OCTOBER 2003 The ï¬rst thing I suggest is ï¬nding out if you have pamsites. Once thought to be Fall is here and it is time once again to take a look at your health and well being. lust as you clean your house in the spring and fall so should you do some “house cleaning" of your body‘ There are three steps you should consider taking: ll) eradicating unwanted pathogens such as viruses. bacteria, parasites, yeast/fungus overgrowth. environmental pollutants, and heavy metals. (2) Rebuilding the areas of the body that were stressed or diseased (3) Maintaining health with good hydmtion and nutrition, as well as exercising and adequate rest; Cecelta Bryniawsky 18 Ringwood Ava. at Main, Stoumme (lulu Col- Euh In all") Obtaining Optimal Health FK’LhL spkwm ‘1'"2'1355"! 18 fllnqvood Ave. at Main. Slouflvllle (gn3| 3494" a; 'Ihe But '1) (1 Fitness Club in Stoufl'ville" ED! THE PULSE by Cecelta Bryniawsky, Electra-Dermal Screening Technician Another consideration is a yeast or fungal overgrowth. Our North American diet is quite lacking (to say the least) with an overabundance of whit: bread. whit: pasta, white rice and white sugar. All of these things encourage a yeast/fungus overgth as well as our dependence on conventional antibiotks as a heal-all. Yeast and fungus overgrowth can have similar symptoms and it is important to the plague of poor undeveloped countries, parasites are fast becoming a quiet epidemic for Canadians. These little critters. including Hookworm. Pinworm, Flukeworm and Tapeworm to all the varieties of Amoeba's, bring a myriad of symptoms. People with parasites often suffer from eczema, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea, as well as headaches and a general feeling of fatigue. It is important to determine which parasite you have'as they often require different treatment. (905) 642-91 95 Heavy metal toxicity. such as mercury and lead. can be extremely detrimental to your health. Heavy metals are often found in our soil and water supply and our ï¬sh are also being contaminated. Symptoms are vast and vary from depression and insomnia to arthritis differentiate between the two to ensure pmper treatment. "WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH†- l9 and muscle weakness. Having these things identified and treated in a natural and holistic manner will get you well on the way to obtaining or maintaining optimal health.