l4 - 'WHITCHURCH-SI'OUFFVILLE THIS MONTH" Association invites you to take a hike This group of energetic hikers participated in a 15 km hike through the Aurora-Whitchurch sections at moraine trail blazed by the Oak Ridges Trail Association on July 16. ORTA offers guided hikes ranging in iength from 1.5 to 17 km. The Whitchurch-Stouï¬ville chapter of the association boasts a membership of HO. See us on “www.5wuflvilleonlinewm for Mayor of Whitehurch-Stouflville on November 10 Call 905-830-1292 or 4'6-574-39030!’ fax 905-853-6819 0n the morning of July 16, an eager group of near- ly 30 people set out on a l5-km hike end-to-end through the Aurora- Whitchurch sections of moraine trail blazed by the Oak Ridges Trail Association (ORTA), to see ï¬rst-hand what makes up the Oak Ridges Moraine. A ZOO-km ridge of rolling hills, forests, lakes and streams formed by glacial Residents of Whitchurch-Stouffville are surrounded by a beautiful, bountiful, environmentally important, landscape ofï¬- cially named The Oak Ridges Moraine. By Nancy Hopkins Stouflville This Month Officially formed in I992 ORTA is a not-for- proï¬t association consist- ing of nine chapters, that exists to develop a system of public recreational trails along the full length of the Moraine, thereby promot- ing an appreciation and respect for its ecological. cultural and scenic integri- ty. To date ORTA has com- pleted nearly 200 km of trail that is always open and free for all to access. Local resident Charlie Atkinson, volunteer head Please turn to page IS action l4,000- years ago. the Moraine stretches from Caledon in the west. through Whitchurch- Stouffville and on to Rice Lake in the eagt’. SEPTEMBER 2003