5 the pffl of pbayer we are judged by the earnestness of n our private devotions watered according to act t tfca fai limot of canada in tin mroal thoukaud nln hundred and thr by wm ally of toronto at taj jlnaixtmcut of agriculture ottawa- a despatch from los angeles cal says i rev frank de witt talniage preached front the following toxt i thessalonians v xix quench not tho spirit wo would for our present lesson use one oi pauls impressive signifi cant words his quench has a superlative weaning it is one of thoso sharp poiutod verbal chisels which can ojcn ndamanuuo rock and in cutting power oittdiiunond tlic diamond it is one of those intense lurid words which picture their thougttt in colors of blood to quendfe means to smother mother would extinguish the flames consuming the dress of her burning child by wrapping about the flimsy garments a heavy wet blanket jerk ed from ofl the clothesline in that word quench paul stortlingly warns all believing christians against the sin of extinguishing the power of the holy spirit which is now burning within them as a living flamo quench not the spirit is the command to the thessalonians smother not the divine flames a practical question the bedroom and in the solitary walks through the streets and in the quiet of the oflico or in the kitchen cod wants us to frankly and freely and lovingly talk with him he the j offer a petition to god or them to consecrate their lives to christ also in touch with christ by coming in touch with christs life shall wo have the spirits- flame leap and glow and resistlessly move on and scatter and and consume our sins and our brothers sins even as the prairie fire makes serpent prairie dog horse buffalo and deer turn and flee for their lives in welcoming the church members to christs altar i have but one more question to ask and to answer in what o struggling friend does the chief definition of being a chris tian consist ought you to say i m m and cinnamon a fourth of a teaspoon sktfrriof cloves and a level teaspoon of home a good housekeeper to bo a firstclass housekeeper re quires ability of no mean order it implies a knowledgo of food sanita tion house decoration and econo mics it demands tho power to con trol and direct servants not to seak jjsodl sifted together stir until thor- joughly mixed then stand iu the cold over night next morning roll out about a fourth of an inch in thick ness uprinklo with o- cup of finely chopjicd walnuts and press tho rolling pin lightly over the surface to secure the nuis ormly into place cut into strips three inches long and one inch wide and bake in a moderate oven household hints doughnuts or biscuit may be heat ed so as to bo almost as good as wants us to come to him with me j want ui be a christian to escape the of managing tho members of the at first bv putting them in a whole abiding faith of a little child- and evil effects of sin i want to be houshold housekeeping is in fact paper bag sprinkling them with a tho heavenly father who sooth in a christian to bo happy i wantjtt business and calls for executive j few drops of water twisting the ends secret shall reward thee openly jto lie a christian in order that i may j ability and a constructive mind of tho hog and putting it in the ov- thf divine command roach heaven oh no vou states ilarers bazaar hut home- ion on the grate tho oven must be should want to be a christian not i making is more than a business it is quite hot our public christian usefulness tofor your own beautification but in jan art and high art al that many in buying a cookstovc or range bo a great extent is dependent upon tho order that god may bo glorified in a clever wonun systematic and sure that the oven has an asbestos- intensity of our prayers uttered in j order to glorify god wo should work strong who conquers nil the probl lined oven instead of one of sheet the sunday school urtehnational feb 7 lesson secret christian brother never nlfor him in order to glorify cod low your prayer closet to become j wo should give to him of our tem poral substance in order to glorify god we should pray to him we now comes the practical question how do many bclioving christians open tho floodgates of sin and drown out their spiritual fires how do many of our- now converts chill their holy enthusiasm and dry their cheeks wot with penitent tears and harden again their hearts in sin first and foremost by neglecting gods place of public worship by turning their backs upon the sun day church services by claiming that they can pray to god just us well at home us in the week night prayer meetings bv asserting that tho communion of the saints in a building which has been dedicated to god as a house of prayer is not essential for true spiritual life ko true convert should ever be guil dust covered and musty never let a time come when you will break the telegraphic communication with tho a heavenly headquarters for prayer in gods great whispering gallery may your lips learn to utter tho divine pleadings so softly that they shall sometimes only bo heard by his ear and answered directly only by his loving voice the closed lids of gods bible aro often used to extinguish tho divine flame burning within tho christians heart they can becomo tho barred and bolted doors of superstition barred and bolted by gross ignor ance endungeoning tho most mon strous of heresies in the darkest of cells they may become red hot irons putting out the calm deep blue eyes of faith and love by tin ancient eastern law no blind prince is allow ed to sit upon the throne of persia- by a divine law no christian can reach that stage of enlightenment fitting him to occupy one of gods spiritual thrones without earnest and praverful study of the bible tollc lege i tolle lege vtfikc tho divine command given in vision and read take and read was to young augustine in reference to tho holy scriptures take and read take and read is the di vine command given to the young christian of tho present day my friends how are you going to find out what is tho law of god and ne s win of god unless you read his t jh holy word in isaiah lie distinctly should read the bible that we can further find out how christ may con tinue to bo glorified may our lives to filled with holy zeal for the glori- lems of housekeeping who controls iron sides the asbestor lining means and retains her cook who never has a cool kitchen and a hot stove a fly or a moth within her four walls whose rooms are in perfect taste whoso plenteous table is faultless in all its appointments is an absolute philistine as regards homemaking sho provides nil the environments of fication of tho blessed saviour on a delightful home but leaves a blank earth and in heaven i congratulate j where the homo itself ought to be you in this the supreme moment of your life when you start in the ser vice of jesus christ christian bro ther give me thy hand to cut or split ga3s you know how it can be done done without a diamond produces the frame and leaves out the picture her house is a dream but her home is a nightmare was n comment on one household home is made by considering its essentials and putting them first a home is a place where the happiness the freedom tho health and tho com fort of the family are provided for a place that offers bodily comfort and health but neither freedom nor it often occurs that glass tubes of joy is not a home to- call it so is various dimensions have to be cut jto take tho sacred name of home in where a diamond is not at hand oft vain rigidly fixed rules which nov- in shops and power plants where oil or take account of the need or con- ancl water tubes must be neatly fitt- venienco of members of the household ed ihe usual method adopted is jnoy bc good housekeeping thev are tube 3 ss ffh arouild kd homemaking fronv and rnltth gla w1 a sympathy have been well called the sharp rap at the place weakened by f0umiations of homo t things but souls is where the stress jof the homemakers activity should tv of casting a slur upon the t altar of jesus christ as pmcc my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my leon the explorer crossed the seas expecting to find a spring of perpe- i tull voiith which was different wa a j to find from all other springs so when wo t by studying the scriptures what come to a consecrated public sor- w goti s thou a t harmon vice filled with christian people wie olr hvcs wlth hs 1 aro we should expect to find t hero a rich trying to find out what is the deep- blessing different from all other er richer meaning of the saviours blessings it is hard work for a name are we seeking to under- live coal to keep warm and to ro stand what is the mission of the holy main a live coal outside of the j spirit and how god with the weak grate it is hard work for a warm things of this world is going to hearted loving christian to remain confound the mighty or are we a spiritual live coal unless he con- j going around day after day singing a timially lives in close contact with gonsnlcss silly hiren so riff jesus other loving christians it is by will save jesus will save oh i the commingling of praycis that theniso happy jesus will save when best prayer is produced- h is by some of us merely look upon the the commingling of testimonies that j name of jesus as an amulet because the file tho result is not always satisfactory because the ends often break unevenly owing to the uifli- culty of making a straight groove with the file better results arc ob tained when only a small incision is made with a file just enough to cut through the enamel of the tube on one side and not all around while the tube is still warm from the fric tion of the file the tube is then taken between the thumbs and fore- bo laid this does not mean that unpunclu- nlity should be the rule or that dust and disorder should bc tolerated jt makes a child or a husbandno hap pier to he habitually untidy or late but just as in building an iron bridge room must be allowed for the ex pansion and contraction of girder and finger tho thumbs opposite the file j pillar through all sorts of weather incision and the forefingers around the tubing close to but not covering tho incision pressure of tho thumbs invariably causes the tube to break in as straight and clean a line ns though cut with a diamond another method is to use a fine saw blade tho finer toothed so every part of housekeeping must be elastic when the need comes ills of the feet relieved some economically inclined soul has discovered that potatoes may bc bak ed in the ash pan of tho base burner by giving them time enough empty tho ash pan put in the potatoes put on a cover and have nice baked po tatoes for summer iodine bus always been regarded as one of tho worst of stains to re move a woman who spilled some on the front of a gingham gown soak ed the spots in cold water for half an hour then covered thickly with common soda it was then sent to the wash and came out without a stain it is said that if ono burns the coarse brown paper that butchers wrap meat in and hold the hands in tho smoke the odor of onions and other disagreeable things will disap pear salted almonds are even more de licate and appetizing if they are blanched and then roasted slowly in the oven till golden brown without the addition of the usual butter or olive oil when brown enough dust with fine salt the best testimony springs from our lips it is by the foolishness of preaching that sinners arc saved yes and also by the foolishness of preaching that they are brought nearer week by week to the person ality of jesus chi 1st public worship essential public worship is absolutely esson- tiul for tho spiritual lifo of the av erage man some years ago a coun try boy was riding in the cars to ward philadelphia in the scat sit ting next to him was an old man after it long conversation iu which the young man told hfs scat mate that he was going to philadelphia to find workj the aged man asked him for his letters oh yci said the young fellow here is one from my old employer here is one from my schoolteacher here is one from my physician is that all have you not one from your minister asked his scat mate yes i have that also well my young friend said the old mnn i would advise you to present that letter to some church at once 1 am an old tea captain and i have found out by bitter experience that it is safer when in harbor to tie my ship up to a wharf than to anchor it out in midstream to bo floated around in the tides by bitter experience i iiave also found out that no young christian is safe unless he is bound up in christian fellowship with other christians in sunday services and in the week night prayer meetings the old sea captains experience has been mine i never saw in my life a church member go astray unless you could first trace his spiritual de generacy in growing absence from the prayer meeting and sunday ser vices jf you want to keep closo to god yon must keep close to his praying disciples never neglect un less compelled a church service for your spiritual welfare especially never neglect your week night prayer meeting prayer ix puklic it is necessary for true spiritual life to pray in public oh yes t but it is just as necessary to pray in private the lord thy god is a jealous god that means in one sense that there aro times when god want us to be alone with him alone ns christ was alone with the heavenly father when jesus again and again went ofl alone to pray ho wants us to be alone with him in holy fellowship as some of us have often been nlone wiut our mothers blessed and tender weic those hours of sweet communion with our moth ers wit have now gone beyond after the rot of the family were all in bed we used to sit up toward mid night telling her what wo wanted to do and asking her if she thought it was best for tin to do it so god tho heavenly father wants us nt times to come to hint when we aro alone he wants us to tell him all our plans george whitofield would n6ver accept any invitation to do anything of any import unless he had first talked it over with his wo do not know or care who jesus is or tako the trouble to read tho words which he has spoken for us are we going to look upon the closed lids of tho bible in a superstitious way as did the peasants of europe during the dark ages as though they were something they had no right to touch shall we continue to bo as ignorant of gods word ns that or are you going to look upon the holy scriptures as a divine letter written by the heavenly father to his children which letter ought to be carefully studied and its com mands to be strictly followed out development of character but some new convert says if the knowledge of the holy scriptures is essential to a truly developed spir itual character then i am not a true christian i practically know no thing about tho word of god except that god so loved tho world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever belioveth on him should not perish but have everlasting life that is all i know cannot i now accept christ ns my saviour oh yes my brother you can you are now a christian if you want to be if you accept and truly believe that one verse just quoted you arc ns much a christian as a little fledge ling just hatched out of an egg is a bird if you accept truly with your whole heart that profound truth and should die tonight he who promised salvation to every soul who believes and trusts him would take your soul into his safe keeping but if you live you should grow and de velop you aro saved that you may serve him ns nn example and as a soul winner and this you can never do unless you learn to know him and his teaching through the study oi his word remember you nro now a christian only ns the bird just hatched out of the egg is a bird you nro a spiritual hedge ling you must oit spiritual food that spiri tual food is to imj found in the word of ood ns the breath for your spiri tual lungs is to be found in the at mosphere of prayer the fireside standard every mans homo to a certain ex tent is his own castle ho can lift what standards he pleases over his own fireside he can emphatically say as did gods ccrvant of old let others do ns they will but ns for me and my house we shall serve the lord or ho can oien hfs own home to shelter and entertain evil temptations of nllsorls but let no mnn think if ho surrenders his housj to evil practices and yields himself and his home to the seduc tions of the world that he can nt the same time live a spiritual life nor can ho expect that those around him who are bound to him by ties of blood and love will lead spiritual lives he must if he would live right not only consecrate his own life every morning to god but in probably no part of the human f receives so little care as tho the foot and yet how necessary is their better for a saw is only another wp being shoes that are either form of a file and thls siloti d bc or kept fodwi h fine emery carbonm- wil0il tnese first j rub then j dum oi pulverized sihea sand of with j li trent in tho sho hard grit moistened with camphor i j in im oil turpentine or water a strnighljcs on so i shs 5 aundy and oi ofctr y v i ho ottoin and sides of tho madef and ttrkcw t the c0 very fully done against a gauge the cut f p thc j reet n warm water and will be as true as though it had i uien anpiy camphorated vaseline in been ground nor is even a tooth- p a corn a v sharo knife ed blade necessary if a suitable hc used nn thc operation hard and finelv gritted abrasive isj cautiously conducted a poul- used and regularly fed between thej cautiously cunductcd half an glass and fine wire watchspriug or in vinegar will often remove blunt but even blade of an ordinary a cor in a tes table knife the latter will bc bunions should be rubbed with lau- olino and then protected by a piece of oiled silk ingrowing toenails may for the young wife ono of the most difficult questions for a young wife to decide is how she shall treat her new relatives some times of course her husbands and her own family have been friends for years and she at once slips into her place ns the daughter of the house only changing dear friends into denr- er relatives but this is not always the case i more often she meets- her husband far away from his family and is only introduced after her marriage a bride should try to remember that everything depends on a first impression and should therefore be careful to create a favorable ono at somewhat slow of course but a fine steel wire run at high speed like a band saw if regularly fed with fine j be checked and cured by forcing back emery- or carborundum will give j the fosh from tho nail and inserting very satisfactory results not only j a tiny wad of lint under the edge of for cutting cither straight lines or j the nail when the next toe presses curves in window but plate or tho flesh down on thc nail bind tho optical glass in such thickness makes cutting with a diamond diffi cult precarious or impossible window glass especially single strength can be accurately split cither in straight or curved lines by first making an incision through thoip tired or aching feet use enamel of che glass ami- then hold- watcr brtth nnd rub tho two toes together with adhesive plas ter so as to prevent the pressure in tho wrong place for perspiring feet bathe tho feet in water containing n little borax and then powder with lycopodium hot ing a hot iron close to the incision jdry witta rough towel swollen feet till a fracture is started the fracl oll r- k uk turn will follow thc hot iron with must recollect that whatever their failings and peculiarities are thoy arc her husbands people and am ueh to lm tmntofl vtritli rospoct even if she cannot feel for them the affection she is desirous to give let her try to love them as her own people but if this is impossible she can at least treat them with courtesy as a rule however the young wife will find her new relations only too ready to iovo her for her husbands sake at first eventually for her own sake and she ought to have no trouble about returning it new sources of rubber remarkable fidelity the iron should be blunt and with a bulky head like an ordinary fire poker so as to re tain its heat well for long cuts es pecially for thick sheets to keep tho fracturcgoing when once started oven if two heated irons have to be used and ankles nro benefitted by a bath in water in which wood ashes have get it ilbeen boiled the water belntr strained preferably round and somewhat jfc is uficd r m for women with sensitive feet that blister easily a simple remedy is to rub thc sole of tho stockings with costile soap and to soften tho soap in water and rub it over the bottom and sides of tho feet chilblains can to cured by persistent bathing night and morning with witch hazel three parts vinegar and one part camphor ated brandy is a preventative of chil blains if used during tho fall months and before cold wcatlier comes breathing and courage more into your oxygen lungs the importance of learning to breathe proerly has often been in sisted on by medical men who tell us thnt we shall bo healthier if wo domestic recipes pumpkin pio without eggs cook best friend in the darkness of the presence of his children hc must habitually take deep breaths and thus tho pumpkin which should bo fino completely fill our lungs but dcop grained nnd solid the pie pumpkin is breathing is now put forward as a till it is rich and dark and courngereviver dry put through a colander return when tho prospect looks rather to the fire nnd stir into every pint black and there is nn insidious sugof tho pumpkin a tnblespoonful of gestlon somewhere within you that flour wot with cold milk sugar to tho best thing you can do is to go taste salt cinnamon nnd ginger dit to tho antipodes and make a fresh to then thin to the consistency of start when you have an attack of thin mush with rich sweet milk put tho blues nnd dread to open your into the crustlined tins grate nut- morning lettes lest ono shall con- meg over the top and bake this tain information that will upset some recipe is given by alico chittenden in of your happy plans then you had the country gentleman better go into thc open or approach- chocolate pie lino a deep pie pan nn open window stand with your with n rich- crust and bake in a nrmn akimbo in order to give your quick oven grate half a teacup of chest full piny and tako deep chocolate place in a saucepan with breaths jono cup of hot water a piece of bnt- breathc through the noso and ex- tor the size of nn ogg a tnhlespoon- linlc through the month slowly do fi of vanilla a cup of sugar thc this soveral times inhaling till your beaten yolks of two eggs and two lungs will not hold more every tfmo tnblenpoonfuls of cornstarch dissolved you do it you wilt find that you con i os much cold water mix well take in a little more than you did th i nnd cook till thick stirring constant- last time go back to your letters four into the pie liiiell jirid let ngaln nnd you will be inclined to cool make a meringue of the two laugh nt your fears do this as a whites of egcrs beaten stilt with two regular thing nnd fear will not trou- tnblespoonfuls of powdered sugar blc you spread over tho pie and slightly in verification of this statement i brown in ile oven this is a dellci- everyone knows how a walk in the ons pie oen will put life into you on aj ginger nut wafers put a fourth of fresh morning it is because more a cup of butter n fourth of a cup of oxygen gets into the lungs if you lard half a cup of molasses nnd half practise deep breathing you get more a cup of brown nugnr together over oxygen ns a regular thing nnd your the fire nnd hent to boiling remove courage does not play tricks with front the stove add three cups flour you a rounding teaspoon each of ginger roots of a plant found on the african plains a french botanist in the course of his explorations says the scientific american n few weeks ago in the sandy plains of the french congo discovered a plant the bark of which contained a largo quantity of fibrous rubber at the time scarcely any attention was paid to the discovery but owing to the scarcity of rubber and its high commercial value which is in reality so prohibitive as to lre- yent a very wide employment of thc substance attempts nro being made in england to turn this now dis covery to commercial use the plnnt also thrives profusely in northern nigeria and it in these forests which are to be exploited a sample of the plnnt has been anal yzed by the botanical authorities of kow gardens london and these in vestigations show that tho rubber exists in the roots in sufficiently largo quantities to warrant develop ment the name of tho plant is londolphla thrnlloml it is to be found in many places on the west coast of africa one firm which is already engaged in the manufacture of this rubber is placing it upon the market at 75 cents a pound and it is in every respect equal to the or dinary rubber india rubber has become such an indispensable material in the arts nnd sciences thnt users will bo glad to learn that a fresh source of sup ply is said to have been found in tho white mangrove tree which grows plentifully in the swampy lands nlong the coast of central queensland the sap is obtained by making incisions in tho bark of tho tree and allowing it to run into tins borne samples of tho rubber thus ob tained aro said to have brought si a pound in england an idea of tho importance of the rubber trndo may bo learned from thc statement that tho united states and england alone absorb over fifty million pounds an- uuallv 1 elephants fear mice an elephant is usually afraid of any small animal to which it is un accustomed a dog or cat and sometimes oven a mouse will cause him annoyance especially if it runs between tho animals legs tho noiso of a mouse running through tho hay will often cause nn elephant to become excited tho terrors of the moufc to a larger nnlmal is nn old story nnd many foolish super stitions have arisen from it text of the lesson hark i 31- 34 golden text luke iv 49 thc events of this lesson were pro bably immediately subsequent tn those of last week this well filled sabbath day included his teaching in the synagogue und healing a demon possessed man there then th rest of the day at simons home where he healed simons wifoj mother and at sunset all the slci who gathered about simons door the record of tho first part of tlu day is found in luke iv ns well as in mark ami the record of tho rest of tho day is found in matt viii nr well as in luke iv the record ol this and every day of his public min istry is well minima rirod in acts x cjs anointed with th9 holy ghost and with power he went about do- ijg good nnd healing all that wen oppressed of the devil for god waf with him this alto ought to ly time in some measure of every believ er for tho life of jesus should r manifest in us ji cor iv 10 11 oue has said that the eye of uu world takes in more than the ca and that christians lives are thi only religious books the world reads therefore there is not so powerful t sermon in the world as a consistent christian life having boon cast out of nnzarcmt ho made capcrnanm his homo which is spoken of as his ovt city matt ix 1 and treic nnc throughout all galilee lie preachet the gospel of sickness and dtseasi matt iv 2j john the baptist was now in prison artl our lore was probably in the latter part a his firt years ministry as hi taught the people heard thnt whlci they were not accustomed to for lb taught with authority he said onb what the father told him his tox book was tho law the prophets aw thc psalms and he expounded in al tho scriptures the things concerning himself john xii ti8 4si luk xxiv 27 44 45 just the sami teaching and exposition are needed today and those who teach other wise than according to thc scrip tures are not following our blessed lord evil spirits still possess uid sped and act through men women he children and such arc sometime found in church and sunday school to this day they want to to let alone concerning righteousness and temperance and judgment to come they say speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits cause tha holy one of israel to cease from ba- foie us isa xxx 10 11 saying true things about jesus christ ns this man did or as tho woman dil at philippi acts xvl 17 is not no- cesarily evidence of a true know- lodge of jesus yet there are people vcu amonjr the preachers whoso knowledge or jesus does not seem- to exceed that of there ovil spirit where there is no true reception of jesus christ as the saviour of sinners there is no life eternal johu i 12 i john v 12 the lord jesus by his word deli ercd this man from the evil thing in him and tho man was whole when people talk and act like the devil let us remember thnt jesus still lives nnd he is able and willing to cast out the evil spirit ami give instead his own spirit ii we trusted him more fully in these things how his fame would spread abroad it had been a strange morning in that syna gogue at capernaum for such an eyent had never transpired there be fore the power of god had been soon for jesus was god manifest in the flesh as simon andrew james and john walked from the synagogue to simons home what may have been their musings possibly the healing of the demoniac may have led them to tell him quickly of the sick one in simons home- as soon as he took the sick one by tho hand the fever was gone and sho was able to rise and minister to them this is not the way that tov er patients generally recover hut such recoveries are nil easy to him who made us demons cannot abide him sickness flees before him lie is life and health and light nnd strength and nothing to tho con trary ennnbido in ills presence soon tho fame of him ami his wonderful works spread through tho city and nt even when the sun was setting tha sabbath day being then passed all the sick nnd demon possessed within reach were to bo found nt simons door he cast out ninny demons with his word and laid his hands on every one who was sick and healed them luke iv 40 41 we do not rend that they hud faith to bo heal ed though their faith may possibly be seen in the fact of their lieing there wc do see two great realities on their part a grcnt and felt need and on his pnrt n great nnd over flowing fullness where the need is really felt and such come to ilim in faith ills fullness will be miroly sven what n busy sabbath doy avhnt untold light and joy had come to hearts nnd homes which only that morning had been full of sorrow nnd sighing fnco ns the nir nnd sun shine nnd showers of henvbn hail tho blessings come to nil those hearts and homes there is a snbbath coining to this wholo earth when there shall bo no more sickness or poin or death because this same jesus of nazareth shnll then lie king over nil the earth king of kings nnh lord ol lords rov xxl 3 4 xyll 14 isa xxxllir 24 zcch xiv 9 after sonic rest he is up a great while before day and always alone wlut his fa tlior for he lived by ills fathot verso h5 john vl 57 his worde and works wore all ills father john xiv 10 t during tho holidays a noistfcf drum for the small boy would all l longfelt wfiot-