etiquette jf savages many bidicuiotjs customs of biack pkople why the dervishes are carsful not to tread on stray pieces of paper amongst the central australian blacks it js not considered good form for relations or friends when they meet to act otherwise than as though they wcro total strangers to one another they may have been separted for months or oven yeats but no matter they do not 6o much as say goodday nor do they shake hands only after thoy have been squatting round the same tiny fire for several hours do they show the first sign of joy and this by shrieking simultaneously after wards if they wish to show how pleased they are they cut themselves with knives all the while uttering what sounds like the loudest of la- mentatlons to us this seems lidiculous but the black fellow sees nothing in it all but what is perfectly right and proper and indeed he has no other way of giving vent to his de light these children of nature must howl to express loop feeling similar customs to this latter too aro found among other primi- tibe peoples thus in a toda vil- lago is seen n sudden commotion as in a disturbed anthill numbers of men rush wildly in at the door of a certain house embrace the inmate half a dozen at a time until ho dis appears in the midst of a pyramid formed by their heads pressed against his they shriek whimper moan and lament oh i oh oh howls ore group iti hil hi howls another a stranger to toda etiquette would suppose that the man they were visiting was dying or at least very ill or that he was about to go away for a long time not at all he has returned from a journey and they rejoice to sec him sae and sound our girls sometimes complain that they are not allowed sufficient free dom but among the khonds the malers and the koupouirs girls are shut up all together as soon as they the bed indians of th north amer ican plains and the g reenland jnuits nevertheless they all three practise the couvade that weird and most widelyspread custom which decrees that the father of a newly- born babe and not the mother must be brought to bed the instant the child utters its first cry the rldi culous farce begins the father is helped to his couch covered up warm with skins and rugs fed with special ly prepared possets and pap and generally coddled tampebed and pettedl this goes on for ten days or a fort night and meanwhile the real sufferer the mother goes about her household duties unnoticed and un- hclped exactly as though nothing out of the common had occurred among the coyoteitos of arizona it is lawful for a father to chastise his own child but not after the lat ter has caught a rat by its own un aided efforts this by ancient ti- bal custom winch aims above all at preserving tho native ferocity of the urchins a ferocity which is sup posed to render them in after life bold and indomitable bancroft the great historian of the native races of tlie north american continent onco asked a navajo chief why ho did not correct his son a lad of seven who had been persis tently and exceedingly naughty i dare not was the reply he has caught his rat a single blow now and this night ho would lot fly an arrow into my back from be hind a tree notwithstanding that the language spoken by the ziearillas is a soft and sonorous speech as harmonious as italian or japanese it ia desti tute cf any word or phrnrc of saluta tion of any formula of welcome or of farewell should a zicnrila war rior wish to specially greet another he hurls his spear slantwise into tho ground immediately beforo i his friends feet in such a way that the dust and dirt raised by the impact fly up into the latters face to show a person extra respect he turns- his back upon him to a stranger who requires it he is hound to lend tho shelter of his hut but it is esteemed the height of illbreeding to offer food or drink in such a case as the host thereby implies that his guest is too poor to provide such necessaries for him- imjmamtiof a mother horbibue two treatment cheldeen of cat attain the ago of twelve or there abouts la hugo barracklike buildings ii called girlhouses insido these no male may penetrate ard live i s nor do the inmates get much chance y lc vhy bad mannere elsewhere to go sweothcarting outside once a vi vcrsa amon na what is good manners with day they arc taken for a walk two lltt pde themselves on by two like our boarding school pljsfe j nnd aglhty cc i js not permissible c misses but tho procession is invar iably accompanied aud marshalled by a duenna an intrepid and sturdy virago armed with a long switch to chare away the boys and keep them at a distance among tho floret dzoungaiians wo men arc not allowed to say private prayors much less join in public wor- ship for it is said they have no souls neither may they show so much as the tips of their noses out of doors unveiled to dress in white is a terrible breach of ctiquctto among the man- yuemos a central african tribe they say it is calculated to offend tho devil and bring down upon their heads his just vengeance their devil it should be borne in mind is white just as the dovil of tho whites is black yaqui custom decrees that if a man happens to tumble accidentally into deep water ho must on no ac- v com t attempt to save himself from drowning nor must ho if he wish- pcrmisslble or a man to offer his arm to one of tho opposite eex or to pay her any other little attention of a like nature such conduct they argue would imply in feriority whore none exists a kolochc warrior who should ac cidentally meet his friends wie rushes off into the nearest thicket and there hides until she is well out of tight such conduct shows true courtesy and politeness as they un derstand the terms similarly a botocudo buck who has any pretensions at all to good breeding will deliberately turn his were beaten bruised and with knives indescrib able brutality at tho devon quarter sessions at exeter england before lord cole ridge and other justices frances mary day of woodda cottage nor thern near bideford was indicted for assaulting neglecting illtreat ing and exposing her two children joan 13 and phyllis 10 in manner likely to cause them unneces sary suffering and injury to health tho piisoner was a welldressed woman mr randolphe who prosecuted said that the accused had five chil dren whoso ages ranged from 18 months to 13 years joan was the eldest mrs day had resided at woodda cottage for tho post three years previously she lived in lon don a servant was seldom kept and the washimr and housework were done by the children birthday treat counsel then narrated events which had taken place since march 1902 joans birthday fell in this month on that day for some reason the mother gave tho child seventy strok es with a carpet beater on the back of tho hands the result was that the girls hands swelled to twico their normal size and accused told her to batho them in hot water to reduco the swelling and tie them in rags soaked in embrocation this left them black and blue next morn ing in a cupboard in tho house was a cupboard be neath the stairs 5 fcot5 inches high in tho hiajiest part and a common punishment resorted to for joan was to shut her up for a long time both by night and day sometimes with only a skirt oif and at others with no clothing at all on christ mas eve last year joan was put into tho cupboard during the afternoon and with the exception that she was let out for a time to go to northam with a lady she was kept there un til the christmas afternoon a period of about eighteen hours when let out she was given bread and milk there came to stay at a cottage close by a mr morgan who was then an undergraduate nt cambridge and was now studying at wells theo logical college ho made the ac quaintance of mrs day and the children at tbat time joans hair was long and mr morgan remarked what nice hair she had ho return ed to cambridge about january 11 on 1 2 and that night mrs day cut off tho whole of the childs hair naked in the garden the night was cold and frosty and both joan and phyllis wero put their mother against the wall bottom of the garden vihc being to overlook them fronithe bedr window after five minutes phy was allowed to go in but the mo cr called out to joan that she to stop there or she would thrown back upon any female acquaintance bucket of water over her he may chance to encounter out of doors to act otherwise would be considered unpardonably rude throughout the continent of aus tralia among the aborigines kissing is quite unknown if one native de sires to express towards another in he gnaws the scalp of the loved ones head until the blood flows tho deeper the gnawing tho cs to retain tho respect of his fellow fe the ove meanwhile the tribesmen presume to fall into a fire ij of h lly ami escape being fatally burnt or bo partly p at being made tho bitten by an alligator or a rattle- r ucl extravagant y snake and not die for 11 mi nia limn nut i seeming mischances have been pur posely caused by tho spirits of the sufferers ancestors who arc anxious for lis company in the land of shad ows and it were tho woist cf bad taste to disappoint them or try to thwarp them at the battle of abu klea where the dervishes broke a british square it was noted with surprise that ono of tho most furious rushes of the mahdis wild warriors was diverted by soino pioces of a dally paper that had been torn up and carried by the wind in between the two armies prisorcrs afterwards explained this by raying that tho tribesmen had only acted in accordance with one of tho precepts of their religion which forbade them to tread upon any frag ment of paper lest perchance thero might bo wilttei or printed upon it the sacred nniuo of allah among the garos of tmlia no greater insult can he offered to a woman than to propose mnrringo to her no matter how high tho rank or how great the wealth of the suitor a oaro heggur gi 1 wothl not feel otherwise than dishonored by tho attentions of a garo cophctun even immemorial uro decrees that all proposals must emanate from the weaker ex thero docs not seem much afllnlty between tho basques of tl o pyrenees recognized it this smiled the fond young wife as she passed a plate of dessert to her husband is cottage pudding i marc it myself the man tasted of iti id havo known it was cottage pudding ho asserted you would si e asked delight ed yes i can taste the plaster and the wall paper what did you do with the shingles and tlo bricks for the chimney c2 fan as umbreua in berlin a fan is being sold that can ho used also ns an umbrella it consists of a largo sheet of cellulose paper which can ho turned out by means of two cardboard handles in to wheclshapo when it rains the two handles aro bound together with pfcre of silk a stick is pushed through tho centrehole nnd an um brella is made- first married woman did your husband really lose his heart over you before you married second ditto feelingly i fancy ho must havo done so anvwny i havent seen anything of it since t11k weigh ok tiik transgressor the child was kept in the garden until four oclock in the morning when seeing the light in her moth ers bedroom go out she went to a loft in tho stable where she spent the remainder cf the night she had nothing whatever on tlis punish ment was repeated on another occa sion in february in july 1903 mr morgan returned from cambridge it was undoubtedly due to his good ofuces that they wcro able to pre sent the case to a jury scene in a loft shortly beforo his return the mother took the child joan who at the thno was only wearing a gar ment of underclothing to the left over the stable and tied her to a beam ijor arms were secured be hind her with a piece of rag and her ankles were also tied with rag defendant then took a skippingropo and tied the girl tightly by the arms above tho elbows the child scream ed during this operation whereupon defendant stuffed some old rag into her mouth making her lips bleed and swell she accompanied the blows with tho remark that will teach you from twelve oclock to seven tho child was left in the fhft tied in this way tho rope gall ed her arms nnd she fainted on be ing released fiio wns sent to bathe but ns her arms ached tho child took rather long and after being given some bread arid milk she was sent back to tie loft again and kept there nil night examined by doctor on august 4 nnd again on sept ember 5 the child was examined by dr vnlontiie iwho found on her arms brown circular marks the in juries must have been levero to have left marks for such a long per iod on n sunday in july tho childs hands were dirty and the defendant took the third finger of tie right hand ard bit it nnd when subse quently examined by the doctor lac erated scats wero still vimhlo on saturday july 11 the child was kept washing until cloven oclock at night and then a bucket of water was thrown over her by her sister her clothes were still wet the next morning when she put them on her mother found out that sho spoke to mr morgan and she flew into a ioicnt temper seized her by the hair and swung her until tho child became almost unconscious ran away after this the girl ran away to o nclghhoiing farm and was scon in the afternoon by a mr appleby who gave her food mr morgan remon strated with tho mother wln told him that tho child was hardly ever punished on august 1 inspector manning of tho royal society for tho prevention of cruelty to child ren attended with dr valcntiro at mrs days house and examined the child and on tho 15th of that month filio wan removed to mr mannings house where alio remained pending tho police proceedings befort sho was taken away her mothor sold to her upstairs speak up for mo my kisa me goodbye and say good bye to me when you go and that you will soon be back the children joan and phyllis in the main corroborated these state ments whilst several doctors gave evidence as to the injuries of the children for the defence mrs day gave a categorical denial to any act of cruelty and witnesses were called who spoke of tho affectionate be haviour of mrs day towards her children tho jury after a private consul tation lasting for nearly an hour found defendant guilty with a re commendation to mercy tho court sentenced her to six months hard labor her weihtln silver some brides quaint marri age portions father of a 400 lb daughter gave a bowery of 5 for poind she weighed among novel raqptiaxo portions that with whichhcttwiichatschck native of konlggyatz dowered his daughter must find placo her weight in silver was tho promised dowry so on tbo weddidg morn before proceeding to church she was weighed in tho drawingroom beforo tho assembled guests tho scales re gistered 02 kilograms or somewhat less than 140 lbs a weight which brought tho lucky bride a sack of 13500 silver coins similar instances of a brides dow ry being in direct ratio to her cor poreal avoirdupois are on record some mouths back a citizen of hunt ingdon connecticut who possessed a daughter of the abnormal weight of 4001b agreed to bestow upon her a portion of 5 for every pound she weighed this offer brought for ward a bold suitor in the person of a mr harang who gallantly led his weighty and welldowered bride to the altar in peru too the brides dowry consists of her own weight not in gold or in silver but in sugar weight too influenced mr batt a prosperous brighton tradesman in tho days of tho regency when he informed his daughter that as ho ad mired big men her dowry should be graduated by the excess of her hus bands bodily weight above her own this excess to be calculated in gold the day previous to the wedding the parties went to scale and that tho husband was a man after his father- inlaws heart can be assumed from the fact that although his bride weighed nearly 168 lbs he received with her over 4000 guineas an old lancashire paper gives on amusing account of a small farmor v agreed to give his daughter for m v portion as many guineas uld walk ruilesvjn a day camo off in tno neighbor- manchester and the sturdy amped over seventy miles however the time for settle ment arrived it was discovered that tho father was not worth as many shillings as ho should have paid guineas wheicupon a subscription was opened by the neighboring gen try who admired tho girls pluck and nn amount was collected that amply compensated her for her ex ertion a wealthy london solicitor whose daughter had received an expensive education promised on her becoming engaged to give her fifty times the amount she couid earn in a year by her own exertions although she found that her expensively acquired accomplishments were more or less a drugin the market sho managed by giving music and drawing lessons to earn sufficient to entitle her to receive on her marriage tho hand some sum of over 525000 another father who had but small faith in his prospective soninlaws industry agreed to give his daughter on her marriage nn amount corre sponding to that which tho bride groom should make in the course of twelve months he had however counted without his host for the young man chancing to obtain some good stock exchange information tabled a sum that the other could only cover on his giiis lover agree ing to advance the deficit banbe of the 1i0ul8 the dog and hokse mans best xeiends no other domestic animal have so extensive a xiab- itat tho dog is tho most widely distri buted ot the domestic animals iio 3 la8tw0rdwgreatmes what some op them sah when dyivg richard i forgave the youth who killed him cromwell dying words lives la tho lowly hut of the african eo t th la savago and is the companion of tho th ult f v cu greenland esquimaux the most k dow lhc tttaie northern inhabitants ot tho world what tor instance could bo sytet- iio is in fact the inseparable com- f ws tc mom- panion of man and is found whercvor of kichard green tho hs- iho human race exists his habitat hud p labi is thus extended further north and tcnd arowoll and grav- further south than that of any other standing around ka domestic animal bcd a tn plating his forefinger the horse also has a very wide is pulse ho looked up at th habitat he lives north of the doc stooping over him and with arctic circle only in the northern a smiu uttcrcd u o0 woru blo parts of norway and swocjen the no thorn half of nprth america and phelps s closing words were tho northern third of asia never see most dramatic ho had spoken him the most northern part of j his habitat in asia is around tho v and had just spok- north shores of tho sea of olaotsk cn u arcwcll a long fao- and in tho neighborhood of yakutsk to o11 mv greatness when ho on tho lena hivor staggered and wns led off tho southof this latitude he is found tread nearly everywhere except in very san many of the kings of tho moist and hot regions liko the have never been nobler than in amazon basin and equatoial africa o concluding moi nt ot their lives and the southern pa of india ho p l as was hreatmnp thrives in tho dry heat of the sahara h las saia to do g desert in many of the oases but ho d arrow had killed him would ho sought for in vain in trop- x you and then tho on sought for in vnii in trop ical africa between tho latitudo of tho capo verde islands and tho tropic of capitcorn when explorers pushed northward turning to iris attendants ho said take off his chains give him a hun dred shillings ard let mm go the first alexander of kusrda wc from the congo their native servants much troubled in his last hours at were greatly surprised on reaching atk length of tmc he occupied in region near lako chad to find the jymg and made many apologes to llolse in abundance their aston- i h attendants 1 ho last words ho ishmont was unbounded when they p wc to hs wife words spoko saw the horsemen of the soudan on the fleetest of liding animals that had ever met their goe the mules range the mule is more generally distri buted over south america than any other of tho continents being found there everywhere excepting along a part of the hot damp coast between with deep tenderness vou must bo tired elizabeth when maximilian was facing the rifles of his murderers ho had no thought for himself uis mind was full of his loving and loyal wife and just before the fatal volley rang out he exclaimed poor caplotta i a king should die standing pemambuco and rio janeiro and he w serucncewiih closed is also practically unknown in tho j llfe l of fra j crtswn d dying words were my in tho guianas tho amozcn basin and tor- ra del fugo his home covers perl- s a fifth as much area ns that ol the horse thero aro few mules around our great lakes excepting along their northern shores the animal extends southward to the straits of magellan his home in all temperate and hot countries is practically cocxtensivo with that of tho horse but it does not extend nearly as far north as the horses range and he is not found- in the deserts tho range of cattle is practically cocxtcmive with that of the horse cattle however arc found more ex tensively in very hot damp climates then the horse and are entirely ab- js important nly in regions where tho horse is found in considerable numbers cattle for example arc wholly cromwells dying words were design is to make what haste i con to be gone and louis xv spent his last moments in trying to cheer his weeping attendants why do you weep he said to them do- but from tho fakes whmnw3 should hvo for ever i thought dying would have been moro diflicult louis xvi of france did not hvo- to complete his last sentence frenchmen he shouted as tho ex ccutioners dragged him roughly to tho block i die guiltless of tho crimes imputed to me privy god my blood fall not on france if si at thisjjnomerit his vok was drowxerl5 loud beating of drum no c pleted sentev cdon the scaffold ttrsjifl juxon bishop of london bu uttering the ono word remember they graze in tho southern part of ho paused as if doubtful whether to- india where no horses ore found i continue and then shaking his head thoy aro grown wherever grass walked f1rmia to tub block thrives except in some hot regions dont let poor nelly starve of oxcossivc humidity while tho horso were tho dying words of charles ix is important only in regions whoto proving at least that his lost grain supplements grass as a part of thoughts were not for himself james his food v of scotland died thinking of the- tho hen embraces nearly all tho succession news had just boon worh and its range would bo ns brought to him of tho birth of a great as that of tho dog if it extend- j daughter known in later years to ed farther north and south but it f nnd sorrow as llary queen of is found north of the arctic circle scots when tho dying king ox- only in norway and sweden and is j claimed prophetically tho crown ns yet lacking in the southern partc with a lass and will go with a- of south america except whore thoi scotch have sottled in patagonia i ti prince consorts last sentence- some know not the hen was characteristic of tho lofty and travellers throughout the most of yet humhlo piety of his life i hay africa end india nnd in many little- j mlll and pojrer hut known parts of tho world can usual- these wretched how on receiving a vory hnndsomo tip from a customer a waiter at a west- end restaurant begged to thank tho giver in his daughters name and upon being asked for nn explanation said that he had agreed to bestow upon her ns a wedding povtion nn amount equivalent to tho lips ho should rercivo in a year on tho gentleman subsequently making in quiries ho was told by tho waiter that his daughters dot had worked out ot over s000 very original was the idea of a sussex hairdrcssiir who on his daughter becoming engaged to his assistant determined to regulate her dower by her lovers ability a cer tain sum was accordingly set alo from which a fino wns denuded overy timo tho fiance chanced to cut a cus tomer when wielding tho razor this hnd the effect of putting him upon his mottle and his reputation ns an easy shaver soon so increased the shops clintelo that on his daughters marriage figaros extra takings moro than compensated for the mon ey ho wns cnllcd upon to disburse london tithits ly add chickens to their food re sources without difficulty but there aro some large islands liko new guinea where the hen is not found nnd more then half of australia is destitute cf this animal nealy all our cots are found to tho south of southern iceland and now zealand is tho most southern richard iii s iinu country in which thoy live they i treason 1 treason are almost wholly lacking among tho islands of tho pacific ocean except ing tho hawaiian group there aro plenty of them in the phillippines but they arc practically unknown in the myriad islands to tho east of that archirelago the cat has been introduced into the danish settlements of southwest greenland but as a rule it is not a domestic animal among barbarous peoples the result is that tho an imal is not known in about wero nil i had had i should bo but all rulers have not died thus- bravely ard resignedly queen eliz abeth is reputed to havo oxclaimcd ns she lay dying all my poscosv- sions for a moment of time wil liam iii caled out in his insuffer able pain con this last long 1 words wcro and charles- tx ol- franco left the wo id shout ing nurse nurse what murder what blood oh 1 have done wrong- cod pardon mo a curious fancy possessed garbalii just before bo died two birds caino flying to his window and alighted cm tho sill and to gaibaldi they nppoared like tho spirits of his two dead chiljren thoy have come he said tendoily to ice their father die ho kind to them and feed them when i am third of south amoika including gone thomas carlylos death was nearly tho entire amazon lmrin and easier or happier than his life is never seen in nt least tvot birds nm n tho inst he remarked patho- of afriro hically is it not strange that theso it liven in morocco alcrja along people should havo ehurcn tho very tho nilo and among tho whites on oldest man in nil britain to mako tho cast and west coasts but tho suffer in this way vast expanses of tho sahara nnd of tennysons inst moments were very the tropical interior cf africa do not beautiful just beforo tho end know this animal icnmc ns ho lay tranquilly helling the horoy bee lives nlnost all over his daughterinlaws hnnd ho turned the world where flowcs supply tho to her and with a smile of ineffablo uectnr it requles except in tho sweetness snid i have opened it amazon bnfin in most of which tho then to complete one of tho loveliest heo is not found tho bee there- pictures in tho lives of great men fore is distiibutcd all over our coun- i spllt took wings as his son try though very sparsely in tho dry spoko over him his own prayer god dear berauso i am your mothor i at all saving money you told him to diet liinoclf said tho young doctor well yes replied tho old ore i told him to cnt only tho plainest food and as little ns possible do you think thnt will help him it will help him to pay my bill curious cuban customs in cuba a young married woman ncvor walks out nlore and sro dances only with her husband or with sorro near lejative whilst her husband dances with his wife or not and unforcstcd regions of tho west it is wholly absent in tho cold nnd most of tho dese t parts of tho woim a walking fish mr if c robinson who hns spent accept him i chrlt ieeio lim i v flowery description ti is is the way the editor of a western country paper recently wroto up a mnrringo ceremony in his na tive town would that our pen had two years in nclcntific investigation been plucked from omo beautiful in tho malay io insula recently ex- ld of paradise aid cippod in tho hlhlted to tho zoological section of eye of n rainbow that wo might fl tho blllsli association a specimen of tingly describe tho boautifil marrinjjf a fish known os tho mud hopper i sccno enacted at tho icsijence of mr which by means of strong firs unrfer and mrs a c davis just an tho its body is nhlo to move about on day god clothed in majesty sublime land for distances of at least twenty i started on his downward courso yards from its watery nests in the towards tho western sen shedding swamps i his galaxy ff quivering gokci x beams oer the icjot ing earth it 1 wns then that the cords of confidenco customer why did you lake jour hopo n love binding tho hearts of boy away from school so young eij fredoilck guernsey and iscntrico grocer they were ruining him for das wero indelibly traced upon tho my business trying to tench him scroll of life and tho syrcd icnl of that sixteen ounces make a pound holy matrimony placed thcrcnrv