the claremont free pres5 vol 1 no 47 claremont ont frtday aug 14 1896 1 oo per year cbarehont the new market at north clare- mom is booming every tuesday a large amount of fanners produce changes bands mr tobias caster shipped a car load of new wheat to toronto on wednesdsy mr and mrs y gale of tor onto visited at reeve gerow3 over sunday miss j michell is visiting her cousin at stouffville miss stokes of mt albert is vis iting at mr geo coopers mr win leaper has the trams work of the new rink erected on a stone foundation mr parks of toronto was visit ing friends in claremout over sunday and monday mr and mrs k p hopper mr and miss gregg and miss waddle are expected back from the old coun try about tuesday or wednesday next mr and mrs robt campbell aro visiting friends in western ontario the sports of our town spend their sparo moments playing croquet on jobbitts lawn mr and mrs shaw and daughter of parkdale were visiting at mr tobias casters during the past week mr fred tilson of toronto is the guest of mr l caster for a few days mr geo dowswell of toronto is visiting under the parental for a cou ple of weeks miss mowbray of kinsale has been engaged as teacher for the junior department 01 our public school mr luther bowes ofcamilla has returned home for a short time milton kitchen left last week for eosseau where he is engaged to work in h w crossleys stables mr dalgettv tho horse bujer shipped seventeen ilnc heavy horses from here last week for glasgow tho prices raiyed from sgo to 125 a largo number of the elite of claremont were present by invitation at the lawn party given by the misses thompson on tuesday evening and a very pleasant evening was spent thb lawn was beautifully illuminated by chinese lanterns during the evening dr brodie was called to the chair and a short program mo was gone through with consisting of readings by miss pickett miss cooper and c j brodie vs solos by miss stokes of mt albert and mr ed evans recitation by miss jessie thompson parties wishing to subscribe for the claremont fwi phess plcaso call on mr wm covineton who hascharge of the office in bundys block open every day in thcwcek xews of any value 01 credit to this tho sudden death of hugh wilson was starting received by our people ou saturday aug 1st deccastsjii leaves a wife and seven childrgrjmicr youngest one being about teivyeibjof age he was in nis 54th year hearty man all his life saturda morning lie was engaged harvesting with charles prcctor they were binding beside each other when de ceased remarked that they would iinisl the job before night and started on his row his partner missed him and on looking back saw him prone upon the ground dead having expired without a struggle the remains wero interr ed on monday aug jrd at ashburo where a large number offormer friends and acquaintances assembled to wit ness the last sad rights continued from first page son for 70 yards of gravel furnished road division no 50 67 a nighs- wander for building a culvert and railing opposite lot 33 stb con 7 j a mitchell for 200 cedar posts deliv ered at brougham and pickering sic j h connor for building a culvert on the kingston road west of dun- barton s875 j h connor for teain- ng cedar from brougham to tho king ston road 2 a booth for repairing a culvert on tho sideroad between lots 30 and 31 in the 1st con and putting in a culvert on tho kingston road op posite lot 82 s1050 jasronso for breaking 5 toiso of stono s2470 p p madill breaking 5 toiso of stone 24 so john burton for 1st yardsof gravel 1570 henry byer drawing gravel for tho 9th con between lots 1s and 19 s45so john michell grad ing on tho town line between tho town ships of uxbridgo and pickering op posite lots 30 and 31 s2950 also building a culvert at tho same place and extra grading 950 one half paid by uxbridgo township picker ing share s1950 w j turner building an abutment under the bridgo between lots 34 and 35 in the 8th con and drawing timber and ex tending the length of the bridge s2g 25 david annis 134 yards of gravel furnished per contract on thegthcon s1340 wm devitt for tile for divis ions 41 52 68 and g9 and for the altona sewer as well as dehvoring and giving instructions for laying and for drawing two loads of gravel 47- 37 a joseph pllkoy 1g yardsof gravel for road division no 16 128 wm gibson drawing gravel between lots 12 and 13 in tho 8th con 12 f soden for grading the hill between lots 12 and 13 8th con 13 h morrison a bonus of 12ac on 90 rods of wire fence built on the sideroad be tween lots 22 and 23 broken front 1125 w m michell for work done on road division no go s9 w m michell for grading and ditching on the northern townline opposito the 3rd con 1750 also grading opposite lot 31 in the 8th con 390 total 2110 jas avhite for a cedar rail ing for the road opposito lot 20 1st con 130 j a gormally pathmast er the amount of statute labor return ed from road division no 9 and col lected by f hutchison for the year 1s95 575 voters msts 1896 jiuniciialitv of the uillage of sfoaifville county of york jotice is hereby given that i have transmitted or tlelivorcd to the persons mentioned in sections five and six of the voters lists act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the litst made pursuant to said act of all persons appearing by tho last revised assessment roll of tho said munici pality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of tho legislative assembly and at municipal elections and that said list was posted up at my office at stouffville on the 2nd day of july 1s0g and remains there for inspection electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any ominissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to liave tho said errors corrected according to ian- a g bnmvn clerk of said municipality dated this 2nd dayof july 189g- valuable farm for sale by tender take kotice j the public aie hereby notified that i will not bo responsible tc anjone negotiating buying or in any way be coming possessed of a certain promis sory note purported to have been sign ed by me made in favour of one calvin yakc of the village of stouff ville for the sum of 1200 and which is now past due as i have never re ceived any value for said note- hikamyaki witness james obrien dated at stouffvillft the 9th day of juno a d 1s9g altona from our own cornjoiiient a 7ycarold daughter of mr henry elson of altuuu was accident ally shot on saturday afternoon by her older brother a boy of 10 years of age who did not know tho gun was loaded tho little girl lived 12 hours after everything being jono thatmed- ical aid could do ior her mr and mrs edwin cliff have returned after a weeks visit with friends in toronto and weston messis cliff son of the ahoni npiary report an excellent yield of honey this season of asupcrioruulity their boo ynrd is said to bo ono of the bept in the province as to location and equipage 550 each and costs- messrs jas gordon pickering j m gerow brougham alex wilson claremont wm oleary pickering and w besse avhitevale five pickeridg hotel- keepers appeared before p m harper on friday for sentence for selling liquor without license it was the final of tho cases which have been staiuiiig for over two years thro were three cases against wilson two against gerow and one each agaiust gordon oleary and besse but only one fine as imposed upon each man s50 and costs as usual the legal sprout ap peared and stuck out for further ad jo urn in en is in order to enablo him to fcklc premier hardy and even when omity attorney farewell produced letters rom mr hardys department stating that the attorneygeneral did intend to interfere in tho case the lawyer hung on for more time this the magistrate refused to allow and a total of 250 and costs was paid in by tho defendants the costs in each caao amounted to from 8 to si 2 farmers and other stock raisers should bo very careful in thematter of keeping any animals suffering from contagious disease as soon at an animal is known or suspected of hav ing any of these disease it should be isolated and minister of agriculture at ottawa immediately notified an in spection will then ba madoand the case properly dealt with tho in spector has lately had to slaughter several animals that wero affected with lump jaw there is a heavy penalty for failing to report all diseas ed animals tho undersigned will receive tenders for that valuable farm situated south of the stouffville public school being part of lots 31 and 35 in the 9th con of markhani containing 4s acres more or less this is without doubt ono of tho beat properties in ontario the buildings consist of a good large frame house and an excellent barn thero is also a good well a fine young orchard and berries of all descriptions j tenders will also bo received for a small farm of 18 acres in tho 9th con of markham lot 31 this is a iino little home for the right man on this property is a frame house and barn a good well and a gentle stream of good spring water constantly flows through it from east to west tenders will be received for the whole of tho above named properties or a portion of them the proprietor desires to give more attention to other business possession given the 1st of october tenders will be received by the undersigned until the 15th ot july ism the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted for further particulars apply to jacob vale jeweller stou villc ciar fbe trak for tho standard rotary shuttle can inako 2000 stitches in oue minute the fastest ma- chiuo on earth tho wonderful cure related below is by no means unusual with lloodssar- saparilla this great medicine has given health to suffering children even when health seemed impossible the secret of its success i that it puri fies vitalizes and enriches tho blood i wish to toll o a wonderful euro effected ly hoods sarsaparilla five years ao my little boy tvns sudden ly seized with a eevcro lameness appar ently in h3 rht knee which somo phy sicians cald vas rheumatism whilo others bald it was hip dlscaso and that it was during tho next winter and spring ho becamo rapidly worse vo too jlmmio to a specialist who eaiel it was hip disease at this time tho affliction became bo eevcro that wo could not movo him with out causing screanw of agony ho be came reduced in weight to 33 pounds and was but a ehadow of his former rclf wo had about given up hop when vo read of a euro by hoods sar3npariiia of a aimllar case wo resolved to try this medicine jlmmio was decidedly improved after taking tho first bottle ho was even after tho second wo have nlnco used ovcrftdorcn bottles of tho medicine and the chango lias exceeded our expectations james la now ablo to walk without tho aid of crutches and goes to flchool every day ho has been wonderfully cured by hoods sareaporlllo j o kundcll oaliley michigan druggist c c tubbs says ho knows tho rundcll boy has been wonderfully be sure you are right and then go ahead if your blood is impure your appetite failing youi nerves weak you may be sine tht hoods sarsaparilla is what yon need then take no substitute insist upon hoods and only hoods this istlu medicine which has tho hvgcht s lo fri tho world hoodf sarsajuirilla is the one true blood purifier loolv ils aro prompt efoyient t ways rehab- easy to take easy i opera to with the finest line of bicycles ever put on the market cleveland swll special as our leader with eight different styles to select from including ladies wheels every machine guaranteed bi cycle tires and sundries at lowest prices tire repairing a specialty mertens smith the great leapfrog game ali others aro fame when the standard jumps over tho rest it makes them feel lame but they aro hund to exclaim tho standard without question is the best h 5 feott athd 1859 established 1859 1895 we carry a full nd wellassorted stock of general dry goods groceries harjware paints oils hats caps boots shoes ready- made clothing patent medicines perfumery and notions stouffville ont clflrenont pobp factory established 18g7 for 3g years wc have been catering to the wants of the general public we are still here all goods bought for cash and sold on a cash basis our long experience en abling us to secure many lines at very close figures- j r d fluknals y hoods sarsaparilla and that mr run dcll is thoroughly reliable ho lias a good salo of hoods sarsaparllln and hoods pills both of which nro giving perfect satisfaction hosnyh hoods pills seem to bo mio coining family cathartic k b k you decide to tato hoods sar- oporiua do not bo induced to buy auy ther insist upon noods because oo sarsaparilla i the one true iloo pnrlner all drnralt 1 repartd by c i hood a co ixmrtl mu jo- s illls to overate ssccou is the place to buy oheap groceries flour feed if you dont think so just come and see for yourselves some people say that ho is giving his goods away surely that will convince you that lintons is tho place to buy andrew mnton opposite the methodist church claremont geo gerow 33 years experience as manufacturer of lift force and suction pumps geared and pumping windmills cistern tanks and cis tern pumps etc fron pumps made of the best scotch galvanized piping jos i todd stouffville dealer in grain flour and feed coal and wood scpds potatoes forlt corn beans felt roofing salt in barrels and hulk limo cement and plaster firo brick and tilo wool lath and shingles building papw water lime blacksmiths coal paper for sheeting carpet paper plaster tar pitch and charcoal fire and kife w greenburjj agent for stouffville office todds block stouffville havinfr taken over the agency hereto- foro held by j elliott for tho following companies g western life insliranre co imperial fire wesfrn fir it will be to the advantage of nil wish ing a fikstclass company and liberal policy to call upon ma before insuring elsewhere h m brent agent office standa bank stufftil 0