28 - 'WHITCHURCH-STOU FFVILLE THIS MONTfl" â€" See us on ‘www.stouffvilleonll'ne.com' Wildlife and wetlands relief from concrete jungle World famous architect Frank Lloyd Wflght once said, "Study nature. love nature. stay close to nature. It will never fail you." Since 1990. the non- proï¬t Community Resources Centre has put his words into practice. car- rying out projects that monitor the wetlands and wildlife on. our own doorstep. Under the direc- tion of its program co-ordi- nator. Musselman's Lake resident Mark Camll. the group is looking for youth and adults to become involved in frog monitor- ing, bird counting and identiï¬cation. tree plantiâ€" Job Duties: Answer phones, book appointments, update client accounts, banking. Qualiï¬ations: Basic understanding of stock market‘ computer skills, clear command of English language Hours of Work: Vaï¬ous/Onâ€"calWacation Fill-in Salary: SlZ/hour Apply by: As soon as possible mom: mm Pt (5) 52-137 F1 Human W Stouffville This Month Julia-humid.- Hem lax mm In sum Jones 905-640-9916 WWW“ Wager-nan.“ wimp-dob. Tymofm mm. haiku ADMINISTRATIVE MMW ng or any of their many other environmental initia- tives. The centre is speciï¬cal- ly in need of eyes and ears to survey the local frog population for IS minutes. one or two evenings a week until the end of lune. or on a more casual basist Frogs and toads are very vulnerable to environmen- tal change and therefore good indicators of the health of a watershed. Surveyors receive an information package con- taining a simple coding system and data collection form to monitor frog nois- es, marking code zero for no frog sound right up to code three for total peep- ing, croaking chaos The results will be put into the mmwdmw Ml. .an cvmmmauym mm mm m! Iainjggmml 130 Soulful Dr. um 5 StoutMlIe (906) 642-2886 0' 1 -877-410-28“ (AUTO! Imam Tmmuafl 'VW oAudi-Ponche Tu- Lg Ab PEN M1 Moon database of the province- wide Frogwatch-Ontario program. "Last year we got going on this frog monitoring and the kids absolutely loved it. It was amazing how many young kids know their frogs." says Lemonville resident Dave Probert, an enthusiastic participant in Community Resources Centre under- takings. Mr. Probert plans to be part of a’fall proiect identifying and counting the bird population in the Lemonville community. and encourages others to ioin forces- in preserving the wetlands and wildlife in their part of the town- ship. In his words. "We don't live in the concrete iungle." At this time of year. helping hands are also needed to plant trees Students are encouraged to become involved in any of the Centre‘s proiects. and the time they put in can be used towards the volunteer hours required for high school graduation. Watching the ever- changlng local environ- ment ensures that the cen- tre is constantly in action. local Girl Guides are part of an ongoing No Idling PERSONAL AID % SMALL BUSINESS 1 BOOKKEEPIIG i Complete-Wm or Momh End Support Conmmcm Raninances (manual or (ompultriud) INCOME TAX RENRNS 905-935-521 7 fax MOW-W34 ionol look 5 lb. cos! 0 onowlawn Mm ._ 0.". AM" EXPERIURF Hydrouadlnq SIUESLWYARW 705-328-8257 Ain't: Van Zulu“) Zone program designed to cut down areas where vehiâ€" cles are allowed to idle. Many local children have spent time at the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCAl building bird boxes. learning about wildlife habitats and hiking A group of adults and young people at the Community Resources Centre in Whitchurch-Stouflville are working on projects to protect the environment‘Back: Shelley Aldred, Mark Carroll, Megan Polley. Middle: Haley Hillman, Alexia Gross, Paige Lyrette, Adrienne Deeley, Kathryn George, Sharon Burdette. Front. Samantha Howe, Danielle Burdette, Daisy Pyman, Shelby Ondrus, Haley Catalano. U0 Fm Ion. furl lulu 0M 410 m (4083) nos m-uu 65 Brock St. West Sulte 200 Bus Fax: Mr. 8m 6 aScoopop Why did the dog poopinthe neighbour‘s yard? , ..Because the dog's yard was full!!! Email: bucoOum-mluom .CARTCON Gnu-a! Contracting Ltd M5 862-0360 Uxbflduo Pot Waste Removal CUSTOM IRON WORK as part of the recent National Wildlife Week cel- ebrations. The centre can also pro- vide many resources to encourage proper care of the environment, and Mr. Carroll welcomes inquiries from residents "If you are looking to re-naturalize or 86 Blngwood Dr. #29 Stouflvllle BATHROOMS The Town Plumber ADDISON CUSTOM IRON Gates O'Railings Arbours Plant Stands and much more 905-642-9119 Com lete Remo clllng Installauon FREE ESTIMATES enhance your property and unsure what to do. we will get you (going) in the right dirï¬ion," he said. To learn how you can help the local environâ€" ment, call Mark Carroll at 4l6-282-S9ll or send an e- mail to msselmans®sym- patico.ca. 905 642-8101 T0 MAY 2004