18- 0c EF‘l:*‘ckle ï¬ckle i? RESTAURANT DELI Community Mennonite Voices 1“? hope ynu will jnin u» fur a pcflurmdnlcc nf‘this May on Uclulwrf iï¬ the Parkvimv \ illngc duditgriunflj‘llfl4 \imh Liné in ï¬lnufï¬'illc London Life of hung mr sound Ink The red“ (‘chncnu‘ The funny but insightful .slnry‘is d and tired‘ .lired of their church a ex a week-long hungvr ~strike lu prutp clear that their muse hm struck Crim'ds guthcr outside their churcl Sam is visited by the ghost of Mel her Awaiting their churchs tit-ci' up for a community who has been Shining themselves But In produce such n p'd). Juhnn)‘ neg-(led help He .v Ask if we would cunsidcr helpihg tn sponsor the play had already come to consensus on a sinmmrm uf M saw this as an nppnnunily n! engam‘ lhqï¬'ith’i‘ mmm something FOR SALE 905-640-4588 COMMUNITÂ¥ MENNONITE CHURCH 12184 Ninth Line. Stouï¬ville†www.cmchurch.ca SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10AM - SUNDAY SERVICE - 11AM? TIM ROCHACEWICH 6302 Main St. 0 905-640-5707 “I ‘01 T‘fll’h‘ Insurance Company l" Add ha Stouflwlle This Will Lead To Dancing .ry is dlmlll mu Iccnngvh. Sam and .‘\lt‘.\ “my (“1‘ wk rh‘s CM lusn r \mnu- and sn'k lmmusc they lum- lm-n on ) prnlcsl ii l’ml “hm \mrd l'innll) gcls out. it thunu‘s struck a «hnrd in llk'll’ small Mennonite mmmunu) church, (Bt news crrnx warm to lullun [hr story. and ul \lcnnu Simon» who (Inims he has been sent to help ls decision, Sam .\ml .\h‘,\ must (lcmlc “hctlwr flicking 9 been spiritually sum-ed is \mnh the risk of phpimlly ‘ml wen ha Abnul hm teenagers. Sam and :‘It xclusiu- ï¬ance and wk lmmusc l‘ cal it Bu! when \mrd firm“) gels k a chord in lhmr small Henna “1 unlh mg a \II I I0 .Ippmm hcfl our ( nngn‘gï¬mm 10 pl.“ (mnmuniu \k‘nnum (hunk nf xwlmmc fm IGIHU pc'n knmd mmmunm in mnwrmliun m Imufn \h nlu llu mu Tr By Klnjal Dag“ Shah hard vhw First Day at School: ‘I Wish You More’ ) A! 71)†p' m mul IIH‘ ‘In' lunhl .unn \ pl.“ \fll“ Rd Taousl Ta! Chi open house Vusnt housing or cal! 905640-01 17 lor details. Oct. 3: 7:30;) m. at 19 on th'e Park: Latcham GaIIery‘ Iundrausmg gala wulh live music trom 605 Bntish InvaSIon tubule band An and svlen! auctions“ pub fare. rdan competition. my51ery envelopes. VIS“ latchamgallery‘ca or call 905-640’8951 tor details. Oct. 3: 8 pm. at Chris‘ Church Great Hall. 254 Sunset Blvd Bapk to me 605 Dance wnh hits from the 505. 605 and 705. Call 416-509â€"5249 or 416-2001 7525 for tickets. _ 4 V 9 Oct. 5: 7â€"9 pm. at Eaisidge Evangelical Missionary Church: Markham-Sloquille Federal Riding All Candidates Megtmg. \ Oct. 6: 7- :‘30 pm. at the mgseu ‘ on pumng ' bed. Call 1- ~967 5426 or visit york. calieminars (or details. ‘ ~ . Oct. 8: B a.m.-3 pm. at King Cole Ducks: York 8. Durham . Envnronm'ental Fa’nm Tour Ca“ 4164561- 6600 ex.5349 {or demlls Oct. 3-4 Fung Loy Kok Tamsrn. 124 Due in sm lol‘ Hi" JIe Oct. 13: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.31 Swuflvme Lagoon: Counlry Breaklasl. ï¬ckets a! the door Oct. 19: 7:30 pm. at Latcham Hall: Slouffville Gaden Club meehn‘g wulh guest speaker Darren Heumbecker. ownet of Whnsllmg Gardens near Pan Dover. All wetcome. a! ‘Stouflvclw District Secondary School: Smuffvnlle Toastmaswrs' Open House. Call 905-640- 8980 (or details. ï¬t. 21: 10 a‘rnunoon at 111._Sanduor_d_ Drive: York Small Business Enterprise Centre seminar on social media. ‘To reglsler visut Lorksmallbusinessca/ events. ‘ Oct. 24: 1-2:30 pm. al the WS Museum: Ghoul- icious: A Hallow‘B’en Treat. 09%«727-8954 or visit towno sea/museum for details. Oct. 24: 6 pm. a! the WS Museum: Haunted Museum event. Ca" 905-727-8954 or visit townofws.ca/museum for details. Oct. 24: 7 pm. a! 19 on the Hark: The Bes! 01 Moms 0 25m anniversary celébratlon. For ï¬ckels call SIMS-6404322 .or visit nineteenomhepark‘com‘ OcL' 24: 7 pm till midnight at Stouï¬ville District Secondary School NM Oct. 17â€"13: 10 am Oct“ Comp: llapml a stretch i1 exceedingly I may on i! 0! course. and .un-wrenchmg 3E TV 8:30 who had bal‘And N the! three > Tour a! 20 Irom Wt '1 le gym. Indian (Navram Raas Garba) Dance Festlva presented by MadhunYatr a. Chorus Group. Write I dayliogm Oct. 25: 1-5 pm. a‘ 6240 Mam: Audition for Motus 055 A Christmas Carol, Email motusoflsympatico. cato regls‘er. ' TBL produces themed audio books in audio tonnat for Canadians who are visually and print disabled. TBL is looking for volunteers in administration or readers to narrate and make high quality digital sound recordings in either English or Chinese (Cantonese) at our studios in Stouflville. Please contact Betty at 905â€" 640-8825 or email b,leung@ talkingbooklibraryorg. _ ’ Talking Book 1. looking for volunteers . Lalcharn Gallery l5 looking lor enhuslaslic and reliable volunteers to assist with events. gallery sitting. education programs. markeling dislribullon and more. If you would like to become an of our dynamic lean-n. all us al info@lalchamgallery.ca. For more .inlormallon about our exhibilion‘s. educatlon programs and evenls- visit www.lalchamgallery.ca or call 905 640 8954 or drop in to 6240 Main Street. Sloul‘lville. . C‘Qneeds volunteers in Yorliï¬l'eglon. To apply or (or info ation email Fiiomena Di‘ Ruscio at filomena. diruscio©cnib.ca or call 1-800â€"563â€"0887 ext. 5207. I WISH Y( @gma‘ )l M( )R} L|brary