners vith their instruments the ceremony rommenced with a funeral speech by an old ctor tho conclusion was a performance y tho four hundred zigeuners who played n their violins and other instruments the avorite melody of the deceased who was ho most celebrated conductor of their band tho title of primate whioh he bore denotes they are all of one size no nonsense young man 1 certainly not madam if the oiroles appear to be au ot one biz a your eyes are not deformed deformed goodness gracious i who said my eyes were deformed if ever i heard the like 1 yon see madam we are compelled to test the optic nerve and determine if the outsksxto j p has presbyonio- no sir im a baptist and i won t i stay here to be insulted you misunderstand me madam if you are afflicted aith hyprodinyopia in either eye look here young man said the woman fiercely i dare say you think youre mighty clever but i want a pair ot specs i aint as young as i used to be or id oh yes interrupted the rash optician i see you are getting old and then the feathers flew he never finished the sentence and it was some time before anything in the room could be discerned except an old umbrella and a pair of human arm revolving in the air like a pair of windmill sails when the woman came out of the shop she was trying to straighten out the ribs of her gingham and muttering to herself old indeed 1 ive ruined a fivedollar umbrella but i havent lived all these years to be insulted by such a puppie as that old the imperent scoundrel the ohuroh lottery the ecclesiastical grabhag and church lottery have been cordemned by religious and irreligious people time and oft but we have never seen tho immorality ot these and some other churctt institutions brought out in such bright light as it is by dr broadus in his commentary on the text my house shall be called the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thiees he says a place of worship becomes a den of robbers 1 when the worship is conduct ed by men who seek religious office for the money it yields 2 when the worship is supported or the house of worship erected by such measures as extortion in fairs or covert gambling 3 when persons join a certain church in hope of gaining custom or otherwise promoting their worldly inter ests 4 when men wrong others through the week and try to atone for it by worship ping god on the lords day didnt know her name said the license clerk xho other day an irishman came in and wanted a license whats her name i asked mary- miry what jisth oall her mary but there are 10000 marys in chios h0ti0h8 about mabei4qe qieer snpersutloas current la tarlons parts of the world there is curious custom in modern greece says the si louis globe speak ing of superstitions regarding marriage toe groom is shaved by a youog man whose parents are both living while the young girls and young men sing r zor silvered and gilt shave tenderly the young mans cheeks dont leave a hair lest the parents of his bride think him ngly in the vosgea mountain the young women who dress the bride strive as to who shall stick the first pin in the bridal robe as the successful one wil b- married the same year is was lucky for english bridesmaids to throw pins away the bride must not look into the mirror after she is dressed for the ceremony unless she put on some article of apparel afterward in russia the bride must avoid eating the wediiog cake on the eve of tho oere- mony or she ill lose her husbands love the aneizing of a cat on the eve of a mar riage was considered a good omen in the mid dle ages but tho howling of a dog then as now was especially ominous the bees are iuiormed of a wedding in djrbyshire ani their hives decorated in is deemed especially ominous in scot land for a lump of soot to fall down and spoil the breakfast on the cuy of tho wedding for a bird to die in its cage or for a bird to ait on the windowsill and chirp long tho bride must carefully avoid breaking a dish on that day in greece the groom is lightly sprink led with water on leaving tho home for the ceremony the bride must visit the oven in company with her father or a near relative to salute it and obtain leave to set out the romans deemed it an ill omen to iteet certain animals on the way to the ceremony a priest hare dog cat lizard or serpent was unlucky in themiddle ages a wolf toad or epider luck in scotland it is particularly ominous to meet a funeral bride or groom was certain to die soon as the sex of the parson buried was male or female in one part of york shire the groom on meeting a male acquaint ance rubbed his elbow for luck especially ominous are hitches or accident al hanpenings during the ceremony to lose the ring is at all times unfortunate bat particularly so before the ceremony in france during the middle ages a ring of straw or one made from a horseshoe nail was placed on the brides finger and me hd as many as five euch rings the couple also stood on a ring during the ceremony in brittany if the wife seeks to rule she must take care that the ring when placed on her finger shall slip at once to its place on her finger instead of allowing it to stop at the first joint the bride who lost her rinp lost her appetite and to break it portended death attention is also paid in the latter pro vince to the altar candles if they burn brightly throughout the mass the couple will live harmoniously the one whoso can dle burns with the brightest flame will live longest if one goes out then its donor will die that year the swedish bride tries to see the groom belore he sees her to gain the mastery she places her foot before his during the cere mony and sits in the bridal ohair first she must stand near the groom so that no one can come between them ro but to divil the wan o thim that i want me own mary whats her other name oh niver moicd that she wants change it for moine annyway 1 told him i couldnt give him a license until i had his girls name and he went away to find out what it was in three or four hours he came back with the name it frequently happens that the appli cant for alicenso is sent away to get the name of his fiancee one would suppose a man ought to be familiar with the name of the woman ho is about to make his wife but lots of them only know the given name of the bride expectant chigago news have you thoneht about it why suffer a single moment when you can get immediate relief from all internal or ex ternal pains by the uso of poisons nerviline the great pain cure nerviline has never been known to fail in a single case it can- not fail for it is a combination of the most n t powerful pain subduing remedies known hat ho was at the head of all the hungarian i try a 10 cent sample boltlo of nerviline xa euners the final scene is described as vou will find nerviline a sure oure for neu living been exceedingly touching all the pios shedding tears while playing the wird music of which their late chief was stfond the character of an english stag hunt ray be learned from this account of a run b her majestys hounds released at acot tho noble creature gave chase for soue time then making for vvinkfield find- in herself hard pressed took refugo in tho midle of a pond just outside that village leafed there with a certain sense of so- j euity she wonld not move lend shouts ralgia toothache headache buy and try lirge bottles 25 cents by all druggists her pure english naomi there is one reason why every body should admire you and what is that george you use only pure english so many young ladies have that detestable habit of interlarding their sentences with slang dont you abhor it well yes she replied it does make me rather tired in mirthful measures warm and free i sing dear maid and sing for thee 1 but i think i would be performing a greater service to you and your bex by bing- ing not in measured rythm but by set ting out some strong truths in simple prose if you or any of your female friends are suf fering from ulcerations displacements bear ing- iowa sensations or unnatural dischar ges use dr pierces favorite prescription which is sure to eradicate these complaints in a short time it is the only medicine for womans peculiar ailments sold by drug gists tjndek a positive quarantee from the manufacturers that it will give satisfac tion in every case or money will be refund ed this guarantee has been printed on the bottlewrapper and faithfully carried out for many years among tho many creations in oxidized silver is a bullrush lace pin upon which crawls a harmlesslooking toad vital wiotoi there are three wicks to the lamp of a mans life brain blood and breath thus writes an eminent american author the most frequent derangements occur in the blood and in the liver by which when in healthy condition the blood is purified look out for the terrible chain of diseases that owe their inception to torpid liver and consequent impure blood when the symp toms of liver and kidney troubles consump tion lungscrofula bronchitis and dropsy make their appearance the system is in im mediate need of a course of dr pierces golden medical discovery its marvelous effects have been tested and proven in the cure of tens of thousands of cases it puri fies and enriohes the blood restores lost vitality and effectually eradicates the seeds of the worst maladies that afflict mankind a large silver locket having in the centre an emerald surrounded with diamonds is a recent importation ills wills and fills an odd mixture of words but thosufferer from constipation indigestion impure blood biliousness and other such ills can bo cured if he wills wtihout taking tho horrid oldfashioned pills these aro superseded in our day by those wonderworking et tiny little globules known as dr pierces pleasant pellets no griping no drastic purging do not cause costiveness afterwards as the old style pills do one little granule a dose a larg opaque sapphire of a single star pattern and smoky gray in color is a mag nificent necklace pendant got no more watson s cough drops are the best in tho world for the throat and chest for tho voico unequalled see that the letters r t w are stamped on each drop k cvre tor drunkenness the opium habit dspsomanu the morphine nervous prostration caused by the use ot to acco wakefulnessneataldepredsloa60tt4nki0 thebraiu etc preisiture old age loss ol vitality cause by over exertion of the brain and lesaof natural streajrth from aay causa wbaterer men young olo or mid dleaged who are broken down from any ol the abov cause or any uaefuttmfncionddawwseui your address and 10 cent la tamp for lutons treatise in book form ot piuuu of van book eat oealed and secure from observation addreum v utkm 41 weulunoi street kait toioata o something out of the common in breast pins is a knife edge bar dpon which are two diamond- studded kittens facing each other and playfully disporting with a pearl fkaritcl explosions are sometimes caused by the use of poor cod oil for absoute safety and brilliant lgit use cr- b n safety oil sold by dealers everywhere in the dominion as neat a design in gents scarf pins as could be deiired it an acorn the upper half of which is a fiery opal while the lower half is of roman gold with a row of diamonds just below the opl i itching piles j stwtoiu moliture lnten itching and stinging i most at nfgbt worse by scratching if allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcer ate becoming very sore 8watsa8 oistmsst stops the itchins- and bleeding heals ulceration and in many cases removes the tumours it is eouilly em caolons in curiffg all sain diseases dr swaync 4 son proprietors philadelphia switses oust- ksnt can be obtained ol druggists sent hv mit fo 60 cents a p 426 sold uvorihg extracts kraxsso bakrtig p0mr iscade fs0h assotuttrpusc giamtaatas soo- flavoring extract 1c slkoolstpi a0 bc otsmx niagara falls a beautiful photolitfiograph lsail absolutely free to each mbacriber tow3tn ydvesrisax whoso 8ibseripijn i pw by the soih ot december twelve lar pges every week xiw typo heavy ppcr ulutrateadepartmet only 1 p j ear or 3 tor four aibscripti na 11 dance 18ss fee ad dieij advkkiss pslstsu co loudon ont canartx in the selection of a choice gift for pastor parent teaolier childor friendbotheeganco and usefulness wilibeiounel combined in a copy of webster unabridged brilliant durable economical diamond dyes excel all others in strength purity and fastness none other are jus as good be ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor weak crocky colors to be sure of success use only the diamond dyes for coloring dresses stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c c we warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors ask for the diamond and take no other a dress dyed for a coat colored v j garments renewed j cents a child can use them at druggists and merchants dye book free wells richardson co montkeal p q besides many other valuable features it conulnj a dictionary of 118000 words 3000 engravings a gazetteer of the world locating and describing 25000 pacca a biographical dictionary of nearly 10000 noted persons a dictionary of fiction j found only in webster eflp all in one book f3 3000 moro words and nearly 800d mow iuu trations than any other american dictionary sold by all booksellers pamphlet free g k c merr1am co pubrs springfield mas tub cblkarateo ambric corn poppbr just the thing for long winter evenings oandv pults pqp corn balls by mail post paid on receip of 25 cents address c w dennis 337 ycnge st to ronto oot laimfis drem and mantle cutting by thia new and improved s tisfaction gnaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting auearmenta worn by ladies and chidren prof smith 340j queen st w toronto agents wanted senilis after spending ten winters south was cured by scotts emulsion 16 centro st now york 1 june acth 1888 j the winter after the great fire in chicago i contracted bronchial affections and since then have been obligedto spond nearly every winter south lastmovemberwas advised to try scotts emulsion of cod liver oil with hypophosphltes and to my su rprise was relieved at once and by continuing its use three montlis was entirely cured gained floch and strength and was able to stand even the bliz zard and attend to business every day c t churchill sold bu au ntiiaalsts goc and 10o delays are dangerous dont wait until you are burnt out or robbed buy a safe now and sleep easy and be sure and get prioeg etc of the newchamplonsaf e s s kimball 677 craig st po bai 9i5 montrealpql o u n g men suffering from the effects of early evil habits the result of ignorance and folly who find themselve weak nerv ous and exhausted also middlkaohd and old mrs who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over work and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful exces send for and read m v lubons treatise on the diseases of men the book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 8c stamps address m v lubon wellington st e toronto on wjr are children who cheerfully join in the chorus vhk breadmaker3 yeast is he subject before u mamma tried all the rest so she knows ws the best lightest cause her bread is the whitest her buns are thg and we eat alt the pancakes she dare set beforeus buy the breadmakers yeast price 5 cents standard chopping mills usesbestfrenchburri millstones finest cninoerihthe world r0 renewing wanted every music teacher in canada to send for sfecialcatalogues of sheet music and muslo books we sell cheaper than any other bouse in the tnde manufacturers of band instrument j and dealers in all kinds 9 musical merchandiie whaley royoe co 283 youge st toboitto camada- pns the sreati strength givef a perfect food awa nutkitioijsbcverage a powerful invigorator delicious beef tea is made from johnstons fluid beef whion is palatable and highly nutritious use hop bitters cure all dlaoases of tb stomach bowels mi blood liver kidney urinary orcana m slooploesness femaloomplalnts drunkeness v kidney urinary organs nervousness- oop reward paid for a case they will not cure