-wâ€"‘m to my hum m'l’hoNMmenunmos: MEMBER OF ms " STOUFFVIUI-GOODWOOD~BORMLEY 34 ‘ -’ ' . . ommmcowumrv % W‘Mmm'smmovmooar c-vicAve..smu1MIIe.omano MA 725 mans-64mm Fax: nos-040m Email stannarketlno@yrng.com Q0013 newsman w" ASSOCIATION.’ Ill-II- “INN-M'-Wuwwmmwmmmwmmmmmmmwmmmaomm Monm Lettatsmustbostonadamttmwphone numbe! (which will notbepubllsned) mcluded. Requestsmaia name hemmmtdwillbehomured onryflmrplsawmpelina 'mmmi‘an?“NM"WhmmmJflemommammmodflmunmoublkmmotwnumlalsubmlmd.ADVHmSIMIPoucvahopubllsmlmunliablelorsllumchanoesovtypoomvhimlmarsfllaidonoflessmflmvalueatanmvemsmem.Mpuuisruisnotliablelor mmummmmwmhmmlmhhMdemussmmwmmntwdalmsolemrlnoummuon mustbonudoMflnlnMoweek’splpubflcaflonm1d,MotMMIIanecomkfaedMo dalmvdllbeaflowedlorrnocggnnmirwmn ., . - WHITCHURCH-SIOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH â€" See us on 'www.stouffvllleonline.com' The Recycling Depot is experiencing serious problems recruiting volunteers In lact, the problem is getting so serious that we may be forced to reduce the Depot’s operating hours or. even worse. to close it down from time to time. On Saturdays we have only two people -- Dormhy and WHITGIIllllcll-STOIIFFVILLE THIS Mllll'l'll A division at Star Marketing I 1460912 Ontario lnc.. a division oi Meiroiand Printing. Publishing and Distflbuting Distributed Fm by 01de Poa to my homo in me ioiiwino communities: ‘ STOUFFVILLE - GOODWOOD - GORMLEY 34 Civic A BALLNHRAE - MUSSELMAN'S LAKE AND VANDORF Depot needs volunteers Our question this month. asked at the Earl of Whitchurch pub "Without Hacï¬ey Night in Canada. what will you do will: your Saturday Dear Editot, /Nka’t 'm {he model are \ tide-going to do wiih OUTSE‘VCS \ now ’Lhai {hére‘s no NHL"; Ann -who keep the Depot open and running But they simply can’t keep on doing it alone. We need time more people every Saturday morning to keep things running Usage 0! the Depot remains strong It deatly is serving a need. People enjoy volunteenng at the Depot It Is a great my to meet people and to help a good cause 'Drown my sorrows here, I suppose. Or spend more time having conversatlons with my wife? AM "Id": ngï¬ffville w Month “I M: â€I'm no! really a fan of the Leafs anyway. Boston's my team. so it won‘t be too much of a loss. I’ll be able to drive my klds to more of the" hockey games,†Whitchurch-Stouflville residents take note I! you want your Depot. you've got to volunteer High school students. you can get community hours for this Please call 9056408294 or email teqcleï¬enoreoonca Thank! lim Prick, President. Whilchunh-Slauflï¬lk Recycling Group lua- lune â€I‘ll have m pick a new sport to watch. maybe 30". I could take up pokerv Or maybe I'll come here to the pub for their bands on Saturday night ' The people of Whitchurch-Stouffvilleoould get a spectacular collective Christmas present this year. At the last Town Council meeting of the year. or maybe the ï¬rst one in 2005. the Ventln consulting group is due to deliver its report on the feasibility of turning the old town hall at 19 Civic Avenue into a cultural centre, ' ‘5ls-tvheha‘rdxworking citizens who've been behind this proiect for years will attest. even getting Council to agree to seriously study the idea has been a long and tough slog. They weren't conï¬dent, going into the Sept. 7 Council meeting. that they even had enough votes to get Council to spend the 530000 on the study. .................... So when the item came up on the agenda. citizen after citizen deterrninedly strode to the podium to passionately urge Council to take the next step. Some of them were professional artists, like the founders of the Motus 0 dance company. Some were dedicated amateurs from organizations like Music Mania, which has striven so long to entertain its audiences in. as their rep put it. "a hall built for basketball". A teacher read a touching letter from her Grade Fives. A resident who works in Toronto's Hummingbird Centre pointed out that a small investment could turn out to be a maior catalyst in not only preserving the charaaer of our community. but improving it immeasurably by retuming to the original intention of the town hall â€" a gathering place for the people. Rarely, we suspect, has the council chamber on Sandiford rung to such non-stop eloquence as it did ..s. Until that night, only a very few councillors had been vocal In their support of the cultural centre proposal. chief among them being the mayor herself who made a convincing argument for the project in the pages of this newspaper many long months ago One councillor had been fairly adamant nopposition The majority of undly honeyen had played their amt pretty close to the chest fretting iefly about the cost." Perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised at the vote. Even though a couple of councillors had to be dragged along kiddng and screaming. they obviously saw the writing on the wall. or. as Councillor Rob Hargrave put it. heard â€the drums in the jungle". Mayor Sherban said the vote would mark this group as a “forward-moving council", and the ï¬ve rookies at the table would dearly love to acquire that reputation. One 0‘ them. Ken Ferdinands. called the proiect "unstoppable" â€" if the commitment he saw in the room Sept. 7 cames on. He's dead right. The decision made by council that night Is only one small step, and lfthe project is to no the rest of the way. its proponents can t let up now. Imagine the shed in the room, therefore, when the vote on funding the study was unanimous. Councillor after councillor said the move was long overdue (perhaps a small slap in the face to previous councils), and praised the dedication of those who had urged the case for so long. , . g Councillor Clyde Smith said the main reason he supported the study was because he was convinced the Ventin group would do the "right kind of researchâ€, and be honest with Council as to whether the proiect was even feasible. So that has to happen first; Ventin must be convinced the town hall will work it will then give Coundl a bottom line. and a very penny-conscious Council will need convincing all over again to spend the money. What happened Sept 7 could been important ï¬rst step in the revitalization of our downtown â€"- but there's still a long row to hoe. \ Cultural centre just one step closer Kevin Mackenzie: "I'll probably spend more time with the ladies. and end up regretting It on Sunday mornings," PUBLICATION MANAGER MANAGING EDITOR . . . . SALES REPRESENTATIVE . BUSINESS MANAGER I . DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Gordon Campbell: "It really makes‘ no difference to me, I don't watch ‘hockey anyway. My threeâ€"year. old keeps me 'plenty busy whenever I'm home." Anne Beswlck ,Conrad Boyce .Bruce Stanley Robert Lazurko Barry E. Black _ OCI'OBER 2004