thk stouffville piirot jan 2h iw4 early winter clearing sale of boots shoes rubbers i all winter ocols must be sold at and below cost pi ice womens felt lace coots nt 100 teg 150 vjg womens dour lace liaats kiu quality 3125 reft 175 3 womans solice 100 rej 135 2 womens ft- it faoiy shoas iu endless variety at slaughter prices st meusking stub rubbers at cost v mens shoe packs to clear at a bargain mens grain leggings worfh si 50 for 100 mens woollined kubbers mid overshoes our prices will g surprise von w every pair in the store a bargain 7500 stock to arrive earlv in march look out for shoes 3 man woman and child atprices that will astonish you a all staple goods less than wholesale pi ices see these goqis at jv r underill stouffviile shoe store- guaranteed to be the best in every line quality raisins finest selected raisins 3 lbs for our order for raisins with one house was duplicated by mistake thu luss on this line is your gain while they last at cost by the box 25c currants rj or 25c 4 lbs choice cleaned pati finest rich blue full flavor ed fruit 3 lbs for 25c mince meat a vory choice line of hindmade mince meat the same line we have handled for three years at 3 lbs for 2 5c it is worth your while to ry a sample order candies our usual fine assortment at lowest prices we mention only one line our rock mixture is pure sugar goods and tho finest of itt kind turned out in canada only 7c per lb or 4 lbs for 35c bjtoniatoes only a tin fruits you know our reputation in fruits even so we can surprise you with quality and price t we have sampled some so cars and chosen the finest for our customers fine ripe mexican sweet goods from i2c to 25c per doz once more we arc able to buy the famous florida orange and we have the best of them from 25c per doz up the ctlifornia seedless orange arriving yet are a little green but we expect a fino lot well ripened nad sweet in time for xinas eve selling malaga grapes three of the bess brands in stock very firm and delicious flavor 20c dates figs candies nuts wo solicit your patronrgo and will guarantee satisfaction in endless variety rat el iff co j a hese lumber lath shirjgleslime cement coal and wood manmfactuuer doors sashes etc ag don valley pressed brick and kennedy davis painted ceiling dealer in local items mrs d yake was tho guest of misses l and a walker uxbridge see warriners advt on pace s it will interest you especially just now mr l l hart in nn was elected as vrdn of ihe york county council the dominon parliament meets on he 11th of febriimy e w hollow y left on tuesday to take a poition on the tweed news miss a barnes lias been visiting her old home at green river for a week alex russtdl markham has been appointed tcense inspector for east york vice james eckardt deceased the hockey boys and a few friends enjoyed an oyster supper at the mansion jfouse ou thursday evening to a correspondent yes it is et too jarly for spring poetry send us in one on snow miis jennie siouffer of port perry spent over sunday with her parents mr and mrs simeon stouffer church street miss jennie stouffer of port perry was spending a few days at county councillor hart mans uxbridgo journal at the annual meeting of the east riding of york agricultural society last week v j stark was re elected as one of tho directors by acclamation we very much regret to learn that mrs m warriner is suffering from a serious relapse from la grippe we hope wih her many friends for a speedy recovery rev dr duncan of unionville was the guest of r b duncan on thursday of list week mr duncan vas present at the induction of the rev kobt barbour m- ebenezer madill of lot is con 10 markham die on sunday tha 24th inst in the 8 year of his age the funeral took place on wednesday the 27ih at the brunswick hill cemetery stock taking all oyer at the mam moth stores and a complete hnrgain pale will be on for 10 days if you read our large page advertisement it ill give you a small idea of our values i it jm wvra rc will the bear see his shadow on the 2nd of february miss follis of brampton is it guest of mrs g collard this week sdectal price in sugar by the barrel or 100 lb sacks ratcliff co we are very sorry to hear that mr 0mn baker is quite ill again mr- wesley bret hour and bride of lindsay were the guests of mr and mrs chas btrker over sunday miss mehaffy of brampton euett of her sister mrs j hand this week miss jessie lemon is n guest of her mster mrs w a silvester this week there were a few from hre attend ed the at home at aurora ast fri day evening 500t lbs of xo 1 clover honey in 10 lb or go lbs tins at ac per lb for sale itatcliff co another cold wave was ushered in sunday accompanied by an aimy of grippe microbes many citizens have been on the sick list a a result markham was almost deserted on monday evening on a ccoint of so many of the residents attending the hockey match at stouffviile bvhne at allegheny city pa o tho 23rd inst the wife of j v byrne nee miss urqiihart of daugl ter s m warriner is advertising another of his sample and great bargain sales the mere announcement in nufl warriners sales are a household word this one promises to he the greatest bargaingiving on record stouffviile carriage worfjsj having closed one of tho bemycan wo have had in 25 years c no being able to manufacture enough for the demand w o aro now ready with a first clas stock of i utters and sleigfisakci not having time to make all we could soil i have bought some j cutters from the tudhope co of orillia for spot cash these i will sell at or near coat just o accommodate my customers the blacksmith shop is in charge of mr jas bruce where ml horse shoeing and jobbing will bo attuudcl toon tho shortest notice all work guaranteed- come and sco us to will use you right w htodd pj i have a few sets of single harness made to order can sell at cost call and iuspect mr it nclles leaves this wek for hamilton where he has secured a lucrative position mrs nelles will visit her parents at toionto j motion for a short time prior to taking up her residence at hamilton according to the annual report of the victoria presbyterian church toronto junction tho roy qeo c pidgeon pastor the total receipts for tho past year were 479fi member- ship4l8of which 110 have been added during the year mr alex low was inducted as one of the elders of the church the doctors sny there is a good deal of grippe orvsomething very like it in the country it is some years now since it was epidemic hero and it is now quite general persons who are attacked should not attempt to fight it off tho bettor way is to lay up and call in the physician its pleas- anter safer and speedier in the end and all things considered cheaper the finance committeo of the york county council was waited upon last week by major merriit and capts cameron and elliott of thugovoruor- generals body guards the officers are anxious to restore the regiment to its former position in tho country besides adding another squadron of 80 men strong they wish tho council to provide them with store rooms a stouffviile mark i am weston wood- villo woodbridgo or newmarket or aurora among irl r hicks forecasts for february he says upon tho whole much threatening weather with severe winter storms aro almost cer tainties during tho first eight or ton days of february or until the mer cury influence subsides this will prove one of tho rrost general and de structive sleet periods of tho winter and at least ono severe cold wave may be counted on tho experience of threo markham sports messrs herb yakely john thomas and herb tunny who went to stouffviile on thursday evening will not soon bo forgotten hy them tho heavy snow storm of tho day previous blocked tho roads so that the ptrty had a number of unsets otc before they arrived at their destination the di 1 not reach homo until tho wee small hours of friday morning economist say brer corson sure these sports did ndt stop anywhere between stouff viile and homo ileeve harm an and clerk nelson of the township of scott reported an outbreak of a mild form of smallpox at 55pher at present there are six patients dr uryco has been con sulted and has the matter in hand mrs aikenhead delivered her ad dress to young men on sunday last in the methodist church she took her theme from the words and lot pitched his tent towards sodom and it was not very long before lot was in sodom so it is in life in which ever direction we pitch our tent wo shall ultimately roach the termin us if in the dhrecion of worldly pleasures selfindulgencoand sin wo shall sooner or liter land there and via lversa u toward god and heaven her appeal was an earnest one for all to pitch their tent towaids the utter a representative from the governor generals body guard will be nt stouffviile on saturday jan 30th markham scarbero pickering feb cth uxbridjie at 3 pm sharp for the purpose of t iking the names of young men who wish to join a mounted regiment farmers suns having horses of their own are particularly desired besides the troopers pay and rations 51 a day and lood for each horse is given during annual training for further information apply to major john it button stouffviile a w milne maikham sgt wm latham dan- orth st jas at cmnllen ballantrao avrer the puck in the h a intermediate game hereon monday nfeht stouffviile won from markham by 5 to tho ceara liued up as follows stouffviile goal e pen nock point v scott cover point e flint rover i lott forwards w sanders b sanders c armstrong markham 3 goal w gorrie point h gee cover ikint g sulli van rover c graham forwards h robinson e mnxwell f slubbs markham came up with their best team with the determination of de feating stouffviile in this game to oven up last weeks game and brought a large number of enthusias tic supporters to see it done the gamo was not of the pingpong varie ty but was clean fast hockey from the time referee eastwood started play at 830 till tha game was over the score at half time stood 3 to 1 iu favor of the homo team and each scored two goals in the second half this practically means the district championship for stouffviile as they have only oue more game to play referee j eastwood from toronto was very emphatic in his decisions and pleased both sides the executive of the g b a has the following to say about a rumor- that is going tho round some uu- wise people at maikhats are promo ting tho idea of a match with srouff ville with a bet of 300 on the side the club that mke s or acctps a pro position so manifestly an evasion of the regulations will be promptly dis qualified from theo h a glasgow the match on friday evening inst uxbride vs stouffviile played ou the piince4s rink hflre was ono of the goasyouplease kind stouffviile felt that they had an easy thing and there was no need of any grott rush to pilo np a large majority txbridge did not seem in any great hurry to score at half time tho score stood 4 to 1 in favor of home team iu the second half stouffviile added 3 more ani ux- bridge 2 making the final totnl 7 to 3 in favor of onr bojs the uxbrtdge team are a pretty good natured set of boys and played a gentlemanly game all through thats what every game ought to be to all it may concern we are very sorry to lose our old and esteemed buyer mr j cook but wo have two now buyers mr gray and mr thompson who are woll known to all our patrons and who will come the whole year and buy nil they can got we aro very desirous of making our west market tho one market of ontario and with our four buyers mr lafrangh and mr ham- mell who have worked hard to build up our market with high prices and messrs grav a thompson we will he able to take all the four townships car bring to us no need to ship to toronto como right to the mammoth fair market we want every patron of our market who has been a enscomer of mr cook to come right along to us and receive tho very ugliest prices wo might just say wo have another buyer who wants to come tut our 4 above buyers can handle ten tonj which wo think will suffice wishing all tho seasons compliments mam moth fair co i west moket a fastand furious playoff game markham vs uxbrldge took plaoo on the formers rink on wednesday evening score g to 5 in faor of ix- bridgo poor old mtrkham you are wrongly clashed this season yon should have been with theuxbridge port perry and whitby junior per haps you might havo stood a little show in that class three teams aro tied in group 3 of the junior series of the oh a they being port perry uxbridgeand whit by the clubs arranged to play off the tie port perry drew the bye and uxbridfio and whitby play eff to night the winner of tho game will play port perry on monday if whitby wins the gamo will be played at lindsay and if uxbiidgo wins the matck will be played at whitby the committee ratified this agreement owing to stormy weather ther- was a miuii attendance at church on sunday inst the ladies aid of glasgow meth odist church held a successful social at the home of mrs wm drewery on monday evening last mr frank forsyth had a success ful bee drawing bricks on saturday and monday last mr jas cleland is recovering frona his recent illness ice cutting is again in operation on- glasgow pond mr jos crawford had a successful bee drawing log to itatcliff a mill on he iyih of m irki i o oh monday goodwood roads too heay to do any teaming and wood and log drawing has to be put of fora while 3rd concession is said to be the best travelled road in the township no car for stock arrived on monday and stock that did come in had to be kept over a cr of potatoes was shipped last week again but price has dropped a few cents mr gourleys barn roof fell in withb the weight of snow a quantity hay and feed was dost toyed barn waai about 100 feat long with a straight roof the stock was in a separate buiav mr d stouffer and dr sangster of stouffviile were in the village last week stouffviile bakers missed their trir the firi part of last week notice to creditors stouffviile lindsay uxhridue lihrfcham ktbltmhdiate staxdlnd won 4 3 s reemant lrwt 1 2 2 5 juxjoit stan niio if won int tl uxhridgo port perry 0 1 whitby 1 0 to ilay intermediate jan 29 stouffviile btjuxbrinse jan 2 lindsny at markham in tho matter of the estate of witm liara lucas white late of township of whitchurch in the county of york shoemaker deceased motlce 5 lierolv kivii jiunttinnt to wtlon 9 1 c lt r s o that nil rn n having clalrnviuralnm thr cntaw of the iwld whiton lihvifl wliltf icrrasl who died on or about ihu 11th day of novcmticr i03 arc required f wnd hy ffi ircld or delivered to tho under signed the kxecutor of the latt will ami teetb- inent of the said deceased on or iteforo the 15th day of february 1904 tlieir christian and surnames and addresses tvltht full ittrtlculars in writing of their claims anot llatement of their account and the nature of thet securities rlfaiiyiheld by them duly verified hy statutory declaration axo take notice that after iho said jmhv day of february a o littl the executors wlttv irocccd to distribute the assets of the slid de reused among the lartles entitled thereto haw ingregard only to the claims of which thojr shall then have notice and the said kxeeufor will not lie liable for the assjts of the said estate or any cirt thereof to any irson or iiersons bt nhnso claim notice shall not liare lioen received liy them at the time ol distribution william e white kseeufar c kussklfi fitcii stoultvllle ont his solicitor herein dated tamlnry 21st 1wi municipality of the village of stouffville for the year 1003 receipts and expenditures from dec liith 1903 to jan 1st 1904 1903 rtlanco on hand 728 76 dec 15 itcc from w w iioo markham township s debenture 34 it expenditures dec 1g wm reynolds spec constablo it e he ho repniis silvester fc dougherty w w e mccuckin nursing c r fitch revising bylaws 19 a story wood 22 a g liiown aalary 7gg 70 1 co 3 25 1 05 4 00 35 00 7f0 ico 00 1901 jan 1 hal on hand jan 1st 1901 unpaid taxes as per roll unpaid a returned county treasurer l3ol to i9u4 school i roperty fire hall and library waterworks plant 25000 00 151 80 i40 4ii c4 53 57 4c00 0f 3000 00 r sraper screen etc possibly your wife doesnt look so young and pretty as kit used to if her cheek are hoi- low and paio if tho is tired and ner vous she needs ferrozono which is notoa for restoring thcbloim of healh to sickly girls and women complex ion quickly becomes rosy spirits rise and strength increases daily health and vigor will soon return to your wife or daughter if perrozone is taken its tho best tonic mado and costs 50c at druggists sold at the old reliable dtig store 200 00 33334 it liabilities caretakers salary 15 00 med ii officer 10 00 stcty b of health and clerk 25 00 collectors salary 35 00 inspector 5 01 printing account 24 00 19 w works debentures 22014 00 good r debentures 151 3r 1 school debentures 1k5 03 7090 33 we hereby certify that we have examined tho account o tho treasurer of tho tillage of stoiffvilte and find the sanu correct for the year 1903 w ii sanders i j h- ratcliff aa k