The Stouflville Free Press wucomes communny listings [mm non-proï¬t groups and orgamzahons. F send a brie! synopsis 91 upcommg events by on stouflvillefmepressflrogersoom 0' call 905â€"qu The deadline for the January ISSUE us Dec. 16‘ Fov updams visit stouflviuecom. Doc. 1: 10:15 tor ages 2 to 6. - Dec.. 1: 7-7:30 pm, weekly at the library: Storytnme tor, ages 2 to 6. . . Dec. 1: 4-5 pin. weekly at the library: After School Chess Club for ages 7 and up. Dec. 1: 7 pm. at Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites: Night to Celebrate includes cocktails. dinner and fashion show with proceeds to the Breast Health Centre at Markham Steuffville Hospital. For tickets cal 905-472-9566. Dec. 2: 10:00 a.m.-noon: Seniors' Christmas Party at the library with Music and refreshments. Dec. 2: 10:30-11 am. weekly at the library: Storytirne for ages 2 to 6. Dec. 3: 2â€"5 pm. weekly at the library: Tech help drop-in. Dec. 4: 1-2:30 pm. weekly at the library: OEYC Sing and Sign for babies to 14 months. ,; Dec. 4: 7-8 pm. at the municipal otlices; Library Board Meeting. ~ ' Dec. 5: 7 p.m.vat Stoutfvllle GO train station: Downtown Light Tour. All welcome. . a , - -.. [a ‘3‘â€... “mammal..- Den. 5: slumng. gravy R's s'T'K O'R'A N'T ' D 'E'L'I ï¬r-Ilcatammm SPE©UA115 Chicken Penne Alfredo lineman!» wick Roasted Red Pepper: 3 14195 «\ï¬ ' .meéw, _ Stitching Up A Caring Community 7 pm. at SoccerCi Christmas Countdown at 55 Plus 40:45 am. weekly at the lubrary; Story Open 1 62y: a Week -' Fist Téke Out 6302 Main St. - 905-649-5101 s and organizm-ons. Please commg menu by ernanl lo ‘ity: Free Youth MoviejNight Eli Babysnt-ng Course !or ages 11 m we Dec. 8: 10 am. at the museum: Elves m the W '67 children ages 3 to 10. Reguste! onllne at townolws.m 0! m person a! the levsure centre. ' Doc. 6: 2 o.m.: Stounvulle Knnsmen Santa Claus Parade 'on Mam SL Doc. 9: 4-5 pm. at the Inbrary. Craflemoons tor ages 7 and up. Dec. 11: 11:15-11:45 am. at the library: Preschool Crafts tor ages 2 to 6. . Dec. 11: 3130-6 pm. at the library: Teen Book Club/Teen Adwsory Group party. ’ Dec. 12: 7:30 pm. at 6240 Main St.: Youth Dance '0‘! ages 14 to 18. ‘ Q90- 13: 10-11230 am. at the library: Holiday Make and Take with Santa for ages 2 to 6. Dec. 13: 12130-2 pm. at the tibrary: Holiday Make and Take with Santa for ages 2 to 6. . Dec. 13: 2:30 pm. and 7:30 pm. at Christ Church Anglican: Bach to Blues Christmas Concert. ï¬ck'ets lrom‘Barthau Jewellers and Card's TV and Appliances 9; at the door. Dec. 13: 6:30 pm. at the museum: A Candlelight Christmas includes horse-drawn carriage ride. Story telling and a visit with Santa. Call 905-727-8954 to register. " Dec..11: 10:30-11 am. at the library: Preschool Crafts .“905-640-4588 ‘ a: 9 hm.â€"4:45 pm. at me um Red c mingCuuseCoragesnIow. 1 Serving .S'muV/ji-ilnlrvymm Rt'sidrms' Sim‘c 1975 FOR SALES SERVICE INFORMATION CALL TIM ROCHACEWICH 8. COMM. CLU. CH. FC.. CFP Representative Information Tune-Up tor' ages 2 to 6. Doc. 18: 4-5 pm lot Gifls Doc. 19: Noon-1 pm. at SoocerCny: Youth Drop In. Doc. 20. 2 pm. and 7:30 pm. at'Chn'st Church Anglucan: Men of Note Christmas Concert. thkets available at Card's Appliances and Banhau Jewellers on Main St. Call 416400â€"7525 for information. - Doc. ao:‘76;30-n:3o am. at the library: Crafl for All 3935 3 ‘0 12. Latcham Gallery is looking for enthusiastic and reliable volunteers to assist with events. gallery sitting. education programs. marketing distribution and more. It you would like to become part of our dynamic team. email us at infoOlatchamgallery on For more inlormation about our exhibitions. education programs and events visit‘wwaatchemgallemga or call 905-640- » "8954 or drop in to 6240 Main Street. Stoufl‘ville. CNlB needs volunteers in York Region. To apply or lor Information email Fl mena Di Ruscio at ï¬lomena diruscloOcnibca or ca l-800~563-0887 ext. 5207. ‘ "" greetings. W along with helpful ~ ‘ community S'NCE 1930 LTD. ’ information. Phase note: All library programs except S‘orytime require registration. Dlume 905-540-352: - Kmn oos-«wosv 5mm «5.0934710 7 , . mnwmtflloommunm unai'wmxm'm NEW TO YOUR COMMUNITY? CALL loan - My Welcome was-unus- at the libmry: Rapunzel's Book Ciub Our_hos‘tess will “bring mi: and Straus