The values that guide me are: Protecting the quality of life for all citizens Considering public safety in planning decisions Preserving the environment to build healthy communities and Managing our resources with prudence and integrity é / 905-640-0999 Mercury Free Film Van 6601 Main Street, Stouffville @entisizlmtm med lama, wuh a dis-1mm? 'Peopl: cum round â€king I A (James md Cynthia's mnhadamhct. Then am: an bum w' lug. When ndrewapktunof family no! It included dad, mum and ! Jack was an ch 0W1". COM' Jow Accepting New Paï¬mts - Open Evenings 6: Weekg Dr. Rebecga Larmer‘ Associates W my nproywmtheback- cmmfllblcoccaï¬on, minim Mlmmlqm Baum wxflS‘Mlh/fl ‘ lDemes Clam )ancc IRC and colourful tale of a wizud and In: due: nunonmu, on their back deck, to the delight of a and appzccmive audience 0! url IPPIKUUVB 300130“ OK Wu" and (bends. ‘We were very eclectic in our unnmg.’ and lack. ‘Cynthia was m umvmity u a muxic major and James came from a mime and meet (hunt buckyound.‘ Cynthia was also a gymnul, while June: was brought up in Austnlin where he was a sheep sham, I skill which he find! of little or no use in his cur- rem czeative endeavoun. lack cradled a wide range of dance disciplines, as well as musical iheatre and ï¬gure skating. The trio's collaboration is fluid and cre- ative, and rigid performance rules have ho place in their repertoire. 'We knew we weren't going to do pure dance, but that we would Work in some kind of physical sews! M "id- - a . , The physicality of their perform- ance: is astonishing; they mix ath- leticism with dance, mime and voice, which gives their work wide appeal, even among those whose (Across from Summm Pamela for Mayor CrownGIBridge interest in the arts is minimal. Although humour is usually an ' mm ingredient, both in full- length works like Alice and the wonderfully macabre short piece Th: Bench, they also explore the dark side of human nature in more sombre works such as The Shutting. They are amused by people who regard ‘real' art as an exclusive club reserved for sophisticated urban- ites. 'They are preaching that you should come up to their laid and then you will understand them. To them, rural Ontario is anything above Eglinton,’ observed James. ‘Our philosophy is to get (the audi- ence) laughing and they’ll have a hard time shooting you.‘ which; 0 Danc‘E'Tbcatre’s 15th anniversary performance, followed by a gala regcptipx}, takes place at 7 pm. Nov. 4 at Markham Theatre The evenin will feature short pieces, inclu old favourites and new works, ormed by company members ahd guest artists. ‘For tickets and information call 905-305-7469. Stouï¬villc