Mennonites: rooted in peace and community H12 « WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH â€" See us on ‘www.stoufl! Sometimes the best way to serve our customers, is by r_i_o_t serving them. Edgityoggkgfl‘sigxaifridfgaas 3r3§§}§?§ir§‘8€3%9 5133.. i§§§.b§%1§§gaggvo.§lg £318ag§zitii§8misn8§z§1 Mennon and the shed xteenth century Christianity in western be divided into two groups: the historic :h and the dissenting groups. the ich as the Anglicans. Lutherans or nnonites have their roots in the rich is often characterized as the left dh’WM and [ht as the ‘nites l is 0er her mugs east Mennonil uonites 986. W ati .md Am families whc hey lendma HS ? We Ont. hank accompanied them here Iuried in the Mennonite ulfvifle. ? derive the answer from :ario: A Bicentennial 'r the authors. and the 0 us their book s a small group dents of Ulrich "can DrIni “1900-6ny the own belief meaning 0 rebaptize e rebaptize each other as adults, thus indicating their voluntary commitment to Christ. Others around them nicknamed them "rebaptizers" or Anabaptists. and they are the forebears of the Mennonites. Amish and Brethren in Christ of Ontario today. Like a prairie fire the Anabaptist movement spread throughout Europe, often fanned by winds of persecution. By the late l6th century. some Anabaptists were referred to as "Mennists" or "Mennonites" after Menno Simons. a Dutch reformer. By the seventeenth century there were many Mennonites in Switzerland. Persecution led to migration away from suppression and in Early 16 the direction in the 18th a ‘w World colc of greater opportunity ntury, such an opportunity ny of Pennsylvania. whose iam Penn. offered a re if Jge under pprt men T'I' OPTOMETBIST NOVEMBER 2004