imj said to rerfcins tho postmaster i should like to hire tho hall lor next tinklers pretty carolsingers saturday night as i want to givo a concert there which will wake up tipley a bit i think tho idea being new and original perkins and lie arranged it be tween them anil tinkler billed the town that sauio afternoon the pos ters were short homemado and to the point as near as 1 can reroenv ghostly mists had begun to swing p lazily across tho sutlolk marsh touching here and thero a reed which reared its tasstued head above its fellows before them drifting sha- bcr they stated that the concert would be the greatest novelty of the age and that imported musicians would render all the familiar airs and many that were not so familiar dows crept eastward like the rising cq adimssion woult be charged tide in the distance a wild duck ft nccdjcs3 to theec postur lumbered upward from the a sensation tipley had not lake and beat its way clumsily nod to a conwt fiiuc0 the ycc through the air until lost to w had marched 0 to start for as though t were a vwrjfrtgg s afrj music in tiplev for tho marsh frogs a rambhng chant practical dcui slowly gathered volume it snellcd t fes0 ii chorus and soon swallowed all other fcoisrs of the night iu a grand 1 h wave c2 pound which reverberate back and forth between the black woods circling like giant sounding- boards upon either side of the marsh the sound waves rose and fell like the breaking of surf once in a lull n single voice deep and rolling left the others and sounded several so norous notes as though icadiu chant the old resident had been listening none doubted that tinkler would have the finest talent to be secured at his concert for ho was a man of the world and of the circus evorv saturday night the farmers from miles around came to tipley to buy tlvav weekly necessaries and to talk the over the crops the weather and a few other things this saturday night the whole for that ho laid his hand suddenly countryside turned out and the hall upon tho visitors shoulder and whispered eagerly you heard if his companion nodded thats tho last of the tipley carolsingers said the old resident as he rested his arms upon tho top rail of the little rustic bridge i know his voice all right id know it in a thousand thats bill tho basso out there you surely must have heard of tinklers tipley carolsingers why man the fame of that little band was packed to the doors a rudi stage and curtain had been rigged up at one end of tho room i havent seen no musicians roamin about said charlie lewis ihero was a rustle ot expectation through tho hall as tho curtain stir red uneasily it swung softly back disclosing what looked like a section of marsh framed in by the three walls of tho stage water could he seen at tho base of the reeds shim mering in tho lamplight a faint ev ening breeze drifted in and stirred the spread for miles around and theres tops of the reeds and grass few in this part of the eastern coun- a thrii of surprise swept through ties who haven t heard it sing the assemblage what was this when old joe tinkler came down wfcero were tho musicians could from london to itve in tipley he they be hiding in the grasses brought with him about the most tinkler did not give them chance complete menagerie that was ever to wonder long stepping to tho scon about those parts bill haines front of the stago carrying a largo who carted his things from tho sta- bass viol he signalled perkins to put tion said he felt as if he was bring- out the lights ing a circus into the place his bo not bo frightened ho said monkey was educated better than as the audience stirred uneasily at some of the folks who laughed at it and the parrots could nay about any thing they wanted to thero was a pig that did sums and two rats that could piny on the planner a real lit tle one you know about as big as a mouthorgan tinkler had a mania for training animals and tho more difficult they were to handle the better he liked it lie had no connection that i over hoard of although he used to say that tho monkey was a sort of cous in of his uo certainly treated it as well as if it had been a blood rela tion it ate nt the table and i be lieve wlapt in tho same room with its master well tinkler and his animal fam ily settled down at the old fcrry- vouso over there where you see that the darkness through tho open windows came indistinctly the ceaseless chorus from tho marsh suddenly tinkler sent a rumbling longdrawn note from tlui viol echoing through the hall as if in answer a deep bass croak sprang into lifo from tho bosom of tho minaturc marsh upon the stage another voice somewhat higher took up the note and carried it on a rising scale to another and yet an other tho inst was a metallic though recognizable of tho tenor again tinkler drew his bow and softly drifted into the strains of a merry merry christmas with in creasing volume tho voices in the rvois followed the familiar tune they wcrw harmonious and though not exactly like anything over heard awuy one night and joined his fam- jily in the marsh ben tho t aritone and bill the basso quarrelled and never again could he induced to sing together so jthoy wcro turned loose ben sang alone for a while over at the far end of the marsh one rtlght his voice was missed a wild duck which had waded there the day toore might have told where it ws but he didnt there is no vo calist now but bui tho chorus rolled on keeping time to the plaintive notes of a whip-poor- will suddenly tho old resident whistled sharply like a ship chocked by a giant wave the melody ceased and then rolled on again as bill the basso boonred forth his interrupted cry a chrliengc to any who should doubt his right to lead the marsh chorus of tipley london answers light fit the end of the marsh they on a stage before blended pleasingly lived happily for a while and then to the ear disaster overtook them tho marsh isnt said to bo tho healthiest place on oarth at least it isnt especially recommended by the doctors and hns never been advertised as a healthre sort tho climate proved too much for the menagerio and one by one a little row of graves over on the brow of that hill marked the rcsting- placo of tinklers friends tho old man was nil broken up tho audience was spellbound frogs they whispered and then in awed silence sat with opn mouths drinking in tho sounds which came uninterruptedly from tho direc tion of tho stage like a performer picking out tho simple tune with one finger on an organ the unseen singers piped in to fill out the notes suited to their volc- the viol supplied the bars they the stxehtjotjs life to do our best there lust bo no hurry people of calmer mood sometimes question if the strenuous life can he lived to advantage by everybody the desire to make every minute count or pay may lead to the wasting of much time- the intel lectually best in men is seldom forc ed opportunities are not always thrown before one or pi evented in such a way that he takes them by physical assault we hardly con ceive of homer titian shakespeare or beethoven rushing into their libraries or studies and running a race with the clock to get through their work in most of tho definitions of strcn- uousness there is this intimation of impatience of the nocd to do every thing with a whirl mid a clatter and a hurrah work that lives by reas on of its greatness represents work in the truest sense but it has the repose of work that is complete there is no sense of haste or drive or frenzied activity in the parthe non in the cathedrals or in the essays of emerson all in them mature ordered calm they are the ultimate of icfiction but wo may not look to see the best in us developed by a ceaseless grind we need rest wo need change but in all things of magni tude we need reflection and reflec tion and hurry are inconsistent v can farm and fight and build stren uously but wo cannot so heal fro ill in flesh or spirit or write the book or the symphony that will last beyond its authors day or paint the picture that will bo admired in tho next century it is not enough to work we must work with a purpose and a meaning 1 why tein1kers live long the house i rug and rag carpet probably nil women who make rugs are familiar with tlioc that aie knitted on large wooden needles and also with those that aio braided but perhaps all do not know of tho crocheted rugs which are pretty and easily made- the pieces are cut in to narrow even strips then sewed together and wound into balls and crocheted in the single stitch into rugs of tho desijed si are and tire tie easiest way to make a rug is to housemaids should pour salt wa ter after using it down tho drain pipes fcjewer gas is counteracted by a handful of salt placed in toiletroom basins water for laying dust is more effective when salt is added sea water is generally used in coast towns for this pmpoe rattan bamboo and bosket- work furniture may be thourghly cleared by scrubbing with brush and suit water japanese and plain straw matting about lows paupers number of people who rb ceive relief burden on poorlaw guardians- extensions of work houses i in london nearly 11g0g0 person were receiving poorlaw relief last christmas a larger number than in any year since 1871 since tho bc- should be washed with fait water spning of the century in spite of and rubbed dry this keeps tbcm sd trac there hns been a steady eoft and prevents brittle cracking increase in the number of paupers where traffic is heavier what is most noteworthy is that brooms soaked in hot salt water tlio whole increase of tho post year wear better and do cot break nearly 3000 has been in the number bedroom fioos may be kept cool f indoor paupers the london poor- nnd very fresh in summer if wired law institutions have a population of dniy with a cloth wiung out of i nearly 71000 and the over flowing cut the cloth in strips about tc strong sslt water all microbes condition of the workhouse has in- inches vlce then lay thiee or four j moths nml pests arc thus destroyed ivolved extensions within two years of tho strips togother and stitch i black spots on dishes and discolor- at a cost of nearly 1250000 the through tho centre to a lining ofntims on teacups are removed by 1 increased comfort of the workhouses an a marked decrease in the rcpug about pastry nance of tho aged poor to go into the house seem to be responsible for this rush to the workhouse prob ably the ventilation of schemes for old ago pensions from the state has helped to familiarize the poor with the idea of receiving relief certain ly the local government board cir- of tho workhouse infirmaries are full a stepping stone in many cases is tho poorlaw infirmary to which many people are willing to go who bed licking or burlap cut tho size damp salt and shaj o you want the rug to he stitch the stiips as close together as possible and cut into tine fringe and if desired the colors may be nrrang- j a brisk oven is needed for all pas ed in a simple pattern and i am try a very simple teai wi 1 bhow sure you will be delighted with tho the right heat if the cook will in- rug when it is finished another sct t a piece of white notepaper in esy way to make a rug is to cut her oven and after five minutes take kliv w1 woolen pieces in stiips as for ordi- f oul she will know what iis heat cular t or three vears oiro sutr- nary carpet rags but not loo cne is a pale yellow huo on the paper s that boards ofuarhas run a double thread lengthwise will sudicrfto that it is too slow for tu i f through the center of tho strips so ordinary short crust or pull iaste old aoopt a more generous system they will be closely shirred and in j though it will do for jcouoesc paste rehef for derservmg old pee- sowing to the foundation take cor but- a nice brown color decided in 1 1l0 htlh n the aged poor out to roll or twist the shirred stiip tone shows that the heat is brisk every few stiuhe they may be enough and just right a very sewed round oval or square accord- dark brown shows too much heat ing to the shape of rug wanted and i and the oven must be slowed down a design may be followed or the j somewhat rug may be of one solid color you even when the oven is quito right can take your old worn ingrain car- ond the pastry has been made mod- u n0t pcrs s ot pet and make serviceable rugs if you tjnttcly lih a woman will feel dis- lonaon workhouse infirmaries oro wish by cutting into bias strips a satisfied at the appearance bcausc always full and outdoor mcdi- little more than an inch in width c misses tho rich brown gloss thati rcllof las ftly increased last and then ravelins out onehalf width j she has teen on pastry rnac by y w0021 received such relief but and sewing to a st ing foundation practical cooks this gloss is proihehind all this increase of pauperism oerlapping the strips so that only due ed by na c wa8 an egg is most potent causo probably is tie fringe is visible it is much t licaun upwith a lijlle sugar and a i inx administration and tho lack- of easier to sew tve pieces for rag i email quantity- of milk is added uniformity and strictness in the ac- carpct on the machine thn by handtith this the pie is brushed over tion of the various boards of guardl- ds n quantity ot thcw can ho sewed n tho paitry has been finished nns this may ho best illustratod as before thoy arc cut or torn into j ftn nil is paste ornaments havo the times points out by contrasting been put on if a little of the paste certain west end and cast end dis- has been left over it can be convert- tricts in fct georges hanover ed into tea cahes by adding a litt o square in chclsa and in tharylcbone baking powder a few currants and thero arc more paupers per 1000 of a little sugar then the rcmainjer tho population than in bethnalgreen together in this way until you have 0 the egg glare will come in handy i whitcchapcl und st gcorgcs-in-thc- onc long strip and when tearing or 1 to brush over the cakes and none east the wealthy district of st cutthg into stiips cut through the w 1 he wasted this wash is the georges hanover square has a po- stitched seam and you will soonfecrct of tho iich brown seen on tholptllauoh of about 66 to the acre groat ken who exceeded score and ten three by his loss the neighbors offered j couldnt reach true some of the him other pets cats and dogs but musicians especially the piping tcn- at all j or couldnt hold tho notes as long ould tho deep bngo but each thinkers as a rule live long or to put the proposition into more general tonus exerriso of the mind tends to longevity herbert spencer has died in his eightyfourth year darwin reached his seventythird sir george stoves his eightyfourth cnrle his cightyixth tyudall was accidentally pofioncd at tcventy- thrco but might have lived several yea 8 longer huxley was seventy when ho died gladstone in his eightyninth year disraeli in his soventycenth newton lived to ho eightyfive and lord kelvin is still vigorous in research in his eightieth year to a great extent tho brain is the centre and scat of life what sir william lull called the centra battery a nil its stimuli tion un doubtedly strengthens tho forces that make fo vitality healthy ex- strips take two piees of any width and overlap the oges about onethird of an inch then stitch j across two or three times on tho machine and you can stitch pieces cleaning a carpet have enough for a ball the best shop buns pieces of an old rng carpet can he raveled out and the raveling wound into balls and they can be used in another carpet all kinds of pieces can bo used in carpet needs cleaning when it is not these homemado carpets and rugs i convenient to toko it up after as faded calicoes con bo colored any i sweeping two or three times to ro of tho bright colors with tho diamovo all the dust possible prepare mond dyes for cotton and tho woolen j a suds of warm water and soap dir- pieces with tlio dyes for wool and solving a little borax in it ukc a the hit or miss pattern is the prct- clean brush and scrub a small place tiest way to arrange the colors a i nt a lime just as you would a floor well made rag carpet is more scrjwlpc with a flannel rng wrung out whilst tiic extremely poor parish of st go rgcsinthoeast has 201 to the acre at the beginning of tho c t fyenr tho west end union had 31 pau- sometimcs a brussels or monuettc v t t t r pers per 1000 while tho east end union had only 225 in twelve years in the last twelve years tho pauper ism of this western union hns in creased 3t per cent and that of tho eastern area has decreased 34 per cent these instances show in tho vlceahv an well as more genteel in i of clear warm water changing tc sair marked way that an increase of appearance than cheap matting or i water often go over the whole cor- outdoor relief means nn increase of cotton ingrain and it firmly woven pet in the snmc way doing the pauperism and vico versa tramps and tho colors harmonize thev arj work quickly so the water will not thrints especially to tho folly of in- prettier thnn any other kind of a go through the carpet and when you discriminate nlmsgivcrs appear to cheap floor covering have unlahedj open the windows and have better tiires than ever the toors so it rtlli dry you will be london poorlaw guardians havo surprised to see how lean and fresh some 18000 children in their charge for babys comfort a grtat deal of euro and attention is given to everything pertaining to the babys comfort tlio clothing in made loose enough to allow him free dom of action and of fie soft na- tcilal that docs not irritate the ten der flesh his meals his bath his hours of sleep are all items of inter est to tho young mother it looks b j c fijian fire walkers and the cottngo homes srsteea has been largely adopted with encourag ing success the boardingout sys tem which needs much supervision to feet not blistered by hoat that 1c satisfactory is being abandoned y cited bolder f metropolitan asylums bonrd dealt with 17989 infectious cases those who witnessed the corona- through its ambulance service during tion processions will aoubtles recol- tho year and is proposing to meet a ctt a small group of coppercolored pressing need bv obtaining powers to when you nic ready to lio tho w laio legs ord ojt- uso ll3 ombulnnccs for noninfoctious baby his bath liavc the tub set on annun imlr innocent of cono in cnoa nt a clmrrc covtring tl0 ex jjgr oithlng that will nmu it t lomion standard thtso p rho krobs mr 0 lo 1oorlaw relief in tho last completed or- the mother intra people fijlais and u elr iho vllavllo