This is an open letter to the 'gentleman' â€"- and I use that term loosely ~ who verbally abused an elderly woman in the parking lot of Sobey‘s in Stouffville Dec. 5. Your harsh comments included 'People like you disgust me'. in refer- ence to her parking in a handi- capped reserved spot. Had you not been so quick to attack To the Editor: Ho justification for abusive behaviour more enrrort . . . .KAIE mar: GENERAL MANAGER ...... MaryAnn Fleming CfluTlVE MANAGER . . . ‘BG. Bell WWUFFVILLE A division ol Star Marketing / 1460912 Ontario lnc. “5° W'Mmmmmmmumam Star SALES HER ............. Bruce Stanley/Dale Dldlel Mwiwm WW iaW gigs? home tn the lollowing communities: \ , ‘ ' ‘ aye up 9" W, 83»?le - GOODWOOD - GORMLEY ' ‘ ‘J i _ MEMBER or THE ‘ " - MUSSELMAN’S LAKE AND VANDORF 6111 _ , . ‘ - = .1 ,_ W" , g} Gena owrï¬gagggiï¬igiim e . Main Si. Siourwiie. Ontario L4A 3R4 mum-em Em men-me E-mail wittrwrinkles©hotmailcom Assocmnou m EDIIORIAL POUCV Opinions u ' ec 53 so W seme be pressed by columnists contrrbutors and let ' ' I I > . tar writers a ' flv ' 'WS 535%: 405°65'03â€" be coneeted I! brought [0 ")0 emu": attention. We reserve "r: 'r‘izihtnroeesditrgzrterlgse ol t’l_riitc_trerr:=t-Stou me This Month Letters must be sinned and the telephone number (which will not be published) included Requests that a name withheld will honoured am it there rs a m Inn 5 m n ion with any a m nl rn any sub (1 mi ue 0' the relund 0' an PU realton 0 any malerral submitted. ADVERIISING POLICY: The publiéher is not liable lor slight changes or typographical errors that dp nor lessen the value 01 an advertr nl T y N > 0‘ I D' ' 9 he ors ss co nect dve seine se us :5 y monies paid lor the advertisement. All claims 0! error in publication must be made within two week! ol publication. and. it not made. will not be considered, Ne claim will be allowed lot morepll’halnsod'iz‘flvsen “if†e Or ~ 'WHITCHURCH-SI'OUFFVILLE THIS MONTH - See x A division oi sat Marketing / 1460912 Ontario inn Amhuimsoumvonmymmuxmmm Distributed Free by Canada Post to every home in the following cgmmuniiies: flYn||rnnn . .. _‘-_...~A, What are some oi your plans and goals for StouHx/Me Dis’tric‘t Secondary School is celebratmg its 50th anniversgryln _ ' f’lllnolyl,’ ' rt!†' ‘ rather than look. you might have noticed the handicapped card in the window of her car. Not satisï¬ed with showing your ignorance only once. you con- tinued to be rude enough to comment that she seemed to be walking line and question why she would need a card. In true bully fashion you were cowardly, indifferent and did not have the decency to apolo- is“ 3: 3; Y nivenity'with NI Un g. veto education 3 :3 mm I‘m going to the Dominican Republic for NewYeafslalsohopeto ï¬nish gny ï¬t}! you of us on ‘' I am looking fomrd to the ground-bunting ceramics for building the new Pariwiew Home fat Seniors here in Mlle sometime in size to her after you realized your error. Thank goodness the woman did not dignify your rudeness by trying to explain herself. Why would you even thlnk that it is any of your busi- ness? I'm sure you would not appreciate anyone speaking to a member of your family the way you spoke to my mother. Please turn to page 9 MINI Hm I plan to min one of my malamuu husky dogs to become a 0mm dog visiting hospitals and senior dï¬zens' homes Since Ogden Nash started us off on this train of thought, _we thought he should have the last word as well. "Progress might have been all rlght once. but it has gone on far too long._ It may coSt more money to incorporate existing trees into a development proposal, but the cost to our environment and her- itage of simply mowing everything down is surely greater. We've all seen those blllboards erected in areas of natural beauty, trumpet- ing the imminent arrival of 'an enclave of exclusive new homes inspired by nature'. which reioice in names like 'Willow Glen' and 'Forest Retreat'. Six months later, the landscape has been flattened into submis- sion. with the grand titles -- doubtless cooked up in a Toronto ofï¬ce tower by a group of hotshot marketers -- providing the only remain- ing indication of what they once contained. As part of the agreement with the town, the region has commit- ted to planting trees that will, many years from now, replace some- thing of what has been lost. Although there may have been no alter- native in this case, however. the general tendency to create a moonscape out of any piece of land which is acquired to build a subdivision is not so much a matter of progress as a massacre of natural resources. in this month‘s issue we include some powerful photographs, kindly supplied by a reader, of the visual devastation the wholeâ€" sale removal of trees has wrought on the surrounding landscape. Sadly, once the project had been given the go-ahead. the region had no option but to cut the trees down, since Ninth Line is desig- nated as an emergency route for ambulances and ï¬re trucks and. as a result, the pipe had to be installed well back from the road to avoid lane closures. Ogden Nash's simple but eloquent requiem for nature has a par- ticular resonance for Stouffville residents these days. Many of the magnificent old trees on the east side of Ninth Line south of Main Street have been' chopped down to make way for York Region's 'Big Pipe', which will vastly increase sewage and water capacity to our community and pave (pun intended] the way for future developâ€" ment. "I think that I shall never see/A billboard lovely as a tree/[n fact. unless the billboards fall/I'll never see a tree at all." ' clear-cutting policy drives us out of our tree WIN WILSON I am going to Las Vegas. I am also planning '0 89' “98W by tuming the basement into a gym and to quit smoking. “GM III!!!" I plan on graduating in May and going to Australia for a yea: to play on a woman's fast-pitch soflball team and also get some teaching expeï¬. ence. JANUARY 2001