Circulation 8,500 10 28 What A Workout ...Luke Soup Going Straight ...Kate A'Ia Carte The Finer Things ...Wlth Ralph Mufï¬n Eater ...lvor Deï¬cit No Concrete Jungle ...Nancy Hopkins Lost lover Hermia is seen in the forest with the fairies in Motus 0's spirited and magical performance 0†Midsummer Night‘s Dream. In April, the Stouï¬ville Dance company gave three performances of their Senior Summer Games open May 25 The Opening Ceremonies for the York Region Senior Summer Games will take place at Latcham Hall on May 25. Stouffvllle has been chosen as the venue to launch the 20th annual games. which run from May 2% io lune lb in communities N8W§ By Kate Gilderdale SlouMIo This M00111 “Caring Into tbc Funmv†Campaign Stouffville to host opening ceremonies across the region. Local events include euchre, cribbage. contract bridge and lawn bowling. while other participating communi- ties will host horseshoes. five-pin bowllng. snooker. swimming, golf and table tennis‘ Residents of York Region aged 55 and up are eligible to take part and a small fee is charged for each activity. Registration form are available from the Lebovic Leisure Whutchurch-Stouï¬yill original adartation of Shakespeare's classic comedy, and a special gala was he d after the show on April 16 to raise money for the comâ€" pany and for arts and culture in Stouifville. Centre or the town offices and must be subâ€" mltted by May I I; The Opening Ceremonies begin at It am. May 25 and everyone is welcome to attend. Tickets are $8 and include a hot lunchl For more information, call the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffvllle at 905-640-l900 or visit the Senior Summer Games website at MAY 2004