Markham Fair: Food, Fun and Farming ta! LM' ‘l I‘LH Offering a Full Range of Demal Cane thhm DENTIS ll' DROP "I FOR DETAILS l8 Ringwood Dr. Unit 5. Slouffville i! I'm. no. I not: WWI-57m ' Fax 905-642-6700 IT“. I†m m ' store3830theupsnonua “- I? U m 70 a Avallwle Onslte FOI' Our customers so'mmm-mummmmmng STRY Implant Rop‘ Canals Ieeth Whnemr Dentuves Stouffvifle Free Press 0 October 2015 Dr. A REISS family an cbsmeu; denmtcy 905.640.0999 6601 Mam Sm deqtistryonmaincom ‘l. Stouffvnlle