An Anniversary Letter to Stouffville From Tiny Seedlings combined with the entire community Interactive program to: kid ‘01 St IM‘ “and mDar MW u I convenience. so (hm When unending mmmomtoonï¬oyeymseowd one: without worrying about capturing laments with your own cameras. d with Stouï¬vilte Flon'st and Schell Lumber for our binhday incentive programme. :a tor a successtul Shamrock Skate. The In smiling prizes lor vanous draws whuch l U510! our Fdshmg Derby winners and the ‘al MedIB n! We pnd: lmazmg peopie also goes out to Geranium Jmon.and Fermar Paving Ltd. for )smveness towards all that Tmy 3 and shopping Wflhln our Town, I. Let‘s keep It alive and we look 11' next event. )uflwlle Fae Depanment and our - 5 Dlslnct Whndlurch S(ouffv1lle me posture recognmon through «I woe Much has reached Id we thank you appy holadays and a