fss 0 i- sfci wheat is of -but- pflotos ape 4 douto -at- jlertcns studio greatly reduced rates in all kinds of photographs for the next few weeks come along at once as this reduction will not last loag fttbo sure and see tho platinum finish tho latest thing out goodwood from dur own correspondent two joodk men named fidgett and ctawford were arraigned before our magistrates last saturday charged with having set fire to a barn belong- iug albert stewart the barn and a large quantity of grain was consumed one of the accused fidgett gave some damaging evidence against one or two other parties the case wa not concluded and will bo resumed next friday 4th inst the prisoners are out on bail ballaotkae the greatest corporation ox earth an english writer asserts that the greatest corporation on earth is the jvondon northwestern railway com- pany of england with its capital of 595000000 a revenue of 6500 an hour 2300 engines and 60000 om- plo3es and repairs that cost 130000 a month the american exporter refutes this claim and says tho northwestern railway company is no doubt a gigantic corporation for a little com try like england and worth bragging about but we have a bigger one here in the united states that might absorb it very easily the pennsylvania railroad for example has a capital of 857075600 and 15- 430 miles of track which traverso j thirteen states it has 3756 locomo tives which consume 20000 tons of coal a day and make runs equal to the distance around the globe every two hours it has 3935 passenger cars j5400o freight cars 350 pullman cars and 241 other cars for construction and other purposes matting a total of 1gs 524 cars which make a journey equal to the circumference of theearrh in every eight minutes the locomo- tiyesandcfct lil a single track woulk reach from neftsstprk to chicago or ten times the distance from philadelphia to new york tho rails of the pennsylvania railroad if laid end to end would encircle the globe and overlap about 4000 milec the total annual revenue of the road is 3135000000 equal to 372506 a day and 15525 every hour of the day and night which is two and a half times as much as that of the north western of england from our omi correspond nt rev sfr reid and wife and dr and mrs rowan of stouffville visit- led at av ec ciarks kst week dr e smith of queensville spent thanksgiving with david gray mr j flower our public school teacher is engaged for the coming year mrs r hill visited her sister mrs j wagner of brougham last week isaiah dougherty and family have moved into town mrs jas hood had the misfor tune to slip arid fall down on an icy board breaking a bone in her leg from which she is suffering very much church hill large shipments of fowl for the english market yesterday was deliveiy day at dun- das flavelle bros lindsay of the turkeys bought for shipment by that enterprising firm to the english mar kets all day jong the farmers wag gons lined up in front of the store and the staff wero kept busy as bees hand ling and weighing big fat turkeys one particularly largo bird brought in by mrs david moore ofreaboro weighed over 25 pounds in all the firm will handle this season between five and six thousand turkeys which will bo shipped at once for england by way of portland a month or so ago messrs- black- well co lindsay issued circulars announcing to the farmers that they wero prepared to purchase any quan tity of firstclass fowl for the english market on monday and tuesday of this week these fowl wero delivered at the store bore some 325 farmers re sponded to the call and the number brought to town in the two days was ovcrcc00 tho prices paid were for turkeys cc geese averaged ficc a piece chickens 25c a pair somo of tho turkeys were of enormous size one brought in bv mr wesley moore of ops weighing over 22 lbs and thero were others equally as large shipping look placo wednesday at fenelon falls today at oraomce and lomorrowat poterboro direct to the english markets via portland in all it is expected that about nine carloads of frowl will be shipped frnra tho three pljces mentioned tho amount of ready cash placed in circulation by tho messrs- lllaokweli iu this fowl nurchapo is very large and already the local merchants havo folt tho goed effects of it it is to be heped this venture will provo a financial success and that they may ba encouraged to j frcin our own ccr respondent thos dougherty of mt albert negotiating for the purchase of some of mrs nixons real estate we hopo tom may succeed in his scheme as he is a hustler on tho band wagon dont forget the quarterly meet ing hero next sunday three services morning afternoon and evening and sabbath school at 2 p m come and join with us who all are going to the hot roast at bloomington on monday evening the chosen friends met in the hall here on friday evening and did their usual busiuess the organ and other things which tho reeve donated to tho big man in the big house on the hill was much missed and some of our old worthies who helped to pay for these things years ago are very much disappointed developments are ex pected shoitly mount albert there is considerable talk here about building a grist mill on the water privilege owned by robt hayes the revival meetings at the mcth odist church have been discontinued rumor says rev g w dewey has been tendered a call from the aurora methodists dr richardson has removed here from zephyr our thanksgiving visitors robt rowland of toronto prof shuttle- worth and miss shuttlewoith of guelph miss shaw of sutton r d mooiehcad of toronto and mr and mrs elliot of goodwood the chopper put in the old foundry by hammett bros is running full time of late mr val brooks spent thanksgiv ing day in ottawa returning satur day evening messrs eugene rowan aud j w woodcock spent a fow days in toron to miss colvin spent several holidays at toronto junction mr seth jewell is erecting on his river property a large skating rink where no doubt our young people will enjoy themselves the coming winter the presbyterian congregation held their annual thanksgiving hot roast in the market building and the evening the rev mr neil of westminster church toronto deliver ed in tho church his lecture through ireland and tho netherlands music during the evening was furnished by a quartette from thewes timer church consisting of misses rat cliff e and grant and messrs copeland and row land proceeds s0600 c w u new jewellery store i have opened up business three doors vies of daleys hall where i am prepared to sell jewellery cheap and good repairs to clocks watches and all kinds of jewellery thoroughly done having had considerable experience in the business in all its branches i am prepared to give the best satisfac tion alex grubin w 4 xmas salf aurora twentyfive more cattle went through on saturday afternoon on their way to postmastergeneral mulocks farm they will be dishorn ed iu a few days he has now 81 cattle which ho is fattening for the english market tite metropolitan street railway company have completed the extension of their overhead trolly wires from hogg hollow to thcrnhill and ex pect to have the electric cars running as far as richmond hill by the end of the week the present power house nejir mount pleasant is large enough to supply a sufficient current for tho passenger traffic but increased- power will havo to bo added for freight work and the power house will bo improved at once banner oftentimes we hear of complaints that winter apples are spoiling in the early part of winter the reasop of it is we are iuformod by a leading packer they arc kopt in too warm quarters apples should bo kept at a temperature of 32 in clear fresh air if possible they will keep better in closed barrels and placed on their sides elevated from the floor to permit the air to circulate all around barrels that are opened for use are also better standing elevated from the floor and kept covered from the air scabby apples arc belter out of the barrel and spread in a dry place in opening a barrel for use it is advisable to open tho bottom to use first as the pressing process squeezes the apples at tho bot tom which is the end that is pressed and will not keep as long as the face end which is placed in carefully- by hand steins downward and where the choicest apples are put in order to protect them from bzing squeezed by the press mvthelvc elepfton headquarters for all kinds of frtiifuegtfables lqave your orders and have them ds- livered to any partof the town fine groceries choice teas butter eggs flour bran shorts oats all goods at lowest prices w a clark telephone store stouffville opposite the market at spofford cc j three gig aasto uxbridge a narhow escape those gath ered at the depot on friday morning last at to lime when the south bound train was pulling out were horrified at seeing a woman thrown violently under the cars mrs h j gould was in the act of boarding the train as it was in motion and was instantly thrown underneath many ef those tho platform turned their faces away believing that so soon as the train passed they would seo the mangled remains of one who is uni versally respected and esteemed by every cjtizou in uxbridgc rut mr ceo thompson one of tho employees at tho station seeing mm gould run cwards tho train rushed after her aud as riio was hurled underneath throw himself onto his knees and at great iwrsoiml risk drew mm gould cluso up to tho platform where he with tho assistance of mr goodrich the station agent held her securely qut of retch of tho wheel mr thompson displayed great presence of mind for had he not followed her closely so that ho was at the moment of danger right at hand he could not othorwibo bavo reached her in time to save her life vhiclt he undoubtedly wan the moans of doing we are pleased to mats that mrs gould i not serimisy injured although sbo re- 0 into tho scheme even more iargoly iceivepkomo britires s wji as a so ocx reason vbca nervous shuck j3gtf be your own lawyer is endorsed and recommended by lead ing lawyers police magistrates sheriffs aud other men who aro com petent to judge of its merits and relia bility it is up to date and full of value to every canadian who wants to know his legal rights and obliga tions in business affairs price 5100 w h anger law publisher j ulster st toronto take notice ilr joel baker has for sale a quantity of lumber shingles lath lime plaster paris hair cement salt also beaverton brick bv the hun dred or car lots tho best brand of canadian cement at s100 per bbl also fine suit at 115 per bbl also portland cement bill stuff on hand and cut to order over 30 cases choice new xmas goods opened up week j ast step in and see our fancy goods table and our show windows 200 fine fedora christie hats at 2oc worth 1 to i50 20 boy overcoats from 22 to 27 with capes 175 worth 85 20 boys overcoats from 27 to j3 with capes s3 worth 3750 25 mens heavy overcoats with capes s5 worth 1250 10 mens heavy overcoats at 1 75 worth so so boys and mens 1rieze overcoats at 475 worth 8 boys and mens suits must go largest stock of xmas groceries in town at hard time prices 3 only largo greenland seal capes at s1475 worth 25 a only large brown coney capes at 1475 worth s27 100 sample fur capes fur jackets robes coats caps and ladies new fiieze and beaver jackets at half price 200 top shirts at 50 and go cts worth 80 cts and 1 good 40c tapestry carpet at 24j cts per yd a 50c black brocade dress goods at 25 cts white canton blankets at 53 cts 100 good dress shirts at great clearing prices 500 good 15c brooms at 6 cts 500 ydsiof heavy wide 10c shaker at 5j cts per yd gdont forget our west end storej spofford fy co xmas will soon be here and those who intend to make purchases in our line for the festal season should call en the peoples jewelek sroffonis block we have secured the sole agency for the excellent of the barbour silver co hartford conn and have w hand a fine line of plate goods also solid silver our stock of watches clocks and jewelry is also uptodate repairing of all kinds promptly attended to we will ho pleased to havo you look through our stock of goods even if you do not want to buy c g pingle late of kont bros the peoples jewelek stouffville toronto notice to creditors of mary kllon alffer dcretxci ptjksuakt to a direction of tho hon mr justice robertson one of the justices of the high court of justice made in the matter of mary ellen alger deceased tho creditors of mary ellen alger late of the town ship of pickering in tho county of ontario who died in or about the month of august 1895 are on or boforo tho 2ih iay oi- novhmbei 189g to send by post prepaid messrs macdonald a fitch barrister c stouffville ont their christ and surnames addresses and des- tion tho full particulars of th claims a statement of their nccoun and tho nature of the securities if ill held by them or in default hore they will be peremptorily cxclu from the benefit of tho order to made herein every creditor hold twine central prison blue ribbon bed cap any security is to beforo mo tho produce the su mulei signed clerk j chambers of tho said court nt chambers iu osgood yviall in the city of toronto on tlbvsth day of november 189b nt 11 ovwk in the forenoon being tho timtvapjiointed for adjudication on rho claiwi dated tjia 10 h day of jjovinbcrss f altnkiill clerk la cambens a great big fjnap to new subscribers the free press weekly globe will be sent to any address in canada or us for tho balance of the year on trial for 25c the free press and weekly globe i50 from now to the end of 1s97 15 months for common everycay ills of humanity the weekly globe has been enlarged to a 16 page paper and will be second tonone in canada for the market reports general news and select reading the weekly globe cannot be beaten while the fbee peess catain8 all the local news of the neighborhood covington ijros the fbee phess oeeice meiueexs bcciv stouecviixe