Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 30, 1888, p. 2

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young folks the cheerful birdies seven mda 0b ths u tree were singing and swinging as gay as could ba singing and swinging flitting and flatttrlng chatting and spatting twittering spntler- ing- all in the best of foodnature of course till it seemed as though each little throat would get hoarse now whn the gay frolic was about at its height three uraogers appeared and prepared to alight three demure little strangers with sorrow ful faces who sighed as they sat in the pleasantest places i am grieved said the eldest with a sort of a wail of distress and a sad little shake of his au j i am grieved to hear sinjiog see gladness and mirth when theres sorrow and trouble all over the earth when through the wide world there ishardly a nation vhere some are not dying of thirst or star vi- tion these words on the seven produced quite a shock when up spoke the tiniest bird in the bock if the people are suffering and times are so bid we should try to make every one cheerful and glad sing more and sing louder it appears to me so together 1 chirrup chirrup chireee all joined with a will and their loud glad some singing set the woods nd the hills and the valleys a ringing till the bound reached a lonely old woman in bed after all life is atill worth the living she said while the sun is so bright and the birds are so gay and their glad musio cheered her for many a day when the chorus began the newcomers departed and they seemed as before very sad and downhearted but strange tojreiateas they flew out out of sight the three were a singing with all of their might boyhood in china it one has to be born in coina it is an exceedingly lucky thing to be born a boy for girls are considered of very little account in that funny land of tea rioe and chop sticks which is so old that many believe noah went and settled there after the flood indeed while bibies girls are only known as nos 1 2 and 3 and if there are too mny in a poor family the father puts them to death as unconcernedly as he might a batch of kittens there was then great rejoicing in one pagoda shaped house in pekin when baby miog chin foo first opened his three-cor- nored eyes on the world in general and the calestial city in particular for he was the only son although there were two black- haired yellow little sisters tumbling over the earthen floor and beginning to have their tiny feet bandaged up so as to keep them as small as is considered proper for refined little chinese ladies of rank but ming chin foo was a different mat ter for he would grow np earn money support his parents it necessary and above all worship his ancestors a red cord was tied to his wrist to ward off evil spirits and when a month old a bacber in a scarlet robe came to shave tho dark fuzz fron his little round poll at four months old he had what i suppose corresponds to our christen ing it being a ceremony to thank shing- moo or the holy mother the goddess of chinese children for sending the child and ask her to make him prosperous and happy the next anuiversary was his first birth day or twelve moons when again a thank offering was presented to shingmoo and when the child chose as it were his pro fession for he was seated before a table on which were placed books ink gold and various tools and whichever his naby fin gers first touched- determined his fnture employment for which he was to be fitted as this is thought to indicate the natural inclination if we should go to china and enter one of the thirteen gates of the walled city we might at first think we had stumbled into a very gay and festivallike camp meeting so much do the low onestoried houses with red green and blue sloping roofs resemble tents while they are most fancifully deco rated with lanterns and streamers but to ming chin i on who has now increased in years and wisdom and wears as long a tail of hair as the best they seem the moet con venient houses in the world and he would dislike exceedingly to have an upstairs that could be haunted by evil spirits of the air while he congratulates himself on the low roofs whenever he thinks of the dreadful earthqaake in tho seventeenth century when as he has been taught the golden froeon which the earth rests scratched his head and all tho buildings in pekin came tumbling down ming chin foa is as gay in his dress as his surroundings andhe wears queer loose- sleeved tunics and trousers of blue and red and purple pink and green being only worn by girls and women while yellow is a royal color which is reservod for tho emperor he carries a parasol and a fan on occasions and has his head shaved every ten days only leaving the precious queue of which he is so proud the hair then cut off is scattered on tho ground in the belief that it will ferti lize the soil and make the rice grow when well he goes regularly to school where the scholars look like a congregation of baldheaded old mon as thoy sit perched np at high desks with their feet on footstools like the little turks ho studies his lesson aloud and when he knows it by roto carries the book to the teacher turns his back and repeats it after which it is explained to him he is taught abovo all things to honor con- fucius a very learned philosopher who lived many years before christ and great pains is taken with his handwriting as that is con sidered of vast importance as indeed is ail learning in china and lot me tell you it b no small matter to write in chinese char acters which they do from right to left and ina perpendicular line while itoften requires six years to learn thelrnames alone two regular eeals a day are considered sufficient one in- the morning and- one at night but between they munch sweet cakes and drink an unlimited snpply of tea and our little celestial is very expert with his chopsticks that look like ivory knitting needles and the long slim knife vo wider than a blade of grass m coin foo and the other boys have very good times too in their own way they have some uncouth jumping tames that are quite unintelligible to us but be sides these they roll hoops play horse and at battledore and shuttlecock when they often use their feet or elbows ii place of battledores above all they enjoy flying kites and in this their fathers and grand fathers often joirv thei kites are much more elaborate than ours oeing in the form of birds beasts and dragons and they fly very high chinese boys too have an other curious and rather cruel amusement it is the fighting grasshoprers eich lad owns a hightempered locust or grasshop per that he keeps in a small bamboo cage and with which they have regular battles- royal chin foo bets on his hopper an other boy on his and they are taken from their cages and placet facing each other when the belligerent insects fall upon one another and fight until one is vanquished while their yonig owners look on nopping and grunting wita excitement the great holiday to which all look for ward with delight is their new years which comes in february according to our reckoning that is tho time of which yon have perhaps sung in the old song com mencing chmzariasr a ring ting feast of lan terns such a lot of chop sticks bombs and gongs 1 and whet the whole empire of china is one biaza of light every street and house is hung with transparencies in t he shape of aninals some of which have fire coming out of their mouths rockets blazing from their tails and craokers burst ing from their eyu while the lanterns are truly marvellous they are very showy with gilding sculpture painting and japanning and some extravagant ones are so large that they are fitted np inside with halls and apartments and the wners are able to eat receive visile giveballs and act plays in them the majority however are about four feet high six sided and covered with tine transparentsilk gaily printed in figures and flowers ming chin foo and his sisters all have new shoes for this festival their hair is tied up with red silk and they revel in dainties such as chinese pies filled with ginger citron and jolly ana strewn with white hemp seed ronnd hard nuts containing prunelike meats slices of cindied oitron and moonoake tempting in appearance a camphor scorpion- fill a glass or basin with water and on the surface scatter some pieces of camphor of different aizss in any shape you please lotus say a scorpion for example after a little while the creature will begin to atir in the water and you will see him move his paws and tail as if he were trying to swim now this is a very simple experiment some may even call it insignificant but if it be studied one may bee that it can be made to yield some very instructive faots in the first place our scorpion swims up on the water thus proving that the density of the oamphor is less than that of the wat er but as in some cases the pieces sink almost entirely it is evident that the differ ence in density is not very great the den sity of camphor is in fact 995 thai of the water being taken as a unit again the creature does not melt cam phor cannot then be dissolved in water whereas if you had put it into alcohol you would have seen it dissolve entirely next why do the different pieces of the scorpionremain as if fastened to each other in the place where we put them because they are held together by the formation of mensical liquids about each piece produced by cohesion ihe scorpions movements which are the object of our experiment are caused by the vapr which camphor emits even in an or dinary temperature and these vapors in escaping find enough resistance in the air to cause the movements which seem so mysterious lastly to make our scorpion struggle btill more violently we have only to hold a lighted match near it it takes fire imme diately and seems to writhe in the most fearful convulsions having proved in this way that camphor is combustible we can make nsc of the knowledge so gained to mystify our friends in winter by announc ing that we are going to burn snow this we do by making a hole in a snowball and billing it with powdered camphor so care fully that it cannot easily be detected and then setting fire to it so looking at the experiment on all aides you bee we have learned several interesting facts and thore is no reason why you should not owry your studies still farther and learn about the manufacture of camphor it is extracted from a kind of laurel which grows in japan the laurus camphora its extreme volatility shown by our ex periment proveb that it should be kept in a cool place and in a tightly corked bottle by its volatility it prevents the decomposi tion of bodies about which it produces an odorous atmosphere which destroys the microbes in tho air and preserves woolens and furs from tho attacks of the moths dur ing the summer punky little stobies he obeyed orders a gentleman went into a fancy shop one day to buy something it was early and the shopkeeper and his little boy wore alone in tho house the former had to go up stairs to get his cash box but before doing so ho went into tho little room next to the shop and whispored to the boy watch the fentleman that he doesnt steal aoythintt and bringing him out set him on the counter as soon as the shop keeper roturncd the child sang out pa he didnt steal anything i watched him as you told me to his barefooted head little nollio was visiting an nncle whom she had never boforo seen the undo be ing found of children it was not loig bofore he and his wee niece were fast friends one day the uncle was reading his daily papers when miss nellie climbed up be side him and began combing his hair he like many other men of his years rejoiced in a smooth spot on top o bis hoad nellie soon discovered this and jumping down ran to the door and called in an excited voice mamma auntie come here quick uncle is barefooted on top of his head the firing of vucan its on old story but very little known said uncle phineas as he drew bis chair np to the fire among the young folks whats that uncle about vulcans being thrown off ms olympus most books have it all wrong- all wrong how was it uncle why jupiter was standing on the edge of a cloud one day looking down over tne earth and he remarked i see that old ciius lucius hutching has gotten up a corner inrwheat as its a matter pertaining to grain i think ill send ceres down to see about it yeabid vuuan its in every way a ceres business he was fired before twenty four hours ha elapsed an unkind simile weally miss belle sid clawence diiherly to a young lady my fwiend gusdejay is not so stupid he has lots of clevah ideas lots of them indeed semething like my fathers books of proveitjs i suppose in what way bound in calf the twins she had an old ragged redfaced forlornlooking woman accosted a gentleman with piaise sur for the luv of heaven give me a fip to buy brevl with i am a poor one woman and have young twins to sup port why my good woman he replied you seem to be too old to have twins of your own they are not mine sir she replied im only raisin em how old are your twins j one of em is seven weeks ould and the other is eight months sorter dangerous a ttaveller in missouri met a boy and asked him if there was a good place in the neighborhood in which to stay all night no sah the boy replied dont hard ly think thar is how far do you live from here i live right up yan dont you suppose that by paying enough i could btay at your house oh yes sir you can stay at our house whether you pay anything or not then why is not that a good pace to stay wall its j orter dangerous why so wall uncle bob an pap air sorter at outs an theyve besn shootin at each other all day pap he hit uncle bob jest now theyve broke out all the window lights but i reckon ef youll lay round till after dark and then slip in they cant hit yon his unlucky birthday moses iklestein ropecca i vonder vhy it vaa dot some mans vas porn lucky vile udder poor tevils like meinselluf vas left to go py de vorld trough mit out atriking a pudding rebecca ach moses vat vas you kom- blaining aboudt now you vas alvays kick ing against your in 3k und already dis year you haf made quite a poodle moses yah dat ish bo and i know dot it vas wrong for me to kick lar i leaf it mit yon repecca now vouhnt it be a big poodle in our pocket uf der people vould ran me for mayor tink uf der advertisement to our pisness i vould run a cut of mein- selluf in der baber und say moses ikle stein de beobles choice bella all kinds uf new und secondhand olodin at popular prices come and shake hands mid der beo bles choice vedder you vant some clodin or not it vill cost notings to look at him bad dere vas no such luck in store for me i vas porn on friday peaks sun a bald headed qrowd padler i am introducing a new kind of hair brush which business man im patiently ive no use for a hair brush cant you see im bald pedler yea sir your lady perhaps business man shes bald too except when she goes out pedler yes sir child at home probably business man only a month old bald too pedler i es sir yon keep a pet dog mobbe business man we do but its a hairless dog pedler desperately cant i sell you a flytrap sir his pride was humbled mr mdougal of paisley used to tell o having been accosted by a man on leaving some meeting with youre mr mdougal i think yes i am how do you happen to know mo oh i im whiles in your kirk do you live in paisley no i leeve in oleaca then i sup pose you sometimes stay with friends in paisley no i jubt walk out on the sundays thats a long walk surely the minister was beginning to feci quite proud of his power of drawing a congrega tion do you stay over the night after going to church 1 no i just walk back again that is a very long walk oh ay its a bit gude walk but ye see i think a deal o your precentor a model woman jones came home at an nnseemly hour one night and was surprised to see mrs jones sitting up tor him below stairs mm maria he said huskily yyou shouldnt bit np slato when im out on busi ness as mrs jones did not answer him he continued in an alarmed voice shorry m dear but its lash time tell you im sorry wont speak to me 1 at this moment mrs jones called from abovo stairs mr jones who are you talking to at this hour of the night thash what i like to know myself stammered jones mrs jones hastened down stairs lamp in hand when she saw the situation she laughed in spite of being very angry its the model she said the model i bought today to fit my dresses on yes thash so said jones tipsily cnodel woman didnt talk back make some fellow good wife passesg botes a letter appears in an issue of the new castle eng chronicle from one george jacqaes an army pensioner who writing from brandon manitoba makes an appeal for funds t- pay bis passage back to the mother country ho gives any thing but a rosecoloured account of the northwest and manitoba as role however army pen sioners do sot nvvke good farmers canadian consumers of gas who pay from 125 upwards per 1000 feet must be envi ous of the good fortune of the citizens of london england who are to be supplied with tho article after january 1st next at the rate of 61 cents per thousand feet the cost of production has of late years been so greatly reduced in canada that there is really no good reason for maintaining the present high rates the plain unvarnished account of the part ing between the german emperor and the dowager express vctorla reveals no sign of any estrangement between mother and son the fact that the german ambassador in england was requested by his imperial master to wait upon and pay dne respect to the djwagcr empress in england is a mark of respect which disturbs some of the stories that have been set afloat there is a loud outcry amongst our neigh bors for a longer term of the presidency it proceeds mainly from business men who complain of the serious interruption to their affairs so frequently but many leading po liticians back up the demand for a reform by lengthening the term to six or eight years a frank correspondent of the new york herald approves of the proposed ohange provided it be by popular vote not bj the present sliding game election wherein soap does tho bidding it is probable that ne position raised in canada v the press to the wholesale importation of pauper children from england has had its ettect at any rate the returns of tho english local government board snow that only 411 children have been exported to canada this season the london times in commenting upon the fact bays that england may make up her mind that she will have to keep her own piupera a remark the appropriateness of which will be appreciated by canadians a table in bip howard hunters report for 1887 on fire insurance companies jutt issued shows the causes of fire in ontario the fire insurance companies under pro vincial jurisdiction do hut a small portion of the fire business thoy reported 1058 fires caasing a loss of 398034 lightning caused 147 of these fires the greatest number from any one cause defective chimneys account for 76 chimney sparks 37 furnaces 21 in- endiariam 46 auppibed incendiaribm 46 stoves and stovepipes 72 the causes of 426 nearly half are unknown anticipation the sky is grey and blank today tho sad winds are complaining because novembers sullen sway has washed the sunshine all away in dull incessant raining i care not i for cloudy sky or rainy days returning i only long to see them fly and let the wintry hour draw nigh for which my heart is yearning a tender flower that wintry hour brings to its fair completeness and never yet to sun or shower in shady wood or garden bower was known its like for sweetness so come and go o sleet and snow and angry tempest swelling across the frozen river blow and toss the poplars to and fro toot tower above our dwelling i bhall not sigh nor tremble i though blast with blast eogages the little house is warm and dry and boon ah soon 1 a little cry shall drown your windy rages come then with fleet and hurrying feet o welcome dear december and none of all the months that meet the summer sunshine warm and swcet such greeting shall remember a modem heronles philadelphia can boast of a modern her cules in the person of george spotman a giant in person and stature he stands 6 feet 4 inches in his stockings measnres 50 inches around his cheat and weighs 273 sounds scarcely an ounce of which is super- uous flesh his proportions are admirable and he has amazed many an athlete expert by his displays of strength spotman re cently paid a short visit to a gymnasium on arch street and gave an exhibition of what he could do the pupils eyed him curious ly when he picked up the 100 pound dumb bell and twirled it between his fingers as a dude might do with a bamboo cane when he stretched out his arms and asked all who possibly could do so to jump on his back arms shoulders and head to take a ride eight sturdy and strong men complied with the request and holding on to his ears hair and collarbutton they bore their weight npon him he carried them without much difficulty and the gymnasts who saw the performance were almost inclined to think contemptuously of their own comparatively puny physiquos not satisfied with this the young giant wont to the strength- testing scales and pull ed up the 2000pound weight with ease he then wrapped two straps around his shoulders and back and fastening the ends to 3300 ponnds of iron be calmly raised the weight and took a promenade around the hall with his load as his last act in stead of wrestling with a numoin lion as hercules of mythological fame did he caught hold of a bear which a friend had expressly brought and hugged the animal so hard that it grunted for mercy spotman has yet to perform seven more difficult tasks and then he will pose himself as a modern hercules and the hero of twelve unparalleled foats of strength philadelphia record talincc 8d tor m catalogue knlttingtgfwgrwachlnes riniio fob sale or bent a snm ranmo kixindprici some special bareiina nuiuv s miichelu pyrrol- oat agents 1 unemployed we handle only itsdardtpeculaea of hlch nootberfinaha aright to sell in canada write us tarbox bros toronto ont ontario veterinary ooiasok over ave hundred ttudeots to suoowrful practice tees bity oeharp wlon session isssa bejuu october 20tl frtodpaj frol smith v toronto tin toloascn ima iowejt rates money bmie y xtumiilkd wo it king st g toronto j toronto ccttixg school oenuirnsa deiireus of acquiring thorough knowledge ol garment cutting should vieit us sclentlflo nd reliable systems taught whereby perfect tilting gar ments are produced circular with lull information on appllcion 8corbioan prop 122 yonge st toronto protection from jibe a good th1ho ussmts snax abs8terd dkom cohblnkd workbcn stoves piper mill stacks etc city and onnty rights or entire canadian patent tor sale w j ussery nomcicb oct ulcers scrofula eta cured permanently without i j the knile apply to dr w l smith 124 queen st e toronto ganger btaui1ful story and golden oems ot religious thought by j w buel and t de witttalmige dd tiautilul illustiations color ed and plain handsomely bound largo quarto book pllutypeand jurteuchabook that takes the eye at a glance terms to agents extra liberal william brioos publisher toronto gdelph business college guelpta writ the filth stholastio year began sept l9t the system of education puwued u at once in tellectual and eminently practical meeting in a very marked degree the requirements of hia progressive and commercial age few if any ct he graduates according to the ehowlngof past results need be lodg unemployed to mention their training school is as a rule a passport to eligible and lucrative sltnaticns address m miccormlck principal o atloapl casingsscason 18ssnew im- sauuaul porutions ol english sheens w finest americin hog casings orders filled for any desired quantity wilts for prices jame4 park son 41 to 47 st lawrence market toronto leatherbelting best value in the dominion fedix0n c0 makers 70 king st e toronto send tor pries lit ts and discounts allan line royal mail steamsmp sailing durinr winter torn portland everytbureday and halifax every saturday to liverpool and id aura mer from quebec every saturday to liverpool calling at londonderry to land mails and passengers foi scotland nd ireland also from baltimore via halt- fax and st johns n f to liverpool fortnightly daring summer months the steamers of the glas gow lines sail during winter to and from halifax portland boston and philadelphia and during sum mer imtween glabgow ad montreal weekly glasgow and boston weekly and glasgow and philadelphia fortnightly for freight passage orotber information apply a schumacher co baltimore s ounard co halifax shea co st johns nfldwm thomp son ft oc st john n b allen oo chicago love ac alden new york h bourller toronto allans rae tt co quebec wm brookie phllade- phla h a allen portland boston montreal ladies look berlin wools all colors 8c per oz shetland and andalusian wools 8c t5 peroz j saxony wool all colors 10c per skein ice wool best quality 10c per ball embroidery 3ilk every shade 10c dozen skeins arrasene all colors 30c dozen skeins filoselle best quality 48c and 85c dozen skeins maorame cord 16 colors 10c ball felt extra quality 2 yards wide si 00 per yard woolen java canvao all colors 45o yard always on hand the newest mater als for fantiy work at lowest price letter orders have prompt and careful attention goods can he sent to any part of canada by post writt for price hat a trial solicit ed hen davis importer 232 yonge street toronto please mention this paper canada permanent loanft saving sdompany i tcorpokated 1855 head office toronto st toronto subscribed capital 450m69 paid up capital 05oomo total assets 1000000 the enlarged capital and resources of this company together with the inoreased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money enable the directors to meet with promptness and at the lowest ourrent rata of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security application mm be made to either of the companys loca appraisers or to j hgrdtirvr mason mwagg director toronto stained glass fob churches dwellings and public buildings mcausland son 76 king st w toronto purity and strength combined in the empire baking powder b n manufactured by parisian critics already begin to warn patti from singing juliette in gounods new work at the grand opera tho last timo that she sang in paris her voice proved its waning state as thoy have no national sympathy for her they think it will be a very dangerous zperiment if she should undertake to reappear ellis k keigmey toronto you may have one 1 1 lint nend jour namo anil address and 10c for iiostnttc and receive by mall a uandsomb slhniasdkeituiieiandthomarlcnccho ahtonfshesovorycno addrcsawuitonijovclty co toronto out are you bald is your hair gray ob- falling onl try dr dorcnwcndn great hair it is tho finest in the 1 german magic ulr tonlo world i price 4100 per bottle or 6 bottles for 5 00 try i it- it will make your hair grow thick and stroeff for sale by all druggists everywhere or send dtrtct to the manufacturer enclosing the amount

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