Now, as just about everyone in Stquffville agrees, the trafï¬c is ridiculous. I believe the Stouffville Lions may have unwittingly solved the problem with their Toll Day on March 29. Wouldn't it be a great idea ii On page 6 of the last Stouffville the Month the ques» tion was posed: ls traffic along Main St. a problem and what alternative routes do you use? TO the Editor: Traffic takes a toll on Stouflville community life What are some of our favourite community events to attend? \, E'llldll WIUIWIIHMQUI" - 'WHI'ICHURCH-SIOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH - See us on R WHITDIIIIIICII-STOIIFFVILLE TIIIS “IIIITII A division Isa: Mammal 1460912 Ontalio Inct Am M‘ 0! ma Port Pony sun ma may. Sm Distributed Free by Canada Post to every home in the lollowing communities: STOUFFVILLE â€" GOODWOOD - GORMLEY BALLANTRAE - MUSSELMANS LAKE AND VANDORF I“ {he 5PWt Of bra-.9, MY: Chuckleheacl-Fink and HS. Dooh'uckej - TumHeweed- Brbwn have come up N's’ch a new name for {he Proposed riding Of (kk R“ GS‘NH-ItCth‘Ch Stouï¬viue" Markham. .. perhaps we had Toll weekends. and not only reduced traffic but slowed it down on Main Street and Rupert St. Maybe we could allow different charities each week to collect tolls. l'm sure there are tons of very deserving charities who could beneï¬t from this kind of thing. and eventually visitors to Stoutfville Country Market will learn there are all sorts of alter- native routes that won't cause mm on! Halloween is my big one. I love looking at other people's homes and their idea. The Strawberry Festival 'a a great day to get out and see everyone you know. There are great deals on things to buy - food and other stuff. 6111 Main St. Stouflville. Ontario L4A3R4 ‘tho: 905-642-8101 , , V ,. .....V....., m... .. .....l...........~........mug nus munm. Lunar: mus! no signed and mo telephone number (which will not be published) included. Request: that a name be withheld will be honoured only ii there is a compelling We «serve the rlghl to editor raluso publication ol any material submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher is not liable lor slight changes or typographical errors lhaLdo nut lessen the value 0|, an advertisement. The Dubllwm liable tor squant issue or the refund ol any monies paid lor the advertisement All claims ol orrol in publication must be made wlthln two weeks ol publication, and, ii not made, will not be considered. No claim will be allowed lor more than uisemon x7 , ‘' We like the Strawberry Festival and the ï¬re- works. WI like the Santa Claus Parade. Santa says Ho-Ho-Ho and gives out Any councillors/leaders pay- ing attention? Do you want to save some lives before the Inevitable happens? havoc with the villagers. Maybe we should look into this before someone's child is killed on the very residential Rupert St. by someone trying to beat the traf- fic on Main St. GENERAL MANAGER ...... MaryAnn Fleming CREATlVE MANAGER . .B.G. Bell SALES REP. ....... .Bruoe Stanley OFFlCE MANAGER , ,Lmella Addison BUSINESS OFFICE ,,,,,, Gayle Staple-y MEMBER or THE ONTARIO cowumn .. , NEWSPAPER amo- E-mail wimwrinkles@hom‘ail.wm WOW“ ‘2'.- Lenets must gned and lalevhpne numbet (whlch wlll not be published) illcluded. Requests lhal a name be withheld will be honoured only ll mm is a con'lpellmg r 0†"a Cat Duly-Lisle Stouffville mm mm me Sluwbeny Festival is number one for me, especially since I am new to the community and I can see the community spirit and pride in a true small town. Let's add a_ theatre to the mix, along with perhaps an outdoor cafe and market in the town square. and we could on'ce more take pride in our heritage and our motto: Country Close to the City. We have two ice pads, an indoor and outdoor swimming pool. ball diamonds and a skateboarding park We also have a new and well-equipped library and a public art gallery which does wonders for the town. particularly considering the minute amount of space it has been allocated. One of our readers suggests the idea of a weekend‘market around the clock tower during the warmer months, which would add immeasurably to our sense of community. in the past couple of years the old town hall has offered a central venue for art shows and sales, and we hope that council, despite its decision to ear- mark the building for seniors, will allow artists and residents con- tinued access to what is. after all. a public building owned by the taxpayers of Whitchurch-Stouffville. Omanized events such as this. from May Day to Elvis Fest, pm- vide proof that if you do something to attract people into town they will come. And if you offer permanent attractions. they will come more often. keeping local dollars in the community instead of dri- ving citizens away to towns like Uxbridge or Port Perry, which rec- ognlze the importance offla thriving downtown. 0n Easter weekend, the downtown core was packed with fami- lies taking part in the annual Easter Egg hunt, organized by the BIA. It was a rare and wonderful sight to see Main Street come alive as children and their parents visited local merchants, stopped off at the Latcham Gallery for treats or to try their hand at an artistic pur- suit, and met and mingled with their neighbours. Talented young actors and singers from that same group will pre- sent The Wizard of Oz at the Ux‘bridge Music Hall between May 8 and II. 'Like so many other local artistic organizations, they have no choice'but to take their show on the road, to venues where the arts are seen not as an unnecessary frill, but as a vital part of what makes us human, not to mention a huge asset to any wellâ€"rounded community. ' ' Whitchurch-Stouffville's newest theatre group, the York Durham Academy of the Performing Arts, played to sellout audiences at Vaughan City Playhouse in April. "Putting nowntown Back In The Spotlight The Strawberty Festival lot sure. We Beer Golden, and the food in general, is great. I also so to the library sale every yeat. STEPHANIE GEISTUNG GENERAL MANAGER CREATIVE MANAGER SALES HER. OFFICE MANAGER BUSINESS OFFICE STEVEIIUNIEI I like the Strawben'y Festival and I like the Festival of Lights at Chnstmas time. The new Lebovic Leisure Centre is a good addition to the community. MAY 2003