Circulation 8:500 What’s Inside. l8 312 Main 31., Scouflvifle 905-640â€"4646 On My Lap ...Luke Soup Jam Session ...Kate A’Ia Carte Welcome to It's A Sin Ralph Laura Rodxacewidw ...Oï¬ To China ..byHoneyBaket StouffvillewMonth mars WEEKETIC Jfl'ville District Events inc aturday r ight )p' luded ary School's 1 displays oi ocial and an Jding )rrner students Nancy and Shelley, attended 50th Anniversary Reunion on the July lst long " school memorabilia, a Friday night wine and exhibition of school art throughout the years. York Region Transi! (YRT) plans to intro- duce bus service to Stouflville in September. At a public meeting on lune 8. YRT ofï¬- cials outlined proposed routes for a bus service along Ninth Une from StouffviIle to Markham Stouffville Hospital, An in-town service along’ Main Street between Ringwood Drive and Stoufler Street and back to Ninth Line via Millard Street Is pan of the proposal. In 200I YRT took over bus and Mobility Transit services from the municipalities, Since then. it has developed a ï¬ve-year plan to reach the most populous ol the unsaved was In the rcgionNR’T'cunently operates ovev 60 routes , Kesvick. Oueensville and Sharon were added to the networt In 2002 and this year the region approved $70,000 to iund a trial service to Stouffville from September to the end of the year At the meeting, YRT general manager Don Gordon and Irene McNeil. manager oi service planning. presented a variety of service options to residents Discussion iocused on the best routes with- in Stovflville and the best type of bus to serve them Residents were asked whether services should be limited to the Main Street corn- dor between Ringwood and mm Line. or whether they should include pick up venues such as the Leisure Centre. high school and shopping centres. A contingent of Eastern Gate residents lobbied for service to that community. m planners are proposing the use of a mld’size community bus for Stoullvllle. which could accommodate stroller and wheeler access him the curb. Initial serv- lce would be on weekdays and ll that proves successful. evening and weekend service could be added Bus transit coming to Stouffville this fall pping and By Kate Cilderdale Stouflville This Month will provide access to thools. as well as the So. Tami! on me 2 AUGUST 2004