ck3s f 1 i v v st v 0r a brothers prohise chaptku ix it was nigh dawn when hector nd ahisdair turned their horses into the downsloping road six inches drop with lavafirii unit wound between great chvmtx-di- frise of flowered antpjiruitej cactus and ended in the cup of cuhera the insurgents headquarters- on this band on that pinna lea and masses of ovtinct volcanoes frowned and glowered the deep shadows of them charged heavy with the mystery unit broods for ever where life has leva and is not in front of them and behind the hollow whero lay t cir bal tingplace towered the mighty tops of the graudo monte tlo kuldingatars paled fast and throvgh tho gorges that cut seaward came tvor and anon a following breath that ah scnor if vo only had tho guns ilowientbusiuslic how eager their hands are itching for the guns ono night with tho real article and they will fate any llisaniolan force fr5za- thought that in the old tongue i could say anything could tell thee of the sun and of the moon aud the stars and tho red heart of it e- hut even the old tongue is savo ices aiid empty to utter one littic thing of the fairness of madcuilena all the stars of night are in her eyes all the imurtk cf night is in i er getting tjik calvks started hair all the kingdoms of tle earth right am in tho cup of her litue hand i yet is not her fairness the only i it is worth while to get the calves snare she is a saint for purity and started right kvery thi a woman for warmth in one the upn it it is very liurd work to glamor of the fatties tlo the wise tve a little potbellied stunted calf ores is upon her yet is her breast that naver has had anything like a tho house for a mans heart o good time in all its life and num alasdair im a bairn that headed in tho right direction the bonnio star and a king your own fingers hot stuff on feeding stockfeeders in general do not at- caustie potash is personal poinxebs notes cf interest about sowt prominent people the king of kano in central airi- tach sufficient importance to the need ca must le an uncomfortable mon- of clean feeding nor realize the imorcb anyone who pays a call oa portant bearing that care or uegu- i him is obliged to take off not only geuce in this matter exerts upon tho shoesbut socks or stockings and to thrift and wellbeing of the stock approach his majesty with head bow- fed throughout the list of farm od to tho ground depends stock from the naturally dainty nnd jj arthur burrows of lincolns extremely particular feeding horse jinn hngland is over ninetyone whose scent is so keen that the least years of ago and is the oldest prac- taint of foulness on hand or foot of using barrister in the kingdom lie get it the attendant is instantly detected attends to business at his chambers 1 have j nd exhibited by sniff or snort to the m lincolns inn regularly and is said which has earn- to be able to do his work without wants the bonnio star and a king seen a good many such calves tho occupant of tho sty the swine any force double their l the earth by cod my past year and it seems to me no a for himself largely through com- j the aid of glasses fllll n would not be more 0i10 ever could tako them and make pulsion the epithoy as dirty as a p 5iarion crawford tho prolific our fatter could not be anvthin of thorn in r hog all will well repay the addi- no i to a p tional effort needed for clean feeding recently hearing that ho was a novelist she said and havo you written anything that will live after youre gone i dont know you see what i am af- 11 umber- face them and thrash them they can shout you know our ahiai hcrots but mausers are different o man theres from fowllwieco yt men know- ledge of fowlingpieces tels u djlj ard ulc m as he talked they entered the cave j the night i can but hear in mind that i have touched her hand inn side nook near tho entrance v cy left their tired hores fur v cave strcuhed and high it lifted and nil was black as the jaws of night save fr the dare of ball a dcszen torches set in iron loojs t lamped into to solid rock full a hundred yank wide was the cave and it was at least tho same in height they and that the grace of her loveliness was upon mo for any man that is enoth it is mote than enough for me whose heart was a wood of withered trees until she loolod upon it and it grow as full of sing ing birds as koth lemur chus forest at he paiiing time and tie queen sold a lasda ir ay fog his hand on his brothers has she no mind towmds theo and thou a grant changed into wavering splashes of j n sleeping soundly on the hard jioctor snrilud sadlv at that last purple and yellow and amber and iibmjaoi worn out with their military j little touch of highland pride one ever could tako them and anything of them iii tho line of cow writes e v vincent i would rather spend half a dollar keeping tho the constant breathing aud mucus calf started in tho right direction exhaled and blown from tho animals than five dollars to bring it back af- j nostrils into mangers and feedboxes ter it had once gotten down into the necessity gets them badly befouled jdicd ditch 1 in time this befouled condition connection with refuse oi grain and irtt t to wlule i am here i valkel between two rows of sleejiim t j 1 luon four ccol men in trc res of j ool and fresli and new tlio hioith of morning the topmost i ea took tlio sun their grcvblack ami j quarries s vinediscrf caitcnteni i goatheids and so i deop black and black of death j hnuseliuildors go su with ful crimson that slid down the gigc ioxereises to nielli had been in antic inv glacis as water slips over lltspnnlolnh army anil ho had smooth stone and up from the hid- notion of how to hiisbanu the den hollows crept piiot unexpected xtrength of his men and besides l littlo wisrs of gossamer iit to i knew the time was short so ho climb anil climb until tlie quickening kc tc hard blue gathoicd them to itself aid halfway down the lane of sluni- they were no more cocks began to boring men hoctor stopped it was crow lustily anil once or twse came to alasdair lie sjioke and ho used the tinkle of a chapel bell and tlo j the gaelic tho sjiecch of his youth call of a herd to his goats down the speech he never used save when and down felt the light into the valhe was moved beyond his wont it leys and down with it rode hector j is strange that though a srotthji nnd his foste brother j highlander may not have used his in tho burning ages caldeia the niothertongno for many years let cauldron was the crater of tho him be stir ed to his utmost feciiig tho qieens do riot mate with ghillies alasdair 1 am no the first thing to bo decided is whether you want to raise the calf at all or not last spring i went to buy a jersey calf when i took the littlo thing and carefully threw ih it on its back the farmer wondered j n really obnoxious nts foun around uncaredfor mangers and other- pwpf millfeeds favors germdevelopment and produces veritable hotbeds of mi- j sr henry stanley tho famous af- crobes when the weather is warm j can explorer treasures a plated whose action gives rise to tho putrid s fork hearing the name of fashionable london restaurant which 1 up in the huart of an afri can forest it had been used as an of what in tho world i was going to tifis that if it had five i should like better than if there were less and in case 1 found vast volcano that is now palmetto miles across and miles jeep it is a perfect cup tho sides are torraeod with ineyards cut vih t -ictt- guaided iatlis and brilliant as jcs- ephs coat with patches of bright color while at the bottom nestles a round of tender g ecu dotted in tho irid out wells the gaelic cither to height of love or to hell of jiatc tender in endearment or fierce in imprecation and in cither vo7ierncnfl unapproachable and truly this was a scene that might have moved a pessimist of pcsmmists a cynic of cynics like children they slept centre with three tiny houses washed every characteristic expression of the while ami pale pink on tho right day all hopes and fears all nnsic- liue a broad streak of grey paint i ties and perturbations all personal runs from bottom to top a bar of attributes of vanity and arrogance unrelieved granite half a mile wide or weakness and cowardice dli- a ladder whose perfect steps rise at mated and resolved by the magic of intervals of three hundred yards or f sleep 3 ami palmetto for go this is attnlaya the home of gotten slep tiieir only queen t more desirable the farmer said he their never had heard of that before but more it is a pretty good indication that j not aswerthc kill has tho making of a good j that when cow about it then too know tho parentage of the calf look at it all over and seo if it is a creature you think you will like to have when it chris to be a cow theso points decided take the calf away from tho cow when it is not the lies where the scent of the putrefy- jpsiatcs though how it went so far lt hog matter could be detected as soonway from the tracks of white men os tho door was opened the feed- ir henry cannot even conjecture than that tush do me i nm no more than thou shalt have scon her had been caught up for a moment in the soft summer of her cyts thou wilt un- deistand how a man asvs no better fate than to bo the stool for her feet than to he tho least one of those that dio to pleasure her for the first time since hector had j more than a day old and fasten boxes themselves being so obnoxious tho czar is not less careful of his that no selfrespecting animal would life than his- predecessors but ho dream of eating from them until adopts diferent methods for safe- starved to it when in that condi- guarding himself instead of having tion only a portion of the grain will three trains ready when he is going ordinarily be eaten the remainder be- j on a journey and leaving anarchists ing nosed out and smeared over tho j to guess which train is conveying manger quito likely the animal will him sr his father did he simply al- bo considered off his feed nnd the j lows no ono to become acquainted rations reduced until dire hunger com- with his plans the route is publish- pels him to clean up grain filth and j till when such practice prevails ev- eet eyes on maddalcna and had felt where the mother will not mourn fo the thrill of her in his blood ho jit because she sees it it is nl gave utterance to the full thoughts j right to let the calf have the irs that wore in him before there was the cow gives there is some all iioiui to whom he could speak he had alasdair and tho old happy t to tongue of boyhood the rare lor here is some- withlng about it which the calf seems need in its stomach twcl- j hours after you take tho calf from guage of dreames and honeysweet in r r rrom cam oicr it sonic milk tim mysteries and bloodc oe boms the irocess teaching a ca to drtnv sieech of strunge lyrical llltings r b ld nnnu- bore him and his hent and his pfe nlsf n for siori as on a spring spate anil flung j us l u one must force i inc can to put its head down into the pail and hold it there until it the pierced by shallow ni lies where dwell some three or four thousand barbarous mountain folk exclusive poor and proud the same today as when columbus touched there on his va twarcl way making with the simple craft of savages common pob- tory ot porous clay for sale in p city nnd subsisting mainly on coiira onions and coarser crusts hven such poor devils as teac were not beneath the notice of the his- panirdan taxgatherer a waterjar of their rough make ue sold for two pence half of which the hispan- iolan took so here was small lovo lost between them a word would fct the attalayaus fighting- 1 ready not to the pink and white nrnid the green did the two ilvrs turn i keeping well to the left of the little fluids they held on for a split in the j face of n grey cliff day was now full on tho heights yet down here i only country drowjihood over their dark masses the scarlet or blight blue of a faja made half contrasts fell the fitful flare of the torches hiding more than ovcaing on vo breast of oho a crucifies on the breast of the next the tattooed name of his sweetheart on the check of a boyish third the him high to the very heavens thi free confession of his surrender to the divine dream of maddulena eased him and gave him tho deepest pleivi- urc his life had known the post in that moment among the begins to drink that is not a very sensible way and i know it now my plan today is this i take two 5t quarts of milk in a pail iceping hundreds faed and was havln l f warm from the gone nought but maclafond staved j r a stooping position in back- fro of the calf which is fastened bv en in much less degree than in thj cases cited it is unreasonable to full returns for tho rations fed even if the animals do not con tract disease it is no more than common human ity toward the animals under our charge to seo that feedboxes and mongers are thoroughly and regular ly cleaned every few weeks and es pecially in hot weather they should be treated to a searching friction with a good cleansing soap or pre paration that will sweeten and disin fect from all taints and odors it js becoming more plain to intel- ed but lie never keeps to it the crown princess of denmark hs the distinction of being tho tall est and the wealthiest princess in europe she inherited something like fifteen million dollars from her maternal grandfather prince freder ick of the netherlands us well as the bulk of the fortune of her father king charles of sweden and norway she stands over 5 feet in height and is an imposing figure lic tho great iron chancellor whom he dismissed the eirijcror wil liam is a great lover of dogs though in both men love of animals is tem pered by politic reliance upon their that l intimate and the years of youth made the in all sorts of nooks and gullies j will die for her father mother night lingered ten minutes smart wife childien all they give for the trolling brought them to the begin- j queen the e that have not seen ning of the gap where they dis mounted und led the horses over the boulders of a barunco for a hun dred yards or so they walked then the mountain teemed to close above them and all in front was darkness suddenly out of the black flared a torch for this they made a man came to meet them short stout stubblybearded nnd ficry- eyed senor grant he ci led san bernardo iilcv you vou did not expectine colonel tornielli no by the virgin not now ivu havo had never a word of you for three or four days so 1 wns looking for a surprise visit hut you find tiro ieady tho regiment of ffrgosj is here we have been busy all night 1 can tell you t am hoarse as a raven liflicult ycs it is difficult to instruct five hundred men when you have but twenty rffcs for tho lot hut i have got over her these that have not seen and i whero only ground against which the queen n wlih strap and chain i stood radiant the years of toil and ll tli angers to suck those struggle tho years of brainsapping j w ha calffeeders say they avoid routine in london the years of un- j sore finera at this point i never eventful plod these were blown out have used such a thing and never of sight and mind us a common curl suffered from bitten fingers of smoke itcmained only the beauty i when thu calf is working good at of youth the dreams of it long i the fingers i carefully lower my hand faint down of dawnirg manhood on j days among tho- heather- long nights j toward tho milk in the pail holding the uncovered head of a fourth the on the lorlmn memories clljiiwajui jj9 pail up from the door a little whitening hair of age anil all these j don of kings old crown nrifl tooish with the free hand it is not natur- thought hector aro ready to yield i cawing in the elms of chanonry lonlfcr the calf to get its rations from iieblmd for flhunhilcnn a woman ajmaincd these only these and tho tho fior tts natural tendency is qucon that was all his life had to i to look up for tho cows udder show tho rest was naught that was if pood and of men he was proudest head into tho milk i hold it there the future was to come death was j a minute until the calf gets to drink- sure and love and omo share of irg if r do not and tho calf gets fighting tho greatest can have no its head away from me i go over more and if they but will the mean- the process once more and perhaps et need have no less hut has she no mind towards tlico persisted alasdair have i not answered thee blind mole said hector with a laugh queens do not mate with their ghuies happiness comes not always of mating i did not speak of that o ileckie man i would make a supper off my dirk to please thco and 1 would havo nil the world ami the queens of it of the same mind ilrothcr of mine we be all crca- lu corps hut whereas bismarck cared only for the powerful breeds which he styled dogs of empire tho kai sers preference is for terriers of which he always has four about him mr f c scions the mighty hun ter of big game who was at tom ligent feeders and experimenters tho food that is enjoyed by the ani mal while being consumed is of more utility even if it contains less ele ments of nutrition than some others that arc distasteful this same principle holds true with regard to wellrelished food that has become fouled and unappetizing by reason of p w school hugbywis hlrjtef neglect or careless handling naucd eulous by his companions even with pigs and poultry which hmving school ho went to iswit- scem to care less thnnmost animals j norland to learn french and german if their feed is foul it will be found jho rather startled tho worthy wit- profitable to say nothing of higher jcrs on one occasion by jumoing ni- motives to take measures to prevent to tho iihjiu clad in topboocs und these grovelers in the mire from be- jeutcoat a due whlult fu far fouling their troughs and food recepshot had fallen into tho river unc ife queen on whom they had never gazed to yield it for love of liberty material benefits the calculating cynic would say arid mrultlalena a more shibboleth would say the samo cynic with a who wave of the arm hec tor indicated the wlowbreatming sleepers to alnclair nnd in gaelic see alasdair brother of my heart they will light for her they tacles animals prevented from con- isuiriing poisonous filth with thoir food i succeed in getting tho coifs 7lj iavo h bufc nu tntion and in consequence the car casses or product if intended for food will iks better flavored and more wholesome in every respect selecting daiuy calves a writer gives this method of se lecting calves to raise which is fol- that have seen that know alasdairs single eye glowed like a coal and in gaelic he too spoke god be good to thee hector son of my mothers breast that luut drunk of my mothers milk the mad ness is on thco too is it indeed she she it is alasdair and none other thou speakest of madncss and true is thy every word mad ness it is yet hotter the fooishness of the wife than the wisdom of the foolish o man aiadair when thou lookest upon her the marrow shall melt in thy bones and the spirit go out of thco to bo a breath to cool her brow thou slmlt be ser vant of her oven as i ghillio and cupbearer and shield and footstaol yet lord of all men that love her not yen yea nnswcied alasdair fs sho then so fair fair laughed hector i hail again a nuimber of times the need of patience at this point is obvious wo need to think that wo owej bv any successful dairymen arc dealing with a creature that does j turn the littlo calf on its back und not know so very much about the src thut r has four wei1 plated toatsuoid in the italian papers a depu- things of this world some or us thit ia wide apart and two rudlutlbn of the monks of some order wero that way ourselves at ono time montnrios or extra teats next seo un obtained nn interview with him when i have succeeded in getting the j tilat has a lar udor cord which according to tho etiquette of tho wanted to got it out- tho duke of hamilton is thrico e duke ho is duke of hamilton in scotland duke of brandon in eng land and duke of chatcllerault in france nnd thrice a marquis of hamilton of douglas and of clydes dale as an earl ho owns only two titles those of angus and arran but as a llaron he holds no fewer than seven- tho baronies of avon pol- mont macknnshire innerdnle abor- nethy jedburgh forest and dutton the following story of thoa voyo is calf to drink out of the pail i slip y can feel on the side rubbing tho my fingers out of its mouth and anger back and forth such parts wait for it to lift its head which aro niado in proportion and a large it will scon do then i repeat the udder cord indicates that the calf lures of a dream and what is true operation until it gets tho idea firm- when it becomes a cow will carry nnd what is not true we know not j impressed upon it that its rations n jago udder because a largo cord fare down in the pail and that there m necessary to hold this up next i is only one way to got them look in the calfs mouth and if there when tho calf is three weeks old eight teeth well through you but 1 have looked in her heart- the fair place it is like a bed of roses in a garden of the hills nnd i j saw growing there the flower that shall yet lie on my breast for re membrance roses of lovo and roses of soi row god rtivb us raw ye that i said that we be all creatures of a dream nnd what is true nnd what is not true we know not hut that i yaw may the day be far hector that shared my mothers milk may the day be soon alasdnlr son of the breast that suckled me even if that be thy pleasure god give it thco i to bo continued x lagrippe bronchitis and pnuomonla enormous demand for dr chases syrup of unseed and turpentine there is scarcely a i nro where there is not someone sv from throat or lung trouble in offices stores and factories tho uafts are greatly reduced tlio sud den changes in temperature are moro than people can stand ecrywhcro you hear people coughing previous experience hns taught most jxrople that for these ailments there is no treatment so prompt nnd cuvctkc as dr chnsos syrup of iin- need nnd atrpqntinc lust now the sales of this great family medicine are enormous mrs j provost itenfrew ont ii talcs my fourtccny oarold boy had a very severo cold in the chest last winter and t really thought ho ire gihf to die ho coughed near- unluckv policeman a member of the n division of police is probably tho most unlucky individual in tho whole london england police force he has now been in the force for five years and in every one of those years ho has either sustained a ficrious injury or suffered from a serious illness in the tirst year of his service ho had a very bad attack of pneumonia in tho second year he had his ami broken in trying to stop n runaway horse in tho third year ho hnd dnngerous attack of rheumatic rover inst year ho had his no broken by a refractory prisoner and this yenr ho was accidentally hot in the neck nt the annual police revolver prac tice nothing wasted most people nowadays hear a lot about the conservation of waste but looking through the catalogue of traders of various kinds it is ns- vatican only cardinals are allowed to sit in tho popes presence and an invitation from him to do so is deem ed equivalent to tho promise of a cardinalatc pope pius x is a plain man utterly indifferent to the eti quette of tho papal court ho there fore 1 egged the monks to tako their seats they nardly knew whether they could venture to do so and whilst they stood hesitating tld sweet skimmed milk and a tnsto m lle caif because as a rule this t0 them you do not- i suppose of oilmeal only a bit of this can indicates that the constitutional ylg- e me to draw your chairs for- ho given at the stmt less than a j of tho mother was not sufficient tojw f you tcnsponiiful increasing tho quantity jinnturp tho calf fully before it was jij j sir john ivluiidoll maph ns tho calf can take it this lesson- j born such a calf will bo likely to j was never tired of tolling his friends lug of the new milk goes on until have a weak vitality when it grows j muc ho owcd to j mother ho tho calf is taking all skimmed milk j pi as during its younger now a crate of hay with a lock ofidays old i shade tho quuntity of new v milk ran safely raisethat calf if there given adding in the place of it a jit- j nro only two teeth put through lxhlwiiflflt they stood hesitating ho said bright hny in it may lo put near tho calf tliia tho calf will soon learn to work nt and it will do him pood now tlio calf is fairly started if you wish him to grow up without yes theyro cngagea said icthcl hut itfl tho most remarkable case horns when ho is fm thnii three sho says shes in lovo with him and weeks old snip away tho hair over yet she has known him only four the littlo knobs or horns nnd wct-lv- i don t understand it tlnr them with water rub a stick of i simplest tiling in the world caustic potash over the bunches only musod her companion if sho hnd onco is necessary but bo thorough known him any longer than that she about it and still do not unneces- wouuin t have been in lovo with sarily burn tho head look out forhlm ly all the time and sometimes would spit up blood wo had about given up all hoics of his recovery when i heard of ir chases syrup ot lin seed and turpentine after using ono bottle there was a great change in his condition and j can positive- ysay that ho wns completely cired j toiinding what a number of eccentric by two bottles nnd ho has not itccn commodities are utiluod for trade troubled since i nover saw modi- purpose the sviis of millions of cine take such miict effect and can i eels nrc tanned und used ns leather sincerely roromniond it for boblluccs frogkln lies become rr clmes syrup of ih seed and ore of hie most beautiful ud useful tiirpcntire 2r cents a bottle family j article known to hie binders of size three times as much 00 ceali farcy boohs und the makers of fans nt all dealers or kdmurson hates j walrus whiskers provide the most co toronto olrgnnt toothpicks known to the to protect you ngairst iuiittittors modern mnn of fashion nnd licetles the portrait and signature of lr a w hase tho famous receipt book author arc on every bottle of a certain kind arc exported by ll o hundredweight for use on theat rical dresses what sijed succjrst mrs voungwed mnrinh the dust on tho fiuaitnv in this parlor awful uhat shall i tlo about it mariah pay no attention to it mum used to say she was tho cleverest woman iieyer know aud ho often related tho advice she gave him when as a boy ho thought of being called to tho liar if ever you were to becomo lord chancellor sho said von would havo reached tho end of all things in that profession you would have such and such nn income and such nd such a position which are already known to you hut if you go into business there is no lim it to your opportunities tho boy chose his fathers business nnd ns ho often said never forgot ids mo thers advice a pretty story of tlio queen has just hon told it seems that her majesty met a young dressmaker nt rfurlborough house who had brought soma work for the princesses taking tho girl into a room sho carefully ex amined the work bohighersolf nn oxquisto needlewoman and asked tho girl why she hnd not used ii machino instead of doing it nil by hand the girl who had no idea sho was talking to queen alexandra ex plains that she hnd an invalid mo ther to support nnd was too poor to buy or hire one the hecn found that her story wns true and nt once j stint food nnd wine to the invilid adding a apodal christmas present for the girl of a good sewingmachine which bore tho words a gift from alexandra flw chases ffijcure fi tent direcc o tfce dlwced pjmtijdie imrnvctl uhwr tlh5 thft rieoi hstk theyt ic freppfngi in ih ivv vrf rnrwsclt eijo oivrliarjharrvw itw r jvo a i rfjkr or lr a w than rcis col toroanj sad bucj