Circulation 8,500 21 . RHNDEE NVISTO 23 Where’s Rupert ...Street Missing Inside... MM “Mum-"ï¬ne": Talking in Code ...With Ralph Freedom Sings ...|nspiring Smirking ...Luke Soup Fighting Flab ...Kate A’Ia Cane Silver Sponmr to Park-vim Home “Caring into the Future†Campaign Jenaitha Cole-White, with the help of Lion volunteer Nancy Boll, goes through some vision exercises during the Stouffville Lions Vision Screening program, which was held at all local public schools the "In our 2004 Sen/Ice Plan. we pmpmcd that YRT Implement a new route along Ninth Llne to connect the Stouffvtlle community with Hwy 7 (current YRT routes and futurr rapid transit) and Markham Stounvlllc Ongoing efforts to extend York Regional Translt services to Stouffvllle could result In a local route as early as this fall, VRT service planner Melanie Shaw told Slouflvfll: T his Month. Local bus route possible this fall Daily um Savings' 1m The final 2004 Servlce Plan was submlt- ted to Regional hanslt Committee the week of Ian. [3 for revlew and comments. “Depending on the committee's feedback and (Inn! budget approval. the Stoullvllle toute could be Implemented as early as fall Hospital, The mute will operate along local streets in Stouffvillc providing access to the high school. community centre/library and Stouffvllle GO Ttaln Station." for treatment Kate Gl'lderdaie I Stouflville mis Monti week of Jan. 19. The program is aimed at identifying potential vision problems in children so that they can be referred to an optometrist Hann‘n In Mm m m â€on." A meeting will be set up with council this spring and the proposed routes ,will be pmâ€" moted during events such as Seniors Awareness Day on May la and at the Strawberry Festival. 2004.“ said Ms. Shaw. 'The ï¬nal budget will be approved In Match and we will start work- Ing with Stouffville to determine the ï¬nal routing and bus stop locations." m cmc minbu mm {m Pumhmd Mich Ounce. mm lnvnton Inc ° All oncyqqgmm mm m lnvastld FlnlncUth -MutualF\mos ï¬nancial Mm-