sutrriyu who do roeevt ter lrr raurv will iw ujiit u il call at h offlc for advertising ral- stouffyillr free press thuksday jeit ikw topics of a week th important knt in a fc jiuy bender th weeks comaerelfll summary the price of silver alited locgoper ounce in xevv vork yesterday ami io loudon to 30 5sd the earnings of the cauailian pacific for the second week of august show mi increase of 163000 the stocks of wheat at toronto are 1st 565 bushels as comiami with 141303 bush el last week and 7743 bushels a year ago the imports into kurope for 53 weeks ending july hi are 3li77l000 bushels of which iso 1000 busuels went to the united kingdom the report of grain traffic fronithe west last week showed a tonnage double that of the corresponding week in 18115 while the st paul itailway earnings in creased less than ftfooo imports of merchandise a xew york last week were u4loiys as against 10- 1345 iu the same week last year and for the past 31 weeks imports were 30- 000000 under those during thecorrespond- ing pciod of a year ago the visible supply of wheat in the united suites and canada is 45s70000 bushelsisagaiiist3t81f3000ayearagoaud jgsftjootk two years ago the amount on passage to kurope is now only 17300000 bushels as compared with 2800000 bush els a year ago wholesale trade at toronto is in pretty much the same condition as previously reported nearly all brandies of busi nessare quiet and featureless the out look is not particularly bright but at the tame time is nut unfavorable hankers are very conservative in giving credits and the disposition is to reduce discounts the egg seisoti is opening early iu kng- laud this year already 2350 cases of canadian eggs have arrive at liverpool at the same period last year only 75 eases bad arrived firms have entered into large contracts for november and decem ber delivery picklfil eggsare quoted from tis 3d to 0s 01 per long hundred of 10 dozen t aii ingenious method of testing the pen etrative power uf small projectiles has been tried in germany by herr m tiller a large water trough is divided iu tlie bot tom by transverse ribs ami closed- at one end by thick gelatine plates the shot is iirett into the end of the trough when the hole n the gelatine instantly closes up preventing the escape of the water each shot is retained by the ribs where it falls and its position is noted when the water is drawn off after the tiring getting close to the consumer just as far as this is practicable will do much to solve the question of profit iu fnrmiui the grower of the big staple crops cannot lo this as well as the specialist who may thus avoid some of the middlemans charges which always come out of the producer the market gardener or the poultry raiser in localities adjacent to large towns or cities can often build up a profitable trade direct with families but this requires forethought good judg ment careful selection of attractive prod uce integrity in dealing and persistent effort exchange hera and there some men are born rich some have riches thrust upon them and others into the ice business canadian frot and snow have already visited london township mrs lockerty of belleville was killed by the electric cars sir iavld marpheraon died nn board the steamer labrador in in idocean bancroft onl is negotiating for the construction of iron smelting works daniel malloy n young lad of niagara falls was drowned in the whirlpool rapids the electric light and waterworks by law was carried in listowel by a small majority the ontario entomological society will hold its annual meeting in london october 21 an effort is now being made to amal gamate the toronto public and high school boards mr george e suffell of st thomas left an estate of 100000 divided be tween relatives bush fires are raging in british col ombia new westminister la surrounded and threatened on every side th bank of montreal now refuses to accept united states bills as well as silver at its head office in montreal the niagara fruit growers associa tion will do no more business with com mission men who refuso to remit weekly mr john chambers reeve of fenelon ont and ex warden of the county of victoria died of brain fever at his home the detail of militia corps to form eamp of instruction for twelve days drill are circulated ft the militia general orders the presso announces that mr alfred thlbaudeauof montreal has been named to the senate to succeed mr angers re signed rev j h long has resigned his pastorate of the first unitarian church hamilton to become editor of the wind sor review mr s hnllgrlnson a farmer of glen- boro foil from a load of hay striking on the back of his neck dying two days later from his injuries the c p r 1ms granted freo trans portation for a collection of the products of alberta to he shown at the toronto industrial exhibition for the first four months of this year the losses by are id the united states have averaged 336871 per day the popular rote of the united states at the election in november it is estim ated will be close to 13000000 fire destroyed the exposition building and a lot of frame structures at the buffalo driving park a new vork dentist employs a woman assistant who goes from house to bouse and cleans teeth the charge is 5 cents a mouth and she does a big business at huntington ind wallaces show tents were wrecked by the storm the horses and menagerie stampeded and much property was ruined the elephants caused a panic j tb liberty ma blacksmith who offered to shoe a horse all around in 15 minutes has performed the feat in niuo minutes and his wife is as good a black smith as he is it is reported that every state except nevada idaho and utah and possibly a southern state will snd a full dele gation to the gold democrats convention in indianapolis the maine bible society has during the past year found 95 towns in the stato without religious worship and half the families visited were found to be without religious influences in harbor springs mich there ia a large and flourishing wood toothpick in dustry white birch is exclusively used in the manufacture of the toothpicks and about 7500000 are turned out dally some enterprising young electricians in brooklyn have been tapping the trolley wires and supplying electric lights to storekeepers dr sunshine tflth itvalib the world u world f sun shine will lletr dark tiloowjr prlmnlike abmlflh crrt souih american keiurjl llv broujbt itack tte u h e to mnu life fall falra industi exbib toronto- aur 1sepl li eastern shrrbrooke aug 3iv ti pid a duudas co morrisburg seot y the meeting of the coal trust reminds oue that no matter how hot it is now if he wants any warmth next winter he will have to pay well for it if general weyler continues to con quer cuba as he is doing now it wont be many mouths before the cuban army will be marching on madrid they say gold is being hoarded yet there arethousauds of people iu the coun try who are continually exchanging gold forsilver they are dentists it is difficult to imagine that iu less than six months from now a roaring bliz zard will be tearing through the cou ntry driving people into the arms ofthctcoal trust a new york business man received the other day a check drawn on the loth day of the month for 1313 but as he is the 13th child iu his family he cashed it with out a moments hesitation li hung chang asked in loudon if the special train offered to him by the penn sylvania railroad would carry him direct to vancouver without change it is ten to one that none of his english hosts could tell him the latest cure is the barefoot cure it is alleged that many diseases can be helped or permanently enred by going barefooted through wet grass it may be surmised hat this cure will never be popular with shoemakers s there is more than one way to make a fortune banker wilson of new york has managed to pile up from 8000000 to 10000000 by a lifetime of hard work but mrs wilson iu a few short years has married her sons and daughters to about 1 7v 100000 there never was and nevor will bo a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other nnd differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient what would relievo ono iii in turn would aggravate the other wo have however in quinine wine when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual and judicious use the frailest systems aro led into convales cence and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves rho drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid despondency and lack of interest in life is a disease and by trail- quilltng the wrves disposes to sound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the vein strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the diges tive organs whlqh naturally demand increased tmtwtnnco result improved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have given to the public their superior quinine wine at the usual rate and gauged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market all druggists sell it a special meeting of the toronto hamilton buffalo railway company will be held at the queens hotel to ronto september 21st mayor wilson smith of montreal believes that toronto should forego its claim for an international exposition in favor of montreal farmer john crake of whitchurch is charged with paying his hired man grimes 5 to set fire to a house to get insurance on the furniture tho governorgenerals warrants issued by the present government have been brought down they wore four in all and they amounted to 2000002 a boiler in mr george talyors shops at st thomns exploded on saturday and although a number of persons were close at hand no serious arc reported a package containing 6000 and other money of the c p k was stolen from the safe of toilette station some tlmo on friday night or saturday morn ing archbishop begin of quebec has issued to his clergy a circular favoring the antimasonic congress which meets next month at trente in the austrian tyrol it is reported that president beckley who is in england negotiating for tho salo of toronto hamilton nnd buffalo railway bonds is meeting with great success in the storm of saturday night seven horses were killed on the snycr farm on the fifth concession of west flamboro ono of tho horses killed was said to be worth 1500 tho board of governors of tho hamil ton city hospital have decided to pur chase a mlscroscope and to buy in the market all the supplies that aro not yet contracted for mayor fleming hnd an interview with general manager hays of the grand trunk in montreal ond received assur ances that tho grand trunk shops would remain in toronto passengers on the steamship lnko ontario at th time of the collision with the vancouver deny the statements of johnston who reflected on tho lake ontarios officers by tho prematura explosion of a charge of dynamite at parry island ont two men named jim smith and arthur hlllman were killed nnd john olsen badly injured president mckcnzic of the toronto railway company informed the com mittee of council that the company would not submit to a payment of extra mileage ns a condition of n sunday car service by tho burning of mrtv qualfos house at huntsvllle flvo lives were lost mrs qualfe and mrs phillips inst their lives in attempting to save tho children two of mrs qunlfos children perished and miss jessie phillips was so bndly burned that she succumbed to her injuries on sunday word comes from bothwell oil fields that of the ten recent tstsmado nil have been successful two of them aro oyer three hundred barrels each never in tho history of oil testing in any part of america have such results been ob tained tho total yield dally is nearly 1000 barrels mr hirnm wnlkcr will erect a refinery sleeplessness is due lo nervous excite meat the delicately constituted the financier the business man and those whose occupation necessitates great mental strain or worry till sulfur less or more from it sleep is the great restorer ofa worried brain and toget sleep cleanse the stomach from all fmpuritks with a few doses of parmeices vegetable pills gelatine coated containing no mercury nndjire guaranteed to give satisfaction or the money will im refunded regularly collected the bills for tho stolen lights the famous collection of violins owned by tho late k d hawley of hatford ha been sold to a california man for 20000 tho collection consists of 12 in struments which aro among tho finest in the world in i8s0 there were 00407 civilized indians in 1s90 there were 5ss0r the uncivilized indians are not enumerated in 1ss0 there were 105405 chinese in the united states and in 1890 there were 107475 united states secretary hoke smith has resigned his portfolio being tho only member of president clevelands cabinet who supports the chicago ticket lie is consequently out of harmony with his colleagues four old street cars are uswd by john v bohannon of baltimore as n homo for himself and family they are on suhurhnn ground for which ho does not have to pay rent they cost him ten dollars each two women were asleep on a feather bed in their homo nt bonno terre md when lightning struck the hoio and set firo tn the shuck mattress under the bd but tho women were unharmed the feathers repelled tho electricity lie has tried it mr john anderson kin loss writes i venture to say few if any have received greater lie ne fit from the use of dr thomas eelectric oil than i have i have used it regularly for over ten years and have recommended it to all sufferers i knew of and they also found it of great virtue iu cases of severe bron chitis and incipient consumption foitiiox bussln will make vladlvostock a com mercial port the shahs eldest son was installed at tnbreez ns heirapparent of persia lhr new roller stenmerthe invention of m bnjinnwa has bceniaunehed nt st denis france merchants in st johns nfld will not accept american coin and are dis counting american bills insurgents in macedonia have burned two villages in tho kozonl district and massacred 80 persons the queen has sent to the royal al bert yacht club her regrets anent the accidental death of baron von zeedtwitz baron mnnfs commanding a strong belgian force has taken the offend v against the mahdistsin tho upper congo cuban rebels captured a train near nacnnnguu killed six nnd wounded 33 spanish soldiers nnd then fired the train the rebel loss was heavy a dispatch from berlin says that tho powers have all agreed upon the adoption of a policy which will compel turkey to kraut- autonomy to crete a tanglers despatch says that n plot has been discovered aiming at tho de thronement of the sultan of morocco in favor of his elder brother muley mahomet tho funeral of sir john millnls the into president of tho koynl academy took phico thursday and tho remains weie interred with honors in st pauls cathedral hth prof andreo at was still waiting for a in order to enable him balloon trip across tho kbeumattsm what joyful news to the sufferer from chrouic rheumatism or neuralgia that instant relief and an absolute cure can be had iu from one to three days by using the great south american rheumatic cure seems eucredi- ble but thousands say its a fact and here is the testimony of one for three years i suffered untold misery iu my legs for six mouths i w cou fitted to my btsl i used all the ordinary remedies i could lay my bauds on south american rheumatic cure being brought to my notice i procured a bottle and it gave me instant relief a few bottles completely cured me george deuhani druggist pet role a kidneys spontaneous unsolicited testimony is the highest recommend that can be given the great south american kidney cure what it has done it can do again it is a kidney specific gives quick relief in all kidney disorders heals and strengthens michael mcmullen chesley out writes i had been troubled with grave and kidney disease for eight years remedies and doctors could give me uo relief pain was so severe that i could not lie down or re main in oue position any time i pro cured a bottle of south american kidney cure took it according to the directions i got instant relief the soreness all left me and today 1 am cured of thedanger- ous trouble and recommend this wonder- every month the flll wme to all similarly affected- winchester winchester pror exhibition montreal wv tern london gcslph guelph carleton richmond north grey owen sound y addiogtoii tumworth lanark perth central canada ottawa beutiuck hanover sw renfrew kufnw w durham bmvmaville south grimsby smttbville mml ummr rorf kill two birds wltt one stone spend a phasaut summer holiday at oakvtlle liquor of morphine habit nc and fr all at the szmt time ept 18j st vincent tp mealord sept 212s sep il2i sep 25 sept sisa sept i25 sep 22 2i sep 22s scpr 22ss isep 2222 sept 2525 sept 222i- stpi 2225 sept 222j sepr 2224 sept b3sj sept 232 ep ss it will cost you a little more than if yoa sept 1011 j go to an ordinary summer resort but teept 10uj probably not half as much as you would nfpt im spend on liquor in half the time lake- pt 15i burst iih its fine house shady 1513 ground water front and excellent lti13 uard is preferable to most hotels and sept u5u j you ruu leave your liquor curse behind sept 172 yu forever when your holiday u over sepu 17l for full particulars address manager sept 1715 lakehurst institute oakvllle ont sept 1715 the nerves we live iu a hurry and ninetenths of our ailments are due to nervous exhaustion impoverished blood or bad digestion south american nerv ine is a bloodbuilder it tones the nerves nnd stimulates digestion thousands whose lives were a burden to them are to day in excellent health because they have tested its marvelous power w ii slier- man of morrisburg writes i was com pletely run down a great sufferer from stomach and nervous troubles tried every medicine ii the market with little or no relief i obtained a bottle of south american nervine before half of it was taken i had derived great benefit six bottles made me my own self again recommend it to everybody so alllicted and cheerfully give it my testimony united states another advance in freights on anthra cite coal is announced the hudion river from its source to tho ocean is 400 mile in length the next annual convention of amer ican florists will bo held nt providence kl twolve people sat down at an etntt nhi dinner tablerecently vrhofc united ages were 050 years ou august danes island favorable wind ro attempt his arctic region tho british government says tho irish dynamiters were released from portland on tho ndvlce of the prison doctor who declared that further confinement would endanger their lives dr nan sens arctic exploring ship fram which ho left embedded in tho ire parly in january 1805 arrived on wednesday evening nt skjervo norway all were well on board dr niinson will not again attempt to reach thn north polo in n ship but may lend a sledge expedition from franz joseph land tho only way ho now bo- lieves it can bo reached iho bulgariaturkey frontier dispute is assuming grave proportions bulgarian troop will 1k ordered to ro occupy tho territory claimed by vurkey unless tho hitler appoints delegates toncommuslon r snyder an american missionary has arrived at liverpool after four years ubenco in tho congo region of africa lie penetrated n thousand miles into tho interior and discovered a new lake of the jlrxt magnitude the london sun says that john daly the dynamiter released on thursday from portland prison will be able to prove that tho irish dynamiters havo been subjected to indignities and punish incuts that tho vilest prisoners in her viijcstys prisons havo escaped they never fall mr s m nfoughner l7ingtoii writes for about two years 1 v is troubled with inward piles but by using parmeices pills i was completely cured and although four years have elapsed since then they havo not returned parmeices pills are antibilious and n sjxcific for the cure of liver nnd kidney complaints dyspepsia i costtveness headache piles etc and will regulate the secretions and remove all bilious matter failures in chuimis there are honest bankrupts men who hive struggled manfully against heav odds to pay their debts in flill and hay failed but to one whose duty it- is to chronicle from week to week the bank- ruptctes in canada he cannot but 1 strongly impressed by the number of assignments to which may be justly at tached more than a shadow of blame there is a deplorable lack of business morality in canada and the united states the merchant who is at all in clined to dishonesty often receives from the jobber in the shape of extravagant credit every inducement to follow the natural bent of his mind merchants who from the frequency of their assign- ments might be styled chronic bank rupts are bolstered up by the jobbers and carried along to tho great disadvantage and very often destruction of honest traders a merchant who attempts to pay his liabilities in full is in no position to compete with a neighbor who every now and then obtains a settlement at fifty cents on the dollar or even less the wholesale trade suffers from the ease with which long credits can be obtained but their losses are scarcely heavier than that of legitimate retailers who have every thing to gain in the adoption of stricter methods in granting credit monetary times n xive up to your privileges if we read of some new fabric made in some foreign country which gave protec tion from cold providing a healthful warmth in all sorts of weather we would consider it wonderful and be envious of tho people who could take advantage of it but because the chamois is quite in expensive and easy to get perhaps some have not yet tested its merits and found out for themselves the splendid winter comfort a layer of it will impart to all outdoor garments its weather proof qualities arc genuine founded on the fact that it is made entirely from spruce fibre and is therefore a complete non conductor of cold this as well- as lt light weight makes ft an ideal addition to every ones fall and winter clothing sarcasm i want to pay this bill he said to the hotel clerk but i think you have made a slight error here in my favor ive been reading over the extras and i can not find that you have charged me any thing for telling me you thought it might rain emporium echo tavistock tavitock delia delta central ieterborougn lincoln st catharines halditnaud cayuga listowel l stovel petrolea peirolea wellesley wellesley ixlinox naiaiiee northern walkerton n mukoki huutsville s greuville pxescou great n- western godericb widdifleld north bay eastsimcoe orillia- collingwood colling wood i 2325 southern brant ford sept 2325 w middlesex strathroy 2325 clintongrimsby beamsville sept 2423 north ontario uxbridge sept 2423 muskoka bracebridge sept 2425 woodstock woodstock sept 24 23 moruiugton milverton xhsept 2423 north oxford wooilstock sept 2425 enstgrey flesherton sept 2423 central lindsay sept 24 2i pa liners ton hort palmerstonsept 2823 outatio whitby sept 2s3c whitchurch stouffviilc sept 20 northern alton craig sept 20 30 bruce centre paisley sept 2030 muskoka tp gravenhurst sept 2030 south grey durham sept 2030 forest forest sept 2930 north waterloo berlin sept 2930 peel brampton sopt 2930 dereham tilsonburg sept 2930 mitchell mitchell sept 2930 klnia at wood sept 2950 e nissouri thiimesford set 30 north lanark almonte sept 29oct i a tric 1vkuuur bunco stranger iu new vork i see farmer youve jist about struck it bgoh bunco thats what i thought now let me give you t steer farmer much obleeged but im niyther long on steers efyou kin make it a couple o young milch kyows take em bgosh somerville journal cucumbers anil melons are forbidden fruit to many htsou so constituted that the least indulgence is followed by at tacks of cholera dysentery griping etc these persons are not aware that they can indulge to their hearts content if they have on hand a bottle of dr j d kel logg s dysentery cordial a medicine that will gjve immediate relief and is a sure cure for all summer complaints t ample icevriice that feller hankinson has been com in to seu my sister for six months said johnny and hes never give me a cents worth of candy but i got eveu with him last night how j 1 saw him sittin iu the parlor waitin for sis to come down he had egg ift hij whiskers aid 1 didnt tell bin chicago tribune owt- peniusular chatham north simcoe stayner w wellington harristou east york marktiam middlcton court laud embro kiuhro west minster l unlth n bruce port elgin w elgin wallaeetouu n renfrew beacbburir n perth stratford dufferin orangeville central simcoe barrie s norwich ottcrville w north umlhhind cobourj arrautara tara n brant paris c wellington fergus st marys st marx mauitouliu mauituivanii sept 29oct sept 29oct 1 sept 30oct 1 sept 30oct oct- 1 oct 1 oet 1 oct is oct m uct 1i oct 14 oct 15 oct 13 ocr 2- oct 61 oct tw oct oct 01 oct 0i oct 07 s ilimsworth powasau oct 0- morris blyth oct 01 st thomas st thomas oct 0s e algoma sault ste marie oct 0ij w nissouri thoriidnle oct caledonia caledonia oct ss n norwich norwich oct s- bl an shard kirkton oct st eramoa hock wood oct 81 tosoroutic allison oct ss jjnimho dritmthf oct 8u georgina sutton oct s2 worlds fair brock on oct 13m e cardwell beeton oct 13 h norfolk simcoe oct 1313 burford burford oct 15 16 east luther grand valley oct 1510 trafalgar oakvllle oei 15pi w york woodbridge oct 2021 erin erin oct 2021 a uovlii churn liewell 1 see they have a new way of making butter now askitt how do they do it liewell they teach the cows thekoo- cheekoochee dance a bicyclist may prefer a hhn grade wheel but he kicks vigorously on high grade cycle paths nothing like it oeylon tea is bklicious sold only in lead packets v ho this we offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh thai cannot be cured by balls catarrh cure f j cheney co props toledo 0- we the undersigned have known fjchcncy for the last 15 venn and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions and tin- and ally able to carry out any obligation made by their firm wkst tc tmux wholesale drugglstsfolcdo o wauunokisnan maitvix wholesale drug gists toledo o hall a catarrh cure is taken internally act ing directly ujm the blood nnd mucous sur faces of the system price 71c icr bottle sold by all druggists testlmon als free jnznier why dont you make mom ornndums and then you wont forger the things you want to remember grlbbs i do but i always forget where i put them fits all ills stopped freo and permanent- cured no fils after lirst days use of dr klines reat xuivo lien tore r free trial ixmlc sent through canadian agency address dr kline 131 arch st philadelphia lifes a burden if the stomach is not right ia there nnimeu is tliore constipation i the tniigue coaled ar you tlglit headed io yrni have sick headaches john macgkkoor barkist ekat- law sulk- j tor in supreme court of can ada money to juan offices 2830 toronto street toronto agents wantedon svlary or oiiunifslnu kood agents can secure a ixnnaiient portion send stamp fir nrth-u- lan no imstals addres vitikokk de pot toronto anglers special cut prices for august troll ins simims i520ands5eenla each trolling lines 10 15 20 and 2ft cents cth rubber mitmws 5 so jud 35 cents each phantom minnows 30 and t cents tarh trout riles assorted 30 to 54 cents per dozen bass tiies assorted 50 to 73 cents r dozen all other lines of tackle re duced in the same propotion this month send your order and we will nay the post ae to ronto sporting goods or tn venire street toronto w mcdowau manager cured meats we are headquarters for smoked hams roll bacon and long- clear pork our prices ar right and nothing but tirstelass goods shipped te s coffees and spices in these hues we lead the trade our teas sirf odees require no comment they hava provtd themselves to le leaders by our enor mous sales send for our illustrated catalogue all yoods quoted freight prepaid a h canning co wholesale grocers 57 front street kav toronto any and all or these denote stomach and liver disorder dr aiyiows liver pills act quickly nnd will cure most stubborn nnd chronic cases no unpleasantness no griping thcuo httlo pills ore little wonder work ers and are fur famed 40 in a vial for 10 cents an opinion iiidomcri a great many people arc too quick to acton an assumption observed the phil osopher v yes repyed the theatrical manager on an assumption that they know how to act washington star adams gingek keek for making a delicious health drink at small cost reec adams oilier herr est tart one botilo klwh miamis yeast onehalf to one cake niurar twolta i cream of tartar onehalf or lukewarm water two gallons dissolve the smrar cream of tartar and yeast in the water add the extract and bofile place in a warm place for twe tyfour hours until it frniint then place on ice wbea it will open afkirklbii cool and delicious the ginger beer can be obtained in all dro and grocery itores in 10 ecu t botllts to make two trallonrr gold mine the richest gold min in ontario the golden gate situated iu the ra ny river district ontario a woikhiffniiucpiodiidiiffffold bricks at the present rate of output a handsome divi dend is assured ou the stock i have had placed in my hands for salft 150000 shares of paidup and nouasseasable stock par value i each which i am instructed for a short time only to offer at par the money raised from the 0c of this stock will ho expended in purchasing mom machinery to increase the output of this farfamed biilllouprotlncliic mine the directors are prominent men in montreal hamilton toronto nnd rat portage- the manager of the comjany mr hu mm is probably the best known mining exjwrt in tho rainy river district all applications for slock and any informa tion will he furnished on appllcatlnii o frank mcphilup- mining rrokcr lor rainy klver district 1 toronto street toronto the discriminating public always ask m e b eddys matches t hvlltkkialx fyk aiit 7 kiuir st k to oiin- aug huh losept12lh t rfjjsrlsorbuah gnheanada f sei forjatalodueo if you want a canoe skiff steam launch or anything in tie sliac f a boiti we huild them the cheapkst and the desr writo to in james l k0gebs msrr niagara falls line double trips empress of ixdia and gtr daily from yoiiro stiwt wharf at 715 nm and t20 pm for st catlm- rinos x kalis llulliilo x york and all points oat family books for salo low rates to excursion parties tickets at all principal arentsaml at office on wharf vai ter sept 1st cor gorranl nnd tone toronto on unquestionably the largest and moat infln nttal commercial school in canada hundred of students placed directly into ffood purine air w ii shawpriicfpai elluatlons 6nly one kind of bnslncs tralntftf given and that tllk bkflt write for new catalogue t n u evehrtiiixo for the pnntkb typ proaao ink rondrprlnl newapnporav terot yn sinttrfelccro torofftotp typlnar knaravlna toronto aind it ionlpoff