"Summitview's ï¬tness event is a great way to show kids that fitness can be fun and to support the school at the same time," said Tiffany Moffatt, fit- ness instructor and event The initiative is designed to help students improve their overall health and ï¬tness levels, and children are being encouraged to increase their activity levels and to participate in a 'Step-a- thon' to raise money for the school. Responding to the growing concern about Canadian children's inac- tivity and obesity. Summitview Public School has launched an innova- tive. month-long ï¬tness event and fundraiser. 24- Promoting healthy lifestyle The power to amaze youréelf." "WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH†‘ Stouffville 6306 Main Street 905-642-4392 Who's Counting on You ? SENIORS LIVING We can help. Our unique exercise program provides a safe, fun way to exercise in just 30 minutes! Take care of yourself. Over 6,000 locations to serve you organizer. "What better way to fundraise than through an activity that gets the kids moving and promotes healthy living?" Armed with a sheet of ideas called physical activity bingo. kids are being encouraged to get more active by walking to school. doing 30 minutes of activity instead of watching T.V., doing stretches and push-ups. -and making nutritious food choices. By completing the activity sheet. .children are eligible for prizes at the end of the month. Summitview is also holdâ€" ing a 'Step-a-thon' during the last week of March, when experienced ï¬tness instructors will lead a step Stouffville - See 1 Week Membership us on 'www.stouffvilleonline.com' Through its month» long fitness event and fundraiser. Summitview is working to tackle this seri- ous problem .by ï¬nding new ways to get its chil- dren and youth moving Health Canada reports that over half of Canada's youth are not active enough for healthy growth and development. with only 38 per cent of girls and 48 per cent of boys getting enough physical activity. Additional .evi- dence suggests that a lack of physical activity is dan- gerous to their health and can be a major contributor to weight gain and obesi- class for which all stu- dents are being encour- aged to‘r_aise pledges. Taking care of our turtles: this sign was spot- ted on a mailbox north of town by Stouffville this Month reporter Nancy Hopkins. It's so important for seniors to stay active as long as they can, Get out for a short walk, go for a swim in our beautiful indoor pool join an exercise group. take line dancing lessons, visit a shut-in, go to a church meeting, the list goes on and on. But most impor- Seniors are Always Welcome! ,/\ I \’\ ‘ tant. take time to enjoy yourself and socialize with friendsi,..over a cup of tea! There is a warm wel- come waiting for you at Candlelight and Memories After working with seniors for ï¬fteen years in our community. I realized I wanted to do something more for these special people. i hoped to provide a meeting place where seniors (and others) could gather in a comfortable. friendly. unhurried atmosphere. So. at the age of 54, I followed my dream and opened the door at Candlelight and Memories. Quaint gift shop and relaxing tea room Seniors'Special every Monday receive a 10% discount! Cozy setting where friends gather to share memories and a pot of tea ‘ ° GINMSLW (.andlcllgh} 005,504,“, , and MCIIIOI'ICS Opaqbgqmqsamp-s mwflmmom Wear You’re Never To Old To Follow Your Dream! submitted by Pat Montgomery Candlelight and Memories, Stouï¬vflle unmwmmm Stove Is mm» accessible. Popular author guest speaker On April 2| at 7 pm.. Christ Church Anglican invites women in the com- munity to an informative and entertaining evening with guest speaker Sheila Wray Gregoire, author of To Love, Honour and Vacuum. Ms. Gregoire will offer sug- gestions on how to reorga- nize and prioritize to make life easier. providing a wel- come antidote for those who feel more like a maid than a wife and mother. The author writes a reg- ular column for Parent Life magazine Are you a mother of young children. struggling with all the stresses and competing demands that family life brings in this day and age? APRIL 2004