16 - 'WHITCHURCHâ€"STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH" â€" See us on ‘www.stouffvilleonline.wm For Your Ultimate Sleeping Comfort TWIN nouaLE djiEEN KING â€F or All Your Furniture Nerds" â€In the Héart of Stouffville" . ' 5t 6327 Main St. - 905 642- 6774 REGISTER NOW 6358 Main St. (Just E. of Park Dr.) Call OLGA SENYK ° 905-548-7955 ENEW INTRODUCTION Great school, Aï¬" Q06363 great effort 6N4iiP Sieep Sets a Glad Park shows it's not just a good school, it's a great school, as staff and students celebrate raising a total of $6,152.08 for the Terry Fox Foundation on Sept. 12. Staff members Susan Dunham and Gail Snider stand behind top fundraisers Robertson Brown, Andrew Dunsmore, Kira Reesor and Emma Wood. Special thanks go to parents who volunteered to walk with students, supervise the route and set up water stations. The Eastern Gate Village Arts. Crafts and Bake Sale will be held from 0 am. to 2 pm. Oct. 2‘3 at 30 Eastern Gate Crescent south of Main St. between 10th Line and York-Durham Line. Among the items for sale are water colour paint- ings, children's books, woodwork. folk art. handicrafts and Christmas trees. Take home some delicious home baked goods. try yourluck at the raffle table and stop by the lunch table for refreshments. Eastern Gate Village hosts fall craft sale Surveying the Stouffville scene As we get ready for another municipaI election. the Whisstler invites residents to respond to an infor- mal survey about our fair community. The idea is to get people thinking about what makes Whitchurch-Stouffville a good place to live. and what could be done to make it even better. You can send your thoughts on all or any of the following questions to Stouflville This Month by e-mail to with- wrinkles@hotmail.com, by fax to 905-642-2368 or snail mail to 6| ll Main St. Stouffville. LAA 3R4. You can also contact the Whisstler by e-mail at Whisstler@444.net. Is there a part of town you never visit? Where do you go to relax? What is your favourite store? Which Wkservioe‘do you ugqnost, and what do‘you tlï¬'nit s‘missing? Do you knaw a good cycling lime?~ Do you nsmember a special feature. such as a busi- ness, house or tree, that no longer in exists? What is the prettiest spot in town? Which street would you like to live on? Name two important landâ€" marks. Where do you take regular walks? Tell us about areas you dislike and what you would do to improve them. is there anything in town you would like to see eliminated? last but not least, where do you experience a true sense of small town? A new council brings fresh ideas and fresh faces to our community. Let us. and your councillors. know what you think. OCTOBER 2003