Lewah because everything gom six m Ontano. Kindergarten I school tor SK ; kids and it wa sons," said L12 Sunni Smith, who home schools daughter Sen/a (seéond from Mt), addresses the need for socialization through various groups and activ/tles with other home schooieq C’MIUM’:I...|‘l...‘.â€â€â€œâ€â€˜.‘.†O'l'\|"ll There are others Ink unaware of the hornec SenIa was very young enriched educatvonal e many diflerent public ; Home Schooling Scores an A Plus With Stouffville Families 3’8 gr Stay at home approach to educating chuldren the perfecz choice Tor many atvonal experience and then Grade 1. By then, I had two om only natural Io continue home schoolng a we decuded h By Kinjal Dag" Shah vent reall WE )I'T i pnvate jedlor oqnccoottOD‘oaOI'Oco 1m: an: jag/I rld )fl' NEW TO YOUR COMMUNITY! CALI. Kuon 905-640- I657 Shoryl l I OcI'IJUO join - Inky Wolcomc NOW OPE] VOS-‘fl-lfll Slouffville Free 3 Locations in York Region -(905) 726-1241 305 Industrial Parkway 8. Unit 19 30 InnoVator Avénuei Unit 1' - (905) 836- 4939 17665 Leslie Street Unit 28 (00k)! Town W a Carmelitive classes from 3min m in: M0. Classical Ballet. Poim Hip Hop. Jazz. Latin/Salsa, Whats, Tap and more“. Membets of |.S.T.D.. C.D.T4A.. P.A‘E.C Siacious studios with sprung floors anal pawn! viewing areas Fully oenflied Faculty - (905) 640-; All Hoir (ore Products Induding Hair Tools ' MoroccanOil 0 AG HAIR - October 2015 Our none“ will ' Mn. gifts and lucflnp. along with helpful community information. bwn Plaza)