Last year as I was ludging Ironl yards tor Stoutfvulle Garden Club's Happy Place Competition. something made me turn off Main St. and go along Commercnal St. where I spotted an extraordinary front garden. I returned to place a Sign acknowledging this lovely creation. At this year's garden tour I ended up hosting at that same property. Tracy Vernon. who created the garden. told me that she and her family had been mourning the loss of her daughter and had decnded to move to Stoufhnlle a couple oI years ago and start gardening When she arrived home to see the sign I had placed on her property the year before. it was during a particularly difï¬cult time for her She called her Mom to tell her about the nice thing that happened that day. Mailing Address Phane: Editor: Advertismg Sale: Graphics Depanmewt She 101:? me how she and her husband had adopted a dog whp was (rained lo ï¬ght and lull. Last year the dog had found a baby bfue jay on the back paho Thus ‘killer' dog was very gentle With the baby birdV Tracy took the bud Into the house and her son researched how to feed at. As It grew, she look It outside where it The Stouflvme Free Press IS published monthly by the smuflville FREE PRESS Inc. and delivered by Canada Post to most residences and busmeslcs In Wchurch Slouflvtlle and Ghodwood The presE run :5 ‘5. 000 m lk Opil Blue Jay 0 Sign ofjoy for Bereaved Family A Guest Submussu by Dana Ward What Would Tommy Do'uglas Do? 57518er St. Stouflvvlle. Oniano L4A 2T1 QOS-W-FREE (3733) Bruce Slapley / stouflvillelreepressObafl. nel Nccole Love / tnvis mamckasympauco ca I 416- 802- 6716 Edward Nelles / adwardmheuellesgroupgom / 416 898- 3887 Travns Merrick. Shen Smith 3 Nicole Love ‘/ travis,marrickOsympgticoca years 39 amved hc on her p unng a it .kal flv 'lI/4 h At this sung a! m. who she and I Inc: n1 had me (han M Has . 1a Drane Ward IS a Whitchurch-Sfouffville rewden! She was the Town's Citizen of the Year m 2009 and continues to be Involved In numerous volunteer organizations Including the Markham Fain n 1as an I! from Drane ade 3W racy I thought thvs was a Sngn aughler. lellung her lhal allhough dn'l change me oulcome ol her ‘. life. she had cared lor her wulh y dud the same lor [he blue gay i was lame lor lhe bud to leave Blue Bell has been around and ed a nelghbour. whose lnends rel-eve a blue lay would come 3n hus shoulder. I fell something me dnve along .her slreel ralher Sl. lhal day a year earlier. one else In lown had an unusual a Blue Jay? Ward :5 a Whilchurch-Slouffvllle J Kale Gilderdale Bruce Stopley Kinjol Dagli-ShaH? Hannelore Volpe ,Ben Embiricos 1992. But wm or lose. they have enabled us to tedlscover the magic of a leisurely game that us played undev sunny summer silks wnh no tnme lumlts. but which at any glventu‘ne can suddenly explode with the excitement that comes With a home run blast or a ballet-style leap by a shortstop. Once the Jays, have finally hung mem up for the season we‘ll have-the reincarnated loll MiWhinnIe Please feel ï¬ne to send emails to us at: stouflvillefreepressObellmet EIectiorrOverload? Just Park It for 0 Spell Editorial and Photo'graphy Contributers‘: ru Thouql fl Maurice Smith Dun Wigmore Ruth LeBlanc Carole Nelles ' UP AND COMING k The Stouffville Free Press welromes community event listings from non-pmm‘ï¬hups and organizokions Please send a brief synopsis of upcoming evenis by email ‘0 stouï¬villeireepress© Rob Reid at :h needed break :haller NM!“ mm ‘MG FULICY Maple Leals to immerse ourselves in as all eyes look tor that ray ol hope that came With the air lift 0! game changer administrators the past year-or 50. Although alter last season‘s unprecedented plummet. many citizens of Leats Nation writ-need more‘than a hint at a reversal of the trend of recent years in order to'come out at hiding. Of course lonthose who don‘ t need to have their sports ï¬x prowded by-mega millionaires lrom around the planet. the Stouffvrlle Spirit are already entertaining the town faithful with a group at high energy kids skating their hearts out And the team is as close mom radio tor home and road game thanks to the colourful WhiStle Radio broad ast team headed up by the one and only Rick ‘The Stash' Callaghan. Just checkout our Up and Commg spot In thus edltuon of the Free Press (or a samplung of opï¬ons for October. . Astde from things sporting. this town has a never ending Iist of other attractaons to serve as a dnsï¬actton from all that election noxse. Remember, however. that after you have succeeded in cleanng your e'ecfloï¬ campaign-scrambled senses for a spell. It |S essentual that when October 19 finally arrives you get out and vote. on and It by some chance the les are playing that nught. make sure to vote early so you don't Miss a pitch! "‘To be evasive. unclear or confusmg. " as deï¬ned by Merriam-Webster. It ï¬ts doesn't it? mm than n! ma Summing Free P e! l mu no! be punished! 1m fly II that: s a mull-M lM Inmlfll ol me Sï¬nuMh mm m can on umné Inflow Inv immw Ft! mam \‘hu valm 01 IN MN mwnmwï¬s "5 0|"! "Mlle HR Pfl SEW dbv at IN!