the stouffville pilot p3 j ik- what about 5oots and shoes here is your opportunity 80 days cieariug sale at r tjnderhills all competitors distanced winter guojsil kinds bflow cost mens frit cons boots rac rejr j25 vf mens lon boots loose sox 22 reg 300 j mens it hoys hockey boots half price ik r boys felt lined boots 80c reg 125 v53 womens fell boots lac ami cone- 9 re lclo womens felt shoes and slippers from 25c r2 womens ciidan overs 7c toic 1 25 womens dong laca boots king quality 125 ieg 175 solid 100 teg lr0 childrens wear from 2c pair experience counts you can depend on us every pair as recommended vnicli for oji- march announcement a deluge in prices come with the crowd to r underbills qaalitv guaranteed to be the best in every line raisins finest selected raisins nc 3 lbs for our order for raisins with one house was duplicated by mistake this hiss on this lino is your rain while they lust at cost by the box xwince meat a very choice lino of hindmade mince ileal the same line we have handled for three years at 3 lbs for 25c it is worth your while to ry a sample order currants 4 ibs choice 2 f q k r cleaned iatrasiul ajj finest rich blue full flavor ed fruit 3 lbs for 25c candies our usual fine assortment at lowest prices w mention only one line our rock mixture is pure sugar goods and the finest of itt kind turned out in canada only 7c per lb or 4 lbs for 25c fresh tomatoes only 10c a tin frtjits you know our reputation in fruits even so we can surprise yon with quality and price we have sampled some 25 cars and chosen the finest for our customers fire ripe mexican sweet goods from 12jc to 25c per doz once more we are able to buy the fundus florida orange and we have the best of them from 25c per doz up the california seedier orange arriving yet are a little green but we expect a fini lot well ripened aad sweet in time for xinas evo selling malaga u rapes three of the bess brands in stock very firm and delicious flnvor 20c tn endless variety dates figs candies nuts tve solicit your patronrgoand will gunrintco satisfaction rat el iff co ja heise dealer l lath shingles lime cement coal and wood manmfacturer jj sashes etc ag don valley pressed brick and kennedy davis painted ceiling local items it is time for a change in snw oh for the good old dimmer time when will our thermometers get over taking a diop too much the snow is now a deep subject and hard toee throigh miss pngh of goodwood is the guest of mss genie hamilton miss koran bakor spent over sun day with friends in sunderland miss regor of ldst hill is n guest of mrs mieheus chnrcli st tbii week missscvnlda cook spent sunday in ring wood mr bruce mcnair spent a few days last week at his home here mr samuel waddell of claremont is visiting here and king wood regular monthly hurting of the village council next- tuesday evening miss maud wallace of lindsav pent wednesday with mrs w a silvester harry wilmott has taken a position is bookkeeper at the crown brass and steel works miss margaret llidly of omemre is the guest of her friend miss ethel by rim over sunday miss tillie gilrov of manitoba who is visiting friends here was taken suddenly ill last with grippe pneumonia we are glad to see dr w a sanaster out again the dr has been nid up with la grippe c for a week or more miss n barnes of stouffulle visit ed her uncle joseph and miss mckeely at white vale lhst week the stouffville bankers hockev club will visit the claremont club on friday evening a good time is ex pected the last edition of the ontario gazette contains notice of incorpora tion of the crown brass and steel works stouffvillc 10050 some portions of the sidewalks in iht village are in a bad condition we know it is hard keeping thorn clear this winter but sora 3 people should tty the return match st gcorgos vsjljn angiher oowntiweore pjoasodto tonilforciiiimptoh8hlp 6t notice t the latestouhvill0 b7ass some cqitefponderee left over un til next wvek shui price in sugir hy the barrel or 100 lb sacks iutcliff co the induction services in connection with the pamoime of the rev mr paikts as pastor of the baptist chuich claremont take place on fri day afternoon in the evening the by pu will give an entertain ment another old resident of this section died last friday in the person of hannah widow of the late james baiter in the 86th year of her age an obituary notice will bo given next week the itev j cooper robinson of japan will dv give an illustrated lecture on work in japan to the auditorium at 8 pm on tuesday next feb suli no charge will be made for admission and the public arc invited to attend all interested in missionary work should come as they will be amply repaid by the itcture kev robinson is a clever speaker a silver collction will be taken up we learn that mr s b gearing manager of the stouffvillc branch of the standard bank is appointed to the picton branch mr and mrs gearing have ben hero jubt long enough to got properly acquainted with the people and both have become popular and liked more on ac quaintance we aro sorry to lose them from stouffville where they will bo missed particuletly at christ church where they were tegular attendants a representative from the governor general body guard will be at picketing feb gtl uxbridge kt 3 pm sharp for the purpose of taking the names of young men who wish to jjin a mounted regiment farrcers suits having horses of their own are particularly desired besides t he troopers pay nnd rations 1 a day and lood for each horse is given during annual training for further information apply to major john r button stouffville a w milne maikhara sgt wra latham dan- prth sgt jas mc mullen billantrae by reference to the advertisement and steel works has been purchased by several gentlemen in the yillaga nnd now incorporated under the ontario companies act as the crowr brats and steel works limited and is in working order mid running again we are glad that this the onl local concern we have is to remain in the village and it is to be sincerely hoped that the enterprise will receive every reasonable en couragement possible the reputation the late firm has attained for first- class work will be fully sustained by the new company the practical part of the foundry will be in charge of mr i barkey a member of the lute firm one of the bast and most exner t mechanics in cuuada the business management will be under the super vision of mr j a hcise whose sue ccssful business qualifications aro well known your cooperation anl hearty support is solicited by- the new coin pany rend their advt in another column of our own riiafcel stouffville carriage worftsj having closed one of the boc year 4 wo havohad in 2i years no being able to manufacture enough for the demand w e are now ready with a lirst class stock of jutters and sleighs not having time to make all we could soil i have bought sorro cutters from the tudhope co of orillia for spot cash theso i will sell at or near cost just to accommodate my c tstomers the blacksmith shop is in charge of mr jas bruce whero all horse siiorino and jobbincf will he attended to on tho shortest notice all work guaranteed come and see ns we will use you tight 2z w- htodd i ttr j hare a few of single paricm male to order can cll at 2k cost cm and ivipect g groupes 3 and 4 in the semi finals has been postponed to monday next at stouffville one of our pretty leap year giru has frightened her voung man entire- ly out of his matrimonial notions by presenting him with a prettily work ed motto i need thee every hour mr a watson of diwson ciy was visiting his cousin miss peters church street for a few days last week mr watson left here for cali fornia iiid expects to return to daw son city sometime in march tlin members nf christ church ang have had placed f ri their church a very pretty electolier and eleven electric lights all covered with tinted shades which gives the interior of the church a very pretty appear ance the annual tea and concert under the auspices of the mission band and circle of the baptitt church of clato mout take pluco on friday the pio- gram consists of dialogues recita tions vocal and instrumenttil music an excellent tea provided by the ladies the interesting fo utro of the soa- son is n leap year party to be given by the young ladies of the town u morrow evening in mammoth hall in ncordnnce with the customs of iap year we may expect to hear of the various evangelines hunting for gabriels quarterby meeting services will be held at the mcnnonite church com mencing on fuday afternoon at 2 oclock fellowship meeting on sun day tho usual service at 030 a m preaching servico at 11 also feet washing and sacrament service at 7 pm the sunday school next sun day will be held at 10 p m instead of in the morning lenten services commence on the 17th inflt a very appropriate letter with a list of inten services has been issued by the rev iv arch bold rec tor of christ chuich to his parishion ers which will be found in another column and should be read not only by tho members of his own church but which could bo well ap propriated by tho members of other churches with profit to thcmclxes li i e bm gcn and their spiritual life tho carc of f000 bsof so 1 clover honey in 10 ibs or go lbs tins at sc per lb fcr sale katcliff co anent tho hockey match played here last week markham vs stouff ville the two markham papers have tho following to say matkham sent up a very strong team and had the rink been larger they would have won as it was markham played a splendid game but the smallness of the rink enabled their slower and heavier opponent to use their weight to advantage and breai up many a swift combination rush economist markham had their tttll team and felt the only thing that might keep them from winning would be the small rink and poor lighting which we think proved to be true sun the lighting and size of the rink were certainly i athei against our boys sun theroj nothing tike letting them dawn cany and no doubt poor old markham would have won oniy the seouft ville hoys were too much for on lining the past two or three week a debate has been carried on by the pupils of the mckbam high school resolved that higher education is parcticaly of no value frank mor gan and wm kciiredy for the neg ative and harold philips and annie ucivefor the affirmative thetr papers in a condensed fotin have been pub lished tluee judges were nppoiuted mvtter frank unde hill son of keeve underbill being one of them and this is how master frank sums up the ar gumeuts in my opinion those in favor of high er eduction have wen the debates i think they have on the whole stated their cave more clearly miss reive speaks of carnegie bockfellerand ed isou as having educated themselves do not believe thi to be any disclaim against higher education for others may not have had their opportunities mies reive also says that the exam is the goal of the student and that it should not be but i think this is suf- ficientfy answered by mr kennedy whosavs that it is the education uot the system jhat is important for the systrmisthe fault of the education department again the argument that while all aio taxed only a few partake of this higher education i believe is answered by the statement that he who is educated may lift up the morals of the community et noble the ideals of his associates mr philip save that those who teceive university edu cation may be a be to tell of events one thousand years ago but know nothing f the presen this is aimered bv the statement that education is useful to the receiver in increasing his pow ers to think also he says that many people have never received a higher eoucition but are perfectly happy bits as mr kennedy says the bette educated the people are the greater the nation will be and lastly and i think chiefly mr kennedy says that the chief value of education is what makes of a man rather than the power it gives him for diin wirk if a little education will elevate a mans mind will not more of it strengthen his character still more therefore i think x am justified in de ciding in favor of those supporting higher education stouffville public school- 3tundiiift of pupils in- stouffville public school for jan 1004 room iv class v c hoover a armstrong i underbill sr iv flossie davis eva trull equal j bigham m col lins jr iv b hepncr i lhmau fmcdonald room tit jr iii harold george f man ning m brownsbergar sr iii a woods e eltherington m rus- nell room it sr u d meyers r hare w rnssnell jr ii r morden r dales l forsyth room i jr part ii c troyer w troyer f aiiihworth pt i class iii r bell e brillinger h lewis part 1 claws ii m mckinnon l bundy o lehman pc i class i o hard ing r burkholder h forsyth green river after the pdok stouffville wins district hockey championship the stouffville hockey chh accom panied by a nutnser of their stippirt et journeyed to uxbndge on friday last to pity ihr iit game iii the dis trict schedule aud were again j-uccer-s- ful in placing the red aud white in rout the executive of the hockey axaociatiun had thtown out the lind say stouffville game by reason of lindtay having played callaghan who was ineltgable and so by winning on friday over uxbiidge our club have a clean record of fiive champion ship games won with thr exhibition gnmea ilso won the onespondeoh of the mail empire in reporting tho game between uxbridge and stouff ville played here called it a beg your pardon game hut friday nights game could hardly ho called of that varieiyv from the first blow of tho whistle un til the timekeepers called time it was exciting both teurra woiked as they never worked before as if uxbridge- won barring the lindsay game they would tie stouffville for theehnmpion ship of the district stouffville fcoiect tha firt game but nothing daunted uxhridge went to work and by half tima had notched up three for uxbridgo while our boys had failed to tally again after half time stouffville gob hack to their old time form aud the puy was fast and furious stouffville forwards made gome brilliant rushes and considering the smnlinees of the rink played an exceptionally good combination which before ihe bell rang- accounted for six straight goals the- game win however not at all on tb stouffville forward line for every now and then dr gilfiuan and anderson of the uxbridge team supported by cdell would make a brilliant rush for the stouffvill goal only to be hurled back in such time by the stone wait dafnnce put up by stouffville front a spectators standpoint the game was brilliant and vometimes almost speta cular devoid of exceptional roughness for uxbridge dr gilfillan and hugh anderton on the forward line and odem in goal were the stars nnd for stouffvihw we can nay that it would be truly invidious in such a game to- pick out any for special mention every man on iho leamphiyed a- etar game in hin particular position a the core of 7 to i ghows referee mcln tyre handled the teams impartially and with skill checking auy attempt at rough play afei the game botfct teams and the supporters sat down to an excellent spread provided at the bascom hoiife stouffville goal pen nock point scott covet point flint forwards lott w sniiders b sanders f by an uxbridge goal odell point reidl coxer point bradshaw forward coombe andeisou odell dr gil ailan the young people of the village at tended au evening party at the home of mrs taylor and report a grand musical aud social time mr and mis j covvie of mark ham visited mr and mis r ihifoe mrs southwood left for her home iu bracebridge after spending some weeks visiting with her brother mr w a fuller the funeral sermon of the lte i madill sr was preached here sunday evening last by luv judson mcin tosh mr wra hoover is not improving since his recent illness as rapidly us his friends would like to see preparations are commenced f r our sunday school anniversary which will take place this month miss mabel carlton of toronto is vuiling her uncle mr w h burk of burn brae a quiet wedding took place at the home of mr eli nighswander mon day afternoon last when his only daughter jessie was united in mat- riage to mr armour ellia of ashburu the ceremony was performed by the rev judson mcintosh pastor of the baptist church bore mr and mr ellt left on the evening train for points west amidt tbd showers of disease and rheumatism ihey will j rice and best wihcs of a host of be sent post paid to any address on friends on their rttarn wil reside receipt of 50c or s50 for g boxer in ashburn tho newmarket era speaks favor ably of our towi apeople gordon r duncan has on the market an antiuilc pill which is meeting with wonderful sictes nnd tho newmaiket jeople hate noted the game played at markham fri day night between markham and lindsay was the fastes game of hockey this winter and resulted in n win for the hora team by a score of to 1 the game was fast furious ron start to finish the first half finishing 2 to 0 in markhams favor duffu- of lindsay wns probably the star of toth teams but was so closely follow ed by gee of the makimns that thee was not much to choose between i hem maxwell in goal was a great s tr prise to his friend and played al most perfect gama only the one shot being away from him j eastwood of toronto referred to the entire sat isfaction of both teams the line up was as follows markham goal e maxwell point gee coverpoint sullivan forwards stuhhs w maxwell loree robinson lindsay goal mcgratii point riley cover point duffus forward- cameron pringle sylvester taylor fast and clean game of hockey was piayed at claremont on friday night hettveen brougham and the homo team which was one by the latter core 123 brougham goal while point i glecsou cover r birrcll forwards stevenson bell glccson claremont oanl t adair point gerow cover heard forwards besxo adair nath referee j c macnab umpire f stnderson and wm bingham special price all february for our piufburgh fence wire in 20 rod rolls we have it in three prices the fiic quality will i e mc a rod all febru ary ths 70r qnaity will be 43c a rod all feb the 82c qmlity will bo mb a rod all feb only 200 rods at this price so do not wait until too late mammoth fair co