rs n t0opfyille pilot vol lo no 43 stouffville ont thursday jan 28 1904 price three gents there may be bad c v sr paths to walk in jajthe new year prepare to walk them with comfort 82 u m m there ro reanors why a mnn with substantial shoes should win on the rough way of lite w help you to win by pioridiift you with good shoes it will be a prosperous ear lor von if you wear tho sub stantial shoes we sell m at m jseeourstocl of felt and hined roots 5f rubbers and sox k these are the tilings to keep yon warm and j able and save sicknoss and doctor bills jcunliffe peters rev bareolrs induclio stouffvillo out west end butcher shop i bear to take this opportunity to announce to my numerous customers that i have to todds block between rittcliff isco and j c bundys stores west end tojenore convenient premises where r hp found ever ffsve you to the pyainty i hearts lyttank you for past pat ronage and ask for a contin- uance of the sariie t barnet weflbue j05t tbe thing what would make a mere useful present than a handoine rooking chair we have them from 30c up to 1000 wo have also a full line of 5 furniture one of tlie largest slocks to select from to be found outsiee of a city house our prices are right too call and sso us wn can save you money s burkholder stouffville kant krack rubbers arc the only reliable and perfect rubeiinade ask for the kaitkrark rubber and ypii will be more ptruscd jui sale only by a lehman mens felt lined boots from 100 up to 2f0 ladies felt pullets 1 25 mane of tbe best tmttei ml men women and childiens slippers fiom 2oc up for the holiday trade thank inic yoi for sst ratonc wnd hoping to bo favoredmn the future as in ttie pest my business doubled the past year and i want to more than oulj it next year i intend to make two stores into one as the mie is let ting too small then i will have lots of room repairing and custom work always done up in proper stj le a lehmans the peoples shoe store hugkes in newmarket on jan lti isabella hughes beloved wif of mr jesse hughes aged 59 years 1 month and 5 days itudyad kipling says souh afiic is able lot only to feed tho mother land with corn hut the united states toj victoria falls with 35000000 horse power is able to furnish elec tricity enough to make tho dark coo ttnent a blaze of glory to illuminate the earth everything goes bananas at armstrongs 20c per doz our oranges are nice and sweet from lye to 40c per doz we are doing a rushing business in oysters this season 40c per gal they are dandies starved but many a garrison has been forced to give up the fight and hang out the white flag of surrender when lack of food has weakened the men past all power to continue the struggle 3 many a man is similarly starved out of business his digestion is impaired his food does not sourish him and for lack of m you want to try our groceries teas we keep nothing but the best and our prices are right too we deliver goods to any part of the town wo can fix von up with thobcstbread cakes and buns try armstrongs pastry strength to carry on the struggle he turns bis store over to an other dr pierces golden medical discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition it restores strength to weak nerv ous rundown men and women about ten years p i be ran to be afflicted with stomach trouble uo diar rhea write mr wra walter of antrim mo in warm weather it crew worse until it would throw me into a cranpfng chill wn troubled o often that i sometime thought 1117 end had come tried many remedies but they gave only temporary relief in november 1s99 thought i would try doctor mcrtei cold en medical discorery i got six bottles and took are in succession then thourat i would waft for a time and take tbt one reft soon found x had symptoms of tha trouble coming back so took the sixth bottle and it cured me x hare enjoyed the best of health this saramer and the credit all belong to your golden medical xmscorery i cant exprcae my many thanks to dr fierce fer his remedy for it did so much for me wards can- not express how screrely i suffered if any doubt the abore statement let them address me and i will take great pleamre la answering drpkrcesrieasaiit relicts cleanse tho floii r 50c a sack boweu wfe 1ss thursday of lust week was letter day for the presbyterians of stouffville an 1 melville churches tho day appointed for the induction f their new minister mr iwbour it was an ideal winter day and thd churches weio well represented in the largo gathering which met in the st james prethteiiau church it tuny have been owing to sickness or severe colds that not more than one half of the- minister expected were j resent to participate in tbe induction sorvh e which whs lield in the afternoon but this did not mar the excellence of the solemn atuf impiesive service so ably tendered by thoe who were present key duncan of unionviiie acted as moderator and did hid part well the baptist pastor was invited to take par in the induction and readily re sponded three were three special features in theserfino apart from tie prayer and iu ing on of hands which were of great interest- to all present via the induction sarinon address to the churches and charge to the min ister the sormon was preached by iter macpberson who was rev j c wilsons predecessor in acton and now of toronto hi sermon was a forceable mid earnest defence of the gospel uf chikt based on the text iwioid i will do a now thing j now shall it spring forth shall ye not know it i will even make a way in the wildctnes and rivers in the despitiv is 43 19 the pvcaeher condemned in strong fashion that the ories of the higher critics and claim ed tlat tbe text had its npplication not merely to israel but rather to tlie power of thu cjftpcl in the salvation of the world tho gospel way formed the theme and the following points were cleat iv set forth fiist the difficulties of the way second what it cost toopen tho way j third tho safety 0 the wn fliixjlutailtlery points were well illustrated bysthe de- velopemcnts of this country ria the past fifty years the systems okrail- ways and canals our public high ways have changed this country from a wilderness into a garden there arowavs that mvu choose and these ways cften lead lo death but this divinely appointed way will lead to life and is always safe it is the churchs business to proclaim this way of god ami make it known to all people and invite all to walk in this gospel way after tho sermon mr barbour was invited to the pulpit whero he knelt for the laying on of hands this was the most impressive part of the after noon service tho ministers stood around the newly appointed pastor while tbe moderator ltd in the induc tion prayer audthe laying on of hand in which all the pastors and those re presenting the chuches took part the prayer was solemn and eariiost biirlt tied with petitions for the bles sing of god upon the man who was then being set apatt for the gieat work of gospel ministry at tho con clusion of the ordination prayer tho charge to the new minister was given by hev macdonitld of scarboro ho first stated that the gospel minister was godvman in the npiritual realm his duty is the moulding of the christ ian character after the divine pattern his chief business will be to maintain hts pulpit ministrations and to bear tn mind that the pulpit is his throne where his influence will ba folt most then next in importance to his pulpit will bo his miniftiy in tho sick room he will need sympnihy and tender ncss in visiting tho sick it is there be finds his way into the hearts of his people then in the larger and social sphere as a minister going out and in among the pnoplo he will al ways be sociable hut dignifioi the charge was followed by the address to the churches delivered by rev pidgeon of markliara it proved to bo most practical aud suggestive touching on tbe dutiei of tho church to the minister id brief some of the chiof points of interest were as follow the church should respect the minis ters personality allowing for differ ence in manner and method from bis predecessor as to bis life and work then stand by faira and if he should have any faults cover them never parade them the good old scotch presbyterians were oitsd as good ex ample in this connection they have been known to stand by their miuis- tirs aud defend them even when they were wrong the minuter should be freefioui all financial cares otherwise he cannot do his beet work thoe whore biibiues it was should fcee th t tho minister stipend is regularly paid at the ciose of the service mr barbour was introduced to moit of tbe members anc friends who were prwnt an evening service was an nounced and riurfne he interval supjer was served by the ladies of the two churches a pleasant time wa spent in christian fellowship and social inteicotirve it was a matter of tegret that some of the mittibteis had to leave early for home the meeting in the evening was more of a social character dr smith was voted to tho chair who made a few appropriate remarks thfcir pastor had commenced his ministry here tinker very favorable and pleasant circumstances and he hoped these happy mirrouiidinps would continue kov v h wallace said the after- noon service was a season of blessing to him and had left some very pleas ant impressions with him he had spent one of the most happy da j since he had been in stouffville ho felt suie that mr barbour was a godly man a mau who was in close fellowship wiili the master he was sure be would grip the hearts of tbe people and was a man who would hold up jesus christ before his con gregations he was also a man a manly mm ho urired the congrega tions lo stand by their new pastor to pray for himif they would do that they would do more for him than all thctr money and gifts tbouev t booker and the rev mr nixon both spoke in compliment ary tcims of mr barbour and be- yioke for him a very successful and happy ministryat st james both nred tbe congregations to stand by their minister and help him all they ntjjed forcod blessing upon u is min istry in the salvation of precious souls and the buildingup of his peo ple the kev mr barbour in a few re- iinrks thanked his brethren in the ministry for their kind remarks about piingelf he safdin a feeling manner that the day had been almost too much for htm he would by gods help try to merit their continued kindness and looked forward to a pleasant and successful pastorate on behalf of mrs barbour and himself he thanked them for so much kindness shown to them- the musical part of tho eveuing was well sustained by the excellent choir of the church under tbe able leadership of mr j davis miss stark sang a vory fine solo 0 rest in the lord in a very phasing and effective manner mr j davis sang a solo my old home in his wellknown style a very happy day and a pleasant evening was brought to a close with the benediction have you had la grippe yet no then you are not in tho fashion these days standard aanii of canada established 18t6 capital authorized 2000000 capital paid up 7 1000000 reserve fund total assets 925000 14000000 savings department deposits of 1 and upwards received interest allowed from dale of dttpoml to date of withdrawal principal and inteifrkt may bedrwk without notice interest credited ult may and 30th november in each year notes discounted and collected money orders issued drafts bought and sold stoqpfvibbb s b gearing agent look out for the opening of the new boot and shoe store feb 1 second door west of the post office our stock if new and uptodate as we have just received it direct frini the niiinuaptdrers ave corcialy invite our many otistiryers to conn and inspect cur stock as we have a large variety to choose trom and morecomuy we dont intendto sell below cost but at verylose prices and one price only we also carry a full line of pianos sewing machines as usual organs and h 48 9 00 11 00 7 00 8 00 fabmeiyj3markeji rr stoufvillk wheat spring 1x wheat bed 78 barley rye oats hay straw butter etea 25 chickens 40 ducks 7y geiso per lb s turkeys 12 potatoec per bag 60 apples per bbl 1 00 1 50 6 17 19 30 1 co 1 00 9 75 pill wmm toronto wliito 08 gooeo 8gj ring wood mr albert jennings of victoria square paid our village a flying vis it on monday last among tho la grippe patients this week are mrs mcpherson mrs ben piphor and mr ayers those who wore reported ill last week are im proving mr j lehman spent sunday with friends in toronto we are sorry to learn tbat we are soon to lose one of our respected clti zons mr sunday jones has rented a farm on the tenth of whitehuroh and will so occupy it several of our local sports walked to stouffville to see the hockey match on monday evening miss forsvtho of goodwood a former resident of this place was the guest of mm button on saturday last the inhabitants of ringwood will gladly welcome any future visits of the stouffville walking club especially if they leav oysters oar villagers are anxious to know how near our town the new railway will be there is some talk of telepbone service ton ringwood to stouffville red spriug wheat 86 83 peas 65 oats 83j barley 45 hay timothyper ton 10 00 00 hay clover 7 00 8 00 straw per ton 9 00 10 00 apples per brl 1 50 2 25 dressed hogs 6 75 eggv fresh dozen 35 butter dairy 17 chickens per lb 11 ducks per lb 10 geese per lb 9 turkeys 14 potatoes per bag 85 beef forequarters 4 00 beet hindquarters 6 00- beef choice carcaso 6 50 medium carcase 5 50 mutton 6 00 lamb 8 00 veal ehoice 7 00 7 25 40 21 12 12 10 16 95 6 00 8 00 7 00 6 00 7 00 9 00 900 forcing- them out bv rnthleph pi ice cuttintr in our meth od of reducing our sok of rincionery to make room for coming goods no thought of profit or even cost has been allowed to stay our price cutting knife and you can buy a box of paper a diary or any of the 1001 articles w sell at a paicb which would give the manufacturer heart disease if ho had nalce them for that price if yon are wise you wilt lay in a stock of our goods now they will not last forever gordon r duncan pharmaceutical chemist stouffville croup the peculiar couigh which indicates croup is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children no tirno should be lot in tho trotmar of it and for this purpose no medicina has received more universal approv than chamberlains cough remedy for sale by g r duncan drugg j stouffville lovely choice marmalade oranges at lc a piece and groat big sweet florida russets at 45e a dozin s well as best 10c royal mixed candies at csc and mixed nnts at 2 lb for 25c all at the mammoth fair co the sovereign bank of canada open up a savings account with the sovereign bank to begin the year with interest allowed on deposits of 1 and upward f rom date of deposit no trouble no red tape no delay w j stark manager j