A session in the restored classroom enables students to experience ï¬rsthand the rote learning and mum-grade atmosphere of the one room school- Over 600 students from grades 3 through 8 will experience the spirit of Christmas past at the Museum this year. Through their tour of the restored buildings, they learn how our Christmas traditions developed through the 18005, and have the opportunity to share and compare their families' midwinter cele- brations while also seeing just how our settlers lived in a time before electricity. The Christmas tree in the pulour is packed with handcrafted ornaments, strings of popcorn and cranberries, and miniature candles in crimped tin hold- ers. By Dorie Billlch Canton, Wtchutch-Stouffvulo Muuum It's beginmn‘ g to look a lot like Christmas It. the Whitchurch- Stouffville Museum. thanks to the Mgseum‘s talented volunteer elves. ‘ Our~ log cabin, in keeping with the isolated and trying conditions of the pioneer era, has been modestly decked out with pine and sumac swags and a carved wooden nativity scene. The Brown House is a picture of Victorian opulence: romantic cedar ropes accented with lace dailies, dried flowers, high bush cranberries, pine cones and ribbons adorn doorways and the staircase; the dinner table is set for the evening meal with handcrafted crackers and an epe_r_gne_cascading with nuts and fruit. Christmas Past in the Present In writing this ad. 1 am struck at the dominant theme of "FIRSTS". 'This is the lirst edition of the Stouflville Free Press. Congratulations. i know a number of the shareholders, and believe their dedication and Interest In the community will be reflected in this Paper. °New directions for Century Mill: We personally imported some new foreign hardwoods. it any took 4 months and IS hours to get it across the U.S.border, °New Products: The results of No.2 means that we now carry Turning Stock. This ranges from African Blackwood to Ziricote in sizes of "Pen Blanks" to â€3x3†squares. 0Renewui Hope ll know i am stretching It): For many of us. Celebrating a Birth that occurred 2000 yrs ago. A Birth that signified new life for mankind. Though the event is old. the significance for Christmas always remains fresh. Whatever your belief system. I hope this time of year will help you to regain and renew a sense of word“ and gratitude. Being a festive time, i hope it provides great opportunities to renew friendships and lamibl ties. CENTURY MILL LUMBER 3993 Stoufl'vlfle Rd. (between McCowan Kennedy) Tel: 905-640-2350 www.centurymlll.com “Bringing You The World By The Board Foot" .‘K/V WI £57. 155/ The Museum is o n to the public Monday through Fri ay, 1:00-5:00 pm. during the winter, but closed from Dec. 24 to Jan. 2. The authentic Christmas decorations can be enjoyed until Thursday, Dec. 22 and we recommend coming after 2:30 pm. when our pro- grams for school groups have finished for the day â€" it'll be much less crowded! Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted. The eve ’ concludes with a recep- tion where can warm up with hot apple cider and traditional baking. Space is limited so advance tickets are required. The 7:30 pm. tour has already sold out but space is available on the 6:00 pm. tour. Call the Museum at 905â€" 727-8954 or toll free at 1-888-290-0337 for more information or to purchase your tickets by credit card. Funllleu can enjoy the xi ta, sounds, smell: and taste: of a 1 th Century Chrlmnu during the Museum's A Candlelight Chnumu on- Saturday, Dec. 10. This enchanting evening tour, generously sponsored by Powell Contracting of Coxmley, includes a hone-dawn wagon ride throu the adjacent Vandorf Park, a visit tot e pio- neer log cabin to enjoy a story and gin- gerbread cookies, and a tour through the Victorian farmhouse to admire the tree and sample a sweet or two. home. The Itudentl’ day also Includes I hands-on activity with a project â€" a woven mat or Christmas omnmenu â€" to take home. g a LG Super King 0 Supat King Siza Capacity - DIractDrlva’" Motor - 1320 RPM Maximum Sp in Sp and 0 LoDaclblam Oulat Operation 0 lowaat Nolaa Vlbratlon - Ila-Circulating Spray Action - lama Stalnlau Staal Rimmad Dom with Claar Glass Stainless 33H LG Cleaner Diehee are Just the Beginning Variable Water Preeeure ~ Stainless Steel Interior Hidden Water Heater Industryh 'lhliaet Tub Pramlum LonecibelTM Quiet System ‘Ood '°od 00d her Give the Gift of Ingenious Performance and Beautiful Design this Christmas www.mI g 01.97 The Gentle uncommon â€" 0 Pull Out Factor Door . Tamper-tun Controllod Glidu 'N' Sum“ Pantry Drawer 0 Out-hm†Removal". Frazer 0 Mum-Air Flow Coolin 0 BactgriI-Bmlm Bio ilmԠInterior and Bioshioldwnoor Gasket : LoDoclhlom Quiet Operation g 0 LG French Door ’com, Bottqmflefrigerator Stalnlon Stool 0mm (1.3 can IECI - LoDuchlo‘" (lulu! Podomnnco 0 Fun Drying Tlmo - Anti-Blchml Drylno Opflon - largo Stainless Steel Rimmed Door with Clan: Glass 0 King Slzo Cup-city with "Influx!†mm; - 1.1 ryer