e e m c uj i yr 1 i crs x c v -rv- v vol io no 44 stoufiville ont thursday feb 4 iq04 pricethree gentsfflb tocktaking jm beoinsitoday f f for the next tex days heginning toiay we will 5j 1j6idoiir annual st36ktakinf sale 1 f i i1 i ilnn n nnf oil nfll linuulllil it is ncssaiy that shoull clean out nil odd lines and wl winter jjooiis to make room foi our spring stock fjf vi snaps in every department p we aro offering special inducements in i liiul w 3mens and boys clothing fellssi a great sacrifice jl similar opportunitiesin all likes cunliffe peters to interest you stouffville out m m m west end butcher shop i bog to take this opportunity to announce to niy numerous customers thai i have vloved to todds block rat eettwaier district said he vouk county council r to- my friends adpvrons- this adv wilfiavei you f v great salelof boots shoes and heavy rubbers during february and march at ft lehmans mokia at markhnin onlun b margaret anilurtoii relict of ilia lute win morgan in tier 80th year special for saturday eveiy oyr tni- buyer old or young will receiv good vaich well worth 55 00 wit i every ovtcoat on saturdaj main moili t a railway off ci il jit from tbd t had stcii a anolrift tjut5 thut jowagured 21 feet in hiziit which lia thought afforded a fair idea of tha difti cultics met liv therodou that branch miss kate mori arii y of springfield i dead from heart failure which wal caused according to the doctors by presiure fr jm ooraet fit ay 5 she faint ed while dancing wan removed from he bitll ro5iu anl lie 1 within a few minute- an inq test at dmca3ter on tues- diy on margaret ii tti mot rovoaled the fact that rhat she was so oercoqie by j iy at her bict iers succe in obtain iiii a iochi appoinrment that hcoor base of the brain came on causing death the londonen chronicle says tbt lib alaskan papers remind u- thai canada hai a serious cause of complaint- on thewty oiirpoveigii office manafeod the neaotiation trd laiiddowoo is unable yjtojattatch any precipe meaning to tliaune plirae vinpftial jurists of-rejrato- svnj a bal dhvjat bg on mon day of last week of dropkgafterj a prolotiirejl illness t- the decggjl wt born and spent the earlier patpotliis life at claremont after the dehuuof lskuieflw3jfsiwl j of the iochi muiomiitie- botwefn rntcliit co and jc j bundys stores west end j to more convenient premises mods genuine shell cordovan boots where i avill be found ever ready to serve you to the best of myubility i hearti ly tlank you for past pan roriae and vsk for a contin- n3ftnretrtrr t brnet weflflue j05t the thing what would maven mor useful present than u hamlscinq rocking chair we have them from 30c up to 1000 we have also a full lino of furniture reg 460 at 375 french calf bjowtpj 425 at 350 boxcalf re400 at 300 j heveaie all goodyear welt j d jouiis and ame holden make two of t e heat aiakes in canada new and uptobate one of tho largest stocks to select r to be round outsice of a city house our prices are right foo cull and sse us wo can save you money s burkholder stouffville everything goes bananas at armstrongs 20cperdoz our oranges are nice and sweet from 13c to 40c per doz we are uoin a melting business in oysters this season 40c pei gal they are dandies iah uootl loct peed mackay sewed and goodyear welt made by the j i kiu- auits holden abram wfsion in lox calf oil grain bufi pebble douolia french kid pat kid boy boots rrom 75c and up giru boots from 79 up lo 175 babs booties all diflureut prices lihr liublers fiom childs 5 np to mens 1- winter wear at your own price all these yoods must he sold as our spiiuc stock is pouring in seams sivii free on ail boots lought here the only uptodate repairer maker in town a lehman s the peoples shoe stoke and inter to buffalo hojleavcs widow nee susanna leepor two so i an i two daughter john battel sons family of broug ham and the l -we- mcxayr of 0i lc- tillo whoavri visiting iheui had rt very unpleasant exponence one night- last week- owing to a lid of a atove beiuc remove 1 coal gas esaaped- when tie ijinites awoke the house eflion ol atv patterson wore very we are pleased to rvpart liow- vbifccouny councillors resumed bu5nat the old court house op autjelreet tuedy afternoon 1 1 the morning the equalizttton con tuittee met and will be ready to rejuit to morrow the tax rate u likfcy be lower than imki veara al- tho ki hore ia an icicreatfed avsscfr- uif ne increase on tho rowis ami viliaiiea will bn about s43c0o constable j t brown put in a claim fr 367 fea in conuectioq wih a c4e in york township whtrre a man wab charged with letting his rattin run at lar9 it appears that the bvlaw in regard to cuttle running at ihiko is not operative- in york township tho only way to deal with cat is to impound them and there are not pounju enough it wat thought yok township should pay the oust able fees but on second constithtion the county paid it the county au it tor leported that ouacconnt ol an accident to sir pat- eisok asiitanu tresuret of the city iviontov a schedule ofthe ciiyvcteim against the county for ad ministration of justice and court hoiis- maiutenarce had not beenrr ceivc council decided to payihe cltim or ad rninist ration- of jestice but tii other account was left over till 1 tine f viiuesday the councillors will con- siifrr a petition 10 the 0 jit trio lepitila- tnre which asus that if any lekisla- tibui brought dowu oh angina the cojisiition of cytinty councils it jhouii provide for a uniform stem and noi lea e important matters ia jstandard ganh- m ini3 established 187g capital authdrfzed ljipital paid tjji reseivocfunulv total assets w 03- l000cio0j d2ffioo 14000000 m savings ojepartaient depomta of 1 and upwards received interest arllowed from date of s dat of withdrawal- priurapal a5ncltntercat majvbe drwx withoutpottce interest credited mii ma and d0th november in each y eatr v 0 notes discdlnted and colloertd money orders issued inafts bojyjaut and sold stquffvibbg b gearing- agent ldipk out for tee opening of the new boot and slioe store feti 1 i second door wftit of llif pobt oitlcov r our stock is new find uptodaic as we have just ieceived it dirfttfvoiii the munnlaotnivr- we corciauy invitiour many cmsioni rs to come and inspect our stock as we have a lame vaiitty to cl oust from and more cominp we dont intend to sell below cost but at very close prices and one price only we aso carry a full line ofjpiados sewing machines as usual organs and for women groceries you want tppjv g to try our crx wekcepnothinc but the best and our prices aro right oo we deliver goods to any part of the town vtm fix vou up with the best bread cakes and buns lry armstrongs pastry flour 50c a sack who cannot be cured backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures a record such ns no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained the proprietors of dr pierces favorite prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay f5x in legal money of the united states for any case of leucorrhea fe male weakness prolapsus or falling of womb which they cannot cure all they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure the vicepresident independent order of flood templars an experience whtqh many women hirewiu related ly mim arnea atebblns of aji hast fxh street new york city aa followa i vl very poor health for a year unlll life looked dark and dreary to we had head che backache also pain my aleep tral broken and fitful i toned for health tried aercral medicine but none were of any tart in benefit until i toolc doctor rferce i fa rorlle preiicription i aoon reallxed that i had found the right remedy 11 helped nature to throw off the polwnt that aaturated the ayttem remored all pain and atrengthened the digestive organa and brought the rosea of health back to try chceka thu medicine if taken occasionally keeps the system in perfect condition helping it to throw on the disease and conseouenee of exposure to dampjcas i am pleased lo girc it ray endorsement favorite prescription makes weak women strong sick women well- ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak itomen dr pierces common sense medical adviser is sent frte on receipt of ti one- cent stamps for the papercovered book or jo stamps for the clothbound ad dress dr r v pierce buffalo n y ccpj sick evtr that all have entirely recovered the f littoral of mis eliza trelenven williamson relict of the late robert williamson took place monday jan 25 from thf rosidoni of her eon in law mr georco itobinou lot 7 con 1 township of markham tothornhil ccmotery and iv attended by many friends and relative mrs william son was well known in tho viniuity of richmond hill and elirin mills where for more than half a century together with her husband she resided both boing highly respected by all who knew them during that time 3omo years njo limy decided to go to roaide with iheir sonin law mr rob inson her husband predeceased her several years ago two sons ana two duughteis survive her john the eld- st son who resides in gait robert who resides in markham mrs gam ble of staynor aud mrs robinson at whose home she died if yon are too tired to road anv more just stop as tho following is simply some clearing lines for satur lav from 0 am to pm mnltii vita swiss food jeisoy oats vim force malt breakfast food wheatos all at 10c each all our tomatoes corn peas and liullalo salmon 3 for 25 our 10c rokco coffee 5c our 15c rokco coffee loo the large 15c tins of new pickled heels oc each 15c nnd 20c bottlos of pickles catsup or onions all 10c each guld soap tho best oc bur made 7 for 25c saturday only bctt mixed nuts 10c lb best royal and rock candies sc lb cow brand soda and gold dust 3c a package 2 spools colored cotton thread or fancy colored crochot cotton 5c mammoth fair co tho llcenso department of ontario ha inaugurated a new regulation which will compel hotelkeepers to supply meals at nil hours this action is the result of tho alleged refusal of tho propriotor of ho grand central nd windsor hotels at st marys to furnish breakfast for delayed travel- era license inspector choppii of uitcbell has been looking into the complaints and sends letters from the hotel proptietors explaining the affair they state the travelers came in at 1030 and were told ther could not get anything to eat till dinner lira o cases aro prejudiced sjjcoiiuy councilors iojhs coirmf of yuik there are 10 lownfj and 10 illases tho townships ere eiuziat s212j9159 aid the toivns nr 821813875 under this sys tem each county councillor for a towns wauld represent an average i- issijsn of 250o 000 whuo reprei vf viftowtis and villages would rtnotrvinff5l h b lott son de- igy eveuycilllos health mands the use of a laxativo occasionly for a mild safuaivd certani relief ue dr hamiltons pills of mandrake and butternut specially suited to children let your children use only dr ham iltons pills price 25c prnteat doctor i should say you have abont shree months to live patient make it longer doctor i cin never poy your bill in that time iife it llatrs tlicm willi i wonder why they always call them the wlld waves says tha thoughtful one i dont know hut i think i kuow what makes them wild says the cyniftil one what so ninny fools happen alons nnd ns soon as they see the waves they nsk what are the wild waves saying too impetuous toss why do you dislike him no jess oh he says such hateful things he told me last evening that beauty was only skin deep nnd toss and you immediately proceed- fd to show him how thin skinned you were the influence jerry now do good clothes make man a gentleman joe they make him feel as if bt was expected to act like one dout say i wish anybody can wish- atchison globe touffville post offic guide mails arriving from southwest 830 a m mount albert 830 toronto n in 915 mail clerk going south 1100 toronto p m b 25 p mail clerk cuing south 800 bloomtngton lcmonville ringwood bethrsda 20 mongolia a tha altona glasgow 130 mails outgoing closing for mail clerk going north 855 ara poronto a m 1035 bloomington lcmonville ringwood belhesda 900 mongolia atha altona and glasgow 900 for mall clerk going west 600 pra sutton west coo mount albert 6 00 toronto p m 7 10 registered matter should be posted lomintites before mail closes farmers marke stouifviile t spring 73 fttfllws tssnststao m 7 v 48 29 7 o ju 40 30 hay 9c0 1100 straw 7 00 s 00 butter 14 00 ejga s5 co chiekous 10 1 co dcks 75 1 co geese per lb turkeys 12 poiatops per bag co 7a apples por bbl 1 00 1 50 wheat white 68 5 goose 7 16 le 6 co spring 83 84 peas 65 6 oats s3j 34 bailey 45 48 hay timothy per ton 10 00 11 00 hay clover 7 00 8 00 straw per ton 9 00 10 00 applos per brl 1 50 2 25 dressed hogs 6 75 7 25 eggs fresh dozen 35 40 buttor dairy 17 21 chickens per lb ii 12 ducks per lb 10 12 geese porlb 9 l0 turkeys 14 16 potatoes per bag 85 95 beef forequarters 4 00 6 00 beef hindquarers 0 00 8 00 boef choice carcaso 6 50 7 00 medium carcase 5 50 g 00 mutton 6 00 7 00 lamb 8 00 9 00 wsm i rorcing them out bv nitlilevib price cut tint in our meth od of rciluoiiik our siock of stationery ro make room fur coming goods no thought of profit or even cost has been allowed to stay our price cuuing knife mid you can buy a box of paper a diary or any of the l001 articles we sell at a piuck which would give the mtttiufacturer lttan disease if he had to make them for lli at price if you are wise you will lay in a stock of our goods now t they will not last forever- gordon r duncan pharmaceutical chemist stouffville veal choice 7 00 00 ciioup the peculiar cough which indicates croup t usually well known to the mothers of croupy children ho time should bo lost in tho treitmur of it and for this purpose no medicine hae received more universal approv than chamberlains cough remedy for sale by g r duncan drugg stouffville ist lovely choice marmalado oranges at lc a piece and great big sweet florida russets at 45c a dozm as well as best 10c royal mixed candies at 6jc and mixed nuts at 2 lbs for j 25c all at the mammoth fair co the sovereign bflhj of canada open up a savings account with the sovereign bank to begin the year with interest allowed on deposits of 1 and upward f rom date of deposit no trouble no red tape no delay w j stark manager iv j i f4ii v zzzmi