My mind went back to I98 when Luke and Bill Anderson spoke to a huge crowd at Markham Fair. It was when I my daughter) Debra was in 6 - "WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH â€" See us on 'www.510uflvilleonlirggcom’ The Bid 8 Bop party for Luke Anderson was a very spe- cial evening for everyone. It was like a town reunion, giving folks a chance to visit old and young alike. To the Editor. Our town has a huge and generous heart EDIIORML POLICV‘ Opinions exotassod by columnists. conlnoutois and toilet miles are not necessailly those at Whltchuich-Stoullville this Month. Lettets must he stoned and the telephone number (which will not be published) included Requests that a name be withheld will he honoured WWW i: reason to do so. Ennis will be collected it thought to the editors attention. We mam the light to edit at luluso publication at any material submitted ADVERIISING POLICV: the publishel Is not liable lot slluhl clanpes 0t lypouiaphical enois that do not lessen the value oi an advertisement I Mllshet I othet enors or omissions in connection with any adveniseniont in any subsequent issue at tho talund oi any monies paid to: the advertisement All claims ot em)! in publication must be made within two week's ot publication. and. it not niado. will not be considered. No claim will be allowed to} mote than one WHITCHIIRCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH A division at Star Marketing/ 1460912 Ontario Ince Arsomusruï¬omem PervySiarandehndgeSlar Distributed Free by Canada Post to every home in the iollov'ring communities: STOUFFVILLE ~ Gooowood- eonMLEY" BALLANTRAE - MUSSELMAN'S LAKE AND VANDORF What does Santa do when he’s ï¬nished delivering all the presents? Sounding Newmarket hospital fighting for her life and the town rallied around for her. and lwas speaking at a dinner at the fair- grounds which she could not attend. Luke was right, it was overwhelming. giving a feeling that cannot be explained, a memory that cannot be forgot- ten. brightening the days ahead and giving us the strength to face tomorrow NICOLE"! DIM"! He dances avound his house at the North Pole and goes swim- ming in his pool. 6111 Main St. StoutMIIe.0ntaIio L4A 3R4 HIII‘II: 95642-8101 Fax: â€5642-“ Email withwrinkles©hotmailoom QUINN Ilfllll He opens his pre- sents and eats all the candy canes with his elves. The Bid £7 Bop was a beneï¬t for everyone. We had lots of opportunities to bid on great items but more important. we all were part of such a special night. Stouffvllle is expanding but it has a huge and generous heart and will always be like home to me. Thank you everyone for being there for me. Terri Ness IVAN WM When he gets done he takes off his suit and his mgsk and has a sleep. These are iust a few examples of how this community opens its heart to those who are in need. If you. your company or an organi- zation you belong to is involved in a project to help others, we would love to hear about it. And don't forget to shop at home this Christmas. because our local merchants are front and centre when it comes to supporting community causes. For most of us, Christmas means ioy, family gatherings and a renewal of hope. But it's important to remember that for those who have lost a loved one. are struggling to survive ï¬nancially. or are far from family and friends, it can be the most painful time of year. This town provides proof of the old maxim that it is better to give than to receive. 80 get into the spirit of giving and have your- sell a meny llttle Christmas. From Luke's Bid and Bop to the Christmas lunch at Stouffville Country Market, residents and organizations are willingly giving their time and money to help others. Once again the Stouffville Lions Club is helping local families in need with the annual Christmas Basket Project and the BIA has set up a Salvation Army Elf Tree at the train station, where you can drop off toys and gift cer- tiï¬cates for children and teens. When outgoing mayor Wayne Emmerson was preparing to leave his office for the last time, he said that one of the things he will miss most of all is his interaction with town staff. He also pointed out that despite development, Whitchurch-Stouffville can maintain its small town flavour if people are willing to get involved with local events and volunteer their time for good causes. As Christmas rolls around once more, that spirit of communityhas never been more evident. in the aftermath of the November election, we would like to acknowledge the hard work of those who are leaving public office and welcome the newcomers taking their place. as well as those who are returning for another term to tackle the challenging task of managing our future. We would also like to give a vote of thanks to the staff at the municipal ofï¬ces who keep the machinery of the town running smoothly. In an age of automated telephone systems, it is a plea- sure to be able to call and speak to a friendly human being instead of a machine. First he sleeps and then works and goes on vacation to Florida whete it’s warm. WIRINE VIIDIRAMO THE GIFT OF GIVING GENERAL MANAGER CREATIVE MANAGER SALES HER. CONTRIBUTING WRITER BUSINESS OFFICE .IATE m IMaryAnn Fleming .8 G Bell Bruce Stanley / Dale Dialet V Nancy Hopkins V ‘63er Stanley MEMBER 0; me ommo cowumw newsman: t ASSOCIATION After Christmas is over he makes more presents until the next Christmas. NAILEY VANDEIIUIGI' DECEMBER 2003 flung a compelling not liable lo! 1seflion