HUUUJ I ‘ 93:135ng mayor- uiill yyy f émove traffic lights if electea Otto Auto, a late model General Motors car. has joined Stouffville’s may- oralty race. vowing to remove all trafï¬c signals on Main St if elected. Overall. Mr. Auto ï¬nds Stouffville a car-friendly town, but says that nine trafï¬c lights on Main St. are sending the wrong sig- nals to the town's vehicuâ€" lar residents. "How can cars feel welcome on Main St. when it takes ‘us half an hour to travel from Sandale in the west to 20 Silva: man-um mt, can: Tech/Nona. Canadian Tire. rm mm. Famerï¬achs. M [Mr W: BM. Ltd. 5 6‘] Sales. “than Traci Lhm. Sleepy L371» o cu: amt ~ An SWIIerm WMWS WWW ' moan: Canal. DIM 0W Don Hula“, ï¬lamcm'om c , m m W, M, msmmmmcmmm o 4'†coppe.A "mach WMPMW, .l ' r o um,hmwnc«spwumm “amt. Whom" 7 6' M ldrdnd Illmkfr‘rw d Strawberry l ' mandamus - 'a wi alto Pgdhggï¬mmmrymmm I hidifï¬mhwkeepuackofafldmwhobdp. ' “mMDâ€"AMMMOMMMMMMMMM mummmumummâ€"mmww mmmmwmw,mmmmuwux WWW . mmmhmmmmmswmumm ThnkYoumOutSuawhmyl'mivaJZOOJSpmnom I submit that 'Public Businm is the People’s Business. Public demand for greater openness and access ha become a major ToWMammeywmeMYw. Tokai-Mwmhowyflullmhmqhywdflwmhdlmldnhmm YmflmMmWadWWymwmmYmmH-hcflmmfly paidoff.'MYou'. Tomhflmmnmauflaflmummwmvahmlm MMYM TomMSWWwdmmnmfljeï¬Mwmuthahmwan imadydnnkymhygnMudhmyonbdhmJIemeWemflmmmimdm Ammmwmwsmmxmmunewbymnm a, g hbuhnfachywitgubigrandbemWehadmlmmto ’15-†“4° Wamummmmammmmm "-3“ whowillforwtbcTribmeAmSamdaynigiumdSonnyBono. Wewmflï¬hwmnkaflwspomonformkmglhishstivalpwibk.dewmdrirsupponwc wouldnotbcabletopmonnxhawondtrfulcvcmandwchopcforymuconï¬nucdsuppon. ToWMmdbddï¬xdzmM/fluhuManhfordrirfundramngmdfmpmduang outdaqgn'lh ToWMmthymdflamflkpborymdrCnhflsmdFoodVendonand thnï¬qswdrpurkmSmdzywuah ToMMhmï¬gmthHamlderflnkFaï¬ulmddr mkï¬hmdmahmhchlmdahmmbq Touldlamhepunï¬iuphmmdhwu Tolbch-Suavlaryhdnnumlm ToMï¬WhhyflMdMMWflmwï¬ï¬‚hmi-d maia'mm mum M 3m Sun rm" Inc. MEMOWWM CootCawda Gold: WWW. Why Wt My. ï¬shy-u: Hm. Novophann WWW“ ‘Ficldptu How WWMW SmflWh. ï¬Ã©â€˜igiaggggaéaï¬lgigqx §E?BI§8§:§EREE§§.§3.§R Horirgiigairgigg. ï¬csifgaigall-gaggnSSgiâ€"w flowii'ï¬lirirlggsgaflnllgSrni flagritronuulï¬nglggiggssgtgnlua - 'WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH“ - See Margaret T/wmé ya» I submit that municipal councillors need to be in close contact with their constituents in order to develop the support, knowledge and inin'ative they require for their electrd duties. ‘Mf'WmAAL Hm. cmâ€" Covponuion. Town of Wkly-urb- Councillors Mr. Auto sees no reason why all the lights and crosswalks on Main St. could not be removed. "Other than on Saturday. there's hardly anyone downtown anyway. Any residents who go down- town can simply decide which side of Main St. they prefer and stay there for the day." He concedes that there may be some residents Stouffer Street bx???“ he a e . Milan 1 submit that municipal councillors should ensure that their agenda workload is well- planned in advance so employed are not placed under heavy stress to create unwieldy agendas. E lights?" Main my: '' "Stouffville residents are always complaining about how much more Uxbridge has for its resi- dents than Stouffville does. But Uxbridge does-’ n't have a skywalk over Main Street,“ said Mr. lWHU'Vll'Pstill wish to cross Main Street. To accommo- date this, Mr. Auto is proposing a skywalk from the north side of Main St., extending across the street at a height of 25', with its southern terminus in the town square. I submit that job dcscn‘ptions for muncipal staff should be kept up-to-datc as a protection to staff ‘if a question of legal liability arises'. Job . Descriptions mmccooomoooOom No graduating high school students from Stouffvllle have received Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation Excellence Awards. Lynda Baker of “They've been talking about rejuvenating Main St. for years and nothing’s worked. That's because the plans are always focused on people. This town needs to realize that cars rule." explained Mr. Auto, noting with approval the proliferation of fast food outlets and banks dedicated to car-based service. Auto. who sees the sky- walk as a part of a larger scheme to renew the downtown core. Local graduates honoured with Millennium awards 5402 Main St, Suns #210,810uffvifla Side Rd. 8. Hwy 43 Job Duties: Answer phones, book appointments, update client accounts, banking. Qualiï¬cations: Basic understanding of stock market, computer skills, clear command of English language Hours of Work: Various/On-calWacation Fill-in Salary: $10/hour Apply by: As soon as possible 0 Family 8: Cosmetic De - Endodomics. Periodontics Prosthodontics ' Root Canal Procedures, Crowns, Dentures. Parï¬als a Bridge Work 0 Electronic Insurance Submission "We (cars) have made Pluto In rum: to Edward Jones 905-640-9916 wonderful community of advertisers. If you are energetic. outgoing. motivated and consider yourself a "people person". you can "earn while you learn" Plea'se fax your resume to No experience necessary, will train. We have an advertising sales position open for the right candidate. Excellent commissions. gas allowance and a Dr. Therese Thomas, B. Sc.. D.M.D. NEW PAnENrs WELCOME E CHILDREN WELCOME ADMINISTRATIVE Sales Help Wanted I DR. THERESI STOUFFVILLE - FAMILY DENTIST 905-985-049 l or 905â€"642-2368 Attention: MaryAnn Part time or Full Time Stouffville, who attended Uxbridge Secondary School. received a $4,000 award and plans to study education at Trinity Western with the goal of becoming a teacher. CarIos Mr. Auto is also propos- ing a new logo for Stouffville, to be dis- played on banners along Main Street. The logo will consist of three stylized intertwined circles -- a donut, a burger and a tire - - surrounded by the slo- gan "Welcome to tremendous inroads in this town in the past few years but more can be done. With the elimination of the Main St. trafï¬c sig- nals ‘ passage through Stouffville will be Auto- Maddic.“ 'This year's laureates are all outstanding stu- dents who care about the world around them," said Gerard Veilleux, chairman of the Foundation's Board of Directors. â€They embody the Foundation's vision and goals and are bright lights to Canada's future success. We look forward to following their careers and I wouldn't be surprised to see them as our Premiers or Prime Ministers in the future." Paz-Soidan. a graduate of Brother André Catholic High School, won a nation- al award of $5,000. which is renewable up to three times for a possible total of $20,000. He hopes to study engineering science at university. The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation is a private organization cre- ated in I998 with a $2.5 bil- lion endowment and 3 IO- year mandate to create opportunities for Canadian students in the pursuit of post-secondary studies. Entrance awards recognize academic excellence, com- munity service. leadership qualities and a keen inter- est in innovation. Stouffville â€" Drive Right on Through!". He will launch his cam- paign the ï¬rst Saturday in August with a one hundred car procession, which will tie up Main St. for several hours. The procession will then disperse onto every residential street in town. disobeying speed limits and stop signs. Parked cars along the route are asked to honk their support for Auto and to proudly display Auto's campaign bumper sticker "Speed is Good". AUGUST 2003 ‘09.“.