26 - "WHITCHURgfl-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH" â€" See Whitchurch-Stouffville This Month welcomes community event listings from non-proï¬t groups and organizations. Please send a brief synopsis of upcoming events by e-mail to gilderdale@sympatico.ca, fax to 905-642-2368 or mail to 611] Main St, Stouflville, Ont L4A 3R4. Deadline fol Juno submis- sions is May 11. Apr. 28: 10-11-30 am. at the library: Seniors' Sprin Hing includes stories, musica enter- tainment and delicious refreshments. Admission is free and all are welcome. Apr. 28: 7-9 pm. at the library: Book Discussion Group on Art For Whose Sake. All welcome. May I and 2: 10 a.m.-5 pm. at Lemonvflle Community Centre: Lemonville Group of Artists' Annual Show and Sale. Free admission For more informa- tion call 905-640-3965. May 2: 3 pm. at Stouffville United Church: Beneï¬t Concert for Latcham Gallery featuring acclaimed classical guitarist Aaron Brod. Tickets are $l5 for adults, $10 for seniors and children, and are available from the gallery or at the concert May 3: 730 pm at Stouflville Missionary Church: whitchurch-Stoullville Horticultural Society 2004 Speder Won leans Mark (den. Tickets are $10 and available horn the Register individually 01’ as I learn. "registering indivndually. we will pltce you in a foursome. Please oomph": I" information below: Thank you. Telephone (R511 Telephone (Res Rec, chinnerOn Address Telephone (Reg RM City Repigmion . Dinner On]: Pm!" Player â€â€™1 Receptioq Dinner Onlx Pumjl 3mm! :1. Dinner Onlx REGISTRATION DETAILS Please send all cheques and completedyegistration forms to NEIL BISHOP l59 Dmmmond Dn. Maple, Ontario LbA 3C4 All cheques made payable to: LUCASANDERSON ‘ SECOND ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION FORM LUCAS ANDERSON GOLF TOURNAMENT THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPOR 7 Full payment must be received by Mny I. 2004 Chamber of Commerce, Parkview Home and the Lebovic Leisure Centre. All pro- ceeds go to the Parkview Home Building Fund. May 3: Early bird deadline for Chamber Golf Tournament on May 25. For information call 905-642-4227. May:and4:7p.m.at Markham Theatre: Unionville High School Music De artment presents Ce ebrau'on, a spring concert featuring music ranging from jazz to classical. For tickets call 905-305-7469. May 4: 7-9:30 pm. upstairs at Stouffville Arena: Crazy Ladies Quilt 8. Craft Club meets. Bring any craft including quilting, sum-booking, knitting. cross- stit ing. Cost is $5 eadi. Call 905-642-0750 _ or e-mail daisi5@sympatico.ca for details. May I: 6:30 pm. at Parkview Wllage Restaurant: Stouflville Rotary Club hosts a dinner with guest speaker David Price, a former crown attorney who will talk on restorative justice, a new concept for dealing with young oflenders Tickets are $12. For more information call Ken Prentice at 905-642-9507. My 5: 4-5 pm. at the library: W5 Day Craft for ages 6 a_ndup.CostisSZRegisterat I011: 7:30pmatSUam5 Prsbytetian Churd't: Sacred Music Night includes choits mdsolopedotmhoceeds ( Bus. ) D Golf Shir! szg (803,) Post-I Code (Buâ€"9.) Postal Code Pong] (Tod: Postal Cod: Golf Shin Size Go" Shin Size Golf Shlfl Sin us on ‘www.slou!fvilleonline.com' to the Children's Wish Foundation. May 8: ï¬nal day of Latcham Gal erys Juriedy Exhibition. Come in and vote for your favourite work. May 8-9: Outside the LCBO: The MS Society of Canada, York East Chapter, is selling fresh cut and potted cama- u'ons. All proceeds go to sup- port the Multiple Sclerosis Society. May l0: Noon at the Silver Jubilee Club: Seniors‘ Pot Luck Luncheon. Bring your own cut- lery, dishes and pot luck contriâ€" bution. Everyone welcome. May ll: ï¬nal day of registraâ€" tion for York Region Senior Summer Games. For more information call 9056404910 ext 288 or visit www.cyberse- nior2000 com/yorkregion May 12: 62-308 pm. at Latcham Gallery. 1{ening party for Celebrations. e Young at Art. an exhibition of works by Stouffville students. Welcome. May 12: 7-9 pm. at the library: Book Discussion Group on Other Peoples, Other TImes. Free admission, all welcome. IS: 7'30 am. at Maples of Bal antrae: Chamber of Commerce Networking Breakfast For tickets and infor- mation call 905â€"642-4227. Play N: 6 pm. at Hilton Suites in Markham: Jennifer Ashlei Foundation Dinner 'n' D with sient and live auctions, races and dinner. Phase call 905-852-1799 ext 25. in WhitchurchrStouffville May 15: 8:30 a.m.â€"2 pm. at the Grand Hall, 36 Eastern Gate Crescent: indoor yard sale. Everyone welcome. May IS: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. BlA's Giant Yard Sale and bed races on Park Drive South. For more information call 905-640- 0749. May 15: Christ Church Anglian hosts a giant yard sale. For more information call 905- 640-1461. May 15: ii a.m.â€"4 pm. at Latcham Gallery: Free Family Day with a hands-on art activi- ty to work on and take home. May 11: 7 pm. at Stouffville United Church: Horticultural Society plant sale, followed by a presentation on vegetative pro agation at 8 pm. Tickets e door. All welcome. Ma 17: 7:30 pm. at Latcham Galery: Artists' Trading Card Event Everyone welcome. May 18: 9:30 a.m.â€"i :30 pm. at Eastern Gate '5 Grand Hall, 36 Eastern Gate Crescent: Seniors' Awareness Show offers inforâ€" mation on safety and protec- tion programs and leisure ser- vices for seniors. Sponsored by the Stouffville Community Policing Centre. Free admis- sion and refreshments. May IO: 7-9:30 pm. upstairs at Stouffville Arena: Crazy Ladies Quilt 8. Craft Club meets. Bring any craft indud- in; quilting, scrapâ€"booking, cross-stitdung. Cost IS 35m] ea .Call 905-642-0750 or email daisi5@sympatioo.ca for details. May 1|: Mtitdiurdr-Stouffville Museum's 2004 exhibit It's About ï¬lm opens The exhibit features the museum‘s collec- tion of timepieces and explores how the concept of time has dwiged. May 24: Wctona Day ï¬reworks at Vandorf Park presented by the Vandorf Ratepayers Association Donations grate- fullyaccepted. m 15:11 am. at Latcham 2 Opening Ceremonies for York R 'on.Senior Summet Games includes hot lundL The Stouffville Recycling Depot welcomes donations of aluminum pop can tabs for the wheelchair program. Tabs should be placed in the con- tainer provided. Visit wor- knotes.oom/on/stouffville/recy de for details The depot also accepts used printer cartridges from home and business corn- puter users Phone Jim at 905- 640-8294 or bring the old car- tridges to the depot between 9-H a.m. Thursdays or 9 am.- noon Saturdays. Ma 25: 1pm. at Latcham Hal: York Region Senior Summer Games euchre tour- nament. May 26: 7-9 pm. at the library: Book Discussion Group _hosts an open discussion. Free admission, all welcome. May 21: Chamber of Commérce annual Golf Tournament. For tickets and information call 905-642-4227. May 21: 7 p.m.:Whitchurchâ€" Stouffville Newcomers' Club Banquet. Cost is $20 for mem- bers, $25 for non-members. New and not-so-new mem- bers of the community wel- come. For more information and location call Marilyn at 905-640-9633. RSVP by May 14. May 28: Second Annual Golf Tournament for Luke Anderson at Carrying Place Golf 8. Country Club. Event includes golf, cart, reception and dinner. May 28: 1 pm. at Latcham Hall: York Region Senior Summer Games cribbage tour- nament May 29: Teen Appreciation Day and Dance at GO Station includes bike rodeo, basketball tournament, free barbecue and free dance. For informa- tion call 905-640-0749. May 30: Spring Work Bee at the museum. For information call 1-888-290â€"0337. Please note: Most library programs require registration Insufï¬cient re istration may result in cancelations Please call 905-642-7323. Girl Guides of Canada needs girls and women to help with unit meetings, organizing and running special events, and administrative work High sdiool students welcome. Call 905-640-4084 for information. York-Durham Aphasia Centre needs kind, caring and enthusiastic volunteers to work with adults who have communication disorders at our Stouffville location. Our program provides a rewarding experience for clients and vol- unteers in a relaxed atmos- phere. Professional staff pro- vidé training and support. For more information contact Bonnie at 905-642â€"2053. Buckingham Manor RetirementTlome needs vol- unteers who can commit two to three hours weekl ,.bi- weekly or monthly to h p out with residents' activities such as carpentry, model building, crafts, musical entertainment. bingo etc. Mothers with infants are welcome for a seniorï¬nfant visiting program. Call Marianne or Elaine at 905- 640-6660 for details. CHATS (Community Housing Assistance to Seniors) has a waiting list of seniors in need of services, including transâ€" portation (mileage paid), weekly visits, lunch out volun- teers and Meals on Wheels dri- vers. Cantonese-speaking individual needed to help with senior day program. For more information, please call toll free 1-877-452-4287 ext 6013. Whitchurchâ€"Stouffville Reqding Depot is looking for volunteers. For more informa- tion, visit our web site at http://worknotes.com/0N/Sto uffville/Reqde or e-mail recy- cle@enoreo.on.ca The Stouffville Community Policï¬ag Centre needs volun- teeis to assist with office adminisaation, crime preven- tion and community outreach. Call 905-642-1238. Volunteers Needed MAY 2004